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Ten think this message is for them. Who are the two strangers that this message is for? |
Meet Me, You Know Where A small plane just finished spelling out the words ‘Meet me, you know where’ in the blue sky above a large town. It was high enough in the sky for it to be seen by the other towns within a thousand-mile radius. The words appeared to be made out of puffy clouds. That plane completed its message to the world by underlining it. A loud belch, and a big blast of smoke, said it barely had enough to complete their message. =====-=====-=====-=====-===== Charlotte sat in a park eating when she heard what sounded like a sonic boom from above. She almost choked on her sandwich when it happened. After she stopped coughing Charlotte looked up toward that sound. Charlotte squinted her eyes to get a better view through the leaves of the trees she couldn’t see otherwise. She read the message. Then smiled. “That message is for me.” Charlotte could barely hear herself speak to herself. =====-=====-=====-=====-===== Oscar just finished his downward stroke cleaning a window on the twelfth floor of a skyscraper when the belch happened near him. At least it sounded like it was to him. He practically fell off his scaffolding because of it. Oscar looked in the direction of that sound. It was a lot further away than it sounded. He read the message. “I got your message. I’ll meet you there.” =====-=====-=====-=====-===== Norman raced through a very crowded indoor shopping center. Pushing, shoving and knocking anyone over as he headed for the nearby exit. At first he didn’t act like he heard anything. Only as soon as he exited that two story building he started scanning the sky. It took him a few seconds before he spotted that message. “Everyone in that mall must have gotten a picture of it on their cellphones. I had to see it for myself to believe it. She shouldn’t have done it like that.” =====-=====-=====-=====-===== Sarah sat at a desk next a window in a busy office window. She’s acting like she didn’t hear anything. Suddenly, Sarah looked out that window – toward the ground. After opening that window she heard it: The commotion coming from below. Sarah leaned out the window slightly. She saw a lot of people looking up toward the sky in one particular area. When she looked at what they were looking at she sighed. “Why did you do that. An email or phone call would have been a better way to contact me.” =====-=====-=====-=====-===== Linda was walking down a street mumbling incoherently to herself. Most of the time she was looking at her feet, and the feet around her, as she walked. She sidestepped around several as she continued walking. Each time she did she looked up to say she was sorry. The last time she did that’s when she saw it. Linda continued mumbling as she read the message. “Nice way to contact me. I like the way you think.” =====-=====-=====-=====-===== Bradley had playground duty. He hung out with the other three teachers. They talked among themselves, but they also kept an eye on the four grades playing out there. Suddenly, a fight broke out. Bradley and the other ran over toward it. By the time they got there several other boys had pulled a girl off the boy she was pounding into the ground. The boy pointed up at the sky. Bradley looked where he was pointing. Then thought to himself. “That a message for me.” =====-=====-=====-=====-===== Jackson had just finished parking his car. He got out. Then clicked his car keys twice. A sharp beep could be heard. Jackson put his keys in his pocked then walked away. He only took a few steps when his car started beeping. Then several cars began doing it too. Jackson looked up just as the plane soared past. After it passed he saw the message behind it. “That plane is flying very low. Now I can see why. You wanted me to read your message to me.” =====-=====-=====-=====-===== Vivian, a uniformed cop ran down a street after two men. She kept shouting that she was a police officers. The two men ran around a corner. Vivian right behind them. When she got there she pointed her pistol up and fired it. Then she looked up after hearing a ping. That’s when she saw the first word in the message. She backed up, her pistol still trained on the two at the far end of a no-outlet alley, for a better look. “What’s that? Is that message for me? It sure is.” =====-=====-=====-=====-===== Annie was stretched out on the roof of a high-rise sunbathing. She was face down. When she turned over a few seconds later that was when she saw the message. Annie read it several times before she spoke. “They knows I sunbath every day at this time. That’s why they sent that message to me like that.” =====-=====-=====-=====-===== Gregory walked down a street arguing with someone on his cellphone. After the conversation got a little rowdy he looked up at the people around him. None of them acted like they noticed his argument. Gregory even glance up to the second plus floors in that neighborhood. That was when he saw the message in the sky. “What’s that? A message just for me.” =====-====-=====-=====-====-===== A female walked through a wooded area on her way to her destination: A small clearing. Diana kept glancing at her watch. After about a half hour she turned to leave - and ran into the lips of Matthew. “I thought you weren’t going to be able to come. Happy anniversary.” “Of course I came. I still can’t believe we, two complete strangers, meet six months ago by a similar message in the sky. Our curiosity brought us together, but our love is what kept us going – even if it was a long distance romance.” |