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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2084044
When we get so technologically advanced that we humans make heaven come to earth
         Sondre Kristoffer Reinholdtsen 2A          

When heaven reaches earth through technology


It's the year 2214 and our earth has no more resources to give. After the nuclear war in 2036 our earth began to look more and more like our moon, and this war was so catastrophic that most of our old landmarks in various countries were destroyed.

America, China and Russia were clearly the strongest in this war, and when one nuclear bomb went of, the rest followed. Not only the ones that America, Russia and China had made in secret, but also more powerful nuclear bombs with far more destructive power. Which were invented during the time of this war.

Half of America got destroyed and so did China. Meanwhile Russia vanished completely from the face of the earth. Luckily there was a silver lining in this war. After Russia got destroyed only China and America could stand up to one another. So in an all out attack to completely destroy China, America launched their nuclear bombs directly to China, but at the exact same moment China directed an all out attack against America. So they completely demolished each other.

After the devastating war in year 2036 we went from 7.8 billion people on earth to 4.5 billion people. Everything was utter chaos. Nobody knew what to do except cling to their own lives. Eventually every country saw that if they were to survive they would have to work together. So the frightening nuclear war that had destroyed so much also created a little miracle.

After about thirty years all the countries that were left had managed to build themselves up again, making agreements and so on. The nuclear war also brought and end to poverty (mainly cause most of the ones who were poor died in the war). The ones who were left got help. Cause after world war three everyone learned how important it was to share and help.

Back in the year 2214 as I said humanity has no longer any use for earth. So we have moved on. The first mars mission (to make mars a livable planet) was launched in year 2063. There were about 300 astronauts up there. They had all sorts of plants, animals and various machines to stabilize and neutralize the weather on Mars. Two years later they had succeeded to make the first livable planet that humans could reach at that point in time.

Our technology has rapidly advanced from then, and we now have one planet for each country. We can also now make passages through space and time (a wormhole). The space travel now actually resembles a super old movie called Space Wars or was it Star Wars?

Now one planet for each country that once existed on earth may sound absurd, but it really isn't when every planet is "connected" through teleportation centers. That instantly deconstructs every atom in your body, and then reconstructs it exactly as it was in a completely different location. This way every planet is "connected".

Everyone has equal rights and there is no terror or war in this age. No sickness, hunger or poverty. You could say we humans eventually turned hell into heaven. There is one big problem with all of this though. Every human being has been genetically modified to be able to sustain more damage and counter any sickness, but we have also been modified so drastically that we cannot think negative thoughts or at least what the world government saw as negative thoughts back in the year 2199. So nobody is able to think about hurting anyone else or even to question the laws and philosophies of this age.

So a big part of our free will is taken from us. We aren't robots though. We can still think I want to go fishing today or I want to go to planet Mexico today in my spaceship (with my rubber yellow ducky), but we can't think about for example: is this how we humans should be doing things or could we do this another way?

Every planet specializes in something. America for example: concentrates on finding other life forms and encouraging people to travel the universe, and to unify more states (which now means planets). The main American planet is made to look like the old America back in year 2016.

So pretty much every American from the age of 18 are experts about space travel. The only scientific dream, which has not been accomplished, is to travel years and decades back in time.

The new America is kind of like a big nature resort on one side of the planet (think of a mixture between Norway's nature combined with a big jungle) and on the other side a massive open space parking lot for spaceships which they call Washington DC.

One of the most drastic changes in this age is that we no longer need to work. Robots have taken over our every task. They invent and produce new items, and they help keep everything in order.

A recent invention was the food pill. One food pill contains enough vitamins, nutrients and water to keep us alive for one month (our bodies were modified to fit this invention). They also invented the memory flash. The memory flash flashes thousands upon thousands of pictures that are encoded with every bit of essential information that humans need to know. Information that usually took years to learn now takes seconds to learn (and you know everything by heart).

I am an American citizen on planet America1 and when I go outside you see a bright sun, but not just one you see three suns. These keep the climate in America warm and pleasant. The sky is blue full of white clouds. The roads are filled with light and you always hear a low sound of gear grinding from the automatic streets. The moment u step on the any street u get a holographic popup asking you were you want to teleport to. The air is clean and not polluted like the days of old. I am nearly never tired thanks to the genetic modification we all got back in year 2199. The houses have silver like mirror walls that reflect the nature around us. There are plants everywhere not a dry spot to be found.

We only have animals here that we like so no mosquitoes and annoying small bugs. Everyone here has the freedom to do whatever they want when they want. We also have automatic sensors that detect if we are running low on vitamins, nutrients or water. If so then a chip imbedded in our right arm opens up a teleportation portal that whisks us away to our home (which is like everybody else's home), and then gives us a food pill to eat. The food pill actually looks a lot like a small crystal diamond. Whenever I want to go to another planet or travel to space I just create an invite then I send it to my friends. When they open it they get the message and it automatically opens a portal to my location. Then we have a fun time, which never has to end.

This is the age where heaven finally reached earth through technology.

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