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Rated: GC · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2091650
Chapters 86 thru 90
Chapter 86
December 25, 2008 – Before the Wedding Reception

Once in her rooms, Samantha was unsure how to ask Walker for help getting out of her wedding gown. He got the hint, however, when she removed her veil and turned away from him. When Walker saw the ribbon laces going down the back of her dress, he managed to undo them without too much trouble. Easing the loose material apart, he also unsnapped the back of her strapless bra.

Samantha felt one of Walker’s hands caressing her exposed back. Her legs threatened to give out from under her at the erotic sensation of his fingertips slowly sliding up and down her spine. She gave a tiny moan of disappointment when he removed his hand.

“Shh! It’s all right, sweetheart.” whispered Walker, feeling as frustrated as she did at that moment. “We have a lifetime ahead of us for this. Before I forget we have a couple hundred people downstairs waiting for us, maybe I’d better give you some privacy so you can change your clothes.” Walker left the room, but remained in the hallway on the other side of the open bedroom door.

Not realizing Walker was still watching, Samantha pulled the gown down as far as her slender waist and tossed the unfastened bra onto the floor. By wiggling around quite a bit, much to Walker’s delight, she managed to push the yards of satin and lace past her hips. Eventually, the elaborate wedding gown found its way to the floor, revealing Samantha’s lace panties. These she also slipped off and threw down beside the discarded bra.

Out in the hallway, Walker was unable to stop looking at his wife standing so tempting in front of him. He saw her remove his wedding gift necklace and put it carefully on the nearby bureau top. This left her completely naked except for sheer nylons. Secured in place by garters, they covered her legs up to mid-thigh.

When she walked to the unmade bed where a fresh set of panties waited next to her reception gown, he caught sight of the gaudy neon-blue garter. His nearby voice startled Samantha when he called out, “Honey, if it weren’t for all those people waiting for us downstairs, I’d remove that pretty garter here and now.”

Samantha suddenly felt shy knowing he could see her and hurried to finish dressing. To Walker’s disappointment, she rapidly put on her new panties and reached for the second gown. Walker strolled slowly into the room to get a better look at this new outfit.

Sophia had designed the floor-length gown with a high empire waist. After Samantha put on the pale-green muslin dress, Walker came closer and zipped up the back. He then turned her around to get a better view of Sophia’s creation and tried not to frown. Samantha had complained fiercely when first shown a sketch of the provocative gown, but a determined Sophia eventually won the argument.

Now, Walker saw a band of dark-green silk just under Samantha’s breasts. The material was eight inches wide and circled her body. Two pieces of the dark silk rose up from the top of the band, just barely covering Samantha’s breasts. The silk narrowed even more as they went up over her shoulders.

When zipping up Samantha’s reception gown, he had noticed the silk pieces were tied together in a small bow at the back of her neck, leaving the rest of her back bare. With this dress, Samantha couldn’t wear a bra; Walker easily saw the outline of her full breasts under the tightly stretched silk. What was Sophia thinking? Walker thought, not at all happy that other men would be seeing so much of his wife. Realizing he might be overly sensitive, he forced himself to look at the rest of Samantha’s gown. Walker felt relieved to see the beautiful gown flowing down to the floor, although designed to cling to her feminine curves, covered the rest of Samantha’s body.

Before he could tell her how beautiful she looked, there was a quick knock on the front door, and in walked Sophia holding Genji in her arms. Neither Sophia nor the crying baby seemed at all happy.

Chapter 87
December 25, 2008 – At Walker's Maison du Renard Rouge

For half an hour or so after the ceremony, while waiting for the bride and groom to return, the guests straggled back to the ballroom. Helpful Westbrook High School students escorted each person to their assigned table. Jack had hired the young people especially for the evening, and the generous pay they received for a few hours of work kept them smiling throughout the whole long evening.

A famous wedding planner from the nearby city had turned the huge room into a magical snow-white winter wonderland. Yards of white silk covered the walls joined at the top by wide widths of green silk arching down from the large chandeliers. Samantha’s wish for a Christmas wedding was continued in this room. There was a crystal vase on each table filled with white and red roses nestled in lush greenery.

In the week before the wedding, members of the mansion’s young staff had carefully lowered the six enormous chandeliers. After that, they spent hours taking off and cleaning the hundreds of priceless crystal prisms. Toby, one of the mansion’s groundskeepers who had volunteered to help clean some prisms, walked slowly into the room. His eyes immediately went to the ceiling. The lights of the chandeliers shone down on the dangling prisms, filling the room with ever-changing dancing rainbows. The two people coming behind him overheard his, “Sure worth all my pruney fingers and that horrible smell of ammonia on my clothes.”

Along two sides of the room was a row of food stations in front of which was a wide pathway. Between many of these food station stood tall arrangements of intricately-formed bare tree limbs from which hung streamers of multi-shaped green crystals. The third side of the room contained the theater stage, usually used for some mansion activities. Tonight, a local D.J. had set up his equipment there and would play an assortment of music hand picked earlier by Jack.

Chapter 88
December 25, 2008 – At Walker's Maison du Renard Rouge

While Jack had been in charge of the decorations, Edith insisted on hiring and working with the three catering firms. Young men and women from one firm were dressed in green uniforms. They stood behind tables filled with multiple chafing dishes filled with a large variety of both hot and cold appetizers. The aroma from chicken cordon bleu canapés tempted the guests and mingled with that of bacon-stuffed cream cheese mushrooms. Almost immediately, many adults made their way to these tables, drawn in by the spicy fragrance of miniature Boboli pizza slices. The helpful servers provided plates for the guests to bring their choices back to their assigned place in the ballroom.

These appetizer-filled tables alternated with others containing delectable and mostly fattening deserts with attendants from the second catering firm wearing red uniforms. Some children raced for these tables first, for once not being told to eat their vegetables before having dessert.

Around the central dance floor were dozens of round tables covered with either a red or green linen tablecloth. Napkins of the opposite color had been intricately folded and laid across each place setting. The dinner menu was tucked inside the napkin’s fold with only the guest’s name, written in elegant calligraphy, showing on top.

Wait staff from the third firm that catered the main meal wandered among the decorated tables. As guests found seats, one of the waiters or waitresses would ask, “May I take your drink order?” Children received kid-friendly drinks, while a large variety of adult drinks ranged from imported beer to Long Island Ice Tea to hot Kona coffee.

Grace Larson, at the table with the rest of the Westbrook’s town council, pulled out her menu. For the benefit of her tablemates, she read the first two items listed in the first course. “Shellfish Bisque Served with Saffron Aioli Crouton. Winter greens and chiffonade of mustard greens topped with chilled marinated roasted root vegetables and blood orange chervil vinaigrette.”

“Stop already, Grace,” complained Samuel Hobson, the portly town banker. “You’re making me hungry” He pulled out his own menu, and his eyes widened at the sight of the large selection of food on the long menu. Below the many items in the soup and salad course, there were 10 choices listed under entrée ranging from filet mignon with horseradish and au jus to Chilean sea bass with reduced chive cream sauce.

At another table, one of the waiters greeted the elderly and recently married Abe and Sylvia Goldman. “Oh, I’d like some of that Long Island tea, please.” Sylvia smiled sweetly up at the waiter, having no idea what she was ordering. “That’s just what I need after sitting so long.” Her husband chuckled at such innocence, but let her potent order stand.

With all the tables except one soon filled with guests, Jack escorted Edith through the room until they ended next to the dance floor. They quickly found the chairs reserved for them at the long table for the bride, groom, and certain close friends and family.

Immediately after the ceremony ended, Sophia had insisted on taking Genji for the night. “Really, I’d prefer going upstairs and put my feet up,” Sophia lied, her fingers crossed behind her back. “This is your son’s wedding, and you’d hurt his feelings if you didn’t stay for the reception.” Edith agreed she made sense, and knew the baby needed some quiet time away from the large noisy crowd. Genji had started fussing soon after the wedding ceremony ended.

Joshua and Sue Beth were already at the table along with Reverend McCready and Jeff Randall. Two chairs were still empty, waiting for the bride and groom to arrive.

Chapter 89
December 25, 2008 – Back in Samantha’s rooms

“What are you two doing that’s taking so long?” Sophia glared first at Walker. “You should be upstairs changing into something more comfortable.” She looked him up and down, shaking her head at seeing he still wore his tuxedo. Walker hadn’t even bothered to take off the jacket or remove his tie.

Walker, not at all intimidated by her, went over and leaned down to kiss first Sophia’s cheek and then the baby’s. “Did my mother send you to make sure I wasn’t rolling around on the bed with my wife?” He turned around quickly enough to see Samantha lowering her eyes, scandalized by Walker’s teasing comment. Taking pity on her, he reached for Genji. “Let me hold my daughter while you go fix Sam’s hair.” He couldn’t help grinning. “Somehow, lots of her curls came undone. If she goes to the reception looking like that, people will think we were…” He stopped when he felt Samantha’s hand suddenly covering his mouth.

“Ignore him. We weren’t doing anything.” After Samantha removed her hand, Walker took Genji from Sophia. The baby stopped fussing, and her tiny fingers grabbed hold of his neatly trimmed beard. Walker grimaced, but the slight pain turned to delight when he saw her big brown eyes widen as she stared into his blue ones. For a few minutes, he savored the feeling of complete contentment that flooded through him.

This abruptly ended when Sophia demanded the baby back with the words, “Get out of here, Walker, and go change.” After taking Genji from Walker and placing the sleepy baby on the bed, she commanded, “Now scoot!” While saying this, she gave the man almost twice her size a push toward the hallway.

As soon as Walker left to go upstairs, Sophia began removing the pins holding together Samantha’s elaborate upswept hair. After that, she vigorously brushed until satisfied with the appearance of the riot of auburn curls now around Samantha’s shoulders.

Ten minutes later, the sound of the front door opening and then slamming shut heralded the return of the impatient groom. Walker appeared in the doorway, looking more comfortable in his normal attire of black slacks and crisp white long-sleeve shirt. “Do you approve?” he asked Sophia, pretending to model his outfit by slowly turning in a circle. “I even kept on Sam’s Christmas gift, just to show how much I love her.” He raised a pant leg to reveal he had on red and green plaid socks. It was a well-known fact that Walker rarely wore socks, preferring to walk around either in a pair of old loafers or barefoot.

Sophia nodded her approval and gave Samantha one last look for anything else to change. Finding nothing out of place, she picked up the sleeping baby and headed out into the hallway, “Okay, Walker, don’t mess up Samantha’s hair or wrinkle her dress. No, on second thought, I think you two had better head downstairs right now, so good-bye and have fun.”

After hearing the front door close behind Sophia, Walker turned and caught his first sight of Samantha. Once again he said a silent prayer. Please let me be worthy of this woman who is willing to share her life with mine.

Samantha crossed the room to stand in front of him. She attempted to give him a seductive smile, but only managed to show how nervous she was. Her hands went around his neck, and she tangled her fingers in his hair. As she gently pulled his head down, Samantha raised her face until their lips met. Walker groaned deep in his throat while pulling her closer. For long minutes, his wandering hands explored Samantha’s body as his tongue plundered her mouth.

The little sounds she made and the innocent way she pressed her body against his drove Walker wild. It took all of his willpower to end the embrace, and he reluctantly put some distance between them. “Sweetheart, I think we’d better leave, but first you might want to adjust your dress.” During their heated embrace, Walker had pushed one silk band of Samantha’s gown aside to better caress her full breast.

He grinned when he saw Samantha’s face turn bright red while frantically pulling her dress back into position. “Sam, we’re married now, so you’re probably going to blush a lot later tonight.” With that, he gave her no opportunity to answer what was either a promise or threat, and hurried her out of the apartment and downstairs to the reception.

Just before they entered the noisy ballroom, Walker stopped to make sure Samantha’s gown was firmly in place. “You ready?” he asked, taking Samantha’s hand in his. At seeing her tentative nod, he motioned for a waiting attendant to introduce them to the waiting crowd of their guests.

Chapter 90
December 25, 2008 – In the ballroom during the wedding reception

“Ladies, gentlemen, and children of all ages,” shouted the young male attendant. “It’s my honor to present William and Samantha Walker.” With that, those in the crowded ballroom filled the room with loud applause.

“Thank you, thank you.” Walker looked around the room at their friends and family. “Sam and I are pleased you all are here to enjoy our Christmas wedding.” He put his arm around Samantha’s waist, being careful not to disturb her gown in any way. “I’m sorry if we made you wait for dinner, but my wife here wanted to start our honeymoon right away.” Walker winced and then couldn’t help laughing when he felt Samantha pinch him through his shirtsleeve.

They heard Jack call out, “Samantha, you’ll have plenty of time to have him to yourself, so share him with the rest of us for a few hours. Bring him over here since I went to a lot of trouble saving the last empty chairs in the room for you two.”

Walker guided Samantha through the maze of tables toward where he could see Jack motioning for them. They stopped often to receive well wishes from guests, and Walker noticed everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves. He soon forgot his worry about Samantha’s gown until he reached the long table.

A loud wolf whistle from Jack, never one to be subtle, had heads turning toward him throughout the room. “Samantha, you look fantastic tonight. Really, really fantastic!” Noticing the annoyed look Walker was giving him, Jack stopped talking, stood, and pulled out one of the empty chairs for Samantha.

“Thank you, Jack.” After sitting, Samantha smiled up at her friend. “For some reason, I don’t think Walker agrees with you. Would you believe he hasn’t even complimented my pretty dress yet?” With Walker now seated next to her, she giggled at feeling the hair of his mustache tickling her ear.

Walker was leaning close to her, nibbling her earlobe while ignoring Jack and everyone else in the room. He whispered so only she heard, “Sweetheart, I will correct that oversight later on.” Hearing Jack coughing to get his attention, Walker remembered his duty and moved away from Samantha. He ruined his innocent look at her by winking.

All around the room, the wait staff was bringing in the food orders that guests had earlier circled on their menus. The smell of steak and chicken and seafood filled the room, and even the children who seemed to have bottomless stomachs finally felt full by the end of the meal.

Soon after the wait staff finished taking away the empty dinner dishes, the D.J. announced it was time for the married couple’s first dance together. Until then, he had been spinning various songs from the 1940’s for the older residents up through those popular currently.

For that traditional dance with his wife, Walker had chosen one by his favorite songsmith, Neil Diamond. When the first notes of the song “I Who Have Nothing” started, Walker took Samantha’s hand and led her out to the middle of the empty dance floor.

Everyone delighted in watching the couple gliding around the floor, Samantha held lovingly in Walker’s arms. They had no idea what he had said to make her suddenly stumble and lose the rhythm of the music.

Only she heard, “It’s almost time for me to find your blue garter and toss it to the other men. I’m going to remove the one from your other leg later along with that blasted dress of yours.”

Continued in next segment
 Home of the White Dolphin - Segment 19  (GC)
Chapters 91 thru 95
#2091651 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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