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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Relationship · #2096536
Chapter 8.
Chapter 8

After packing up and a meandering trek along the well-worn paths which skirted the bluffs and the southwest side of the mountain, they all headed back down just after 1:00pm. Kyle had a banquet for 350 that evening and both Darren and Tyson had to get back for their respective late afternoon shifts.
The girls’ energy levels were still high as they made short work of replacing the camping gear in Connie’s storage room. There was still plenty of time for a cool drink and a little relaxation before they all parted. Connie poured herself and Nomi a Fresca, while Jen and Shannon opted for iced tea.
“What’s the smile all about?” Jen asked Shannon, ready to accept her drink.
“Oh, just happy and relaxed, I guess,” replied Shannon, realizing she had been momentarily off in her own world. “I didn’t realize how stressed and tense I’ve been for a long time now. Everything finally seems to be sliding into place.”
“Well, you and Kyle are so lucky, you’re a great couple and he obviously adores you,” said Connie.
“I know it may seem at times that we are a couple, but really Kyle and I are just the very best of friends. He has totally been there for me over past several months, especially while we roomed together. Yeah, we’ve always been close.” Shannon quickly realizes that she is rambling. Looking around at the others, she could see the “We aren’t buying it” look in full force.
“You know, coming here to Banff is the start of my new life. My adult life,” said Shannon. “I had been sharing a condo in Whistler with Kyle and my boyfriend Jake ever since I graduated. The first year or so everything was new and fresh and exciting. We were all revved up for the 2010 Olympics and everything was great. The summers were busy, and the winter skiing was insane. But slowly things just started to feel off. Looking back it was obvious that Jake and I weren’t spending much quality time together. It just seemed like I was waiting for the “maybe tomorrow, or on the weekend, or maybe next week” to arrive. After a while, the routine just became so routine that my expectations became almost non-existent. And with him bar tending in the evenings, our work schedules were exactly opposite.”
“It really must have bothered to you. To get up the courage to finally leave and relocate,” said Nomi.
“Actually, it’s amazing how habitual it all became. Kyle and I were home in the late afternoons and evenings a lot and we both got used to hanging out without Jake around.” Shannon paused to have a long sip on her drink. The girls were all sitting anxiously, waiting for the story to unfold. Shannon leaned back in her chair and continued on.
“Working in the kitchen and around food, there are strict health codes. If you’re sick, you better get home or you risk infecting not only other staff, but the patrons, as well. So one day I went home early with the sniffles only to find another girl being entertained in my bed.” Shannon stopped and dropped her eyes to her hands in her lap. “Easy decisions from that point on.” When Shannon looked up, Jen was shaking her head.
“My God, Shannon. I’m so sorry. He sounds like a real bastard,” said Jen.
“Absolutely!” agreed Connie. Nomi was too dumbstruck to say anything.
“And that’s where Kyle comes in. He’s my rock. He just went with everything, giving me space when needed and there for me always. When I told him about Banff and getting this posting, he said he was due for a change too. And here we are. So you see, Kyle is such a good and dear friend to come with me and support me in this change. As it turned out, Jake, who had always been a bit of a flirt, had apparently been doing a lot more than flirting over the years. I hate to come across as naive, but you think you’re the special one and then you realize, you were nothing at all. You’re almost an inconvenience. Then I learned that my friends were secretly hoping I would figure it out because they were too chicken shit to tell me. It was really humiliating.
“Naturally, Kyle was angry with the situation, too,” said Jen. “No wonder he had no hesitation coming with you.”


Kyle had just changed out of his Chef’s whites into his casual clothes, when he pulled out his cell phone to check for messages. Scrolling through he caught Shannon’s text to call him when his shift was over. Checking the time he decided that 8:15pm would catch Shannon up with time to spare. The day went well and he had been reveling all afternoon in the glow he was feeling with what seemed like a new ease and intimacy that Shannon had been injecting into their relationship. A few brief moments and Shannon picked up.
“Hey Kyle! How was the Banquet?” asked Shannon.
“Exhausting, but totally exhilarating. Went off with barely a hitch. As usual, after the first fifty or so plates, you fall into a rhythm and start to feel like a machine. And you? How was the rest of your day?” asked Kyle.
“Great. After we unloaded back at Connie’s, we got home about 4:00pm and Jen just crashed. So, I’ve just been kicking around doing a bit of tidying up. I was wondering… if you’re not too burnt out, maybe we could go down by the lake and watch the sunset.”
Kyle had been walking down the rear path back to Res and didn’t hesitate with his reply.
“Sounds like the perfect wrap up to a great weekend. I’m almost at your place so why don’t I meet you out front?”
“I’m on my way down,” replied Shannon.
Kyle was over the moon. For years he had been hiding his true feelings for Shannon and had always given her the total respect of a close friend who was romantically off limits. It had been really hard at times, and after it was clear that Jake was cheating on her, Kyle was not only more guarded, but also tore up over the situation he had found himself in. Shannon was all smiles as she greeted him out front.
Side by side they made their way along the path that led through the lower gardens to the string of benches along the lake walk. Choosing one they settle down and after a few minutes of just watching the fading sun casting its changing hues of colours across the gentle shimmer of the lake, Shannon turned to Kyle. Gazing into his eyes she spoke.
“You know Kyle, a few weeks ago I was feeling so low. Really, it was the lowest I’ve ever felt in my life. Now coming here seems like the best move I could have made. The girls are like best friends I’ve had all my life and they make me feel like I’m okay, like whatever is going on they will always be there for me…” Looking even deeper into Kyle’s eyes Shannon went on. “And that’s how I’ve come to think of you. Actually, that’s how I’ve been thinking of you for a long time now.”
Kyle’s Heart was beating so hard, and the blood pounding in his ears was almost drowning out Shannon’s words. He just wanted to pull her into him, bury his face in the scent of silky chestnut hair, and feel her soft breath play on the nape of his neck.
“You know,” Shannon continued, “I was in such a mess when I told you I was moving out of the condo. Other than asking if that was really the end of it for Jake and I, you never really pressed me for details. You were just there for me. You’ve always been there for me.” She reached over and took his hand, gently stroking it with her thumb as she continued. “I came home early that Tuesday with a cold and as I stood in the foyer I could hear Jake and some girl making out in our bedroom.” Shannon’s eyes were welling up with tears as she continued.
“I just stood there listening in a trance, almost like I was an intruder and didn’t even know which way to go. Finally I came to, and just left. I walked and walked. It felt like I walked for hours. It felt like my life had been stripped away. It felt like who I thought I was had been stripped away.” Tears started to tumble. Shannon sniffed deeply and wiped at them with the back of her free hand. Looking again at Kyle, she continued.
“You know the worst? I felt like everyone knew. Like I was so incredibly stupid. I felt that everyone was waiting for me to figure it out. My last two weeks at the lodge were unbearable. It felt like I didn’t have a friend in the world. And yet there you were…” She leaned over and put her head on his shoulder.
In an instant, Kyle’s world shattered. He took a few moments to stroke her hair and calm his ragged breathing. He knew this day of reckoning was coming and here it was. He had run it through his mind over and over, and now all he could do was try to explain himself the best he could. The burden had been so oppressive so suffocating.
“You know, Shannon, you had way more true friends than you probably gave them credit for. I think everyone battles with what they should say or do when they observe someone’s relationship. Sometimes they think that they’re doing the right thing only to have it blow up in their face. It’s a tough place to be,” Kyle said. Shannon lifted her head off his shoulder to look him squarely in the eyes.
“Oh no, Kyle! I don’t believe it. Jacquie said she had her suspicions but didn’t think it was her place. As my best friend it was her place. It was her place! Do you have any idea how humiliating it all made me feel?” She had pulled away from him to sit straight up, searching his face for answer to her question.
“Shannon, you have to think about this logically,” begged Kyle. “I think several of us had our suspicions, but where did that leave us? If we had said anything and you and Jake worked things out or if we had voiced our suspicious and they had been unfounded, where would that leave any of us? We’ve all seen it happen before.” An eternity passed before Shannon faintly whispered.
“And you, Kyle? Did you Know?” she said, trembling. When Kyle didn’t immediately answer, Shannon got to her feet.
“Holy Shit!” she cried.
“Shannon, you have to believe me. I didn’t know what to say,” Kyle urged, trying in vain to offer an explanation.
“So, the whole Whistler thing was just…just one big fucking scam?” cried Shannon.
“Honestly, Shannon, I didn’t know what to do.”
Shannon was so angry she turned and started to walk away. After a few steps, she stopped, and with fists clenched she addressed him over her shoulder.
“You know what you could have done, Kyle? You could have been my friend.”


One of the most constant realities in the hotel business is that the hotel is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days per year. No matter what is happening in the lives of the staff, the guests come and the guests go. The staff must show up for scheduled shifts and be on time. If they want to have a designated shift off, the trading begins.
Most of the salaried, full-time staff have a set pattern of days off. And the work schedule for each department is set up and posted. From there the fun begins. The busiest time of the week is over the weekend, and with the skiing in the winter months and the vacationers all year round, there are very few slow periods. Having a scheduled day off on the weekend gave one great bargaining power. The shift boards were in constant flux, and this was how Jen found herself working the morning shift on Monday which was her usual day off. In addition to trading Jeffery for his early shift on Saturday to go camping, she also promised to trade her Monday off for his Wed. While it sounds confusing, it is amazingly functional on several levels. The insider trading of shifts develops a camaraderie amongst the staff, and frees up the department Manager once the shifts are posted. It’s simple: if you need a shift off, you either trade straight across, make a deal, or call in a marker on a past favor.
Charlotte had been off for the past two weeks and this was her first day back. Mr. Richards, the General Manager of the hotel, had shown a fair bit of concern when he pre-warned the staff to be sensitive to her and to not let her get overwhelmed. He had nothing to be concerned about. Charlotte’s fiancé Brad wanted to get her away from Banff to relax, so he took her to an all-inclusive resort in Mexico for the past week. Although noticeably thinner, her skin had a beautiful sun-kissed glow. Jen had to admit that even though some of her cheer and good humour were a little forced, Charlotte was almost her old self, with the title of “Miss Efficiency” proving itself in small increments.
Other than her initial “Great to have you back!” it was almost 11:00am before things slowed down enough for Jen to catch up with Charlotte.
“You’re really looking good Char. Looks like your little get-away was a good call,” said Jen.
“Exactly! Being here was unbearable. I wasn’t sleeping and really needed to be anywhere but here,” said Charlotte “And Brad needed me to snap out of it. He was even more wore out than I was.”
“And how are you doing…I mean really doing, Charlotte?” asked Jen.
“Way better, thanks. I still have my moments, but each day it’s getting easier. Brad is just always there to pull things back together. I must admit that with all that has happened and with the wedding less than 4 weeks away, I was really feeling totally overwhelmed,” said Charlotte
“So have you postponed the wedding or is it still a go?” asked Jen.
“Oh no it’s still on. My mom stepped in and hired an assistant to my wedding planner. Between the three of them I basically just have to show up.” Charlotte checked her watch and downed the rest of her cup of tea. “By the way,” she continued, “I know its short notice but Mr. Richards said the small meeting room is free next Tuesday for my shower. My cousin is coming up from Calgary with my mom to set up. It would be great if you let the rest of the girls know, in case I don’t make it Wednesday to Brady’s.”
“Of course I will. And Charlotte, let me know if there’s anything I can help with, okay?” said Jen.
“Thanks, I will. Oh, and by the way…I haven’t properly met your roommate yet, but if she’d like to come it’s no problem.” Charlotte wasn’t much of hugger but Jen did give her arm a gentle squeeze as they started to move off.
“It really is great to have you back,’’ Jen said.
© Copyright 2016 Gail Lindsay (the_rhinehart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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