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by Dani
Rated: GC · Chapter · Fantasy · #2079136
Part one of the Alexandria Chronicles.

Izuru and Kyle walked into the home of Alexandria, as he passed by the couch he reached out and slapped the back of Misty's head. "We need to talk." He said and continued towards the kitchen. Kyle waved and followed behind him, trying to ignore the death glare Misty sent the two. She sighed and got up making her way towards them, leaving Katelyn curled up asleep on the couch. Izuru and Kyle were seated at the table, Misty hopped up and sat on the marble counter top. "It's 4 am, what is so damn important?" Misty said annoyance in her voice, she was not a morning person by any means.

"We think Wyatt tried to kill Luna. So Nahla would come here." Kyle said rolling his eyes at the older vampire.

"I smelled her blood in his apartment." Izuru said placing his hands on the table.

Misty sat there for a few minutes not saying anything but taking the information in. "Okay, before we go accusing a high ranking werewolf, let's make sure first. This could start a war." Misty said hoping down off the counter. "I'll talk with Alex. In the meantime keep this to yourselves." Misty said walking out of the kitchen towards Alex's room. Izuru and Kyle stayed in the kitchen, there was not much the two could do, and Izuru wanted to wait until he had orders from Alex. He eyed Kyle and grinned he needed to let out of aggression. Kyle stretched and yawed, he looked at Izuru questioningly Izuru looked back at him with a predatory smile. "So want to fight?" Izuru asked leaning in closer and grinning. "Sure." Kyle answered never one to back down from a fight. The two stood up and made their way to the in home gym.

Misty walked down the hallway to Alex's room. If the two were right, this could start a war that no one needed. She wasn't surprised that Wyatt's name would come up she had had some run in's with him and she did not care to admit she didn't like him. If this turned out to be true Alex would demand his head. As close as she is to Alex she knew Alex would have no problems killing him or starting a war. Misty sighed as she reached her destination.

She opened the door and walked in. She smiled softly at Alex, who was draped over Luna's form. She hated to disturbed her, but she needed to talk with her. Misty walked over to her, she looked at Luna, who was sleeping peacefully, on the king sized bed, and of course Alex would sleep in a chair and let her have the bed. She thought smiling. She placed her hand on Alex's shoulder and gently shook her. Groggy eyes looked up at her in annoyance.

"I have some information about what happened." Misty responded quickly.

Alex leaned back in the chair stretching, before standing up and walking towards the window, moving the crimson red curtain to look out into the back yard. The sun would be rising soon, from her view out of her window she could watch it rise over the woods, like she had done several times with Luna. She closed the curtain back and pushed the memory to the back of her mind.

"Tell me." Alex said turning back to face Misty.

"Izuru and Kyle went to Wyatt's house, the both seem sure he did this as a way to get Nahla here." Misty said waiting for Alex to respond.

Alex nodded he head, her first thought and instinct was to kill him, but she is the leader of the vampires for the western territory and vessel for the Bringer of Death. Her inner demon wanted blood for what was done to Luna and she would be happy to comply but right now she needed to be sure. Her hands gripped the window seal behind her, her knuckles turning white. She took a deep breath and exhaled, forcing herself to calm down.

"Any proof of this?" Alex asked, looking back over at Luna.

"Izuru said he could smell her blood in the apartment."

Alex nodded her head. "The knife would have been good to have. I'll ask her when she wakes up, in the meantime, find him and bring him here. I don't care how you get him here." Alex said her voice raising slightly. Misty nodded her head in understanding, and quickly left the room to find Kyle. Alex stood by the widow a few more minutes, before returning to her chair. She felt responsible for this, she had never liked Wyatt from the beginning and when Adolpha died she suspected he had something to do with it but let it go on Luna's behalf. Alex felt her skin heat up, her inner demon begging to be released. She sighed willing herself to calm down, it would do no one any good if she lost control and went on an rampage. She sighed and took her place back by Luna and laid her head down over her chest, listing to her heartbeat. Soon she had calmed down enough to drift back off to sleep.


Wyatt pulled up to the private landing strip hanger, just outside the city limits he hung up his phone smiling, William had called to tell him he had killed Serena, and was moving on with his next step. A black Hawker 400xp sat in the hanger, dimly lit by the hanging lights. He shut the engine off, stepping out into the cool morning air. He smoothed out the wrinkles in his shoot with his hands. He walked towards the jet, as a young woman stepped out and walked down the little stairs. To any unsuspecting person the young woman getting off the jet was just another average person. Her blue eyes looked over to Wyatt as she approached him. He reached out and took her suit case, walking besides her to the car.

"I'm so sorry." He said stopping and giving her a tight reassuring hug. Nahla stood there not wanting to return the hug. She felt numb and alone. Her mother had died and now her sister. Once Wyatt pulled back she made her way to the car and got in, not bothering to say anything. He put her bag in the truck of the car and got in. The two sat there in uncomfortable silence. She looked over to Wyatt as he drove, something felt wrong but she didn't know what it could be.

"I still feel her connection to me."

"It's understandable, you felt your mothers for months." He replied back.

"I know. Do you know if she suffered?"

"No, I don't know much about what happened, just that it was William that killed her."

"Have you heard anything from Alexandria or Serena, they won't answer my phone calls."

"No, William attacked Alexandria in her office, I'm sorry to tell you this but Serena is dead."

Nahla didn't say anything in response, instead she fought back tears, people closest to her were being killed and she felt powerless to stop it. What good was it to be the Alpha and not be able to protect the ones she cared about?


Izuru let out a huff of air as his back collided with the mat below him. Kyle had slammed him down to the mat landing on top of him, he was about to strike again when Misty interrupted them. Misty looked down at the two on the floor unimpressed by the two shirtless guys. "Call Wyatt, find out where he is at. Alex wants him here, he can either come voluntary or we drag his ass here." Misty said turning around and leaving the two alone. Kyle quickly moved off of Izuru and went to grab his cell phone from on top of his shirt. Izuru got up and grabbed two towels from the bench and walked over to him, handing him one. Kyle mouthed a silent thank you to him.

"Wyatt, its Kyle Alexandria is requesting you to come to her home, as soon as possible." He said into the phone.

"Yes sir, I will relay the message." Kyle said before hanging up the phone.

Kyle turned to Izuru, the look of worry on his face. "Nahla is with him, they will be here this afternoon."

Izuru nodded his head, and two walked out of the room, going to find Misty.


Alex woke to Luna, running her fingers through her hair. She opened her eyes, leaning back into the chair. Alex smiled at her, happy that she was awake. Luna pulled herself up, resting her back against the head board. She motioned for Alex to take a seat next to her on the edge of the bed. Alex moved quickly to sit next to her, Luna pulled her into a deep kiss once she was close enough. Alex pulled back after a few minutes, resting her head against Luna's "I thought I would lose you." Alex said after a few minutes, tension leaving her body. "You didn't." Luna said placing a kiss on Alex's forehead.

"I need to talk to you about Wyatt." Alex said placing her hand on Lunas.

"Wyatt, he stabbed me. He wants to kill Nahla." Luna said trying to sit up, only to be held back down by Alex. "She's coming here."

"Luna" Alex said trying to get her to stop her frantic state, before she popped her stitches or injured herself more. Luna stopped in her struggles. Alex hugged her being careful not to hurt her. "I'm not going to let that happen. I won't let harm come to you or her." She said reassuring her. "Misty is tracking him down now, we will find him."

Luna relaxed against her, she was worried about her sister. Some of her deepest fears coming to the surface. She wanted to break down, but she willed herself not to instead. She left herself relax in her lovers embrace. She knew Alex meant well but it was foolish to think that nothing would happen to her or Nahla, she could feel it in her stomach. She felt Alex's skin begin to warm and noticed that her skin was starting to turn a dark midnight black, she could hear and see the bones beneath Alex's skin began to move. She quickly pushed Alex back and looked at her eyes the color changing from brown to an eerie yellow.

"Alex, calm down. I'm fine. Okay." She said placing her right hand over Alex's heart. Her hand resting on the birthmark. She could feel Alex's body slowly relax, and her yes turn back to brown. Alex brought her hand and held it over the one on her heart.

"The demon wants out, the more I think about Wyatt and William the more it gets hard to control."

"Before this over, the Bringer of Death will be unleashed." Luna said "Until then relax. I don't have the strength right now, to help work off the extra aggression in your system." She leaned forward and pressed a kiss on Alex's head. The two sat in silence until Alex's phone ring. She stared to ignore it until Luna told her to answer. She looked at the name calling her it was Serena. She slid her thumb over the green icon. Before she could say anything Williams voice came through the phone.

"Meet me at my family's old church, come alone." The call went dead Alex's first thought was what had happened to Serena, she looked back at Luna, no doubt she had heard, she didn't want to worry Luna but it was too late. Luna nodded her head, "Go, kill him end this." Alex nodded her head the two locked eyes for a few minutes, not saying anything, the look on their faces saying every unspoken word for them. Love, fear, there resolve to come to back to each other. Alex brought herself to her full height and left the room, heading towards the garage.

© Copyright 2016 Dani (dani_s89 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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