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Rated: GC · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2091667
Chapters 126 thru 130
Chapter 126
November 27, 1889 Inside the Edgeworth mansion

“You’re not getting any younger.” Jane looked across the breakfast table at Jason. “My niece already has two children, and here you are, 42 and unmarried with no heir to this estate in sight.”

Jason frowned at the recent, ongoing complaint. “Maybe I just haven’t found a woman as exciting as you are.” Jason knew a compliment usually pleased Jane, so that she would stop nagging him about grandchildren. Since Ciaran died, his murderer still not identified, Jason knew Jane continued to attract powerful men. Now in her early 60’s, his mother still experienced excitement with them in her bed and elsewhere.

Jane beamed at her son, knowing he never lied to her. “You’re just not looking hard enough. There are plenty of women who would make wonderful wives. What about that pretty Lawson girl? What’s her name? Oh yes, Julia.”

“She’s only a child.” Jason tried to remember what the Lawson daughter looked like the time she came to visit his mother a year go. That was when Jane began pushing him to marry or produce his heir. “She’s what, 15 or 16?”

“Julia is 17, more than old enough for marriage. Plus, her father is ready to offer a substantial dowry to the right man.” Jane watched her son think this over. She knew for years he wanted to leave England and settle in America. “You could use her dowry to build that place you’re always talking about in America.”

“Let me think about it.” Jason finished his coffee before pushing away from the table. “Why don’t you invite her over for tea later this week? I’d like to check her out again.” He failed to see Jane’s triumphant smile while he walked away, because he was thinking, Maybe having one woman any time I wanted might not be such a bad idea.

* * *

A week later, Jason came into the parlor and came to an immediate halt. In front of him, holding one of his mother’s precious Royal Doulton teacups, was a young woman. Ever since the whore Sarah disappointed him, Jason had searched unsuccessfully for another woman to invite to Ciaran’s old cabin.

“Jason, come on in and say hello to Miss Lawson.” Jane watched him, delighted by her son’s obvious interest in the beautiful blonde heiress. After giving him some tea, she leaned back in her chair and watched Jason effortlessly charm the impressionable Julia. By the time the hour-long visit ended, Jane knew she and Julia’s father would soon be arranging a marriage between their children.

Unknown to her, Jason already had other plans for Miss Julia Lawson.

Chapter 127
June 10, 1890 On board the ship heading toward America

Jason gazed out the porthole at the sun setting over the empty sea. America with his new life was only days away, and he once again went over his plans. Not for him the East Coast, crowded and civilized. What he needed was something that England no longer gave him. What it was, Jason didn’t know yet, but he was positive it waited for him on the other side of this large country. Even as his future beckoned, Jason’s memories kept going back to his last day at his estate.


For months after having tea with Julia Lawson, he waited rather impatiently to carry out his plans for her. I’ll take my time, this time I will, and perhaps she will be the one I’ve been looking for all these years. This refrain kept going through his mind as he stayed out of sight, all the while following her on her daily routines.

When not stalking Julia, he often visited Ciaran’s cabin, usually at night. His various instruments to give women pleasure grew and included assorted whips and chains. The small stove, once used to melt lead for Sarah’s holy water sprinkler, received Jason’s special attention. Behind the stove, Jason had stacked firewood on top of which was a long, thin piece of metal. A small shelf contained scissors and knives, all ready for use.

By the following spring, Jason was ready. From his usual hiding place, he watched Julia leave her home and walk the short distance to a small pond on her father’s property. This was her favorite place to read as it gave her privacy from the rest of her family. She sat down by a large oak tree and spread out the full skirt of her dress. From the skirt’s pocket, she took out a small volume of poetry and began reading.

Now and then, Julia looked up from her book, enjoying the silence around her. A half hour had passed when she saw Jason walking toward her. She closed her book and forced a welcoming smile on her face.

“Good day, Lord Edgeworth.” Julia always was polite, but there was something about the man that didn’t appeal to her. She watched Jason sit down on the ground, without waiting for an invitation to join her.

Julia’s father had become increasingly insistent she marry, and soon. He made it plain to her that he was out of patience with her refusal to accept one of the many offers of marriage from eligible young men. The latest had been from Lady Jane Edgeworth on behalf of her son.

Jason took her hand in his and began with, “I understand my mother already met with your dear father about our engagement. I’m delighted he accepted for you, and I know you’ll find me a perfect and devoted husband.” He brought her limp hand to his mouth and gave it a lingering and slightly wet kiss.

Taking her hand back, Julia wiped it against her dress. She then decided to let Jason know, as diplomatically as possible, she didn’t want to marry him. “Lord Edgeworth, it’s nothing against you, but the man I marry will be a bit more, ah, um, masculine.” Julia sighed when she saw Jason didn’t understand and knew she would have to explain further. “Do you know Baron Charles Timmons? A few months ago, he inherited an estate near Swadlincote, on the other side of town from here.”

Jason watched a dreamy expression come on Julia’s face, and he knew she was thinking of the Baron and not him. He had met Timmons once, and Jason’s immediate thought was that his mother would find the big brute appealing. “Yes,” he answered, wanting to get Julia’s attention back on him. “What does he have that I don’t? I’m richer, more handsome…”

Julia shook her head and interrupted him, “Charles came here last week to visit with my older brother. They’d become quite good friends in a short time. Neither one saw me sitting here, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off him when they both stripped down to go swimming.” She failed to see Jason’s anger growing when she went on, “Charles has such a strong body, and I nearly swooned when he turned in my direction.”

Julia’s maidenly blush contradicted her words. “You, my Lord, are aware that females shouldn’t lust after a man, especially a naked one, but I couldn’t help myself.” She finished, “So, you see why I can’t marry you, don’t you? I want a man who’ll excite me, and you simply aren’t that man.”

* * *

With the recent memory of his revenge still fresh in his mind, Jason continued to stare out the ship’s porthole as he relived those last few hours with Julia.

Chapter 128
December 27, 2008 – At the mansion in Walker’s apartment

“Look, Jack, why don’t I keep an eye out for Karla?” Felix knew the head of the construction company should be arriving soon. “This will free you up to check if any of the mansion’s staff saw anybody go into Samantha’s rooms.”

Randall had no idea who Karla was, but realized Jack needed to concentrate on finding the valuable necklace. “Jack, while you start your search, I’ll go see if Sue Beth saw any strangers on this floor.” Not waiting for his friend to agree, Randall headed down the hallway toward the rooms belonging to Sue Beth and Joshua. Almost there, he remembered Valentine might still be with the little girl, and his steps slowed dramatically.

Meanwhile, Felix headed for the elevator and took it down to the first floor. A big grin crossed his face at seeing the woman waiting by the front desk. Karla Morningstar, owner of the Westbrook Construction Company, was a favorite of Felix. They had often worked together when Felix designed and Karla’s company built the orphanage and smaller buildings located on Walker’s large estate.

“Karla, glad you made it through the snow okay.” While saying this, Felix gave the smaller woman a hug that would have cracked the ribs of a weaker person.

Karla just grunted, having braced herself for his usual way of greeting friends. “Well, I knew Walker wants this done before they get back. My guys are out behind the mansion and ready to start.” She motioned to a young man waiting near the front door. “Hank’s got the equipment to break through the wall whenever you let us in the place.”

Felix called out to Hank. “I’m ready, so let’s head upstairs.” Ignoring the curious looks of the many elderly residents relaxing throughout the front entrance room, Felix led the way to the glass elevator.

Meanwhile, Jack returned to Samantha’s rooms and started a thorough search of every room. Maybe Walker had the necklace’s location wrong, or Samantha moved it when he wasn’t looking. With this hopeful thought in mind, Jack first went through every place in the bedroom where a necklace might be. He found nothing, only empty closets and bureau drawers.

While Jack searched the bedroom for the necklace, and Felix greeted Karla and Hank, Randall knocked on the front door of the rooms belonging to Walker’s wards. He shuddered when he heard Valentine’s loud barking coming from the other side of the door. Seeing the doorknob turning, Randall prepared himself to fend off the huge and overly friendly dog.

Chapter 129
June 10, 1890 On board the ship heading toward America

Jason’s thoughts returned to when Julia rejected him, and he felt his anger at her growing once again. Even knowing what he’d done in retaliation failed to calm him. The little bitch deserved it. Jason began pacing the ship’s cabin, clenching and unclenching his fists. Oh, how good it felt, how she cried for mercy, promising to marry me if I’d just stop hurting her. Jason began reliving every single minute, extremely pleased at how he’d finally mastered his impatience during those hours with Julia.

* * *

Jason became infuriated after hearing he didn’t excite her like Baron Timmons did. He dropped his initial plan of politely inviting Julia to visit the cabin and celebrate their engagement. Jason decided she needed to learn how much more virile he was than any other man.

Jason stood while Julia remained seated on the ground, going on and on about wanting to marry someone like the Baron. If she had looked up at him, she would have seen him bending down to pick up a stone. If she had stopped talking, she might have been able to duck before Jason slammed the stone against her right temple.

It took Jason only a few minutes to carry the young girl to his stallion and less than half an hour to arrive at Ciaran’s deserted cabin. Julia never regained consciousness during that time, but Jason had kept the bloody rock in case she did. Carrying Julia slung over his shoulder, he kicked open the cabin’s door.

Bypassing the bed where he took Sarah’s life years earlier, Jason carefully placed Julia on the floor. He knelt and slowly removed each layer of her clothes, stopping now and then to check if she was awake yet. When finished, he stood, now ready to share the pleasure of his newly created toy.

“You want a more masculine man? Well, Julia, you’re going to get one.” Stepping over Julia’s nude body, Jason went to the far corner of the room and ran his hand over the wooden contraption he had spent hours building. When Jason read the description of the Judas Cradle in one of his grandfather’s books, he knew it would be easy to make. The pyramid-shaped item was about three feet high with a triangular-shaped end on top. Jason tested the various ropes hanging from the walls and ceiling around the contraption and found them all firmly attached.

His excitement growing, Jason placed a heavy table over the pyramid’s sharp point. He then lifted Julia onto the table. Leaning over her, Jason gently kissed the still comatose girl. “Julia, let me get you ready first, and then we can have some fun.” Jason began by tying her arms and legs to the long ropes.

Jason finished with a final rope loosely going from around her waist to the ceiling. He watched Julia begin to regain consciousness when he pulled the ropes to her arms tighter. The taut ropes caused her arms to stretch out and slightly upwards.

“Welcome back, Julia. Did you enjoy your nap?” Jason stood close to the edge of the table and smiled at the confused teenager. “We’re going to play a game, and I’m almost ready to start. Just try not to move, and I’ll show you how the game goes.” Jason began laughing, knowing he’d learned his lesson and that his new toy would help him be patient with Julia. “First, I want to show you Timmons is all wrong for you, and you should have chosen me.”

Julia struggled to get free, but this only made the ropes bind her tighter. When she finally noticed her clothes were gone, she understood what Jason planned for her. He confirmed this as she watched him strip off his own clothes. “Please, Lord Edgeworth, Jason.” Julia begged, “Please let me go. I promise I won’t tell anyone what you’ve done. Just let me go home.”

She started crying and struggled even more when Jason climbed up on the table and covered her body with his.

Chapter 130
June 10, 1890 On board the ship heading toward America

“Hush! You’re going to get the thrill of your life, but first I need to show you what real man can do for a woman.” The slack of the ropes around her ankles allowed Jason to push her thighs apart, after which he reached between their bodies and guided his penis into her. Determined to take his time, Jason began moving in and then out, forcing himself to go slow.

He started losing control when he heard her cries of what he knew were admiration for his sexual expertise. This first time I can hurry, he thought, increasing his pace. I just have to be careful not to hurt her. Feeling overwhelmed with the feel of Julia’s struggling underneath him along with her tearful crying, Jason ejaculated within minutes. During the next few hours, he took her twice more, each time managing to extend their enjoyment together a bit longer.

Jason climbed off the table for the last time late in the afternoon. He slid the table out from under Julia so her body remained poised only inches above the pyramid. Exhausted by Jason’s repeated violent rapes, Julia barely noticed when he tightened the ropes attached to her legs.

“I promised you some fun, Julia, and I think you’re going to like it.” Jason went to the wall and pulled on the ropes that swung her legs together and to one side of her. He then took the slack out of the rope around her waist, forcing her to sit upright. Julia now was unable to move when he slowly maneuvered the point of the pyramid directly under her body.

Jason walked around her, looking under her body, and checking the position of the pyramid. Finally satisfied, Jason began giving the ropes more slack. This lowered Julia’s body so the tip of the pyramid entered her vagina about an inch. “Sweetheart, I’m going to leave you soon for the night, but I want you to be comfortable first.”

Julia moaned when she felt the wood tip rub against the flesh bruised by the rough activity of Jason’s thick penis. When Jason loosened the ropes even more, she began screaming from the pain. Seemingly taking pity on her, Jason raised her body once again so that the tip barely entered her vagina.

“It’s all right, Julia, don’t cry. I really do have to leave for dinner with Mother, but we’ll continue this tomorrow morning.” He leaned over and wiped the tears from her eyes. “If you don’t move much, you’ll be all right until I come back.”

Julia watched him walk around the cabin, still not believing he would leave her like this. She saw him take a small suitcase from a chair and put various items located behind at the stove into it. The small whips and lightweight chains went in first.

Jason turned to Julia, and his charming smile made his words even more horrifying to the terrified girl. “Try not to struggle too much, Julia. That will just loosen the ceiling rope and make your body slip down further.” He then went to the shelf and placed the knives into the bag along with the scissors. “I might let you enjoy some of these later on, so I’ll bring them back tomorrow.”

He dropped the filled bag by the front door and returned to where Julia sat trapped, unable to move. Her body rested on the sharp top point of Jason’s homemade Judas Cradle. “See that rope holding you up?” Jason pointed to the one attached to the ceiling. “If you hold perfectly still, it might bear your weight until I come back.” He gently pushed her blonde curls back off her face as he gave her a final warning.

“Of course, it’s only made of twisted cotton, so it could stretch overnight if you’re not careful.” He ran his hands down Julia’s beautiful naked body that he’d enjoyed so thoroughly. “Like me, you must learn patience. The rope might even break if you wiggle too much, and you’ll feel my wonderful toy slipping inside you. I’ll put the table back under you tomorrow, and then you can show how much you want me.” The last thing Jason did before leaving was tie a gag around Julia’s mouth.

The next morning just after dawn, Jason immediately traveled to London, after which he boarded the ship that would take him to America.

* * *

Jason left the ship’s porthole and glanced at the heavy bag lying beside his bed. A smile crossed his face. I wonder if anyone found Julia before the ceiling rope broke. My only regret with her death is I didn’t see how long it took.

Continued in next segment
 Home of the White Dolphin - Segment 27  (GC)
Chapters 131 thru 135
#2091668 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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