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Kurtis is thrust into a relationship he never thought he would have. Contains adult themes |
WARNING This story is about human/furry relationship as well as a small amount of Human/Feral. It contains sexual content. Strong language and other things which may cause offence. If this is not what you want to read please leave. If not sit back and enjoy. Chapter one Kurtis walked around the carnival edge for what must have been the hundredth time. He kicked stones away with his shoe and kept his hands stuffed into his pockets to keep out the biting cold. He was reasonably handsome although his luck with relationships made him think otherwise. He ran his fingers through his thick brown hair to try and style it better, after wards he brushed his hands down his jacket to try and rid it of the hundreds of thick white dog hairs that stuck to it. Failing to do this as they clung on for dear life, he sighed; puffed out his chest and walked as confidently as he could towards the girl he had fancied for years. As he approached he noticed her friends notice him and begin to whisper into her ear, a few of them giggled as she whispered back but Kurtis paid them no heed. She was beautiful he reminded himself, blonde hair which sat on top of a gorgeous face, her nose was small but her eyes wide and bright blue. her lips were full and inviting. She had a hourglass figure and on her chest sat large breasts, her hips were wide and her legs tonned and long. "Uhm... hey Ellie" Kurtis said almost chocking. "Hey" she replies her eyebrows high. She was obviously as uncomfortable as he was. They both stood there in the silence awkwardly for what felt like a eternity before Kurtis spoke up again. "So you came to the carnival huh?" "Well duh" she said while her friends laughed. "Its just I don't usually see you at the carnival" "Yeah. Thank god for that" she said bringing up another fit of laughter from her friends "Have you been here long?" "Obviously too long if you have just finally managed to pluck up the courage to speak to me" "Hey do you want to ride me. Uh... i mean go on a ride with me" Her friends were practically in hysterics about now. "Uh no I'm okay thanks" she turned and walked away while her friends followed. "Bye Ellie!" He shouted after her. One of her friends stopped and turned to him. "Listen. No offence but you are not her type. So do yourself a favour and leave her alone" and at that she left as well. Kurtis sat sulking, he thought of his dog, he wanted a hug. There were not that many people left in the carnival now and he still had money he could spend. He got up and was about to spend his last few pound on the arcade machines when something caught his eye. He turned and saw a large tent with drapery on the front. A large sign hung across the top reading 'maddame Rouchè's fortune telling and magical miracles'. The tent glowed orange from the oil lamps that must be on the inside. Kurtis frowned confused. He had sworn he had not seen this tent as he was walking around earlier. He looked at the remaining money in his hand and clenched his fist. Raising his head he looked intently on the tent. Some how he new that this tent would change his life forever. Chapter 2 The tent was spacious. Kurtis had stepped through the entrance which had turned out to be a grand. Pictures hung on the side of the fabric completely straight as if by magic. They showed pictures of what he thought must have been madamme Rouchè. They were black and white and Kurtis thought they must have been quite old. She was quite pretty he thought. A gust of wind from inside the tent made Kurtis turn and face the flap of fabric which separated the entrance to the inside. He pulled the flap back and was instantly met with the smell of incense, a small painted wooden table sat in the middle of the tent with a crystal ball and two chairs. The rest was bare. Apart from colourful pieces of cloth that hung from the walls. A large chandelier hung from the roof and Kurtis didn't have a clue how. It emitted a soft orange glow from the centre. The tent was empty with no one here. Kurtis walked over to the chair nearest to him and took a seat tentatively as if by touching the chair he was somehow breaking a rule. He looked around and still saw no one. He was about to get up when a elderly women appeared as if from the fabric of reality itself and sat down, Kurtis jumped caught unaware. She studied him closely and he her. She was aged and her once pretty young face had wrinkled but her eyes had a brightness and youthful twinkle in them he had not seen before. Her hands reached for his and he almost recalled however her hands were smoothing and put him at ease almost instantly. She felt his hands for a while and then looked into his eyes. "What is it you want?" She said, her voice soft "I ... I" Kurtis stammered " I don't know" "Ahh!" she said suddenly making Kurtis jump for the second time "I see...you seek... you seek love" She smiled her thoughts obviously going wild. Kurtis's brow creased he didn't know where this was going. "But not just any love" she continued "a special love, a bond constant. Something no other man could ever have. Ahhh!" She chuckled " a lustful lover" she looked in his eyes and smiled widely. " these things i can give you. You will receive what you want as soon as you leave this tent." She finally withdrew her hand from Kurtis's. "She will grow to love you. Although you may not at first understand what this is; you will find all that you have ever wanted from her" she went to go get up; Kurtis smiled. It must be Ellie then. He outstretched his hand and was about to hand over the money. When she closed his palm "no payment needed my dear. Dreams such as this have no price". Kurtis didn't argue. He sat up from his chair and ran from the tent never looking back. He chuckled to himself "maybe my luck is changing after all" he continued to jog home, he felt full of energy after that. On Monday he would finally start to make things work with Ellie he was sure of it. Chapter 3 Kurtis opened the door and was greeted by his mother rushing around in the kitchen getting ready for flying. Her suitcase was ready by the door as was her passport and coat. She was busying herself with triple checking everything as well as dishing up Kurtis's dinner. Curry with boil in the bag rice. "Your here finally. Good" she said "I thought I was going to have to write you a note. Now you no that I'm going to be away for three months which means your in charge of the house. I've left £2000 in the envelope over there for food and necessaries . Please don't spend it on takeaways every night. Or video games" Kurtis rolled his eyes "also make sure you please feed the dog and look after her that includes walking exercising etc." "Yes mum I know what I'm doing. Akira is my dog after all" "Good well that's that sorted" she quickly picked up her stuff and made her way to the door. She gave Kurtis a hug and kiss. "Oh. And make sure you go out every now and then" before closing the door. "Yes mum" Kurtis said quietly as the house became his for three months. "Akira!" He shouted "come here girl" the sound of heavy paws coming down the stairs told Kurtis that Akira was on her way. As the dog cam through she was revealed it all her great beauty. She was a large white husky. Large for even most dogs. Her coat was thick and lusheous. Her build was stocky but shapely and her tail was thick and elegant. But it was her eyes that Kurtis loved the most, bright Arctic blue that seemed to pierce through darkness. Kurtis reached down and stroked her on the head. He picked up his dinner and went to sit on the couch. He sunk into the soft sofa and turned on the TV. Hours passed and Kurtis yawned and turned the telly off. He stood up and stretched as he scratched behind akira. She had been staring at him itently all evening but Kurtis put it off as nothing. He started the walk upstairs ans was telling Akira all about the carnival and how he was going to finally hit it off with Ellie on monday. Akira plodded along beside him and looked up at him as she often did. Kurtis opened his room door and Akira went straight to her bed. As kurtis undressed she watched him closely and kurtis frowned. " do you quite mind" she huffed and curled up as if she couldnt care less about whether he was getting dressed or not. Kurtis laughed, she was acting strangly tonight and kurtis put it down to her not knowing where mum was. He flopped onto the bed. " you know what Akira. I always knew me and Ellie were meant to be together" from the corner of his eyes he could have sworn that he saw Akira shake her head. But he thought better of it and closed his eyes and fell to sleep. Kurtis woke in the morning to find the door open and Akira not in his room. He stretched and swung his legs around off the bed. He stood up and put a pair or scraggly jeans and a plain blue t shirt that didn't looked too effected by dog hairs. He went down the stairs and found the TV on. Strange he thought. He swore he turned it off last night. Akira was sat on the sofa watching TV. Kurtis chuckled under his breath and shrugged. He went into the kitchen and out the kettle on. After the water was boiled he poured the water into a mug with ready waiting coffee granules and sugars. He stirred it generously and added in milk. He walked over to the Akira's food bowl and added dog biscuits and then went to the couch. He sat down "morning Akira" he took a sip of his coffee. "morning!" ,he spat it out immediately as he heard a soft voice to his side. He turned in horror as he realised that Akira had just spoken "what cat got your tongue?" Kurtis was wide eyed and opened mouthed " but your, your" "Talking I know right." he remained speechless for a minute before he started blathering. Kurtis started laughing "this has got to be a dream. I need to wake up" "I'm afraid not" she said while raising her eyebrow " I'm as real as anything" "But this is ridiculous" "Not as ridiculous as those jeans your wearing" "Hey! Your my dog your not supposed too insult me" Akira raised her brow. "Oh really. I assumed I was my own dog. I can do what I like." Kurtis scratched his head. This couldn't be happening there was no way. " Oh and as for breakfast" Akira went on " if you think I'm going to eat those biscuits you've got another thing coming". Chapter 4 Kurtis paced forwards and backwards phone in hand. "Can you please stop doing that" said Akira sitting in front of him "you making me dizzy" "I've got to call mum and tell her something's happened" Akira laughed "hah, and tell her what that, mum the dogs talking what should I do" "Yes" he said still pacing " there is something wrong with you. Maybe i should call a vet" "Nothings wrong with me" Akira tilted her head matter of factly "I can talk that's all that's new" ''That's the problem" Kurtis said exaggeratedly " your talking" "And how is that any different to you talking" "Well I'm a human. Your not" "Oh yeah and look where that got you" she said walking away her four paws clacking on the floor "still no smarter than a monkey" "You know your not very nice for a dog" Akira looked back "And your not very smart for a human" she smiled and continued to walk off. "Hey wait" Kurtis walked in front of her. Akira stopped and sat and looked up at him "can I help you?" She asked sarcastically. "You have got to stop having this attitude with me" said Kurtis " I feed you and take you for walks" "And I had to listen to your stories about Ellie." She rolled her eyes " and god was that boring" "You never seemed to have a problem with it in the past" "That's because I couldn't talk" Akira got up again and went to her bed and yawned. She curled up and closed her eyes. Kurtis didn't know what to say. He quickly grabbed his coat, keys and wallet and made for the door. "Hey Akira" he said. She opened one eye and looked at him "don't talk to anyone while I'm gone ok." "Why are you expecting visitors. Or me to go somewhere" she said raising her head and crossing her paws in front of her smugly. "Just don't please." "Fine" she said placing her head down again and yawning again. Kurtis shut the door and walked briskly to the library. He was going to need answers. Chapter 5 Kurtis entered the library and immediately headed for the pets and animals sections. He didn't expect there to be a book labled what happens when your dog starts talking, but never the less he needed information on whether anything like this had ever happened before. He pilled up books in his arms and dumped them on the desk; causing some of the other library goers to look up and scold his noise. He apologised and sat down and began sifting through the countless book he had gathered. There were books on training dogs and puppies, behaviour changes in dogs, the husky breed, amazing animals, funny animal facts and records. Apparently in terms of talking animals the first ever recorded apparent animal conversation was a horse who appeared in an advert in the 50's, however it was a voice over and the horse was apparently trained to move his lips to oats. other stories included things such as hollywood dogs who had special animations placed onto their faces to give the impression of speech. Even a story about a gorilla who had been taught sign language. But nothing about animals who had full blown conversations with humans. Akira was one of a kind. He chuckled "she's one of a kind alright." A man on the table opposite him looked up and shushed him. "Sorry" Kurtis hushed. Defeated he started to return the books completely perplexed as to his situation. I mean how often do peoples dogs start to talk?. He was about to give up when a thought came to him. He quickly replaced the books and then ran out of the library accompanied by a crowed of readers telling him to shush. The carnival was being packed away. large rides and roller coasters being de constructed. he couldn't see the tent with the big madamme Rouchè letters emblazoned across the front. he ran up to the men taking apart the rides "excuse me do you know where maddame Rouchè's tent is" he recieved hands waving him away or curt "What the hell are you on about boy" replies. If he could find Maddame Rouchè maybe she could shed some light on his current situation. maybe she would know about how Akira was talking. He circled what was left of the carnival and could not see her tent anywhere. he slumped his shoulders, "Shit" he thought aloud. he shoved his hands inside his pockets and went back home. When he opened the door Akira was standing on her back paws with her front paws on the counter, she was eating his left-overs from last night. He was about to scold her when he thought better of it, she wouldn't listen to him anyway. Had she gotten bigger as well? He shrugged the thought off, she couldn't have grown in that short space of time. "Enjoy your time out?" Akira said with her mouth full, her cheeks bulging where she pushed the food to the side so she could speak. "I was trying to figure out why your talking" "Hah. And you thought asking someone would somehow reveal all" "No I went to library" Kurtis grunted as he took of his coat. "Oh I'm sure the library is full of books dedicated to talking white huskies called Akira" she swallowed her food. Kurtis didn't reply and only frowned. He took heavy footsteps towards the sofa and sunk into it. He looked defeated. Akira came over and sat in front of him. Kurtis didn't have the energy to talk to Akira right now and so the lounge was plunged into silence for ten seconds before Akira frowned and spoke. "You can't ignore me you know" "Why?" "Because that's rude" Kurtis laughed historically and Akira growled. " Your telling me I'm rude! Hah says the one who has done nothing but be sarcastic with me ever since starting to talk and hasn't been helpful in the slightest." "Fine" She replied and turned around and slumped her self on her bed in a sulk. "Oh Akira, I'm sorry." Kurtis said, Akira huffed and ignored Kurtis "Look I'm going out tommorow night and so I need some sleep. I'm off to bed". Akira didn't reply, she didn't even follow Kurtis up to his bedroom. Kurtis turned around and looked at her. He sighed, things were so much easier when she couldn't answer back. Chapter 6 He woke up later than expected in the morning and so quickly threw himself in the shower. He hadn't seen Akira yet. She mustn't have come up at all last night. Kurtis pursed his lips together and shrugged his shoulders. When he was dried he went down the stairs in his towel to make him and Akira breakfast. since she had learnt to talk her appetite had changed to human food. she simply refused to eat dog food. He grabbed a bowl, eggs and ham. Akira trotted into the kitchen. Kurtis swore she had grown again. "Morning Akira" He said. "Morning" she yawned "what time is it?" "Late" Kurtis said "I didn't get up early enough" Akira didn't respond she simply sat next to Kurtis. She was growing, she now came past his hips, and Kurtis was tall. He whisked the eggs, added milk and the ham and then added it to a hot pan, it sizzled and soon formed into an omelette. Kurtis split it into two and went to grab two plates. as he began to walk he felt his towel get tugged off. His eyes widened, his manhood and bum on display. he quickly spun around and found Akira equally as wide eyed his towel on the floor. She looked down and realised that her paw was on one of the corners. she withdrew her paw as if she had touched hot coal. They both laughed nervously as he quickly grabbed his towel wrapped it around his waist again and plated the two halves of the omelette. he placed one half on the floor for Akira who's eyes were still wide and had fallen quiet. he coughed nervously and digged in to his omelette as well. His mind raced as for the first time he felt embarrassed in front of his dog. He had always he able to do anything with Akira; but now he felt as if he couldn't. He was a little saddened by this but also he wondered what new adventures he would get up to with Akira. When then had both finished their omelettes Kurtis picked up the plates and placed them in the sink. "Right" He said "Time to take you for a walk" She shot him a glance that if it could kill, would. "You are not putting a lead on me" "wrong. I am" Akira started to run "You can try" Kurtis grabbed the lead and chased after her "Oh I bloody will." Akira looked more than unhappy as she walked next to Kurtis on the lead as he took her for a walk across town. " You could at least let me walk next to you without the lead" "Dogs have to be on lead around this area otherwise I might get in trouble" "All the more reason to do it" She said smirking "Why are you so destructive towards me?" "Let me put it this way. watching you mess your life up as much as you do. and having to listen to your constant whining about Ellie it drives me insane" She looked up and mimicked a silly face "Ellie oh Ellie." "Right that's enough" he said grumpy " you need to be quiet now otherwise people are going to hear you." "Fine then" she sulked. As Kurtis walked through the town he could people looking at Akira and awwing and saying how cute she looked. He smiled as he knew how much this would piss her off. As they passed town they both let out a sigh of relief. Akira was glad to not be the centre of attention for once and Kurtis was glad she hadn't said something back to the lady who had remarked her fur coat wasn't white enough. "Thank god that's over" Akira said "If I have to put up with another person wanting to pet me I swear somehow I'll find a way to swallow them whole" Kurtis laughed at least Akira was having a go at someone else for once. That's when he spotted Ellie in the distance getting a drink. He stopped in his tracks that's when Akira spotted her as well. "Oh no" she said "Don't do it Kurtis. You'll only embarrass yourself" "But I've got too" "No you really don't" she pleaded walking in front of him to try and stop him "Out of the way Akira!" "You'll regret it I guarantee it" "With you with me. she'll be easier to talk to" "How so?" Kurtis looked down at her "She like dogs." Akira rolled her eyes. Kurtis walked over to Ellie who had just ordered a drink. "Hey Ellie" Kurtis said. "Oh. Hey Kurtis" She said caught unaware "Cute dog" she nodded to Ellie. Kurtis wondered if Akira would try and carry out her promise to swallow her whole but she seemed docile enough. "Um Kurtis I just want to apologise for the other day" "What for?" "Well you know. I kinda acted like a bitch. It's only because my friends think your weird." "Oh" Kurtis rubbed his arm Embarrassed "Look. I think your cool enough." "Really!" He said his eyes widening "Yeah. I mean your alright." "Look, Ellie are you going to Warrens party tonight?" "Yeah, are you?" "Yeah" He said excitedly "I don't know if you want to come with me?" Ellie stood there a minute contemplating. then she looked up "Sure. sounds great" Kurtis almost fainted. "Wow. really?" "Yeah sure it will be cool. lets say I meet you at your place in about a hour?" "That sounds awesome sure" Kurtis couldn't believe his luck, the Fortune tellers words were finally coming true. Back at home Kurtis rushed upstairs. "Your making a mistake" Akira followed closely behind Kurtis as he chucked of his jeans and shirt to put on a fresh pair. "Oh come on Akira. really now" "Yes. I know what's going to happen your going to be let down again" "Akira, Ellie wouldn't have said yes if she didn't want to go with me to the party" "Or she is doing it so that she could publicly humiliate you." Kurtis turned angry "Just for once Akira can you just support me. All you have done since you've started talking is belittle me and make me feel like an idiot and I'm sick of it. I don't know what your problem with Ellie is but I swear to god you need to get over it. Now I'm going out and you cant stop me" Akira sat there looking hurt and dumbstruck. Kurtis stormed out and went down the stairs. Akira ran after him but stopped in the living room as he opened the door "Kurtis please dont!" Kurtis looked at Akira "Dinners in the kitchen" and shut the door. Chapter 7 Ellie looked beautiful. She was fully done up. make-up, hair and dress. He had put on his best shirt and jeans and had sprayed nice smelling deodorant and aftershave on himself. He took her arms "You look beautiful" he said as they began to walk to Warrens. "Thank you" she said brushing some hair behind her ear "are you looking forward to tonight?" "Am I ever" replied Kurtis. The walk was generally uneventful. They talked a little a bit about how their lives were going and the usually speel. When they reached the house the party was already in full swing and drinks were already being drunk in large quantities. As they entered wolf whistles went up and Kurtis smiled. Ellie reddened in embarrassment, "I'll get us some drinks" said Kurtis and he went off in search of the inevitable punch bowl. He poured what looked like very bright orange juice into two cups and went to find Ellie but she was nowhere to be seen. he looked around, asking people where she was. most shrugged their shoulders. He decided to go upstairs to search. The landing was completely deserted which he thought was strange. Most of the doors were looked except for one which was already ajar. When he opened the bedroom door he saw Ellie sitting on the bed biting her lip. He stood there open mouthed for a moment not sure on what to do. She brought up her finger and gestured for him to come closer. he placed the drinks on the cupboard and went over. she grabbed his shirt and closed in for a kiss. Kurtis's heart was racing and he could do nothing but close his eyes. She stopped just before their lips met. she began laughing, Kurtis Didn't know what was funny so laughed a little as well. Then from no where her friends burst out off their hiding places and spayed him with silly string and water. Kurtis recalled from the onslaught of projectiles coming towards him. They all chanted "loser! Loser! Loser!". Kurtis didn't understand what was happening. one moment he thought his dreams would come true and then they were gitting ripped to shreds in front of him the next. "As if I'd kiss your sorry ass" Ellie said "But" "But" Ellie mocked "But what. you thought that I'd lower myself to your level, you've got to be fucking kidding me" Kurtis couldn't say anything, he was breathing hard; his mind couldn't comprehend what was happening to him at this point. He simply responded by running out the room and from the house. He didn't think of anything else he just kept running. he needed to get out of there, he needed Akira. Chapter 8 Kurtis sat on the floor in his bedroom. Head in his hands. He couldn't believe he had been that stupid. How could have Ellie ever had liked him. The fortune teller madamme Rouchè had ripped him off. And Akira had been right. He sat there welling up with tears, yet again any chance for happiness had been taken away from him. Akira entered his room her eyes were sad and she said nothing. Kurtis looked up his eyes red from tears that had been forming. Akira had grown again. "Hello Akira" said Kurtis sadly "Hello" she said solemnly. She sat next to him. "Tough time eh" she said. Kurtis chuckled without humour. They sat in silence for a moment letting it all sink in."Well maybe this will make you feel better" she said and she did something she hadn't done in a while, she licked him. Kurtis turned and smiled "you haven't done that in a while." Akira didn't know what was happening she felt a urge she never had before, like butterflies in her stomach, like a wave of light in her mind, she didn't know why but she felt a strong force propelling her. " do you want me to do it again" she said quietly. Kurtis looked into her eyes and sunk into something new, his heart started pounding hard and his body surrendered, "yes" he said breathlessly. She licked him slowly again on the cheek. Then again. And again leaving traces of warm thick saliva over Kurtis's face. He breathed out slowly. She kept licking and moving across his face until she met his lips and they kissed. It was deep and passionate. Her muzzle wrapped around his lips and lower face in a tight connection that felt beyond blissful and they kissed. They broke apart and looked at each other. No words where said. None were needed. Kurtis leant in again and Akira did as well. Closing her eyes she turned her muzzle to the side opening her mouth and meeting Kurtis's tongue with her own. their mouths collided and her lips covered his lower jaw. They kissed and kissed. Caught in a spiral of passion which had finally blossomed. He brought his hand to the side of her face feeling her soft fur, embracing her jaw in his hand and kissed deeper. She responded by kissing just as deep. "Akira" Kurtis said breathlessly in between a kiss. " yes" she replied just as breathless "What are we doing?" "I dont know" They were passionate now. Lost in it all. They couldn't pull out they were both so far deep. But Kurtis's mind was in turmoil, just earlier he was ready to kiss Ellie, but that all seemed so pointless now, Akira was all he wanted and he didn't understand it. But it felt so right. Kurtis went onto his back and broke the kiss. Akira placed her two front paws on his shoulders and her two back paws aside from his legs and she began to lick down his chest. Kurtis ripped his shirt undone and the sensation of her tongue running down his chest sent shivers down his spine. She stopped just above his trouser line and she looked at him. A naughty smile played on her muzzle. She wanted him and Kurtis oblidged gladly, he quickly unbuttoned his trousers as Akira's paws couldn't do it and pulled down his trousers and boxers so that he was stark naked. He penis was already erect and throbbing. He quickly got up from the floor and sat down on a chair. Akira strutted over, her eyes locking onto Kurtis's with a lustful glint in her eyes and sat down so that her bum was on the floor but her two front paws were either side of his cock. She began to lick around the base of his penis and balls making long licks with her lusheous pink tongue. Her tongue was amazing, it was warm,wet and soft and made waves of pleasure vibrate through his body and Kurtis gasped with ecstasy. She worked around the cock taking in long licks around the edge teasing Kurtis for what's to come, then she began up the shaft in exaggerated licks. She wanted to taste him. Her long tongue creative huge waves of pleasure to Kurtis. She licked and licked until his cock was drenched in saliva. Then she licked her lips teasingly and Kurtis was ready. She opened her muzzle wide and Kurtis pushed his cock into her mouth. As she closed her mouth around it Kurtis gasped and moaned as he instantly felt the warmth, wetness and softness of her mouth engulf his dick. She began to rock backwards and forwards from her front paws. She wrapped her tongue around his dick and was playing with it. Kurtis was in paradise. Everything in his body was telling him it was wrong but he couldn't help it, his heart and soul were in bliss, he felt Akira's mouth massage his cock, the mixture of the warmth of her mouth in combination with her soft gums and tongue and the backwards and forwards motion was ecstasy . He thrust in the motion of Akira and she was loving it, he tasted amazing and she somehow knew exactly what to do to make Kurtis love every second of it, she continued to suck and swallow pushing her tongue back and forth to give ultimate pleasure. She was so happy, somehow this is always what she had wanted. She opened her mouth to show Kurtis how much more she could fit it and to show the copulus amount of saliva and pre-cum that was swimming in her mouth. Kurtis oblidged happily by placing his hand on the back of her head and pushing himself deeper. Akira's eyes widened as she felt his cock slide into her throat. She closed her mouth gently around his eager penis so as to not scratch it with her teeth, she swallowed greedily and tried as hard as she could to push his dick deeper into her throat. Kurtis was in absolute bliss, his entire body rocked with euphoria. he sat there gasping as she gave him everything, on and on she went; it was like a train of pleasure that never stopped. He couldn't hold it anymore he had to cum. In a massive wave of pleasure he exploded in her mouth. Seed erupted from his dick and Akira gulped hungrily, creating bulges in her throat as she wanted it all. Kurtis withdrew his soaking cock from out of her mouth. Akira looked pleased with her self, a sexy grin on her face, she panted letting her tongue droop from her mouth. Her mouth had strings of cum and saliva all mixed inside and a bittle trickled down her tongue and dangled from the edge. Kurtis found this a massive turn on and spurted one last time, this time over her muzzle. Akira now essentially looked as if she had been attacked by a spider. Cum was draped across her mouth and face. They were both breathing hard and both rolled onto their backs. Kurtis broke the silence "Sorry" he said "What for?" Curtis laughed "Cumming over your face." They both fell into Hysterics until they both fell asleep exhausted. Chapter 9 Kurtis awoke suddenly in the morning. He sat up and was completely naked. Wide eyed he stared down at his penis which still had traces of cum on it. He looked around for Akira but didn't see her. He stood up a little too fast and blood rushed from his head making him feel dizzy. he picked up his discarded clothes and held them over his genitalia like he was trying to escape a one night stand. He stumbled into the bathroom turning on the shower and just standing under it. What the hell had he done, was it a dream. His mind didn't know what to think, and what about Akira, was she ok? Kurtis pushed the hot water through his hair and let it stream down his back making him feel fresh immediately. He spent a while in the shower. He felt dirty as if he needed to scrub layers of dirt of his skin. When he was done he quickly dried himself and placed on fresh clothes. He went down the stairs tentatively as if making a sound might somehow alert someone to his presence. He reached the bottom of the stairs and took a big breath as he stepped into the living room to see Akira sat on the couch staring at the floor. She had grown again this time she had grown a lot. she was beginning to look huge. She hadn't noticed him yet, she let out a groan as if she regretted some terrible decision she had made but instead began licking her paws as if in pain. Kurtis entered the room and Akira turned her heard to look at him. Kurtis stopped in his tracks for a moment and breathed, his chest bulging out and in as he took deep controlled breaths. He was considering his words to Akira, but in the end simply said what needed to be said "Please don't tell me what I thought happened, happened last night?" "What part?" She replied "the bit where we kissed? Or the part where I sucked you cock?" Kurtis groaned inwardly. So it had happened. He sat down and placed his head in his hands shaking his head. "Look I'm not particularly happy about it either" She said "We where both not ourselves last night obviously. I think it would be better if we didn't talk about what happened last night" "Your right" Kurtis said matter of factly. Akira winced again and started to lick. "What's wrong with you? are your paws acting up?" Kurtis questioned. "Yeah. it feels like they're changing. in fact my whole body feels like that" "Well you have grown a lot in the last three days" Akira nodded in agreement. Kurtis got up to make them both breakfast "I'm glad we had this talk Akira. it's good to know it's nothing to serious" Akira grinned, secretly however she didn't regret last night, it felt right and that scared her. The next couple of days past in a blur. Akira grew more and more. Kurtis stayed in doors seeing as Ellie's friends were probably still laughing at him, and the event that happened between Akira and him seemed to fade from memory, much to Kurtis's relief. It was evening and Kurtis had sat down on the sofa. He had become a good little chef ever since his mum had left and he was forced to cook his own dinner, he knew he had gotten good when Akira stopped turning her nose up at his food. She was digging in heartedly tonight, She had been quiet these past couple of days. They had spoken about stuff, but no where near as much as they used to. Kurtis was tired and yawned. Akira had finished her dinner and came a sat next to Kurtis on the sofa. she put her head down as if considering about what she was about to say. Kurtis looked at her not saying anything. She gently lifted her head so that their eyes met. "I wanted to talk to you about what I said a couple of days ago" Kurtis remained quiet and let her speak. " I didn't mean it" she turned away embarrassed and disgusted with herself " I don't regret it" She turned her head around again, her eyes glistening. "That night. The way we kissed... what happened" she blushed " I wouldn't take any of it back. I'm glad it happened." She went silent again lowering her head and taking a breath. She looked up again, the look of strength and determination in her eyes " I think I'm falling in love with you Kurtis." Kurtis let this information sink in. He certainly couldn't deny that he hadn't developed some feelings towards her. That night had been special he couldn't deny that. he brought his head and looked at her with no conviction in his eyes. She leant forward slowly and closed her eyes. Kurtis knew what was happening but had no wish to turn away. He simply closed his eyes as well and waited for it. Her kiss came seconds later. He heard her whimper in happiness as she realised that he had allowed her to kiss him. their lips met and they kissed deeply. The kiss seemed to last forever but when they finally parted Akira simply lay her head on Kurtis's lap and went to sleep and so did he. He dreamt strangely that night. visions of Akira different somehow. she had grown, but not like normal. She was perfect and Kurtis dreamt still for the rest of the night. He woke to the sounds of the news bulletin. He felt a heavy object on his legs and looked down, he gasped at what he saw, Akira was no longer had front paws but instead in their place where human like hands, except they ended in claws and where covered in short fine white fur as was the rest of her body, her palms still were padded though as were her fingers. Her back paws had also changed. they no ended in large feet like paws. Her body has also changed. her belly had flattened to look more like a humans, she had grown a pair of large breasts her nipples sticking out. she had also gotten a belly button on her midrift. she had a mazing figure, She had a shapely firm bum which attached was her tail. her legs were long and perfectly shaped. She was still asleep but her face had remained practically the same, except it now looked a little more human rather than feral. Kurtis couldn't believe it, she was now anthropomorphic. He placed a hand on her shoulder and gently shook her awake. she moaned and smacked her mouths a couple of time before waking up. She seemed to notice that she had changed as her eyes widened immediately. she shot up of the couch as stood on two feet for the first time ever. she gasped looking at her hands and body for the first time. it took her a while to notice but she realised that she was completely naked she clasped both of her hands on her breasts making them bulge, which aroused Kurtis. She had then also realised that she wasn't covering her genitalia which Kurtis went wide eyed when he caught a glimpse of. But before he could properly look she held a hand in front of it and used her other arm to cover her breasts. Her face was that of horror, she closed her knees so and bent her back so that Kurtis couldn't see. Kurtis seeing how much this was affecting her turned his head so that it wouldn't embarrass her any more. "What the Hell!" She shouted "I don't know" "I look human!" "I know Akira" "How did this happen!?" "I don't know" Kurtis took of his t-shirt and chucked it to Akira. She quickly put it on and tried to stretch it down so that it also covered her vagina. Kurtis looked over. Her face was still shocked, her bright blue eyes wide, her brow raised and her mouth clenched. her hands were on the bottom of the shirt still tugging it over her genitalia, her breasts bulging against the shirt her nipples visibly poking out.He was trying his hardest not to become erect. and pushed down of his growing bulge. "What do I do?" Akira pleaded. Kurtis swallowed hard trying to compose him self. "Well first you need to get some underwear on" "Okay. do we have any?" "Only my mums" "I am not wearing your mums underwear" "Well we'll have to make you some then" Kurtis got of the sofa and made his way over to his mothers textile collection. he got out the lace and sewing equipment. He sat down and so did Akira, still pining the shirt down as far she could. It took hours and Akira was getting impatient but he had finally made some makeshift underwear. "Sorry it's not much" he said "It will do" she replied and she stood up, turned around and bent over to put her makeshift thong on, her tail lifted and Kurtis was greeted by her tight looking pink ass hole and her taught vaginal lips. he pushed harder on his bulge trying to get it to go down. when she lifted her legs to step into her knickers it didn't help. she pulled them up. and pushed her tail though the DIY hole that Kurtis had made so that she could put her tail through. She turned around looking at Kurtis. He met her eyes and she seemed calmer. his shirt and the underwear that he made fitted her quite well. although you could see a little of her midrift showing her V line and Kurtis Gulped at stared at his hands. " You look good you know" "What?" she said exasperated " I look nothing like I used to." "That's not as bad as you might think" Kurtis. Akira glared at him. shooting him piercing dagger eyes. " I don't mean that as you might think" he pleaded with his hands up "It better not be". She looked at her hands and stretched her fingers and wigled her large paws toes " I cant believe it" She sounded sad her ears went down. Kurtis went over to her and put his arm around her. it was a strange sensation doing this. He had never held Akira like this before. Tears were running down her muzzle and dripping of her nose, Kurtis brought his thumb up and wiped her tears away with his thumb and looked turned her head with his hand. he stared deep into her familiar eyes " Your still you" He said " I can see it in your eyes. And that why your still beautiful" she sobbed a bit more before she felt herself lean towards Kurtis her feeling towards him still strong. She closed her eyes and kissed him wrapping her arm around the back of his head and other behind his back. he placed his hands of her hips. She fell onto her back on the sofa and they continued to kiss. They kissed more deeply than they ever had and Akira's mind was instantly put at rest. After they had finished Kurtis got up and smiled. "Come on" he said holding out his hand " Lets get some food and a cup of tea" She smirked and took his hand. His hand was lost in hers, but still he maintained a strong grip and pulled her up. They both walked to kitchen. Well Kurtis walked, Akira kind of tripped to the kitchen she was still getting used to two legs. Kurtis made them lunch and a cup of tea. He have Akira a knife and fork and laughed as she completely butchered her omelette, or struggled to put the food that was on her fork in her mouth. In the end she gripped the plate near her face and ate it as she normally did. Next he placed three of her large fingers through the handle of a mug and tried to teach her how to sip tea. But her natural instinct kept kicking in and instead she kept lapping it up with her tongue. she spilt a lot of it down Kurtis's shirt, which was probably now hers making her swear "Shit!". Her breasts were still visible though her T-shirt and as much as Kurtis was enjoying the sight he needed to get her a bra. "I'm going out for a bit" said Kurtis. Akira raised her right brow"your seriously expecting me to just get on with this" "The more you practise the better you'll get." She was about to protest but Kurtis shut the door and walked to the clothes shop. The door opened with a 'ding' as the little bell above the door chimed to announce his arrival. A kindly lady came over "Welcome" she said sweeping her arm around invitingly "And what can I help you with today sir?" "I need to buy a bra and knickers" he said embarrassed "Oh" she chuckled "For your lover?" Kurtis smiled. he couldn't deny it any longer " Yes" "Well for that we have a special collection right this way sir" She gently placed her hand behind his back to guide him through the countless racks of underwear and sex toys, until they arrived at a curtained area. " For our special customers" she mentioned. Kurtis could only nod as he was pushed through the curtain. He was greeted by a wall of luxury silks and lace underwear, Thongs, brazillians, breifs and bra's all laid out. "Now this lover of yours, is she big breasted" "Yes" he gleamed "Lucky man" she smirked and picked out a couple of large cup sized bra's. Kurtis inspected the bras until he found a perfect one. blue coloured with white lace sewed into the fabric, " This one" he said "Good choice sir" she said "and may I ask as to your lovers figure" Kurtis only smiled widely and this was the only answer she needed. "Very lucky indeed, and the shape of her posterior?" He blew out a breath of air from his lungs and this again sufficed as a answer. "Well I can certainly say you are one blessed man sir, don't let her, go she sounds like a goddess if you ask me" She picked out a pair of brazillians. They matched colour and the pattern of the bra exactly. She also picked out a couple more pairs of different colour. " She'll need them trust me" she winked. Kurtis could only smile stupidly. He paid and left the store sheepishly and made his way home quick being careful to avoid populated areas. |