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Suspense / drama |
Part One The door flies open, Margaret, who was sipping her drink at the time, gets a fright and spills the Vermouth onto her lap. Reaching for the serviette, she glances up to see who has made such an entrance. She frowns intensely, gazing at this rugged man entering the bar lounge. He's certainly not from around here she thinks to herself. He glances at her and gives a tight smile. Oh my word, she thinks to herself, pretending she never even saw the gesture. You can buy me a drink she thinks to herself while taking another sip. Margaret doesn't have much time and so she quickly finishes her drink and starts to clear the table of her working material into her bag. The rugged man takes a seat at the bar, next to a very well dressed businessman. Without even looking at each other, they begin to talk. "You have the money?" "Yes, I do, is it done?" "No, not yet. I want the money first then I will complete the job." The rugged man orders a whiskey. The businessman gets up and leaves the parcel on the stool. "You better finish the job. Call me when its done." The rugged man knocks his whiskey back, nods his head and orders another. He waits for the businessman to leave then, on finishing his second whiskey, he grabs the parcel and departs. "Where are you Shaun? I am still at the park, I am about to leave and I haven't heard from you. Listen, I am going to leave the parcel at Marcelo's, please call me as soon as you collect ok? Mwah, kiss, kiss" Susan arrives at Marcelo's place, a lovely, warm coffee shop/restaurant. The rich coffee aroma is most inviting on such a cold day. As soon as Susan enters, as usual, she is welcomed with a warm cup of coffee. "Aaah, the best coffee in town Marcelo, how can one resist on such a cold day? Thank you" "No thanks needed here Su, I can never repay you for what you did, please, come.. sit down...you in a rush?" "Yes, I am, but I will sit down for a bit. Listen Marcelo, I have a very important parcel that I am going to leave with you, Shaun will fetch it later. For some reason he didn't meet me today and isn't answering his phone, I have left a message on his cell for him to come here and fetch it, is that ok?" "Oh but of course it is ok Su, that is just fine. I will put it in the back, come, walk with me. I will tell Cynthia to call me when Shaun arrives." "Thank you Marcelo, listen, I have to go. Please call me when he gets here ok?" Susan gives Marcelo a kiss and a hug, she is late for her fitting at the upmarket dress studio where the dress she will be wearing to the Ballet Ball has been altered twice due to her loosing weight. The ball is in just two weeks and Susan hopes this is the last alteration. "Room 317!" "Good evening Mrs Stead, How are you this evening?" "Yes Charles, the same as I was this morning, now give me the key thank you!" Charles hands her the key which Mrs Stead snatches from his hands. She clicks her fingers and her assistant, Jane, jumps to her side. Walking fast to keep up with Mrs Stead. Jane looks back at Charles and gives him a smile and silently says Thank you. Charles acknowledges with a nod. "Come on Jane!" snaps Mrs Stead. "Yes ma'am" replies Jane. They enter the lift and Jane promptly pushes the button to their floor. Just then, Mrs Stead's phone rings. "Oh shit, not now!" she says and hands the phone to Jane. "Just tell him I will call him later, tell him I am busy with the designers" "Hi there, no sorry, Mrs Stead is busy with the...yes I know, she will call.... I am not sure how much longer she will be, yes I understand. Please, there is no need to shout, I will tell Mrs Stead to call you... ok, yes... goodbye" "When will I be rid of such a man!" exclaims Mrs Stead while grabbing the phone from Jane. "Finally!" says Mrs Stead as they reach their floor "Must everything take so damn long! Listen up Jane, We don't have much time. When I leave for the dinner, you need to make sure that you get everything done while I am out, do you understand me?" Mrs Stead doesn't wait for a reply and continues on. "Did you pick my dress up?" "Yes, it is in the room" "And the necklace?" "I personally placed it in the safe" "Ok, good. Where is Margaret?, No don't answer, she better be waiting in the lobby by the time I am done. Now go back downstairs and fetch me a drink and get me a bottle of champagne. No doodling Jane. Hurry up!" "Yes ma'am" says Jane as she scurries down the passage back to the lift. Part Two Running out onto the pavement, Margaret flags down a taxi as she glances at her watch, "Shit, I'm late" Margaret says to herself as a taxi pulls up and she quickly climbs in. "Goodman Hotel please" she tells the taxi driver, "Hope you don't mind me changing and doing my hair and makeup while you drive?" Not waiting for an answer, Margaret begins to make herself presentable. Just then her phone beeps, she looks at the message. Its from Jane, it reads 'YOU GOT 20 MINUTES'. Yes, yes, yes thinks Margaret to herself. "How much longer before we get to the hotel?" "Perhaps 20 minutes or so.." "Well it better be 20 minutes!" replies Margaret, I need a drink she thinks to herself!! "Hi there Marcelo, its Susan, Shaun hasn't been in yet?" "No, no Su, he hasn't." "I'm getting worried, its not like him to not meet or answer his phone...ok Marcelo, thank you. I will send for someone to come fetch the parcel before you close, is that ok?" "Of course... yes its ok, no problem" "Thank you Marcelo, Goodbye" "Ow!!!" exclaims Susan, as the dress is pulled tighter to fit her body. "Well that's what you get for loosing weight!! Do you realize the amount of work involved here?" "Hush up Frank!" "Can you maybe concentrate on eating a bit more for the next 2 weeks?, any thinner and we may as well wrap a sock around you!!" Susan swiftly slaps Frank in a friendly manner across the face' "Yes Frank, I will do that" Susan smiles. Concerned about Shaun, she calls his cell again, "Bugger, its still going to voicemail?, what on earth is going on here? Where is Shaun, Its just not like him!" "That better be you Jane with my drink?" "Yes Ma'am its me." "Just leave it on the table, I'll be out shortly. Open the champangne and pour a glass, then disappear. I will see you downstairs." Jane does as she is told then quietly leaves the room and proceeds to the lobby. On passing the reception desk, she smiles again at Charles who informs her that her table is ready and asks if he can send the waiter to her table. "You know what Charles, thank you, but just ask the waiter to bring me a glass of orange juice please. I am waiting for Margaret, tell the waiter to bring a vermouth the minute she arrive's ok?" Charles nods and immediately signals the waiter. Jane rushes off to the table to get her planner out for one more last check on things. There's a knock at the door, a soft knock. Mrs Stead almost doesn't hear it. She proceeds to the door and opens it just a crack and takes a look. "Well, well, well" she says with a grin.. "You're late! Come in quickly before someone sees you. I have poured you some champagne, sit down and tell me what you have found out" As Michael begins to talk, Mrs Stead, with her drink in her hands, walks away towards the bedroom. Michael stops talking. "Oh for Heavens sake, please follow me and continue, I have to get dressed, now hurry up Michael, what have you found out?" Michael sips his champagne as he watches Mrs Stead remove her gown, he swallows, feels a bit awkward. "Now, now Michael... have you never seen a naked women before? Get to it then, what have you found out?" Clearing his throat he continues, his eyes don't leave Mrs Stead as he watches her dress herself. He takes a sip of his drink. "I followed him to the lagoon, as you requested. At first nothing was out of the ordinary. He went in, had some coffee, took a few calls then went outside and chattered to some of the boatmen. What did seem strange was that it did seem like he was waiting for someone to arrive as he kept checking the time and gazing towards the parking lot." "I knew it!" Exclaims Mrs Stead. "The bastard was waiting for her wasn't he?" "Now I cant confirm that as no-one arrived but what he did next was very odd" "What did he do?" Having another sip of his drink and watching Mrs Stead pulling the zip up of her dress, he is somewhat mesmerized momentarily by her. "Oh snap out of it dammit! What the hell is wrong with you? Get to it then" Clearing his throat and shaking his head, he apologises and continues. "Well after speaking to some of the men he then went down to the water where he climbed into one of the little rafts." "He climbed into a raft? What the hell for?" asks Mrs Stead "That's where it gets odd... as he rows the raft just almost to the middle of the water and just sits there" "What?!! Are you sure?" "Yes I am sure" replies Michael. "So what the hell was he doing out there?" "Nothing, he just sat there" "What else do you have?" "Um, nothing much.. after about 15 minutes he returned to shore, climbed out, said his goodbyes and got into his car. I continued to follow him but lost him once he got onto the motorway.. there was an accident and the police had closed the 2 lanes and...." Mrs Stead interrupts Michael, "Yes, yes, ok I get it. Fine, is that it then, is that all you have?" "Yes Mrs Stead, that is all I have for now" "Well what the hell are you waiting for? A congratulating kiss or a pat on the head? Get out of here and get me more information, isn't that what I am paying you for?" Michael swallows his last sip of champagne, he is use to her rudeness, erratic behaviour. He nods his head and leaves. "Make sure you aren't seen, do you hear me?" "Yes Ma'am" Mrs Stead finishes her drink and pours herself some champagne. What are you up to Shaun..... she thinks to herself while sipping at her glass... What are you up to? "HELP!! Somebody help me please.... Can anybody hear me? HELP!! Where is my bloody phone? Ow my leg.... What happened? Where am I?" If I don't get out of here I am going to die, Shaun thinks to himself. Shaun is stuck in the boot of his car. He has a stab wound to his leg which is bleeding. His hands and ankles are bound together. Wriggling his hands he tries to loosen the rope just a bit, just enough to squeeze his hand through it. He manages to get his hand free. Still feeling some what dazed and confused, he gathers his breath. Rubbing his aching wrists, he gazes at his leg. There is blood everywhere. The pain is now getting worse. He leans forward to untie his ankles. He quickly begins to try and monuver the car seats forward to free himself. Meanwhile his assassin is returning... Returning to finish the job. Shaun manages to get the seat down, and in great pain, he climbs into the back seat of his vehicle. Still concussed and confused, he looks around. His car is a mess, there is blood everywhere, papers on the floor.... What the hell happened he thinks to himself and where is my phone?. Shaun look outside the windows, he has no idea where he is. It'll be dark soon and he needs to get out of this place. He cant find the keys to the car. Struggling with his leg, he leans forward to unlock the vehicle and slides himself across the seat and onto the ground. His leg is still bleeding, limping on his foot, he tries to gain his balance. Digging in his pants pocket.... He finds his cigarettes... He calmly lights one while assessing his surroundings. He is not familiar with this vacant industrial area. The buildings are dilapidated. He can see the city lights in the distance and knows that he will never make the walk. Shaun removes his sock and ties it around his leg to help with the bleeding. He is still feeling faint and decides to leave his vehicle and move towards the unused building. "We are almost there Miss" "Bloody hell man, its about time!" says Margaret who is now looking rather well done after doing her hair and makeup.... Looking at the time, she bites her lip... I need a drink she thinks to herself... "And here we are Miss" "Yes, ok, thank you" replies Margaret as she pays the driver and exits the vehicle. Her hands are full, as usual, and she races up the steps to the entrance of the hotel where the doors open automatically. Looking frantic as she enters the lobby, she gazes upon Jane and with a deep sigh of relief at no sight of Mrs Stead, she quickly runs to the table. Jane has seen Margaret and has already gestured Charles for that drink. "Jane, how are you?" "Margaret, so good of you to be on time" "Save the sarcasm Jane, where's my.....?" and before Margaret could finish her sentence, the waiter arrives with her drink. Margaret smiles and takes a sip. "Thank you Jane, efficient as always" says Margaret. "And forever thirsty" says Jane. They both giggle for a second. "Ok, back to work... When is that wretched women coming down?" "Now, now Margaret... Please, she may be your family but lets not resort to name calling, after all, she did help you to get where you are today" "Yes, I sold my soul to the devil and am forever being reminded of that!!" Margaret finishes her drink and gets her laptop out. "Ok" says Jane, "Everything is in place, Mr Hatting's seat has been moved, he will now sit next to Mrs Stead, apparently, Mrs Hatting had a last minute emergency and couldn't make it. Other than that, there is no other changes. Do you have her speech?" "Yes Jane" says Margaret as she opens her bag... "Its short and sweet..... Just like my aunt" laughs Margaret sarcastically. Jane smiles and takes the notes. "Thank you, Ok, Mrs Stead should be down any minute, I'm just going to check that the driver is outside. Be back shortly." "Ok Jane, you do that." says Margaret, while eyeing out the waiter and pointing to her glass asking for another one. "And that's it for now, we are all done here Susan. Now please go eat something, anything.... No more loosing weight otherwise you will wear that sock, do you hear me Madam?" "Loud and clear Frank" says Susan as she leans forward to give him a kiss goodbye on the cheeks. "See you next week Frankie" chuckles Susan as she scurries out of the studio.... Susan tries Shaun's phone again, still no answer. What the hell is going on? "Oh no!!" she exclaims, the parcel, she forgot to ask one of the drivers to collect it and now it's too late. Never mind she thinks... she will go collect the parcel herself from Marcelo. "Good evening to you, tell me, who can I speak to regarding a parcel that I am to collect?" Cynthia glances up at the lady speaking. She is beautiful. Dark brown hair, perfectly in place. Bright red lips and tailored eyebrows. Cynthia can hardly speak.. she simply nobs and points to the back and manages a few words. "The back... I mean, let me call Marcelo, he's at the back. One moment please" The lady, showing no emotion, glances at her watch and then back up to Cynthia. Cynthia knew this meant hurry and so she quickly made her way to the back. "Aaah good evening beautiful and how are you?" "Good thank you, I am here to fetch the parcel?" "Yes, of course you are... Susan didn't phone me, just one minute, I get the parcel, yes" "Please hurry, it's getting late and she is waiting for it" Marcelo tells her he wont be long as he goes to the back to fetch the parcel. He returns with it and asks her name as he is handing it over to her. She replies "Harquin, my name is Harquin. Thank you and goodbye" Marcelo is certainly blown away by her beauty and smiles and waves her goodbye. And with that, Harquin disappears into the night. Marcelo returns to the back to continue with the cash up before he locks the café for the night. Mrs Stead is all done and ready to leave..... just one more important item... the necklace.... and so she goes to the safe to remove it. Holding the necklace in her hands, she smiles to herself, such a beautiful piece of art, the diamonds are shimmering In the light. Gazing at herself in the mirror, she places the stunning piece of silver around her neck. Her outfit is complete and she is very happy. Pouring herself another glass of champagne, she glances at the time... thinking about how important the dinner is tonight. Just then, her phone beeps. It's a message from Shaun. I WILL MEET YOU LATER AT THE HARBOUR AT 11PM "Oh my Shaun" says Mrs Stead, I'm certainly not dressed for the harbour she thinks to herself and why are we meeting on the yatch? What have you got yourself into this time? Or rather, what do I need to get you out of. Mrs Stead doesn't give it a second thought, She has lots of money to raise at the dinner event tonight and so, on finishing her drink, she leaves the hotel room. |