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by MDJ
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #2094660
A mix of mind control, orgies, and foot fetish in the Digital World.
Control of Beasts

A wild Garurumon was walking through a forest one day, a bit exhausted from his battle with Seadramon 10 minutes earlier. He didn't expect the fight to last as long as it did, but it was all worth it at the end since he's still alive. To him, that was all that mattered. He wasn't gonna get into any more shenanigans after the recent incident. All he wants to do is just have a normal life, with nothing weird going on near him. Unfortunately for him however, fate has some other plans in store for him.

"Oh man, this bites," the wolflike Digimon said. "I can't believe that I used up nearly all of my energy in that fight. It really sucks." After what felt like hours of walking, he spots a river nearby. "Oh finally," Garurumon says in a relieved tone. "Some refreshing water. Battling that fricking water snake sure got me thirsty. Too bad my drinking time was cut short because of him." Whispering the last statement to himself, he picks up the pace before stopping at the river's edge. Dipping his face into the water, Garurumon then pulled it out while the cool liquid was in his maw. Swallowing it before getting another mouthful in before repeating this a few times. Apparently he was so thirsty that he didn't notice something come from the bushes and tip-toed behind him.

Coming out of the bushes was a Gazimon, a Rookie level Virus type Digimon that is known to be a troublemaker around these parts. He was holding what looked to be a Black Gear with his tail, and for what purpose is about to be brought to light as of right now. What happened next was the Rookie jumping into the air, grabbing the Black Gear with his right paw, and finally landing on top of the Garurumon with the Black Gear in both outstretched paws. Plunging the gear into the nape of the wolflike Digimon's neck was a bit difficult at first, seeing that the latter was trying to shake the little miscreant off of him. Of course the gear inside him worked its' magic, and before he knew it, Garurumon has become enslaved to Gazimon's will.

After a few moments of standing on the big wolf's back, the rabbit-feline hybrid jumped off before inspecting his new toy. Nothing was different about the Garurumon under his control, with the exception of the glazed eyes staring blankly ahead. Grinning toothily in triumph over his achievement, he ordered his slave to move to a random direction, which the enslaved champion Digimon did emotionlessly. Gazimon mounted the wolf Digimon and they both rode off to the chosen direction for reasons unknown.

Dorulumon was practicing his Drill Tornado attack for a few days, just to be in shape and prepared for any enemy that threatens his friends. The Digital World has become a safe place once again, and it was thanks to Mikey and the Fusion Fighters as well as their allies. The wolf-esque Digimon left Cutemon with his parents so the three of them could have some time together. The bunny Digimon was well aware of the reason behind his friend's decision, and agreed with it wholeheartedly since it has been a very, VERY long time since he separated from his mom and dad.

Thinking about the old times reassured Dorulumon that everything will be fine as long as he's there to save his little friend from any danger. The wolf-esque Digimon continues his assault on the rocks laying around the canyon he's in, as his attacks could cause untold damage should he practice in town. While slamming Drill Tornado after Drill Tornado straight into the large rocks, he imagines them to be those despicable Dark Generals and their subordinates. Hard to believe that he used to work for those sick monsters before the raid that took the lives of their own men in the process. Because of that action, he deserted and left the Bagra Army after rescuing one of BlueMeramon, and the rest they say is history.

"HEY DORULUMON!" a familiar voice shouted out to him, bringing him out of his thoughts. As it came from behind him, Dorulumon turned to that particular direction to see a very familiar Weapon-type Digimon that goes by the name Spadamon. The little sword user has been of great help to Dorulumon and his friends after saving the Sweet Zone when they first met. After the Digital World has become peaceful, Spadamon and Coronamon, the latter being the former's friend by the way, moved in with each other and nobody had heard from then for a while. Why the Weapon-type is even here is the question going through the Beast-type's head at the moment. Something must be up, but as to what it is he couldn't say.

"Hey Spadamon. What's up?" Dorulumon asked his friend. "Nothing much. Just trying to find somebody to hang around with." was the response. "Where's Coronamon? Shouldn't you be with him?" the larger of the two Digimon in the canyon questioned. Explaining the situation between his flame wielding friend and himself, Spadamon told Dorulumon about what they were both doing. Apparently both of them had recently became bored about a few days ago, and didn't have any idea on what to do. So Coronamon came up with the decision of playing a brand new game that a couple of other Digimon they met invented.

Said game, however, was a secret between the four of them that only they knew. Coronamon left in a different direction to play it there, while the sword user headed to the drill decorated wolf Digimon's. After finishing his explanation, Spadamon looked up to see an annoyed, deadpan expression on the large 'Mon's face before assuring him that he'll know soon enough.

"I promise that I'll explain what the game is if you just trust me alright?" Spadamon said in a calm tone. "Well, if you say so," the larger of the two sighed resignedly. "Good." the smaller replied in a happy tone. "But first, there's something I have to do first." That last thing got Dorulumon confused a bit, judging by his eyebrow being raised. "What exactly would that be?" he asked in an equally confused tone. The response came in the form of sonic waves that, for some odd reason, feels familiar. Said waves brought the drill decorated Digimon into a state of relaxation, evidenced by his facial expression as he closed his eyes in contentment. About 15 seconds passed before he opened them up to reveal swirly eyes, like when he was brainwashed by Olegmon.

"That for instance," the Weapon-type said as he brought out what looked to be one of the pirate Digimon's hypno horns from behind his back. Apparently Olegmon was brought back along with Apollomon, the latter of two thankfully not having Whispered Mode anymore, and wanted to give Spadamon something in return for his friendship (despite it being forced and all). On the spot, the former Dark General of Golden Land tore off one of his horns and dropped it into the little guy's hands. Luckily for the pirate, another horn grew in its' place. The reason he gave the horn to the little sword user was that he wanted him to show other Digimon the wonders of adventure in a whole other perspective, or something along the line. Soon after that, the pirate left somewhere far away.

"Would you give me a ride to a certain place that I'm supposed to go to, Dorulumon?" he asked the entranced wolf-esque Digimon. "I was meant to be there a bit earlier." "Yes Spadamon," Dorulumon said in a relaxed, happy tone. "I would. I'll even join in on your game." Excited that his friend would be joining in on the fun, the Weapon-type climbed onto the big guy's back as they went to a mountain on the other side of the canyon. Whatever sort of game that is meant to be played there is bound to be an interesting one.

After trekking through the mountain for what felt like hours, Spadamon and Dorulumon came upon a clearing on said mountain that looked upon the canyon below. The duo then wait for some of their acquaintances so that the game they have can begin. While the sword using Digimon was drawing on the ground with his finger, his large friend was just sitting there next to him and doing nothing but stare into space with his swirling eyes. The latter of the duo is going through constant reprogramming at the moment, having nearly all of his memories, thoughts, and personality traits getting completely suppressed so that they wouldn't get in the way of the game.

Hearing rustling in the bushes across from him, Spadamon stood up with his arms crossed and wearing a grin on his face. Coming out of those bushes was a Gazimon riding what looked to be Garurumon that has a glazed-eyed, emotionless expression on his snout like face. The Gazimon jumps off of the champion Digimon under his control, and walks over to the sword user across from him. "I see you got your pet too," the rabbit-feline rookie said in a cocky tone. "And from the looks of him, he might've been a friend of yours. Does he have a name?" "His name's Dorulumon," replied Spadamon in a confident tone, before his smile dimmed a bit. "And yeah, he's a friend of mine. Was in the middle of some training when I came up to him." Nodding in understanding to that statement, Gazimon beckoned his entranced slave to come closer, which said entranced slave did robotically.

"I don't suppose that your other friend would be coming to watch, am I right?" the long eared rookie questioned the sword user. "Nah. Coronamon had to perform the game with somebody else." he responded casually. "Thought it would be boring with just the two of us." "Is your friend ready over there?" said Gazimon, pointing at Dorulumon still sitting there on that same spot and not moving the entire time of the conversation. Only tell-tale sign that the drill decorated Digimon is ready for whatever 'game' being performed, is the dildo getting hard and peeking from in between his hind legs. "Yep! He's ready!" exclaimed Spadamon excitedly.

Hearing those words brought a big fang-filled smile over the rabbit-feline Digimon's face, as he saw his slave get a hard on as well. Both of the small Digimon got the two larger of the four in the clearing in the proper positions, facing each other, and ran out of the way in order to sit down to watch the 'game' commencing.

Both wolflike Digimon circle each other in a clockwise position slowly, all the while staring at each other with entranced, mind controlled eyes. One pair glazed over, the other pair spiraling. After a whole minute of circling, the two enslaved Digimon then pounce on each other. Now the true part of the 'game' begins.

Garurumon opens up his mouth and clamps it over his 'opponent's' hardened dildo, and begins sucking on it in a slow, deliberate pace at first. The taste of it inside his throat is enough to drive him to cum, as evidenced by the sound of the moans the blue wolf Digimon is emitting out of him. Said moans continue with increasing speed as he picks up the pace on sucking the other wolf Digimon's dildo in order to get the full flavor. Dorulumon does the same thing too.

As they sucked on each other's hard shafts like lollipops, both entranced Digimon feel the need to cum. That brought about moans of pleasure from the two, and they are getting really desperate than before for the taste. So desperate in fact, that they moved their fore paws all over each other's chests in a somewhat soothing manner. The paws then went down to where their 'opponent's' balls are, right before grabbing hold of them and massaging them in slow, deliberate motions.

Feeling their precious sperm sacks getting touched turned their lust on even further, and they both know it. At that point they both couldn't hold it in any longer. Now the moment they both have been waiting for. The need...for...release.

Before either of them even knew in their entranced states, Garurumon and Dorulumon have both spouted out cum from their hardened members. 'Must have that tasty juiciness' was the one thought going through the two wolf Digimon's blank minds before moving their tongues in their mouths all over tips of each other's cocks as the cum continued spouting out. As soon as their tongues touched the sticky white stuff, the two wolf Digimon instantly continued their assaults on their 'opponent's' cocks until their mouths got full from all of that cum they consumed.

Automatically Garurumon and Dorulumon released their mouths and began swallowing the cum inside, leaving a few drops on their snouts. Now the next thing they did was lie on their backs, facing each other. Then both of the entranced wolf esque Digimon brought out their hind feet to show the other, and both pairs of hypnotized eyes (one pair glazed over, one pair spiral eyed) got every single detail of what they're being shown. Brings out a smile on each of their faces in their entranced states.

Dorulumon started first by stretching out his tongue and brushed it over Garurumon's right foot. Garurumon followed him and did the same thing with Dorulumon's right foot. Almost as if in sync, both of the wolf Digimon started with the heel first. Up and down, up and down, up and down in a slow, deliberate motion they moved their tongues. This took about a minute and a half before moving to the sole.

The time it took for both of them to lick the soles was 3 minutes. But it was enough time for the two wolf Digimon to get a complete taste of the deliciousness they've been craving. Sweat and musk are being collected by them as they continued brushing their tongues all over that spot. Just the taste alone was enough to drive both Garurumon and Dorulumon deeper into their lust, but what drove them even deeper was the particular scent of the musk and sweat stemming from the soles that joined in. The combination of taste and smell was making the control over their minds stronger, and there was nothing either of the wolf Digimon could do no matter how hard they tried to break free.

As 3 minutes of licking and hints of sniffing strewn about of the sole passed, the next part to receive treatment was the ball of the foot. Come to think of it, the two entranced Digimon's maws were large enough to cover the toes as well. The Black Gear inside Garurumon and the Siren Song waves from the Olegmon hypno horn, as if they were sentient, commanded the slaves and they both obeyed.

All seven toes of both feet (three for Dorulumon, four for Garurumon) have been pushed up ward a bit the moment those wet tongues touched them. The balls were coated with saliva almost instantly, and are still getting coated as said tongues went left and right. Almost pendulum like while they're at it.

After their tongues swung left and right a few times, they moved them straight to the toes. And boy were they in for a treat. Both wolf esque Digimon were getting in it with stretching their tongues as they circled them around each toe at a time. Neither of them have toe jam due to being constructs of data and all. Of course the sweat and musky scent make up for it and boy do they enjoy it. They did a pattern here of going for each toe, then back to the ball of the foot, then back again for over 4 minutes.

Garurumon and Dorulumon were having the time of their lives, and they don't consciously know it. Not that they ever will of course. As the minutes went on, each of their respective consciousness and freewill would simply fade away. Fortunately for them though, theyâre not gonna be the only ones.

While the two wolf Digimon were having their time with each other, Gazimon and Spadamon were both watching them with lust filled eyes. Every single minute of the orgy in front of them has been driving them wild, as they have been holding onto their members and pumping them back and forth slowly to get the pleasure they both needed. The two small Digimon have been dying to obtain this pleasure, and what they did here truly brought it out full force.

"That's it, keep it going. Keep it coming." Gazimon said in a lustful tone. "This game is truly magnificent and all. Can't believe I didn't know of this sooner." "Me neither." responded Spadamon in an equally lustful tone. "If we had, we would've done this more often." Both of them sighed at that part, unknowingly activating the Olegmon Hypno-horn behind the two. Olegmon's Siren Song is currently producing soundwaves headed in their very direction, and they are still unawares on the predicament they're going to be in.

"So much fun, ain't it?" questioned Gazimon to Spadamon. "Yep." Spadamon said in response. "But suddenly I have this weird feeling that I'm forgetting something." Hearing that statement made the rabbit-feline hybrid next to the Weapon-type frown. What could they've forgotten? They were both sure that everything was accounted for. But still, what could they have forgotten to do?

As the soundwaves pass into their minds while they were both in thought, Gazimon and Spadamon almost instantly felt a feeling of relaxing pleasure flow through their bodies. Both Digimon closed their eyes very slowly, before opening them up to reveal spiral patterns inside. They have become enslaved to the hypno-horn. Puppets of their desires that would soon be trapped even further into their state.

After a few seconds, both the rookie and Weapon-type Digimon jogged over to the two champions, who are still in the middle of their foot fetish orgy. Said champions had recently finished covering the left hind foot of each other with saliva when they sensed the smaller of the four Digimon arrive. Garurumon and Dorulumon turned their heads to see the approaching forms of Gazimon and Spadamon, who have been excited to join in on the fun. Surprisingly the soundwaves also passed into the entranced wolf esque Digimon as well judging by the fact that Garurumon's glazed eyes turned swirly eyed like the others.

It didn't matter at that point as all four Digimon in that clearing piled all over each other. If there was anybody else on that mountain, they would've seen four Digimon having an orgy mixed with foot love. Along with the small puddles of cum splayed all over the ground around them.

When sunset came, all four Digimon were lying down on the floor, panting in exhaustion from the fun they all had. Each of them were in a different position, with the exact same content expression on their faces. "This is so much fun," Gazimon says, relaxed. âIt sure is!â replied the other three. "I just wish we'd become best friends forever." Spadamon said, making the hypnotic hold over all of them stronger. âBest friends forever!â exclaimed all four of the Digimon in unison. And at that point, their minds have become completely engulfed; their thoughts, memories, personality traits, and everything else were suppressed by the soundwaves of Olegmon's hypno-horn and making them nothing more than foot obsessed 'mons.

As for the hypno-horn in question, Spadamon and the others took it with them and hidden it somewhere where nobody but them will ever find it. After all, it wants them under its control, almost as if it's alive. All four Digimon want to remain in this wonderful state for the rest of their lives. Always.

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