Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2075996-Love-and-Death
Rated: E · Short Story · Death · #2075996
True Love
Once upon a time there was a man named Jayke, and a women named Rose. There love for one another was unquestioned every time they spoke it felt as if everything in there lives had been fixed. Both of them thought that nothing could ever bring them apart, Although, at that time he was just a normal person whose future looked very dim, Jayke wasn't a very loving person and most of his life destroyed other peoples lives, but he knew from the first moment of knowing Rose that his life had changed. He thought day in and day out of how to become the person he wanted to be, so he could be with her. His feelings for her grew stronger as hers were too, being a person who use to live on the streets with nothing except people who were no better then him he knew he would have to change himself to become the person she wanted. No matter what he did he never saw what he could do to fix his life. Jaykes friends did not like Rose though because they knew things Jayke didn't. He would not listen though and all he wanted was to be with Rose.
Since the first day Jayke and Rose knew each other they both knew they liked each other a lot even never seeing each other due to them both living so far from one another. Their feelings grew strong as did there bond to stay together no matter what. Jayke thought to himself every day how badly he just wanted to live with Rose and be with her forever. Being from the streets and knowing his life was dealing drugs and gang banging he knew he couldn't bring her into that life. He had to protect her from it at all costs, the other people working with him told him she wasn't right for him. But every time Jayke heard anything negative about her he became very defensive and would not let it go unchecked. Jayke had only 1 thing in his life that really made his life worth living and that was Rose. Everyday they would talk about their days and how much they cared for one another, have trivial conversations that made them both feel so much better even on the worst days of there lives. Each week that past there feelings grew and grew until they both knew they needed to see each other.
Jaykes friend did not like the idea of meeting her, one of his friends Travis told him,"That ***** is playing you homie." As soon as Jayke heard that he became very angry at Travis and told him to never speak of Rose like that again. Travis was not a type to let someone talk to him like that. Travis repeated himself, Jayke had now been pushed to his limit and punched Travis. After the first between Travis and Jayke, Travis went to the leader of there crew and told him about how much Jayke has changed. Jayke did not care even when his boss called him and give him the choice of stay with us or leave and suffer. Jayke knew by staying with them and giving up Rose he would be giving up everything he believed in and could not let Rose go. He felt as if he would of been dead already by giving up on her. He told his boss he was finished and would not give her up under and circumstances. No matter what anyone said to Jayke he would never allow Rose and himself to depart from each other. He would defend her and protect her until the day he died. He knew the repercussions from doing what he did would be sevre. Jayke did not care and continued talking to Rose as if everything was okay when it wasn't.
After months dropped off the calender Jayke and Rose felt as if nothing could ever separate them and loved each other with a passion that could not be questioned. Little did either of them know that things were going to become very negative from simple words spoken. Even though Jayke knew in his own head nothing ever lasts forever he was prepared to suffer threw anything to stay in Roses heart. He knew any sacrifice he had to make even if it was his own life he would gladly make for the result of seeing Roses beautiful face and be able to be with her. Jayke just wanted a chance to make a new life and make amends for all the bad things he has done in his life time. After awhile Jayke had become very paranoid about Rose because of knowing how great of a person she was. He thought to himself that him living so far she could easily be with someone else and he would never know. He had to find out and do what he could to make sure the love they both felt would stay with them forever. He asked his friends who didn't know Rose if there was a way to find out more information with spying on her. He did not want to lose trust in her so he heard his friend Ashley out, her plan was to ask Rose questions about the two of them and find out as much as they could. Jayke had a bad feeling about it but couldn't ask Rose himself. But he decided to ask himself and find out, she told him there was another person who she liked who lived closer to him. When he heard this Jayke knew he had to fix this situation quickly and keep Rose so that the day they are near each other he can be with her. But how he thought to himself.
The days leading up to the traumatic events that separated these two were like normal days until Jayke friend named Ashley had become friends with Rose. Spoke to her alot about the partners feelings and questioned Rose feelings toward Jayke. After awhile Jayke knew what he was doing was wrong and was going to end at a bad point. But everyday Ashley and Rose would talk about Jayke about many different things, feelings, the first day they meet, and what they wanted out of their lives together. But one day soon after Ashley and Rose had started talking Ashley asked Rose about the other guy she liked, she said she couldn't wait to be able to do things with him. Ashley knew she had to do something so she told Rose she was telling Jayke about it. Jayke didn't want to believe Rose wanted to be with this other person so he tried to talk to Rose but found out Rose was not happy with Ashley and without Jayke knowing had started dating the other guy that same night. The next few days for Jayke were very difficult, ignorant of what to do he did the only thing he could. Talk to Rose and figure out what she wanted. She finally responded to him say she was with the other guy, Jayke did not know what to do except sit in disbelief of what he had just heard. He knew he was already in trouble with his old crew and now had lost the 1 thing that made him happy.
Jayke still spoke to Rose even after hearing about this he still wanted her in his life and could not release his feelings about her. He started thinking that he had to figure out a way to get her back. What he didn't know is that Jayke had been found by his old crew and they were preparing to kill him. Jayke didn't know they were outside his house waiting and didn't realize this would be the last conversation him and Rose had before his death. They spoke for awhile about what they wanted Jayke just wanted Rose but Rose didn't know what she wanted at all. When Rose got to her new boyfriends house she got off the phone unknowing that this would be the last time hearing Jaykes voice. Jayke walked downstairs to get some food and before he turned the corner to get in the kitchens was looking down the barrel of a pistol. His old friend Travis was staring right into his eyes and pulled the trigger. Jayke fell to the floor, dead..
The next day Rose had realized that she wanted to be with Jayke but every time she tried to call him he wouldn't answer. Even texting him with no response, becoming very worried she knew she had to figure out what had happened and why Jayke wasn't talking to her. A few moments later she received a call from Jaykes sister saying he was shot and killed last night. Rose sat still and didn't know what to do or think. Feeling the full extent of pain she knew that she had lost the love of her life. After going to the funeral and seeing the body of her lost love, Jayke. She realized she always knew who she wanted and what she wanted out of life. Maybe its true in the end that true love is forever. For Jayke and Rose there love was eternal and knew that nothing can stop two people from being together, not even death.

Based on Real Life.
© Copyright 2016 acebailey (acebailey at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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