Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2069313-Odeus-Oddities-The-complete-trilogy
Rated: 18+ · Serial · Dark · #2069313
a trilogy of short stories set in Celgrass's Odeus' Odities shared universe.
Odues' Oddities: The Mask of Pygmalion

Joseph marched down the alley towards the old shop, the shop looked incredibly out of place as its dirty wooden exterior contrasted with the clean stone walls of the alley. The name of the store was ‘Odues' Oddities’ and written in a Victorian era style. Walking inside, he quickly noticed the strange junk that seemed to fill every nook and cranny in the shop; there while there was modern a cashier's counter it was nearly impossible to reach! In fact, it was almost hard to find a path to walk through, since so much of the floor was taken up with the stuff and displays.
“May I help you?” A strange man asked from behind the counter. He was an old man who was standing behind the counter. He had shoulder-length grey hair, which was tied into a ponytail. His face was craggy with many wrinkles in it, on which was a neatly trimmed goatee, which matched his hair in colour. His black suit had a little dust on it to indicate age, but other than that, Trevor thought it was rather nice; he also had on a plain grey undershirt. His piercing eyes pale blue eyes stared out from behind silver wireframe glasses.

“I’m looking for a mask, I’m going to a party in a few days and I’m trying to be incognito” Joseph replied as he spotted a skeletal hand made of a silver like material which he swore was whispering to him.

“Charles, stop trying to steal my customer’s soul, sorry about him, he really wants a new host” The man said as he took a glass dome out from underneath his counter and placed it over the hand “He is the last surviving piece of a long dead deity and if he was to find a new host…Well your species wouldn’t last a millisecond”

“This isn’t just a normal junk store is it? I’ve read about something like this, a store full of magical objects, by any chance are you a wizard?” Joseph asked.

“HA! I am far superior to that old fool, my goods come from gods and have seen things that no mortal could possibly hope to understand. His goods are just enchanted toys” The man said as he stared deep into Joseph’s eyes “You wish to find out if your lover is cheating on you?”

“Yes, how did you know?” Joseph asked, he knew the answer already but was still surprised by the owner.

“My dear boy, I know many things, hell I even know God’s real name. I have just what you need” He replied before leading joseph to a ivory mask that made Joseph get butterflies in his stomach “Tell me, have you heard of Pygmalion?”

“Wasn’t he the sculptor who fell in love with his statue?” Joseph replied.

“Correct, this is a part of that statue, When Aphrodite brought it to life the statue was destroyed but this piece survived, floating around in the space where things neither exists nor not exist. It allows the wearer to become a copy of whoever they wish. It merely requires a garment of
who you wish to become to be worn with the mask to seal the rune”“How much?” Joseph asked as his mind thought up hundreds of millions of possibilities that he could use the mask, he could become one of his Girlfriend’s friends and ask her directly or become the man Joseph knew she was cheating with, and the possibilities were endless.

“Since you are my customer, I shall give it to you free of charge, I do however need you to sign this book” The man said as a guestbook and an ink quill appeared in front of Joseph “Merely sign your name and the mask is yours”

Joseph took the quill and signed the book, he felt a cold breeze overcome him and as he finished the book evaporated.
“A pleasure doing business” The old man said “Tell your friends that if they want oddities, look for Odues”
Joseph turned around to find himself back in the alley but to his surprise, the store had vanished except for a small, old telephone sitting on the ground with a phone number for the store written on a card next to it.
Back in the store, Odeus let out a great, maniacal laugh as he lifted the dome that covered Charles “Humans, Homo Stupideous, I completely understand why you wish to destroy them”

The next day at school Joseph was chatting to his friend Mark whose cousin was hosting the party.
“I said before Joe, Lee hates your guts, He won’t let anyone in unless they see their face and if he sees your face, well saying your screwed would be an understatement” He said, Joseph turned to see Marie, his supposedly cheating girlfriend, walk past him and gave him a wink and blew him a kiss “Dude, there is no way she is cheating on you, She is in love with you and I mean in a creepy stalker way. I heard she has a shrine dedicated to you next to her bed”

“She does, It is kind of creepy” Joseph replied “Hey, would your cousin mind if I sent someone in to spy for me?”

“No, the last time he let a random guy into one of his parties, one of the girls almost OD’d” Mark answered.

“What about a girl?” Joseph asked.

Several hours later, Joseph was sitting in the bushes located right next to his Neighbour Clarissa’s bedroom window. She was a perfect 10 with a solid hourglass figure, large perky DDs and when wearing a pair of yoga pants, would even make a gay guy turn straight. Joseph sat and waited until she left her house wearing a bright pink bodycon dress that left nothing to the imagination. Joseph then quickly crawled into an open window and found himself in Clarissa’s bedroom which was littered with clothes and underwear.

Joseph let out a smile and in a matter of seconds had amassed a pile of clothes when he spotted a very risky nurse costume sitting in a plastic bag: A short white miniskirt, red stockings and garter belt, A white blouse that had only two buttons which made it impossible not to flash everyone with a red stethoscope attached to it and a white nurses hat. He then quickly rushed out the window and back into his room “Fuck me, I really need to work out more” he thought as he gasped for air.

Several minutes later, Joseph exited the bathroom wearing the costume and a red satin bra and G-string which sent shivers up his spine “Jesus, how can girls wear these, I feel like my ass is getting flossed” he said as he grabbed the ivory mask “ok, Let’s hope this works” he then placed the mask on his face which instantly began to heat up, he then tried to gasp for air as the hot ivory shot down his throat. The room then turned to darkness as he lost consciousness.

“Fuck” Joseph said as he regained consciousness “Wait, What is up with my voice” he said as the voice he could hear was not his usual deep voice but a slightly higher pitched, and very feminine, one. He looked down and was surprised to see two large lumps of flesh filling the cups of the red satin bra “Holy crap it worked” He thought to himself as he got up and rushed to the mirror.

The woman standing in front of him was a slightly younger looking version of Clarissa, roughly Josephs age, and had long blonde hair and was slightly shorter than the Clarissa Joseph knew however the perfect 10 body was still there “Like, Hi there, I am Clarissa and I love pleasing men with my mouth” Joseph said in a sultry tone “HA, yes this is awesome” He said as he rubbed his soft hands over his new breasts which made him let out an erotic moan and send a shock through his entire body “Damn, No wonder Marie loves getting touched there, that felt sooo good” Joseph then noticed the time “Crap, I am going to be late” he thought to himself as he grabbed a pair of red heels and walked out the door, completely unaware that he was walking in six inch heels like he had worn them for years and not for the first time.

The house was a small two-storey building with loud music playing out of it, the front lawn was covered in confetti with groups of drunken teenagers laying passed out while couples had a drunken make out session for the entire world to see. Joseph walked up the stone path wiggling his large rear from side to side to the sound of drunken wolf whistles. A man then appeared from behind one of the wooden beams. He was Lee, Mark’s older cousin, He had short black hair and was dressed up as Rambo, exposing his ripped torso “Why helllooo Beautiful, what brings you to my den of drunken debauchery” He said.

“Ugh, I forgot he was asshole” Joseph thought to himself, he then quickly glanced at lee’s six pack which made his body get all gooey “But damn, he is ripped” Joseph quickly stopped thinking as Lee asked him a question.
“So, why are you here? Well except to stare at the goods” he said smiling at blonde bombshell that regardless the way she stood looked like a model seductively posing for an invisible camera, her breasts pushed out and enhanced by the red bra made Lee glad that he was wearing loose shorts.

“Mark” Joseph said awkwardly for having been caught staring “I’m looking for Mark”
Lee let out a huge squeal of a laugh, like a pig, before clutching to the pillar “Seriously! How much is he paying you?” he said “MARK! GET YOUR VIRGIN ASS OUT HERE!”

Mark exited the house dressed as the fourth Doctor from Doctor Who “Yeah?” he said before staring at the blonde bombshell who was talking to his cousin, he was glad he was wearing a long jacket but then remembered what Joseph said “Oh, so you’re the girl he set me up with”
“Oh, Marky boy got a blind date, damn dude, this chick could probably cure the blind” Lee whispered to Mark before eying up Joseph yet again as she walked past him and into the house with Mark “Lucky bastard”

The party was like all house parties, loud, cramped and a hell of a lot of underage drinking going on. Joseph pulled Mark into the empty bathroom “Mark, it’s me, Joseph”

“What? No way, Josephs a guy and you are definitely not a guy” Mark said looking at the blonde’s amazing cleavage.

“Eyes up dumbass or do you want a repeat of what happened in Mr Neil’s chemistry class” Joseph said.

“Joseph?” Mark said, knowing that there was only one other person who knew about that incident “How?”

“Magic store, I look good don’t I?” Joseph said as he ran his hands over his smooth body.

“Can I?” Mark asked his former male friend and pointed to his/her massive breasts.
“Fine” Joseph said, Mark then began to squeeze his breasts which made him let out an erotic purr, Joseph then felt a cold breeze, similar to the one in the store go over his body and his body wrapped itself around Mark which made the two fall back into the wall “Please, finger me in my wet pussy” Joseph purred in a sultry tone.

The door then swung open and Lee walked in to see, from his angle, his younger cousin getting off with a smoking hot blonde “Sorry, mate, remember, protection!” he said before slamming the door shut.

Joseph managed to regain control of his body and unwrapped his body from Mark “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me” he said before rushing out of the bathroom in embarrassment. He made his way down into the living room where the main body of the part was including a fully stocked bar which were mostly root beers and energy drinks with some alcohol, but that was strictly off limits as it was Lee’s.

Joseph sat down and sighed but looked up when the guy working the bar who Joseph recognised as one of Lee’s friends put a root beer down in front of him “You look like you need a drink, let me guess guy problems?” he said in a slightly camp voice.

“You could say that, A friend wants me to see if his girl is cheating on him but I’m finding it hard to focus on finding her” Joseph said, another cold breeze ran over his body “I mean like, I’ve known her for years and now she is trying to hook up with this idiot when she was perfectly happy with what she had”

“How about you sleep with the guy she is trying to hook up with show that he is just another guy” The guy said “I’m positive that he wouldn’t be able to resist the advances of Cass the slut” before moving on, Cass was annoyed with that nickname, wait, wasn’t her name Joseph.
Cass stood up to leave the bar and ended up walking into the guy she had just been talking about, Kyle, six foot, ripped and, supposedly, hung like horse. He had come as the terminator and looked down at Cass “Why hello Cass, nice nurse costume” he said as he looked at Cass’s impressive cleavage “You know I feel a little ill, maybe should give me a check-up”
Cass looked at him, part of her mind screaming to punch him in the nuts and the other to accept his offer. A fourth cold breeze then rushed over her body which made her body become so aroused that every breath she made gave her a mini orgasm “Like, I’ll examine you, then you examine meee” She said rubbing her body against Kyle.

Mark was looking around for Joseph, he knew something was wrong but he couldn’t put his finger on it until he passed a closed door and heard a familiar voice from inside “Oh, It’s so big” Mark peered in through a gap and was horrified at what he saw. Joseph, was having sex with Kyle and was clearly enjoying it, He felt a cold breeze rush pass him and down into the house, he turned and bumped into Marie, dressed up as a sexy Alice.

“Hey Marky, have you seen Kyle? I have something to ask him” She said, The sound of a harmonic orgasm exited the closed room and Marie’s face turned to anger “OH THAT FUCKING SLUT!” she said storming into the room to see Cass stretching, her unassisted breasts bouncing around “CASS WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK”

“Oh, Hiya Marie, I was just getting funky, you were right, he was amazing” Cass said in a bubbly, ditzy tone.

“Marie, I swear this is not what it looks like” Kyle said his manhood still buried deep inside Cass.

“YOU FUCKED MY BEST FRIEND YOU FUCKING DICK!” Marie said before storming off in tears.

Mark just watched in shock “What just happened” he thought to himself as he felt two realities exist inside his head, one with Joseph, one with Cass.

Several days later, Cass walked down the street wearing a mini skirt and thin white blouse clutching her boyfriend Kyle’s arm waiting to pleasure him at any time he wants, if she had turned to her left and had any memory, she would have spotted Odues' Oddities. Mark was only a couple of feet behind, watching Cass when he spotted the store and quickly noted the address. Odeus was inside the store cleaning a glass eyeball when he spotted Mark looking at the store, suddenly Charles whispered to Odeus “Don’t worry Charles, He won’t be a problem for much longer, we just need to get him inside the store”

Odues' Oddities: The silver hand of time

Mark had been observing the store for a good three days, In that time only three people had entered, none of which had bought anything but today Mark noticed something odd. Every day at roughly around noon, the store owner would leave and return with a six inch sub: Italian bread,Ham, melted cheese, lettuce with mayonnaise on top but today the store owner hadn’t left and it was well into the afternoon.
Mark remembered what had happened to Joseph, he had some memories of Cass and none of them were very nice, He remembered how they met on the first day of high school and had both sneaked into the girls’ changing rooms after being dared by Lee and ended up getting their ass kicked by Marie but that memory had been altered so instead of them being dared to go in, Mark had been dragged in by Cass and saw and felt a pair of her breasts, the memory sickened Mark as he had two polar opposite realities in his head and it felt he had lived the past four years as two different people.

Opening the door, Mark looked in and saw no one was inside, he looked around the store and was amazed and a little bit frightened, especially by the strange wooden leprechaun sitting on a shelf who looked a little sad and angry “Creepy” He thought to himself as he looked around the store until he was drawn to a silver skeletal hand.

“Don’t touch that unless you want to get turned a mindless thrall for an immortal deity” A man said from behind him “My name is Odues and welcome for my store of oddities”

“I want you to change my friend back” Mark commanded, Odues just smiled.

“Oh, your friend, Joseph” Odues answered “Shame what happened to him, I saw him recently, he seems happy being Cass. Why would change him back to that paranoid teenager?”

“You changed him into something he wasn’t! He was a guy with a loving girlfriend and now he is just some stupid slu-“Mark shouted before being swallowed by a green light.

“Jesus, Charles! What did you just do” Odues asked angrily “The plan was to get him to touch the Oracle’s orb and turn him into a mumbling, incoherent shell” Charles then let a green orb of energy exit one it’s fingers and landed It into Odues hand “Oh Charles, that is very clever…No I am not going to let you out just for getting rid of one nosy fool”

Mark woke up to the sound of Rolling in the deep by Adele playing from an alarm clock and long strands of hair in his face. He looked around the room he was in and for some reason it felt oddly familiar until he realised where he was “This is my bedroom, but it looks like it was when I was eleven, yeah it must be that was the las time my hair was this long ” He muttered.

The room had pastel blue walls and was covered in posters for every popular and cult classic tv series, movies and literature with one wall dedicated to a giant painting of Doctor Who which contained every doctor, assistant, villains and allies in Doctor who at the time. Mark smiled, he remembered it took him a full week to do it.

“MARK! YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR YOUR FIRST DAY!” His mother shouted from downstairs. Mark upon hearing that realised what day it was “Today was when I met Joseph, I mean Cass, I mean. Stupid parallel realities” he thought to himself as he quickly put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before rushing out to catch his bus. The bus was nearly full when Mark got on with only two or three empty seats. He was near the back of the bus when he spotted Lee.

“Hey Marky, Hope you enjoy your first day of hell” Lee said before being pushed into seat, knocking into a young blonde wearing a white blouse and jeans.

“Sorry” Mark said as he looked at the girl, she looked familiar but Mark couldn’t put his finger on it until he spotted a metal necklace hanging above her chest which were rather large for a girl at her age, the name was Cass.

“Oh, it’s ok, My name’s Cass” she said as the bus ran over a pot hole, causing her breasts to bounce up and causing her physical discomfort “And they say I was blessed for having these stupid things” she said pointing at her chest “Hey, wouldn’t happen to have a spare bobby pin do you?” pointing at mark’s hair. He moved his hand up and felt a metal pin attached to his hair with a pink rose on it.

“Just use mine, I’ll just put my hair into a ponytail” Mark said removing the pin and passing it to Cass “Since when did I wear Bobby Pins?” He thought to himself. The rest of the bust trip was uneventful, Mark and Cass just talked for most of the ride which made Mark happy as this was exactly what it was like with Joseph.

“And I said to her, at least I keep my hair alive and bouncy, yours looks like you are trying to be Wednesday Addams” Marie said before giggling away to herself. Mark laughed to, he remembered this story when Joseph told him. He then noticed that the black trainers he had put on when exiting the house were now a pair of black Mary Janes and that his black socks where now skin-tight and slightly see through but before he could put any more thought into it the bus stopped and the driver yelled to them to get off.

He exited the bus and was quickly herded into a classroom, he sat down feeling a unconscious thought to close his legs which was reinforced by his socks now being a pair of tights “I need to find a way out of here or I am going to end up like Cass” Mark thought, unaware that he referred to Joseph as Cass and unaware that someone had sat down next to him.

Looking over he saw what looked like a boy with short black hair, wearing a white shirt, black Cardigan, trousers and boots but on further examination he recognised who was sitting next to him, It was Marie, she had been a major tomboy up until she was fourteen when she had a ‘growth spurt’ and went from a flat chested tomboy to a smoking hot girly girl, Mark remembered Cass being unbelievably jealous that she had competition from one of her friends.

“Hi, the name’s Marie, yeah, I’m a girl, trust me I’ve been mistaken for a gay guy twelve times already, seriously just because I have no breasts and going braless doesn’t mean I’m not as much as a woman as tits-zilla over there” She said pointing to Cass “You know my aunt was that developed when she was our age, hunchbacked and they were down to her knees by the time she was forty” she said before pointing at Mark’s chest “How big are you? If you don’t mind me asking”

Mark was going to say he was a guy but for some reason he blurted out “32A” as he felt a small sensation on his chest and felt it being constricted by a fabric, looking down she he saw an outline of a white bra.

“Well I guess we are both part of the itty-bitty-titty club” Marie said before letting out a giggle. Mark felt a cold breeze running up his leg and looking down he saw that his jeans were now knee length shorts with the black tights covering his hairless legs. He was going to examine them further when he spotted a group of older students including his cousin and his gay friend Carl, who he remembered had been serving drinks at the party enter the class room. Lee walked over to the table where Mark and Marie were sitting and smiled.

“Hi, Marky, seems you and your friend you’ve been giggling with are in my group and you’ve got Gym with…Mr Tendon, word of advice, if he offers you candy, scream” he said before leading a small group out of the class.

“Marky?” Marie asked.

“Let’s just say it involved me, a permanent marker and ending up looking like a pirate” Mark said as she stood up sorting his jean skirt and picking up his leather school bag.

The group were walking down the halls when Mark felt a pain in his gut which made him stop “Marie, you go on ahead, I’v e got to nip to the little girl’s room” he said before walking into the girls bathroom “Don’t worry, I know how to get to the gyms, I got a guided tour from my cousin over the holiday while he was doing summer school”

Mark rushed into an empty stall and pulled down his skirt and tights and let out a quiet gasp, his boxers were now a pair of white panties and judging from a lack of bulge he knew what was underneath “It’s too late, He won, I’ve lost” Mark said sadly before fixing his clothes and exiting the stall, looking in the mirror he saw a little bit of makeup appear on his feminised face “well at least I’m pretty” he said in a feminine voice. He walked out and bumped into Carl, who was now a giant compared to Mark.

“What’s wrong Marky?” Carl asked.

“Nothing” Mark replied, Carl wouldn’t believe him if he told him the truth.

“Oh, I get it, I won’t go any further. Whose class should you be in?” Carl asked as he put his hand on Mark’s shoulder.

“Mr Tendon” Mark answered as he felt a cold breeze on his body, He suddenly looked up to Carl as a friend “can you walk me to class?”

“Of course, you don’t need to ask, anyone related to lee is a friend to me” he said in poor attempt at a riddle which made mark laugh.

The two walked to the class to see a large muscular man dressed in exercise gear standing outside the gyms.

“Sir, this is Matilda, she got a bit lost” Carl said.

“I don’t have a Matilda on my register looking down. Matilda watched as Carl blew a cold breeze from his mouth which made the teacher freeze and his eyes turned blue.

“Yes, you do, She is related to Lee” Carl said before the teacher regained control.

“Ah, yes, hopefully you won’t be as disruptive as your cousin, you can go with the other two latecomers and help set up the course” the teacher said pointing to one of the halls.

Matilda walked inside to see Cass and Marie arguing with each other.

“Do some heavy lifting tit-zilla, you should be used to it” Marie said angrily.

“You’re just jealous that there is some guys in our class who has bigger tits than you!” Cass responded.

“Touché” Marie said.

“I have a feeling you two are going to be great friends” Matilda said laughing.

“Shut up!” they both said in unison before turning to each other and laughing.

“She’s right, saying that, you call me tit-zilla but have you seen that girl in Class C, damn, she is definitely stuffing her shirt” Cass said which made the three girl laugh.


Cass, Matilda and Marie walked towards Lee’s house: Marie as Alice, Cass as a sexy nurse and Matilda as Missy from Doctor Who. The girls walked past a group of guys who wolf whistled them which resulted in them getting a bark of abuse from Marie.
“And you wonder why you are single Marie” Cass said smirking.

“It’s sexist and misogynistic, you may enjoy it because you love the D from multiple men but I actually have class” Marie said angrily.

“You stalked the last guy you had a crush on for a month” Matilda answered.

Upon entering the party Cass dragged Matilda into the nearest bathroom “Listen, Marie is making a huge mistake with Kyle, I’m going to need your help” Cass said.

“How?” Matilda asked.

“I’m going to fuck him, show Marie that he only wants her to be his booty call” Cass said before exiting the bathroom “She may hate me for it, but I am doing it to protect her”

Carl was busy serving drinks when he heard the sound of an angry girl scream echo from upstairs which made him smile “Now, to get the girl to the store. Oh boy master is going to be pleased, three souls in one week and all of them connected, master’s power will grow and he will make me his apprentice” he thought to himself as he watched Marie sit down at the bar and started sobbing, Carl walked over and put a card out in front of her.

“If you want to know why she did it, this store has just what you need” he whispered before walking away, Marie took the card and left.
“Like stealing candy from a baby” he thought as he poured himself out a shot of vodka.

Odeus’ Oddities: The Orb of Revealing

Marie watched the store from the bench, this was the store that Carl had talked about, the store that would give her the reason Cass had betrayed her trust and why Matilda let her. The store smelled odd, like something had died and been left to rot, she walked over to a dirty looking journal that sat open and had paragraphs of text and sketches etched onto the pages.

“I wouldn’t touch that if I were you” a mysterious voice said in a high pitched Irish voice “That journal belonged to a great writer that was so detailed in his work he created a pocket reality in there, so yeah unless you want to end reality, I’d move away”

“Where are you?” Marie asked to the stranger, she couldn’t see where he was but she knew he was close.

“Up here” The voice said from behind her, Marie slowly turned around but no one was there “Ugh, Look up, second shelf, third along” the voice said and following his instruction Marie was now looking at a wooden Leprechaun which lit up as the stranger started talking again “Hi”

“You’re a leprechaun?” Marie said in shock.

“No, I’m fecking Bono, of course I’m a leprechaun, seriously what is it with humans and asking questions that they already know the answer too?” the leprechaun said angrily “So, why you here? Most people who enter this shite hole are damned for all time”
“I want to know why my best friend betrayed me” Marie responded.

“Ah yes, I saw your two friends enter the shop, one idiot bought a cursed mask, the other idiot got zapped by old Charlie boy over there…I would point but that clever bastard Odeus turned me into a fecking doll” The leprechaun said angrily “Could you grab me”
Marie grabbed the Leprechaun down from the shelf and held him close to her chest “Why hello beauties” he said smugly before being held an arm’s length away.

“Help me or I drop you!” Marie commanded.

“Sorry, just having a little fun, see that orb on the table to the left of you, go touch it” the leprechaun said, Marie trusting the odd little wooden man did as she told and touched the orb before feeling an overwhelming sense of energy rushing through her.

“YOU! HOW DID YOU GET IN?” Odeus screamed as he watched Marie being absorbed by the Orb which began to levitate and then flied straight into the guestbook.

Marie regained consciousness to find herself in a weird, cathedral that looked like it had come straight out of a lovecraftian novel, there was an enormous mirror behind her but what was weird however was that it was a hand mirror with a bone handle, looking into it she saw that something about her had changed.

“My hair, It, It’s short, I mean really short” Marie said panicking.

“Don’t worry, the Orb of Revealing is just doing its job” The leprechaun said but he was no longer wooden but now a fair skinned ginger wearing a green coat and black trousers with pieces of gold hanging off of him “The orb reveals the inner self so maybe the inner you loves having really short hair”

“I had it this short when I was younger but I grew it out for, ow, my head is ringing” Marie said clutching her head in pain before letting a squeal as she was soaked in freezing cold water “WHAT THE HELL!”

“Sorry, Reality dust, messes with human minds can cause their heads to explode when the start remembering what reality actually is” The Leprechaun answered, Marie responded with an angry stare

“Joseph, Mark, I remember did that store turn them into Cass and Matilda?” Marie asked as she started having flashbacks as she exited the cathedral to find herself on a floating platform that looked like a massive chessboard with glass statues in every second square each statue was either men or women holding an artefact with strange goo dripped over them and discarded snake like tentacles on the floor.

“Hm, I recognise some of these artefacts, these people shopped at the store” The Leprechaun said as he lifted a piece of shattered glass off the floor “Yes, this is from the store, this must be where he transports his victims but why, what he could possibly need these people for?” he muttered to himself before noticing a golden cube lying on the floor, covered in mysterious runes “Evil forces are at work here, human, be alert”
The two continued walking across the chessboard and up a stairway made of puzzle pieces until they reached another platform which was covered in discarded clothing: bras, panties, boxers, skirts, trousers, dresses etc. the platform also had another glass statue in the centre however this one was full and holding nothing. However Marie noticed something about the statue, the face was familiar and then it hit her.

“That’s Matilda!” Marie said in excitement.

“Hm, one moment” the Leprechaun said before muttering a chant which made his hand and the statue glow “I sense Mark inside this statue”

The platform then shuddered softly and a glowing door appeared “I believe we must enter if we are to save your friend”

“Here goes nothing” Marie said as she walked through the door, she suddenly felt like she was falling and then a blinding night made her close her eyes. The room she was now in was bizarre: it was an enormous walk-in wardrobe with one side being entirely male clothes with the other being female clothes; in the centre was a mannequin with Matilda’s head on it and was wearing her usual outfit of a black skirt, pink tank top with visible leopard print push-up bra and a thong with fishnet stockings. The leprechaun stared at the ground for a few moments before clicking his finger.

“I’ve seen this spell before, old but very effective, you need to undress the mannequin and replace it with male clothes” he said before turning to Marie “eh, I believe the orb has taken something else” pointing at Marie’s chest.

“What do you mean?” Marie said looking down but was shocked into silence to see a now flat chest were her breasts used to be “WHAT THE FUCK! My..My babies. Jesus with my short hair and now my babes are gone I look like a…” She then turned to the Leprechaun “I’m turning into a boy aren’t I?”

“The Orb of revealing does what the name suggests, it reveals the holders true self” he answered.

“Let’s just free Mark and go find Joseph before something else changes” Marie said as she walked over to the male side of the room but was stopped by an invisible barrier “What the hell?”

“That’s the male side, female clothing isn’t allowed there” the leprechaun said.

“Oh great, so I’ve got to strip and put some boys clothes on” Marie said as she stripped quickly and grabbed some male clothes and put them on. She was now wearing a pair of jeans, boxers and a loose black shirt “god I haven’t dressed like this since I was 14” She then moved over to the male side and grabbed some more male clothes and made her way back over to the mannequin, unaware that with every step she stopped swaying her shrinking hips which slowly began to resemble those of a teenage boys “Sorry about this Mark” she muttered before ripping off the female clothes on the mannequin which made Matilda’s face change from one of happiness to anger.

“What are you doing you pervert!” the head screamed as Marie pulled the boxers up to the mannequins waist which made a familiar bulge appear “NO! We are fine the way we were, you are ruining everything” the head shouted in a more masculine voice, Marie continued putting the clothes on changing Matilda back into Mark “Marie? You are here? Thank you…I feel like I am breaking free…YES!” Mark said as the mannequin shattered, blinding Marie. She then found herself back on the platform on the ground, however something felt odd, feeling herself over she realized that her entire waist was now that of a teenage guys and her once plump, round booty that drove joseph mad with lust was gone.

“Marie! You saved me!” Mark said as he rushed over and hugged her, the glass statue on the ground broken into a million pieces “I see the store has had an effect on you”

“What do you…what the hell is up with my voice” Marie asked before realizing her voice sounded deeper and clutching at her throat she felt a small, but noticeable Adam apple “Oh great, I need to save Joseph before I start growing a dick”

A loud rumble then caused the entire region to sway back and forth as a giant ramp that was the back of a comb appeared from the misty abyss allowing the trio to move up to the next platform which had a similar except the glass statue was of Cass holding an ivory mask. A door then appeared “once more into the breach” Marie muttered before running in. She found herself sitting at a table in a busy diner which looked familiar, the patrons and staff were all wearing the same ivory mask and in front of her was Cass wearing a pink dress.

“Do you recognise this place Marie?” Cass asked.

“Yes, this is where me and you went on our first date, we shared a massive rack of ribs. We were both off school with food poisoning for a week” Marie answered which made her smile and Cass frown.

“No that was you and Joseph. He doesn’t want to speak to you, you hurt him which resulted in me existing” Cass said.
“What do you mean? I would never…Oh, fuck I understand…Joseph I’m sorry can we talk?” Marie asked and Cass suddenly disappeared being replaced by Joseph.

“You know I understand why you came here, you trusted him and he told you to come. He said you would get answers well here it is, I turned myself into a girl because I heard you were seeing some guy behind my back but for you, I fucked someone you were interested in…funny how reality works”

“You thought I was seeing Kyle? Joseph it was purely platonic, I fuck him when I feel horny when you are in one of your moods” Marie answered “I’m sorry, I should have told after the first time I get that but I love you”

“How can you love someone then betray trust by sleeping with another man you whore, Joseph, listen, We are better. Cass doent deal with this let me exist for you” Cass shouted from across the room.

“Joseph” Marie said before slamming her head down on the table as she felt her insides rearrange themselves.

“Marie what’s wrong?” Joseph said jumping from his seat and rushing over making all the patrons turn to them.

“Had to use..item form store..turning into guy” Marie said as Joseph noticed a bulge growing in Marie’s jeans “Oh great, I have a dick”

“Joseph leave her, she won’t love you anymore, she is now just like every other guy, wanting to fuck hot girls stay, I will look after her” Cass pleaded.

“NO! I want out. I want to be free, FREE! ME! NOW!” Joseph said angrily before the room evaporated and the two found themselves lying on the platform.

Joseph then felt himself get tackled by Mark “man, I have missed you…ok sorry this is getting bit gay”

“Grab Marie we are leaving” Joseph said but as he turned to face the exit Carl appeared.

“You know, my master was happy with me, said that what I was doing was exceptional but you had to go and ruin it” He said angrily before
grabbing a golden coin and throwing it at the giant comb, making it disappear “recognise this little Leprechaun” he said holding out a pot of gold.

“Give me back my pot o’ gold human and I may not hurt you” The leprechaun said.

“HA! You are powerless I am going to put you all back were you belong and there is nothing you can do to stop me” Carl said maniacally unaware that a tentacle was slowly moving closer towards him.

“You know human, I don’t think destroying that comb was a good idea” The leprechaun said “You know how magical beings are when you destroy their shit”

“What do you Meee-Noooo” Carl screamed as the tentacle latched onto his leg and pulled him into the abyss, the pot falling to the ground.

“Let’s get out of here” The Leprechaun said as he picked up the pot and rubbed one of the coins.

The group then reappeared inside the store Odues looking both scared and angry “you, of course, I should never left you out in the open O’Malley“he said to the Leprechaun.

“I suggest you leave humans, things are about to get messy” O’Malley said before tossing a coin into a jukebox and Irish music started blaring out from it. The group waited outside with the sound of crashing and shattering objects heard inside.

The store then disappeared in a blinding light as O’Malley left “he won’t be bothering here anytime soon” as he smashed the phone that lay on the ground.

“O’Malley, can you fix Marie?” Joseph asked pointing as the crying boy that was once his girlfriend.

“Sorry, I can’t, the orb's magic was way more powerful than mine plus the orb shows how the person truly perceives themselves” O’Malley answered.

“Can you grant this wish then?” Joseph said whispering into O’Malley’s ear.

“Come on Marie it isn’t that bad being a guy, we don’t bleed out of our junk every month, we can go topless…sorry that’s all I got” Mark said as he tried to comfort Marie but let out a silent gasp when Cass sat next to Marie and kissed her on the lips.

“Joseph?” Marie asked.

“You love me don’t you? Cass asked.

“Yes” Marie answered.

“Well, I’m a horny girl and you are a sad guy, I think I know what will us both happy” Cass said seductively which made Marie laugh.

“So do I, I can’t really be Marie anymore…Call me Marvin” He said before kissing cass back.

“Oh get a room you two” Joseph said as the group got up and left, unaware that O’malley had disappeared after granting Cass’s wish.

Meanwhile, several thousand miles away in a back alley in Tokyo the store reappeared, inside the entire store was wrecked and Odeus was on the floor reforming back into his human disguise.

“I hate Leprechauns”

© Copyright 2015 TartanTwiner (helenamc at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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