Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2094443-Dorm-tickle-horror-3
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Comedy · #2094443
The next boy receives his punishment.
Senghoon crouched on the seat of a toilet. After Mike had left the second floor bathroom, he had gone up to the third floor to hide. He was certain that the monster would find Austin first and therefore spent some time searching for the best spot. He ultimately decided that crouching on the toilet seat was the best option and then went to the rooms to see if he could find anything useful. He wasn’t really sure what he was looking for but when he found a pair of sneakers several sizes too large, he had an idea. His feet were too ticklish to stand any bit of tickling, so he would get as many pairs of socks as he could and wear them and then put on the sneakers over them. After that he had returned to the bathroom and got into his position, locking the door.
He hoped Mike was okay and had managed to save Joe. He honestly felt bad for not going with his friend but he really couldn’t stand being tickled. He also hoped Austin would be fine even though he was confident that he had a better hiding place than Austin could ever dream up. He was thinking about all of this when he heard a noise outside the bathroom. He started getting nervous. He hoped it was Mike; he really just wanted to see his friend. Instead, the shadow cast on the floor was that of a ghastly monster, the same ghastly monster hunting him. He held his breath and hoped the monster would just leave. The shadow moved across the floor past the stall Senghoon was hiding in and then turned around and left.
Senghoon was shocked, the monster left! He let out the sigh of relief but didn’t dare move from his spot. He stayed up on his perch and continued to wait and wait and wait. The room started warmer and warmer. He was starting to regret his plan as his feet were now sweating badly under five pairs of socks and sneakers. The bathroom was really starting to get warm, but he couldn’t leave his spot. The monster was sure to be on the prowl.
As he waited the room continued to heat up and then the door creaked open. Once again, the shadow crossed the floor and once again it was not human. But unlike last time it did not move past him and then leave, it stopped right in front of the stall he was hiding in and arms reached over to unlock the door. It was like slow motion, the door swung open and standing in front of him was his nightmare, an actual tickle monster. The monster moved into the stall with the petrified boy, its arms reaching out to take hold of his latest captive.
As it did, the monster commented, “I must admit you are more resourceful than your other friend. At least I didn’t find you hiding in a closet.” Senghoon finally found his voice and managed to ask a terrified but vaguely hopeful, “Does this mean you’ll let me go?” The monster’s chuckle chilled him. “Of course not, I have to deal with you so I can move onto your friend.” With that the monster grabbed Senghoon and ripped off the sweatshirt that protected the boy’s upper body. The hands converged on the sides, ribs and stomach now only protected by a thin T-shirt. The college student found himself screaming with laughter as soon as the fingers made contact with his body. He also found that the only thing he was able to think of besides the horrible tickling was hoping that Mike would save him. He didn’t know why but he was sure that his friend would save him. At least he hoped Mike would because he couldn’t stand too much ticking. The monster grabbed hold of his thrashing arms and hold them above his head in one hand while the others descended on his now exposed underarms. “Plehehehehehehease stohahahahahahap!”
The monster was enjoying himself as he tormented the last boy before his prize. “I hope you are having as much fun as I am”, he commented idly to Senghoon as he ravaged the boy’s upper body with his fingers. He continued his torment swirling a finger in the captive boy’s navel and after hearing the octave increase, bringing him up to blow a raspberry. The boy lost it practically screaming as the raspberry was blown. The monster and said, “Do you want to play a game? It’s a counting game. The rules are simple I count your ribs and you try hard not to make me loss count. Although I warn you that I can loss count pretty easily so you’ll need to be quite for me.”
With this the monster roughly grabbed at Senghoon’s bottom ribs and started “One, two” Senghoon’s laughter cut him off almost immediately. The monster tutted and said, “You’ve made me lose count, all well guess I have to start again.” He did start again, and Senghoon made him loss count again and then they repeated the cycle over and over and once again Senghoon hoped that Mike would save him somehow.
Mike continued his exploration of the phantom dormitory. It was nearly identical to the real one, the one that only a short time ago he had been hanging out in with his friends. But there was one major difference; the RA offices were all different. In fact, when he had exported the second office, he discovered tapes of boys asking to be ticked by what sounded like the very monster that tormented him and his friends. Now he was on his way to the last office and hoped desperately that whatever he found would help him and his friends. He pushed the door open and was surprised to see what looked like a vintage movie projector. He approached the machine and found that it sat on a desk and the drawers contained dozen of movie reals. Taped on the desk were the instructions for operation and a movie reel. Mike reached out hesitantly and started the reel.
The machine came to life and displayed a scene that shocked Mike, a group of boys about ten or so in number, ranging from about fourteen to seventeen years old sat on the floor of a large carpeted room. Most of the boys had looks of giddy excitement on their faces and the others looked slightly nervous. The scene remained unchanged for a few moments aside from some scattered conversations that Mike couldn’t really make out. But the image was not at all like the old movies, it was clear and in color. It was actually better than clear, it was like Mike was standing in the room and the sound was just as good. The door opened and all eyes in the room turned to look at the door. Mike was only a little surprised when the monster strolled in.
The boys in the room looked even more excited by the monster’s appearance and Mike watched as they clamored, asking to be tickled, volunteering themselves eagerly some even taking off their socks and shoes or shirts. The monster laughed and calmed the boys promising them their turn and began with one of the boys.
Mike watched the whole tape, finding that monster kept his promise and the boys all enjoyed it. Then he put in another reel. Like he suspected, the next reel was much the same boys or young men asking to be tickled by the monster. In fact many of the videos were like that and Mike began to put the pieces together. The few that didn’t show a boys or young men begging to be tickled showed them instead meeting for the first time the monster and agreeing to be tickled. The monster always claimed he was there to relieve stress and the person always agreed, though some took more persuasion than others. Mike was beginning to feel sick, the monster in these videos was the same one, but he didn’t seem even slightly menacing. He was even downright friendly in the reels.
Scanning the rest of the room, Mike found what appeared to be journals written by the monster. They had no dates or name written on them but they all recorded encounters with tickle victims, some like the videos were pleasant encounters but others were not. These accounts were written in obvious frustration, men and boys rejecting the monsters offer. They related how the monster pulled the unwilling participant into a parallel dimension and tortured them to insanity. It didn’t specify what happened to the victims of these particle incidents but they were never mentioned again in the journals, contrary to some of the other names. Mike skimmed most of the journals hoping desperately for a way out of his predicament but it seemed all of the people who insulted the monster were met with the same fate and often the monster wrote bitterly about how stubborn they were until the end.
As he closed the last journal Mike felt he had a brick in his stomach. He knew what he had to do but he hoped it wasn’t too late. He replaced everything to where he had taken it from and left the room. He needed to get the monster’s attention.
“So”, the monster began casually, “I can see you have shoes on your feet. I wonder if you thought they would protect you. Well at least you made it interesting for me; it’s like opening a present with all the socks you’re wearing.” Senghoon’s face paled and he looked horrified by the thought, “Please don’t tickle my feet. I can’t stand it.” The college student’s eyes were huge and he looked terrified at the prospect of his feet being tickled. He knew how sensitive they were ordinarily and after spending so much time sweating under five pairs of socks, they could only be worse.
The monster was delighted, the boy may have been between him and his prize but it was sure to be an interesting tickle session. He had rearranged the captive boy so the he was hanging from a hook in a shower stall by the back of his shirt. His feet were dangling down and the monster lay under the squirming feet. He reached up with most of his arms and started gently tickling the boy’s legs. His remaining two hands reached for the laces of the sneakers and began untying them. In between his giggles, Senghoon pleaded Dohohohohohohohon’t plehehehehehehehehease!” There was a desperation in the boy’s voice that if the monster not been so angry, he might have taken pity on. But he unlaced both sneakers and pulled them off anyway, halting his tickling so the boy could properly appreciate what was about to happen. A pair of gray hiking socked feet hung above him. He reached out and brushed a finger over one of his soles. Even through five layers of socks, the boy’s foot still twitched and a slight giggle escaped. The monster looked up into the boy’s eyes and saw only terror. “You felt that even through all these layers? You must have some sensitive feet, too bad they will be part of your destruction.”
He tormented the feet for a few more moments gauging how ticklish they were and after he was satisfied he stripped off the first layer. “Time to get to business.” The feet were now clad in maroon athletic socks and without the thick hiking socks they were even more susceptible to the flicks and brushes of the monster’s fingers. Senghoon’s laughter was more defined now; a constant stream of giggles and his feet squirmed away from the fingers. The monster savored the pleas coming from his victim in between the giggle fit, “Phehehehease, sthahahahahahap”. He paused only to strip off the next layer and reveal another layer of athletic socks, this time green in color. As he played with the feet now the laughter changed becoming a hint more desperate and notably louder. The pleas also increased, “SthahahaHAhahahaapplehehehehehehaseIhahahahahahahahacahahahahahahahan’ttahahahahahahahakeit!”
Senghoon tried desperately to get his feet away from the monster, but from his position he not only was unable to see his own feet well but also had to try to keep from falling off the hook. He was desperate and scared and really just wanted Mike to come and help him. The other boy had become a symbol of courage to him over the months they had spent at college together and if he was honest with himself, something of a security blanket. The other student was always looking out for everyone before himself and had a way of comforting people that, along with the rest of his charismatic personality, drew people to him. Right now his presence would mean that everything would be okay to Senghoon, even if it was totally illogical to think that.
The monster was amazed by just how ticklish the boy was. He had on three pairs of socks and one pair at least was fairly thick, but he was still able to get such a reaction out of simple tickling. He had only been flicking his fingers up and down the soles of the socked feet; he had yet to use his more devious techniques for evoking laughter. He was certain it would not take him long to bring this session to a close and decided to accelerate the process, pulling off the third pair of socks and revealing generic, white cotton socks, soaked with sweat. The monster was quick to strip these off and revealed the last pair of socks, silky black dress socks, a grave error on Senghoon’s part and one the monster commented on.
“I assumed that you had put on so many socks and a pair of shoes to protect your feet but socks like these only make you more ticklish.” “What?” The exhausted student looked back down at him, face flushed and sweaty. The monster nodded and unsure if his captive could see him and added, “Yeah, something about the material makes the skin more sensitive. Lucky for me, although somehow I don’t think your feet needed any help in that area.” With that comment, break time for the exhausted college student was over and the monster resumed his terrible work, talking as he went along, “Yeah there are a number of ways to make people more ticklish and feet in particular are pretty easy as long as you know what you’re doing.” As he spoke the monster spridered his fingers across the sweaty, socked soles of the tortured college boy eliciting louder laughter than he had before. He continued his torture, playing with the skin under the toes of the boy’s feet and getting the boy to scream with laughter, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Senghoon was laughing so hard, he couldn’t even form a coherent sentence.
The monster decided to end the game, stripping off the dress socks and attacking the now bare feet, slick with sweat and very soft, offering no resistance. The monster’s fingers tickled across the soles, under the toes, up the sides and even in between the toes. Senghoon’s laughter had gone silent, his mouth was still moving but no sound came out and he could feel himself slipping. He was ready to admit defeat when a voice came over the intercom that went throughout the dorms. Even in his hazy state Senghoon was able to recognize Mike’s voice. He was only vaguely able to make out what his friend said but he did catch the words “I’m in” and “come tickle me”. The next thing he knew he was being let down and the monster was leaving. Senghoon wasn’t really sure what was going on but somewhere in the back of his head he was able to smile that Mike had saved him.
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