Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2071228-Trying-my-hand-at-Writing
by Wardy
Rated: E · Article · Other · #2071228
My first attempt, please be gentle...
This is my first attempt at creating a story for writing .com. I have been am member for quite some time. Coming up with a topic that I would fell conformable to share with the group. So here it goes.

Let;s rewind the story for a minute. In 1985 I answered my countries call, and joint the US AirForce. Many people decide to go to join military for now reason or another. Some wanted to make something for them. This was the my driving force. I had decent grades in High School, so I figured I would take the ASFAB battery of tests in order to see if i could finish something that I have volunteered for. I have plenty of family members that servers in all branched on the military. My scores were good enough to join the US Air Force. It is weird to say. I played for sports at many levels in my youth. I think the difference ended up being that I (as well as all of the other trainees) learned pretty quick. This wasn’t the same as a local town pick up team. It will never be like that again. The bonds created in your time in Basic Training, as well as the training you went through once being deployed to your permanent duty station. These are friends that have been through all of the trials and issues you have been through. These are the only people that can relate to hell that you have gone through. These friendships are fielded in adversity. This is a level of friendship that civilians will never know about.

Everyone who gets stationed will have a will have a different story, but basically will be the same. Most that join the military, don’t do it for the money. They do it for a sense of duty to their country., or feel the need to get in between their families and those that intend to do the country and their family hare.

The story I was trying to get to was that I still maintain contact with many of my my fellow Airmen. We we through plenty, Since our separation, some had left to follow a calling they had in the civilian world as well as some whom had severed long enough to fit a 20 year mention.

My final note to remember, had you singed up, the oath of enlistment you took has no expiration date. NEVER forget that. In case you forgot, here it is:

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

So help me God.
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