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John takes his transforming invention to a party |
Nightfall. It was a clear sky tonight, meaning frost was on it's way. John readjusted his cap, warding his ears from the soon to be freezing air.The church tower of Biddinghuizen was distant but well lit, providing him with some consolation from the grim feburary twilight. He was walking down a muddy path leading to a large shed, les than 300 yards away. It was sitting quite invitingly in the middle of the recently plowed fields surrounding the little village. He felt his nerves crank it up a notch when a gust of wind carried the sounds of laughter and music in his direction. John had always been horrible at socializing. It wasn't because he was shy or afraid or anything. He was a bit of a loner, and not putting much effort into relationships had been working out decently so far. The only reason he actually went to this party was a funny old remote he really had to give a try. It wasn't a typical remote, it had a smooth design, and was fitted with a swarm of buttons in all shapes, sizes and colors covering nearly every surface. For now, it was resting snugly in a holder he had fitted on the inside of a very long coat, making it easy to use without getting caught by prying eyes. John patted the holder proudly. He had been working on it for most of the past 3 months, and that was just the remote itself. Cracking the proper interfacing to Temet's symbol had taken him the greater part of his career. Unfortunately his little hobby had led to his termination a couple of months ago, putting the whole Temet thing into high gear. He crossed the clearing, and was greeted by Carl and William taking a smoke-break outside. They were two middle aged men living in the village. Both men had the physique that betrayed the love for a plentiful meal, and the accompanying pint or two. -"Evening John. Didn't expect you to show up for a change." Carl said. -"Evening, gentlemen." John took of his cap. "I thought I'd finally cash in on those invitations you keep sending. Busy inside?" -"about 30, maybe 35." William took a long drag from his cigarette. "Band's pretty good. They play a decent Sirtaki." -"Greek folk music?" John asked. He hadn't bothered to read they flyer past the date and time, assuming it was mostly just people getting together in a room to be cheerful. -"Yup. Better watch out for the wives too... Got a good taste of that ouzo liquor." Carl said with a grin. Just then a drunken volley of laughter came from inside. John lit up a smoke. Drunken people were good. They wouldn't pay as much attention as sober people. Basically intoxicated people were less quick to ask questions about absurd, illogical stuff happening, and John was planning on a lot of absurd stuff for tonight. -"To think we could be at the pub having a quiet pint right now, eh? " Carl nudged William. -"Sure, the warm, cozy pub." William sighed. "But, marriage is a blessing, ya know. Takes you places you wouldn't get to otherwise." -"Hah! A blessing." Carl laughed and quickly checked if no-one was near. Then he continued under his breath."Like being married to Janie is such a gift. I swear I love the girl, but a break would be nice from time to time. Ya hear me, William." -"From time to time, sure." William agreed. "Mary is all nice and dandy, but it's like there's always something that needs doing." He said, nervously looking at the shed to make sure no-one was listening in. "I mean yesterday it was that book-market in the city. Day before that I had to bring her old man to the doctor. I actually missed my game of darts last Friday because we had to visit her sister." John stood there talking to the men about their wives, darts and the perils of in-laws for a little while longer. When he finished his cigarette, the three of them went into the shed. Inside the music was blaring, and groups of people were sitting in circles scattered over the room. A couple of musicians were sitting in the center, playing a mix of traditional greek ditties and slavic folk music. A brown haired woman was sitting behind makeshift counter near the entrance, selling tickets. He estimated her in her early 40's. She was dressed rather plainly, jeans and a woolen sweater, boring and practical. She had done her best to look attractive, though. Dark make-up had given her appearance something of a formal touch. She wasn't wearing any jewelry , though. Not even a wedding ring, John noted. She looked around boredly. Most of the usual people had already entered, so she wasn't expecting any more guests. In fact, the woman lit up when she saw John coming closer. -"Oh good. A new face." The woman looked John up and down with interest. "We don't get a lot of those. You from around here?" -"Yeah, I live close by. First time I'm going to one of these though." -"Well, you're lucky I'm still here." She said with a smile. "I was about to close up. You're pretty much the last one." -"So you've got the rest of the night off then? Wanna go get a drink?" John asked her. -"Aren't you the bold type." She chortled. "I'm sorry, hun, but no. When I'm done here I'm supposed to take over the bar. Appreciate the offer, though." She smiled coyly as she handed him a ticket. "That'll be seven fifty please." He gave her the money and walked over to the bar, where Carl, WIlliam and their wives were standing. Carl handed him a beer, which he accepted gratefully. He swallowed a mouthfull and observed the two women. Janie was a cheerful wife. She was a natural blond who had lost the shine of youth, but compensated for it with well applied make-up. She had gained more than a few pounds over the years. They had mostly accumulated on her bust and ass so the dress she was wearing was making her assets stand out more than a little. John couldn't help but notice her ample bosom and curvy legs. He secretly fantasized about seeing those voluptuous legs undressed, stroking the remote absent minded. Mary was a skinny brunette, with a cast-iron look like 'grumpy' was spelled in neon letters on her forehead. She was almost a head taller than Janie and if it wasn't for her complete lack of humor , they almost resembled a comical duo. As they stood there chatting and listening to the music, John carefully moved his hand towards the remote. He carefully gripped it and made sure it was pointed at the four of them. He'd been practicing for this. He knew the controls of the remote by heart. The fact that he made the thing also helped, he admitted to himself with a little pride. His fingers moved over the buttons, creating a complex pattern of commands. When he was done the group was still chatting, oblivious to what he had just done. Then, the first thing he expected to happen, happened. It started with a lingering look from Janie. John caught her looking at him, and she actually blushed at the eye-contact. Her bosom started heaving more heavily, .and John got the impression that she was making an effort to make him look at her cleavage, he caught her tugging the neck of her dress, making them more visible by the second. Carl didn't seem to mind, being engrossed in a discussion to William about the name of a small violin-like thing one of the musicians was playing on. The discussion wasn't going very well for either man, the loud and hectic music making it difficult make themselves understood. Mary had undergone the same changes as Janie. But with her, the effect was a little different. She rubbed her arms, looking at William in a self-conscious way. Then, as if watching ice melt, John saw her expression change. She had lost all interest in William, and moved close to John, trying to start a conversation. After a few attempts she was standing toe-to-toe with John and Mary, and to John's pleasure neither woman thought this uncomfortable, or even out of the ordinary. John smoothly moved his hands up the backs of both women, which made them giggle. -"You know what. Why don't we pick a more quiet corner somewhere."Janie finally said in between songs." Maybe with some comfortable empty couches, like there." She pointed at a secluded part of the barn. A comfortable brown couch was standing there invitingly. -"Oh, good plan, just big enough for three." John said. Carl and William had left inconspicuously a little while ago, probably in search of a warm, quiet pub to continue their discussion. They sat down, toasting another drink to joy and started chatting. It was nearly 11:30, and most of the older people had already left. The band had stopped playing a while ago, making place for a playlist filled with nice and quiet celtic music. In the somewhat secluded alcove they were sitting in, they were warded off from the eyes of other party-goers. -"You know, I still think you men should stop that filthy smoking habit." Mary said after John had lit one. She and Janie were sitting on either side of John, and both of them frowned a little as he took his first drag. -"Yeah. It's not like they're good for you." Janie agreed. "And it gives you bad breath. You won't find me kissing you right after you smoked one, mind you." She shrugged. "But that's just what I think." John took another drag and moved a hand inside his coat. He issued some more changes, and leaned back. -"I don't know. Smoking is bad for you, that's true. But come on! So are lots of things." John exclaimed. "Besides, I think a woman smoking can be very alluring." He added, curling his brow. Both women silently watched him smoke for a while. Then Janie built up the courage to ask. "Can I.. euh.. can I try one?" She asked a little shyly but with growing interest. John handed her a cigarette. He also offered one to Mary, who took it without hesitation. Carefully, they took their first drags. The coughing barrage that followed attracted a few concerned looks from the remaining two guests, who returned to their drinks when it was followed by the sound of giggles and a "It's Ok!" From John, sticking his hand thumbs-up in the air. -"Man. That stuff is way too heavy for me. Why would you even ever start with this?" Janie asked in amazement. Mary's teary eyed face didn't look very convinced either. John smiled. It was time for the next phase in his plan. He pointed the remote at Janie, pressed some buttons, and watched as she eagerly took another drag from the cigarette. -"Hmmm. That tastes sooo much better. I guess you just have to get past that first drag." She exclaimed. Mary looked at her questioningly, carefully took another drag of the cigarette, and instantly started coughing again. "Nope, still like inhaling an ash-tray." She said in between coughs. Janie was quietly enjoying her cigarette. Besides her new taste for tobacco, she found herself fantasizing about sucking on other things. She licked her lips as she imagined the last naked cock she had tasted, eager to relive the experience. John watched her, knowing full well what she was thinking about. He could feel his own member stiffening. He turned the remote to Mary, and started tweaking. Mary took another sip of her drink, and also found her mind wandering towards cock. Not to suck on, oh no. She had much rather feel a solid rod slide up and down her anus. Just the thought of it was sending shivers down her spine. She had never done it, but couldn't wait to lose her anal virginity. Then the music stopped. -"Excuse me." The barmaid said a little uncomfortably."We're closing. It's time for you to leave." John recognized the woman who sold him the ticket earlier. She was wearing a fake smile, occasionally giving John a questioning glare as if she hadn't expected to find him here at closing time, much less accompanied by two women. For a second, he considered using his remote. He had almost accomplished what he had set out to do. Just one more step in the proces. He inconspiciously pointed the remote at the barmaid and pushed some buttons. He didn't change much, just making her a little bit more open-minded. He made her polygamous, a closet bi-sexual, and very willing to experiment. He watched as the fake smile disappeared from her face, making place for a naughty smirk. -"Aww...Closing time already" John said downcast. "Well, ladies, I guess it's time to go." A moment later, the four of them were standing outside the shack. -"Well, looks like our rides have gone..." Janie said disappointed as they discovered that the only car that remained on the parking lot was owned by the barmaid. Both Carl and William had left, leaving Janie and Mary for a long walk. -"You live close by, don't you, John?" Mary looked at him pleadingly. -"Yeah. You're welcome to crash at my place, I've got a couch and everything." John said gallantly. "Even make you breakfast if you ask nicely." He couldn't stop himself from winking, which made both girls blush again. -"How about you?" He asked the barmaid. "Wanna come with?" Her face contorted into a genuine look of delight. -"Sure, I'd love to." She answered happily. They headed back down the muddy road. About half an hour later, they were sitting at his kitchen table, enjoying some coffee. The sexual tension had been building up despite the fact that the women were getting sober, creating a slightly awkward situation. John's coat was loosely hanging over the back of his chair, his remote within reach. continue... |