Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2085196-Rude-Awakening
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #2085196
A woman falls asleep at her desk and awakes to find an intruder in her office.
It was a Saturday, and I was spending the day at the office. I own a small hairdressing salon, which was in need of a good cleaning. Once that was done, I set my mind on organizing my files, and spent three hours at my computer. I was so tired I put my head down and fell asleep.

My nap was interrupted in a mysterious manner. As I was waking up, I had the strange feeling that I had heard someone say "My what a pretty lady you are" or something like that. It was disturbing enough that I very quickly was completely awake, and lifted my head off the desk. I was horrified to see a very big man standing inside my office door. He stood staring at me, and his grin was ear to ear. My heart felt as though it was about to jump out of my chest. Who was this man and how did he get in here? I always keep the salon doors locked, even during open hours. I've never been so scared in my life. All I could do was sit in astonishment waiting for him to make his intentions known to me. I didn't have long to wait.

"Do you live nearby?" he asked. Without thinking, I immediately blurted
out "Just a few blocks away" with a trembling voice. He asked whether I live alone. When I shook my head yes he said it would be "very nice" of me to take him home with me to offer him some hospitality, and made a 'Come here' gesture with his right arm. My hope that he would just vanish was now crushed, and I could feel my knees shake as I stood. My mind was bombarded with the many possible fates this man could have in mind for me.

Noticing my terror, he said "Just calm down and do whatever routine you normally do before you go home." His voice was neither threatening nor reassuring. Just monotone. I looked around the office for my briefcase and found it right in front of me on the desk. It had been my pillow for the ill- fated nap I now deeply regretted. As I turned the computer off I was thinking I hope this isn't the last time I shut it down. It was only then that
my head was cleared to the point of accepting the fact that I was being kidnapped. I knew the survival statistics of people in that situation were not encouraging.

The walk to my home was uneventful. His stern warning "Don't cause any comotion" echoed in my head, as he walked next to me nodding and smiling at people along the way. I found slight comfort in the fact that his appearance was not that of a brute. I was grasping at whatever straws I could find to reach for. As we approached my house I determined that my best chance at survival was to be kind and do whatever he asked of me. I was actually relieved that none of my neighbors were in sight, and I didn't have to make any decisions whether or not to try getting help from someone. I was on my own.

When we stepped into the house he immediately said "I'm hungry", to which I immediately replied "I'll cook you something". He followed me into the kitchen and opened the refridgerater, saying "That won't be necessary" as he removed a plate of deli sandwiches from two days earlier. Normally I would have thrown them away by now, but he seemed very contented with them. I asked if he wanted a glass of wine, but he shook his head no and said "I don't drink". He asked for a glass of water, which I quickly got for him. Now he touched me for the first time, grabbing my upper arm and steering me to a chair at the kitchen table. He sat across from me and very soon the sandwich plate was emptied. He indeed had been very hungry.

After sitting in silence for a few minutes, he said he needed to sleep. My heart sank when he added "I'll have to tie you up". I struggled to keep from panicking. He stood, grasped my right wrist to stand me up, and said "I'll need some rope or something". I pointed to a drawer where I kept tools and said "Probably in there", knowing there was a spare clothesline that I had bought recently. He unwrapped it and pointed toward the living room.I stopped in the center of the room and turned to see him remove a knifefrom his pocket, open it and cut the clothesline with it, and return it to his pocket. As he approached me I turned away, arms at my side, and hoped he wasn't going to strangle me. It was a bit of a relief when he pulled my hands behind my back, but that was very brief as he tied my wrists together very tightly. I knew right away that I would not be able to free myself. A very hopeless and helpless feeling hung over me. He instructed me to sit on the floor and pull my knees up to my chest. When I did, he pulled the line from my wrists down to my ankles and tied them tightly as well, so I was sitting upright with my heels were nearly touching my rear end. I was folded up like a tri-fold dinner napkin, but now the fear of being raped was nearly wiped out by the position I was bound in. I hadn't even thought about being gagged until I saw him twisting a dish towel as he stepped behind me. He pulled the center of the towel into my mouth and tied it shockingly tight at the back of my neck. As I struggled to keep from choking he muttered "It'll loosen up". I took no comfort from those words, but thankfully he was right, and the towel eventually stretched enough for me to breathe somewhat normally. Still, it was far too tight for me to move it in any way, and I could do nothing but try to relax my neck and bear it in silence. I remember thinking this most likely wasn't the first time he ever tied and gagged someone.

Trauma from the gag had made me lose track of where the man had gone. Soon though, loud snoring made it clear that he had gone to the guest bedroom. Now I felt safer than ever had since this man barged into my life. Ironic as hell, considering I was bound and gagged to the point of complete helplessness. I could barely move a muscle, and my thoughts raced to the front door I wasn't able to lock because he was behind me when we came in. This was definately not a good time for another stranger to come along and find me like this. There was nothing I could do about it though, so I had to put it out of mind. Besides, I had too many other more immediate things to be concerned with. The main one of course being how long was I going to be sitting here like this. The way he was snoring I feared it could be many hours. What would he do when he awoke? I'm still far from safe. Even if he leaves, how will I get myself free? Never have I had so much time to think such bad thoughts.

I could see the clock on the mantle, and time was going painfully slow. I tried rolling onto my side, wishing I could sleep. Tried to kick my shoes off and failed. Looked at the tv remote on the end table. It might as well have been on a mountain top. I knew better than to even look for something sharp, since I babysit nephews in these rooms, and I take child safety seriously. I summoned all of my courage and determination, and prepared myself for the long haul.

As the hours dragged by, I found myself more and more in acceptance of for 99 cent store clothesline" since it had stretched a bit like the gag did. I still couldn't even touch the knot though, and judging from the tight knot I could see on my ankles, it wouldn't have mattered if I could. In a way, this was a comfort for me, knowing that my only choice is to accept my helplessness. This experience was getting more interesting as time went by. I've never before been so focused on one thing: survival ! Nothing else matters at this moment.

Like many women in their twenties, I've had curiosities about bondage and other such kinks. Well here I am, I thought. You can't get anymore tied up than this. We see our favorite actors tied up regularly in the media. Anyone who visits youtube sees it, along with police in America hogtying people, burglars tying up victims, bondage galore. What is the appeal of being helpless? Is it the complete lack of any responsibility for anything other than surviving? "Hey, I was tied up! Nothing I could do." Letting someone have power and control over you? I wouldn't have chosen this guy, that's for sure. His snoring is nearly driving me crazy. Can't even hum or sing loud enough to drown it out. Would I enjoy a friend spanking me like this, or tickling my feet, or humiliating me in some way? Dominating me? This rope is extreme discipline. It orders me "Do not move!". The gag says "Be silent!" I have no choice but to submit to the orders I'm being given. If I fight, I ache. No strain equals no pain.

Just the same, right now I would be willing to pay a lot of money to be
untied for a minute. Just to be in a different position, rather than having my chin on my knees. Probably going to be a long time yet before I'm free. Still no plan as to how I'm ever going to get that way. Can't move, can't call out for help. Someone could be on my porch and not hear me scream through this dish towel. My jaws are aching from having my mouth halfway open for so long. My wrists have been crossed behind my back for hours. Legs folded tight. These damn shoes I can't get off. Yet, I'm starting to find all of this discomfort to be tolerable, and perhaps even interesting in some way.

Whoa, I'm losing it! There's a very big and very strange man in my house, who has me helpless as a baby. Let's keep things in perspective. I'm a kidnap victim. And a lot of such victims don't survive their ordeal. What if I have a heart attack! Or the house catches fire. Earthquake, plane crashing from the sky, neighborhood kids break in looking for beer. The damn door is unlocked, they don't even need to break in! So many things cross your mind when you have entirely too much time to think.

How many times have we seen an actress who's tied up, struggle to reach a phone, manages to dial a number, then discovers she can't say anything because she's gagged, and starts crying. Didn't she consider that before making all of those efforts? I was determined to save my strength for an effort that could possibly pay off. At the moment though, I still had no credible plan. I could do nothing but wait.

The next hours went by with me trying to get as much rest as possible. Finally I noticed an extremely loud silence. The snoring had stopped, and I didn't even notice. Sure enough, before long I heard the two hundred plus pound footsteps getting closer. My heart was thumping again. The man stopped in the doorway, looked at me with a blank expression, and kept going. Straight out the front door. "Lock it for me asshole!" I thought.

Now what? The situation has changed completely. The Immediate danger is gone. So am I supposed to feel safe now? No, I'm afraid I'm going to die
like this in a couple days. Dehydration, if nothing kills me sooner. I've got to do something. I'm not going down with a wimper. Can I even move an inch
at a time? Move to where? What's my best chance for getting help?

Tried to compose myself. Clear my head and look at the situation logically. No way I could get the door open if I got to it, can't possibly reach a phone to dial 911. Can't get to a knife. Might kill myself if I did get one in my hands. Any glass to break? That's tv crap! What would I do with it? Make some noise to attract attention. Great idea, HOW? Knock something through a window. Looking around the room. What would that be? I've got
a limited amount of energy to use as wisely as possible, but there's no 'sure


If only that evil brother of mine was here to torture me like when we were kids. He's the only one who has ever tied me up before today. I could always beg him into untying me within an hour or two. My whole body is
aching now. How many hours have I been like this? Five? Six? I've lost track.
If only I could get up.

Well, chalk up another lesson today. I'm experiencing a sample of the life of a paralysis victim. They would probably give everything they have to be
able to stand up. I'm so lucky and blessed. And it takes a situation like this
to make me see the light. I'll never complain about anything ever again if I
live through this. Yeah, I know, that sounds like bullshit to me too.

If I could make my way to my bedroom, and get a stick of some sort along the way, I could reach up to my dresser drawer, pull it out and onto the floor, and get the scissors to cut my way free. Yeah, more bullshit. I'm going to die like this.

Just when I'm about to give up, the brilliant idea hits me. The front door is unlocked. If I can turn the security system on, it will start telling me to lock the door. Eventually, the alarm company will call and get no answer. They'll have to come here to see what's wrong. I need the remote fom my keychain, in my briefcase. It's the only way. I paid a lot of money for this system and never use it. It's going to pay for itself now. I hope.

I spent the next hour sliding, scooting, slinking, tumbling, rolling, and inch worming my way to the kitchen, which was approx 8 steps away. Vibrated the briefcase off the table by leaning on the leg at least a hundred times. Got the damn thing open, and found the remote. Immediately the system started clicking, which meant it was reporting the door is unlocked. I mumbled a "Thank you God" and was able to relax finally, in plain view from the front door. I'll never forget the look on the lady's face when she saw me! I was a sight she never expected to see. Turns out she was the perfect lady to have find me, since she had a big, very sharp knife in her belt. She knew how to use it too, and within seconds my twenty something year old bones were sounding like eighty something year old bones, but I managed to stand up. Then headed straight to the bathroom, still gagged and mumbling "Thank you" all the way.

This twisted story has a nice twist at the end. I am now out of the hairdressing business and have started a far more lucrative career as a bondage model. I spend anywhere from twenty to sixty hours per week bound and gagged, and love it. When the time comes, there's always someone there to untie me. Or spank, tickle, humiliate, harrass, frustrate,
flog, whip, suspend, scratch, burn, slap, poke, prod, brand, or anything else I want done to me. I've never learned anything about the big man who started it all. Was he an escaped prisoner? A gangster on the run? Just a normal big hungry tired guy who kidnaps women to borrow their bed and snore his ass off? A misguided Guardian Angel maybe? Maybe, but how misguided can anyone get?
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