Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2070253-Chapter-1---The-Decision
by Kiwi
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2070253
Fay is faced with a choice. The question is, is it really hers to make?

Chapter 1: Segment 1: Fay

Once again, the incessant buzzing reared its ugly head. I didn't expect my body to feel completely healed after my first real night of sleep; yet, I didn't expect to feel like I'd skipped sleeping either. I suppose that's the draw of prison. Or rather, it isn't.

Turning, I roll myself to face the repetitive noise. Of course; it would be Nikki. I don't know why she keeps calling. How many times must a girl tell someone there's nothing they can do? I rub my eyes and flick my hair behind my shoulders.


The television monitor responded to my words and flickered on, displaying Nikki live on full screen.

"What took you so long? Were you sleeping in there?" I don't know how she could smile.

"We aren't exactly allowed freedom here. At least, not me anyway." Even though she was still like 20 something, lacked tact, and was super impatient - there was something in that combination that made her one hell of a lawyer. Well, that's what she keeps telling me anyway.

"Right, right, my bad. Let's get to the real reason I called you then." She shoots me a grin and unveils a message cube onto the screen in view. "You remember what this is, right?" It'd been quite some time since I'd seen one.

"A message cube, right?"

"Close. A message sphere; and this one's from the big boys. Regarding your sentence, naturally."

Those words flashed the past few days before my eyes. Sentence. How wild. I'm being sentenced to death by the very country I fight for. Leaning my head against the wall, I edge myself forward and plop my feet onto the floor.

"Go ahead. Play it."

"Open." The sphere distorts and gyrates in her hand like a square ballerina. The booting process was always pretty funny to watch. After decoding, the sphere reformed itself back into a cube, now revealing a USB slot on its exterior. Forgot how handy these things were. After all, they'd only open and reveal the usb if the DNA of the person opening it matched the one it was inscribed to.

"I'll be back after it plays." Her feed went dark for a moment on the TV. After a few seconds, a man appeared. He was bald and dressed in some sort of dark military outfit. Whoever he was, he had a number of badges strewn across his uniform. Oddly enough, none of them were recognizable to me.

"If you are receiving this message, then you would be Block A, Unit 227's Fay Wheeler. My assigned tag for this assignment is 'Fang', and I will be your Correctional Procter. I'm sure you're familiar with formalities, so let's get straight to what I really need to discuss with you." He lifts up a stack of papers, and shuffles them, as if looking for one in particular. "Ah, right here. You are being tried on... 10 counts of homicide, treason, and desertion for fleeing." He paused, as if reading the full document. I presume that stack would be other candidates within this here, yet I find it odd they would issue me this guy when they're most likely going to execute me.

"Obviously, being an expert of our laws and the judicial system, you're fully aware that the courts will escalate your sentencing and will have you killed for your crimes. However, what you're not aware of is that there are alternatives to dying. Two, to be precise. Unfortunately however, I won't be able to receive your answer via this recording, which is why I will be visiting the Elysian Sector tomorrow to receive you should you accept one of these proposals. You will have the rest of today to ponder these options, or you may choose to die as a graceful end to your illustrious career."

This man annoyed me; it wasn't the words or his insult. There was a snarl on his tongue, like he enjoyed this or something. Getting a kick out of being in charge of soon-to-be dead people? What a gratifying career. Then again, I have no room to speak. I suppose I divulged similar emotional responses from very similar circumstances.

He cleared his throat, and took a sip of some water. "Now regarding option one, let me preface this by saying that to many, this is merely another form of death in itself. If you've ever been to Altekka, then I shouldn't need to elaborate on what this entails to. It is a fight arena to the death. There is as grim a future here as there is where you sit now."

Altekka. I've heard the stories. A coliseum of sorts, centralized around the punishment and mutilation of prisoners. I'd only ever found reason to attend once. Not the sort of place I'd like to go again.

"As for option two, this would be why I am here. You see, the reason I was assigned to you is because the Black Swan would like to offer you an issue of notice. Having seen your file, we are aware you have made contact with operatives in our field, and know of us. As a high ranking military operative, that shouldn't be uncommon, so I won't need to explain what we do. However, what I will explain is why we are interested in you. You have skill. We have need for it. That is all. You are still a prisoner. This is not freedom. You will be under surveillance the remainder of your days with us, and can be killed at any time for insubordination. Ponder your options carefully. I will have your answer tomorrow."

The screen faded out, filling the darkness with static. Nikki reappeared a moment later. She said nothing, holding a hand over her mouth. "None of this is good, Fay."

I close my eyes. She was right. And yet still it makes no sense. This whole setup started when I was framed for the murders of my squad. I wasn't even there when it happened, yet the scene was littered with my prints and DNA. I was ordered to split from the group to snipe from safety, yet the whole mission felt odd from the start. When they found their bodies with their only lead as me, being the only survivor, what chance did I have?

And now, the Black Swan is courting me from behind the scenes. I'm not fucking stupid. This isn't about dying or some bullshit arena. The Black Swan is a league of skilled assassins only known for getting the most skilled. However, I don't know any more than that.

"Fay - I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. You're probably freaked out as is."

"Don't worry about it. What would you do if you were me?" I open my eyes and look at her. She scrunches her face, rubbing her chin slowly.

"Well... I don't want you to die. I've been to Altekka before, and..." She looked away from her camera. I get what she's saying.

"You would suggest the Swan, then?"

"Well, I don't know anything about them. Do you?"

If the Black Swan is behind this like I think, then for all I know this could all very well be recorded and listened to live. Even though I trust Nikki, I'm not really sure how much I should say here. Also, if they have my file - then they know my weaknesses. I can't give them anymore.

"Fay?" I was so lost in thought I'd forgotten she'd asked a question.

"Sorry. I... was just trying to remember. I don't really know. I think they're similar to what I used to do."

"Only independent, not with our government?"

"I don't know." I feel the coarse material on my mattress. "I need to think about these options."

She nods slowly. "I understand. They won't let me see you, you know."

"I'm aware. Just call later tomorrow again. I'll let you know what's going on then."

"Right. Don't stress too hard okay?"

The screen faded out, flashing a "no signal" message across the monitor.

I snap my fingers, and shut off the monitor. Exhaling, I rub my shoulders. What a pain this is.

I suppose freedom of choice is still freedom, even if all the choices potentially result in death.

I'm smiling for some reason. Maybe I really have lost it.

A knock at the door reminds me that occasionally, people really do come to visit. How unfortunate.

"It's dinner." Below my door, a hatch raises, and a tray of slop slides into my cell.

"Thanks again Rick."

"I spit in it, so eat up traitor." The hatch slams shut, and silence greets me once more.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," I whisper to myself.

Glancing at the food, I'm not sure it would've been any better even if he hadn't spit in it. I grip my knee to my chest. I wonder if Nikki is okay; I mean, really okay. She's sacrificed a lot to defend me. And not just as a would-be lawyer. To everyone we used to know, friends, family. Well, whatever you would call those that see you as something you're not.

I slide back down to a laying position. Death would be the easy way out. It's not like there's anything waiting for me anyway. Closing my eyes, I try to fall asleep. However, all that I can think of is why. Why me.

Maybe I was wrong; maybe this is all just... I don't know. There's no plausible way this is just a misunderstanding. Someone planted evidence at the scene to get me imprisoned. That much is fact. Beyond this, I suppose I will just have to discern the rest on the fly.

Whatever their prerogative, they chose the wrong person to make a mule of. I'm not some frail easily manipulated child. If they wish to war with me, then they've got it.

Chapter 1: Segment 2: Agent Fang

I remove my gloves and place them on my desk. It'd been quite a day, yet tomorrow would be even more eventful. Beside my keyboard shook my phone, which buzzed loudly.

Right. I'd almost forgotten. "Receive on screen."

My phone answered the call, and displayed the video on the computer in front of me. As I'd expected, it was my superiors. As usual, I could not see his face as he wore a black mask and uniform. Though I'd contacted and received orders from many within the organization, I'd never seen any of their faces.

"This is Agent Phoenix. Why did you not report in today?"

"Sir. I apologize for not contacting you directly, I just returned home from my assignments."

"It is of no importance. The real work comes tomorrow anyway. I've called to ask of our more important choices. Is there any need for us to force our hand here?"

"From my research and observation, no sir. I'm relatively certain they will join the Black Swan. There's no reason for them to object."

"Even the girl?"

"Yes. Especially her."

"And you're certain, Fang? This is not something we can have a slip up on. I must know for certain."

"You have my word sir." I nod firmly. "She's a keen girl, yet easily readable. Based on her past, I can firmly deduct that she will not be able to walk away without knowing answers."

"I leave it in your capable hands. Regarding the preparation for their arrival, have you already retrieved someone from the field?"

"Correct. He's already here ready and waiting."

"Perfect. Signing out Phoenix."

My phone went dark and my screen black. I exhale, and crack my neck.

I tap my fingers on the table. Something still bothers me. I open the top drawer in the desk and flick through some files. Pulling out Fay Wheelers folder, I open it to examine her bio. "Ordinary kid... both parents, a brother... Pretty normal family. Graduated College at age 18 via online courses... Age 19 joined the military and that's where she's been since. Nothing here warrants this much intrigue from the Swan. We've had countless operatives with better physical and mental conditioning than this one.

I continue to flip pages, looking for anything.

I still don't understand. I slam all her files closed, and sigh from exhaustion.

"I need to rest. I can find out tomorrow what her deal is." I rub my eyes, and shove her file back in the drawer.


© Copyright 2016 Kiwi (grapekiwi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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