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by Shiroe
Rated: GC · Fiction · Other · #2060035
Continuation of my story Serenity of the Stars.
The next two days really were a blur to me, most of the time I spent trying to figure out what had happened. I wish I knew what I should do but I have no clue.

Kendra still hasn’t talked to me since. I knew she was pissed at the time after the calming effect or whatever it was wore off. Who would of been able to guess this would happen? We were suppose to be a team, we should be scouting out other team mates. The idea of us being a team is gone now. I probably should stop assuming she will come back and still want to be on my team. I called her twice already, no answer. I can’t wait any longer, I must go and find a team if I want to maintain any hope of actually finding one in the remaining five days. Moving on, that sounds good when you think about it. Actually putting the plans in action? A different idea completely, my heart just is not in it. She is; well was, I guess, the closest thing I had to family left. It’s not like she had anyone close left either. A case could even be made that she was way more than that to me though. I need to stop these thoughts, what good will it do to think like this anyway?

I need to be thinking about my team, where am I going to find a team that I can join. I can assume right now, actually assembling a team is almost out of the question. Surely everyone has already found their teams, I’m sure not enough people remain to actually form my own. The whole situation seems hopeless really. I have a few acquaintances around town that I could maybe try to talk to, but finding a team of seven people who I like and that like me? This seemingly hopeless situation is really starting to bother me. The telephone’s ring came as a shock, so much so, that I snapped my head in its’ direction. Maybe it’s Kendra, I ran for the phone.
“Hello?” hearing my words as I spoke they sound way too eager to be simply answering a phone.
“Good afternoon, is this Mr. Edan Black?” the females voice answering me was very unfamiliar sounding, but very stern and authoritative, for a woman.

“Yes, this is Edan Black, who's calling?” the concern feeling is starting to grow. The voice sounds very official, I have a bad feeling this phone call is not going to end well.

“This is a secretary for the council President, Mr. Sayer. This phone call is to inform you of the situation at hand. There has been an official investigation into the death of Mr. Keynesian.” The words carried a surreal feeling with them. She continued with almost no pause. "Mr. Sayer would like to see you in his office today at 1pm for a meeting to decide whether or not a trial will be necessary."
A million questions running through my mind. However; fear was now in possession of most of my mind. All I could manage to say was, "okay, I'll be there."

"Thank you, Mr. Black. Have a nice day," click. The phone cut off as fast as it had rang.

I stood there with the phone to my ear for a few seconds, then slowly put it back where it belonged. My mind started buzzing. I could go to jail, my adventure could be cut short. It was an accident, surely that was obvious. I have no clue how it happened, even after racking my brain for two days straight. Where did the sudden storm come from? Far more interesting, where did the rain come from? I don't think it's possible either storm was caused by anyone there, none of us are capable of that kind of magic. Especially not at this young of an age. Besides, I took damage as well as Steve and Kendra. If it was my spell how could it hurt my friends, or possibly the most concerning how did it manage to hurt me. Mostly spells have limits without a second thought from the caster. The shock of the phone call was slowly wearing off. I looked at the clock, noon. I have one hour to get ready and get to the council building.

The next hour seemed like 5 minutes to me. Before the realization truly took effect, I was outside a very official looking door. I must of been really worried because getting dressed, walking here, even finding the office, all of these activities were nonexistent in my mind. None of that mattered though I guess, I need to regain control of my mind that's what matters. I always lose control, it worries me that my self control is so low. I read the door, the plaque beside it reads, "President of Council, Mr Sam Sayer." I knocked twice, kind of quietly, the fear is really playing a role in my actions.

"Come on in Mr. Black," a strong voice answered. Walking into the room, my eyes wandered. My heart gave a solid jerk as my eyes locked onto a familiar sight, there’s Kendra, setting in a chair to my left. There is an open seat right next to her. Is she the reason for this hearing? Did Kendra turn me in? Does she really think I murdered her fiance?

"Hello Mr. Sayers, Kendra," I didn't really know what else to say. Kendras face was cold, she must be the one that did this. Anger flowed through my body, the adrenaline is starting to take over. My hands clenched into fists, my body tensed. I need to control this, I can’t let this happen.

"Welcome Mr. Black, please, have a seat," a gesture was made towards the empty seat next to Kendra.

Fighting the anger, I sat down next to Kendra. I can't be this angry. Not here, not now, this hearing could decide my future. The adventure I had been waiting my whole life for, could be cut down right here. This hearing held all my desires and they could all be crushed in a few words from the man sitting across from me. The woman next to me, once family, could possibly be the star witness against me and the main reason I go to jail. How was I suppose to remain calm and control my anger with those two factors in play. Regardless I needed to find a way.

"Mr. Black, I want to make it clear right now. No one, including me thinks you killed Mr. Keynesian. I called this meeting to exterminate the doubts of those around town. After all, an accident should not be held against someone. When people reach the age that you two are at, it's a very confusing time. Magic abilities don't just master themselves, they materialize slowly. Sometimes, episodes of extreme rage in your case Mr. Black, or episodes of extreme depression and sadness in your case Ms. Meyers cause a person's hidden abilities to surface." The words Mr. Sayer said released all of the fear I had experienced in the last hour.

He continued, "However; I do want to express my greatest sympathies for the lost of Mr. Keynesian, I understand he was your fiance Ms. Meyers. My deepest sympathy to you indeed. Considering our prior conversation and the common knowledge of the three of us, I'm sure we all can agree your loss might be better considered a gain." Realization sunk in with those words, Kendra is the reason I am here. She is also the reason I'm not in trouble.

"Mr. Black, after long deliberation with the council, as well as conversations with the people who were at the scene. I would like you to know that you are not, and will not be in trouble for what has happened. It was an accident as far as our judgement is concerned. Ms. Meyers has attested that she believes it was an accident as well. With all these eye witness testimonies and Ms. Meyers statement, we do not see a need to push this matter further." Those were the words I was hoping for. Nothing could of been more helpful to me. The fear, anger, anticipation all those feelings I had coming into this meeting, now are melting away. For the first time in the last hour and a half roughly, I could actually think semi clearly.

"Does that mean I am free to go," Kendra's dull lifeless sounding tone almost broke my heart. This is my fault, I caused this. I took her happiness away, how am I supposed to live knowing this. I made her this way.

"Well, Ms. Meyers and Mr. Black, I would like to talk to you about one other minor topic that has come to the council's attention. I hope you both wouldn't mind staying a little longer, I would like to clear some other things up." There is more? I thought this conversation and more importantly case were closed. What could possibly need cleared up now.

"I would be more than happy to stay," I could think of nothing better to say.

"If you find it necessary sir," Kendra's voice still sounded so lifeless. I almost can’t bear this feeling of guilt.

"I do find it quite necessary. These spells you have both used concern the council. Not in the way you both might be thinking though. The council is not worried about the level of your maturity or your responsibility. We are concerned because we believe you have both been gifted with what the history books call Ancestral spells." I understand now why he had called this meeting. I also understand why the secretary couldn't have told me on the phone. I wasn't in trouble. Word of these spells being active after the period of time they spent dormant could cause an uproar or fear and anger.

"Ancestral spells?! I thought they were just rumors or children stories." The squeaky high pitched sound in Kendra's voice honestly is a surprise to me. "Edan, I had no idea you were in possession of such a powerful mindset." She was now talking directly to me. My heart skipped a beat or two, what was that about. Anyway, up until now, I had only heard of these spells, I never knew they actually existed. They had been so dormant, only officials and scholars knew the characteristics of the spells.

"I had no idea that I was able to produce an Ancestral spell." The shock carried over to my voice.

"I know you didn't know Mr. Black..." I cut him off right there.

"Please it would be my pleasure for you to address me as Edan, Mr. Sayer." Why did I just cut him off, this man is the President of the council. "Sorry about interrupting you sir."

"Quite alright Edan, and please both of you may call me Sam. Anyway, I know you had no idea about the true power you possessed. Ms. Meyers, I would like to inform you that the rainstorm was your spell. As I’m sure you assumed, it is also an Ancestral spell as well." Kendra had one of these spells as well?

"Please it would also be my pleasure if you called me Kendra, Sam."

"Thank you Kendra. Anyway, I would like to inform you both of the knowledge we have from the past about your newly discovered powers. Edan I would like to tell you what we know about your power first. Your power is known as God's Judgement. In the past, it was believed the person to possess this power was a chosen one. Later it was decided that this power probably was just a gift like all the others. The power of this spell is unrivaled by any other fire spell. The spell you produced was actually a very small scale one. With your spell, Kendra and yourself were injured. I’m sure you realized this is unusual as you should have both be classified as friendly. The spell hurt you both because you did not have control over your emotions, your rage was so extreme the spell could not distinguish who was friendly and who was not. Second I would like you to know that this spell can span a much larger distance. History seems to indicate the ability to circle a whole dimension in a firestorm killing everyone who is not distinguished as a friendly. History also suggests this spell has the ability to not only distinguish friendlies from your mind and emotions, but also has the ability to judge friendly's from your moral code. This is part of the reason why it was named God's Judgement. It has the ability, after the caster has matured greatly, to judge everyone based on their moral code. This power is extremely dangerous, so much so that most of the people in the history books that had been discovered to possess it were either immediately killed or locked away and never allowed to see freedom again.
We do not believe this is necessary, a quick scan of your abilities reveals you are a holy fire elementalist. Which as I’m sure you were not aware of, is a necessity to possess this particular Ancestral Spell. The counterspell of your spell is possessed only by a dark fire elementalist is known as Satan’s Fury. Being is a prediction of your morals, that alone led us to the decision to allow you to go free and mature on your own. This freedom comes with a warning though. If we detect signs of your powers becoming too much for you to handle or that there is a possibility of you turning rogue we will have no choice but to kill you."

"Sam, I heard you mentioned us both being harmed by Edans spell. I was not injured though. I remember very clearly, I watched Steve die, and I watched Edan be burned and fall. I felt no pain; however, and saw no burns on my arms. Actually, I saw the fireballs run down my arms as if they were rain drops."

"That is impossible, there had to of been some kind of injuries. It is not possible for a man as young as Edan and as new to this power as he is to have controlled that power in any way. The balls must of burned you, in the state you were in you just weren't thinking clearly" The sureness in Sam's voice even caused me to question what Kendra was saying.

"No, it is possible because it happened. I was not injured by Edan's magic, the fireballs came in contact with me but did not burn me at all. How do you know I was upset anyway? People that saw the scene said I barely even showed emotion." What she was saying was true, she showed no emotion at the time. She cried but it did kind of interest me that she seemed to not really be bothered after our spells disappeared.

"The people that saw you after your spell had been casted, have no clue the emotional pain you endured. Your spell is the most unique out of all eight Ancestral spells. Unlike most spells, yours is only able to be used when the caster is emotionally destroyed. For example, you watched your fiance die, caused by your best friend. After his death you then watched your best friend almost perish in the same storm that had killed your fiance. Your emotions were so high that soon your mind would've cracked. Your spirit, Tears of the Fallen sensed that. It saved your mind from the emotional turmoil it was going through. Your spell unlike the others, happens to be deeply connected with your emotions. The only possible way to be casted is when your mind is in this state. Records indicate that this spell, was only ever actually witnessed by a handful of people. Most people never get upset enough to actually cast it. It was always interesting to the council because your spell can change the course of a battle the most compared to any of the other seven spells." What Sam was saying made perfect sense.

"Tears of the Fallen consumes the casters grief this is believed to then be converted into either an extremely powerful heal or possibly a damaging spell depending on the person. According to the few witnesses that have ever seen the spell, the intensity of it has always been different. This leads us to believe that the more upset the caster is, the more powerful the spell becomes. Not just that, but the spell also seems to change depending on the need. In other words your power changes depending on however it can make you happier. When it was casted, people were dying, that obviously upset you. The spell sensed this and fixed the problem. We have reason to believe that if enemies would of been around, they would of taken damage as you were healed. Tears of the Fallen is the most versatile spell out of the eight." Jealousy formed a ball in the middle of my chest replacing the rage that existed when I first walked in the room. I am excited for Kendra, but now jealousy is taking over. Her spell is so amazing compared to my raining fire. I can’t believe we won’t be on the same team, these two powers teamed together? The possibilities are almost limitless. Without her on my team, I’m losing more than just her power though, her mind was always much quicker than mine. Perfect for a strategist.

"That's why I had no emotions when people saw me? It confused me as well as everyone around me. I was emotionless, until I got home. Why didn't it take the grief away permanently? Instead it was momentarily until it hit me like it had just happened" I had never thought about the pain she was going through. She did love him, even if he was an asshole. Her reaction when it happened fooled me, was or is she even mad at me? Maybe what I mistook for anger was actually sadness for her loss. How selfish could I possibly be? I saw her emotions and was worried about if she was mad at me?

"The spell swallows emotion, but only temporarily. Then turns that emotion into rain. The spell is named because of the rain representing tears and the fact that the spell has only rarely been seen, mainly after people died or while they were dying. Actually, the history books don't even mention the spell without being associated with death, mass numbers of death at that." The words seemed to reverberate in my mind. I guess I never realized how upset she must of been. According to Sam that spell would of only happened with great emotional turmoil.

"That's... interesting. I think I've heard about all I can handle for one day. This is a lot of change, a few days ago I was starting a journey with my fiance and friend. Now Steve is dead, if you'll both excuse me, I think for right now I would just prefer to go home and stay there." How could she say something like that? Does that mean she isn't going to go? We were suppose to be on a team. The numbness is taking over, I can feel the shock take its toll on every joint in my body.

"Kendra, we need to work on our team," the words just slipped out. The look on her face indicates to me they should of stayed hidden.

"We are not a team, I am not going to work with you. I know you didn't mean to kill Steve, but you did. I don't want to be on a team with you, honestly I'm not even sure I am willing to talk to you anymore. I'm especially not going on the adventure, without Steve I just don't care about any of that really." Those words sent me in a spiral. The last few days I had tricked myself into believing she would snap out of it. I thought we were still a team, I guess I was wrong. The last bit of what she had said hit me like a brick, she didn't want to talk to me anymore? Not only were we not a team but she doesn't want to be my friend either? I couldn't bring myself to say anything else to her. Watching her get up and walk away, multiple things crossed my mind to say to her but it didn't matter, she was gone.

"Stop worrying Edan, she will come around." My head snapped towards him, Sam jumped back. I can see the fear on his face. He must be thinking I'm out of control right now.

“He should be afraid of us Edan” The voice seemed to be from inside my head.

“What?” My words were spoken not thought. Sam must be wondering what is going on with me.

“Are you alright Edan?” He seems genuinely concerned. Though right now I’m sure he knows more about me then I know about myself. Afterall he is the one that has all the information from the history books.

“Yes, I’m fine. I just, well nevermind.” I had just came way too close to sounding like a lunatic.

“Edan, your spirit is communicating with you. Right?” How in the hell did he know that? I’m not sure I like the idea of Sam knowing more about myself than I know right now.

“He knows about me Edan, he has spent most of his life studying me and those like me. He is not a threat at all, he is a friend to both of us Edan. I said he should be afraid of us, but that’s true about anyone around you. You don’t have enough control of your emotions to properly control me yet. That alone makes my power a wildcard to you and your allies.” The spirit inside of me is showing himself? Why in the hell is he choosing now to show himself to me. All those years, when my parents died. I could have used a friend other than Kendra, not that she wasn’t enough.

“I’m sorry Edan, I was in hiding trying to protect you. Now is not the time, you need to talk to Sam. Trust him Edan, we will talk soon.” I
never answered Sam, how long had passed, a few seconds I think.

“Yes, he’s talking to me Sam. He has never done this with me before. He has never even shown himself.” I can’t believe I am telling Sam all of this. Why am I trusting a voice in my head simply because Sam told me he’s my spirit.

“What did he tell you Edan?” He sounds very worried.

"Don't worry Sam, I'm in control of my emotions. He told me to trust you and that we would talk later. He’s not really what has me upset though, I'm just surprised at how badly she is taking this. She knows I didn't do anything on purpose. What did happen, happened while I was protecting her. I didn’t even mean for it to happen honestly, this spirit made it happen"

"Edan, it's okay. She's angry now, but she'll come around. I would keep a spot for her on your team for when she does come around. She is pretty popular with other people that are planning this journey as well. I'm sure they will talk her into going. When she decides to go, I'm sure she will realize she wants to be on your team and no one else's."

"You seem so certain about that. From what I just saw, there is no way we are going to end up on a team. Actually, I'm pretty sure she doesn't even want to be friends with me anymore."

"Edan, I know what it looks like from your point of view. Please trust me, save her a spot, and maybe even a spot for a friend or two. She will come around, you guys will end up on a team."

"If you don't mind me asking Sam, how do you know we will end up together?" The spirit did tell me to trust Sam. For some reason the voice in my head is the thing I’ve trusted the most in the last couple days.

"The Ancestral spells are more than just power. They add another level of mind to the caster. They make the caster think clearly, even in the worst situations. From our research the Ancestral spells help the caster through the worst situations. While she may of seemed upset now, I feel you should know she would be even worse without her ability. You seem very calm yourself, did you not realize that?" He was right, I had been very calm. I killed a man, he was attacking but I still killed him. How was I so okay with this, I had never killed anything before that.

"I had never really thought about it Sam. I was too concentrated on other things. I never even realized how calm I truly am, especially after killing him."

"Edan, you are not truly calm. You have a friend deep inside helping you through what is happening. Without it, well you might not even be setting here right now. I would guess you would be too upset to actually set here and talk to me. Her spell is working with her as well. Just like you though, she has no clue that she is actually very calm compared to how she would normally react. Though, she missed this conversation and I’m sure her spirit had tried to make contact at least once. That added confusion might not be helping." That is true, she has no clue about what we just discussed. She must think she is going crazy right about now.

"She's not calm though, she told me she wants nothing to do with me. You heard her say it as well as I did." He's starting to annoy me, he heard what she said. How can he calmly tell me that she will come around? I couldn't of even contemplated the idea of our spells helping us deal with emotional and mental dilemmas before now. It's actually hard for me to understand it. I do trust the voice in my head though for some strange reason. I actually felt a little calm while I heard him talk. He told me to trust what Sam was saying, so I guess that’s what I will do.

"She is going through a great deal of trauma. Her situation will take a little longer for her spirit to calm her down. There are still a few days left before you need to have team papers signed and turned back in. Just trust me and save her a spot Edan."

"I have questions for you, if you don't mind"

"You may ask whatever you would like, I have cleared my schedule for a few hours. I knew what I was telling you guys would take a long time and I wanted to help you guys actually understand. I'm sorry that Kendra left so soon though, I'm sure she'll figure some of this out on her own. She was always very bright, which is probably why her spell chose her. That’s not to say I don’t think you couldn’t of understood what I’m telling you on your own as well, it just would've taken longer. I’m sure you can help her understand the rest Edan. Anyway, you were saying you had a question Edan?"

"How do our spells help us? I mean how is it possible for our spells to be attached to our emotions like that, and be able to help us through tramas?"

"Well, to answer that you need to realize what these spells are and how they compare to other types of spells. As I'm sure you
know, normal spells are an extension of the casters mental and physical power. Ancestral spells are similar, they are indeed an extension of the casters mental and physical power. They are so much more, however. From the research that we have done and the history books we have found, these spells are actually attached to you. They are a living entity like you or me. The difference is they can only manifest themselves in the caster they choose. You have heard him yourself Edan, he knows what you are thinking as well as the pain you go through."

"I, well... I guess I have. How can it be that I trust him so much though? I have only heard this voice twice but already I trust him as if he were family." Family, that’s something I haven’t felt in a long time. I almost forgot how good it felt to actually have someone that felt like family to me besides Kendra of course.

"I know Edan, it’s hard to understand. This spirit has been with you your whole life. While the voice itself is new to you, your mind has known the spirit forever. It’s second nature to trust what he says. I would venture to guess that you might trust the spirit more than you’ll ever trust anyone else."

"That almost doesn’t seem possible though. My mind trusts him because he’s been there forever? So I will always do what he says in other words?"

"No, Edan, it's nothing like that. This spirit cares about you, it's a separate entity that has chosen you. You choose to listen to what he says, you are not forced to. All eight spirits are always alive, living their lives unable to truly die. When the person they choose dies, they simply go back into the air until they find their next choice. You may not believe me, but these spells are a living spirit. They choose who they want, we believe they are able to see the person’s true ability inside and choose based on their type. Each spell has it's own unique style, it’s own unique likes and dislikes. The spell looks for a caster that shares those likes and dislikes. These spirits choose based off of what they think your overall ability will be."

"So my spell chose me? You tell me it's my friend? I don't even know it though. It's never actually interacted with me before it killed Steve."

"Indeed, it chose you and it is your friend. That's exactly why it killed Steve. It felt your rage, your pain. It saw what was causing it. The spell as I mentioned before, feeds from your emotion. It wants to protect you as much as possible much like a parent. It saw Steve swinging at you, that coupled with it's knowledge of Steve being the cause of your emotional pain. Put both of those things together, and, well it just equals a bad day for whoever you are against. Your ability saw the problem and corrected it."

"I didn't ask it to help me. I didn't want Steve to die."

"These spells are cold Edan. Their emotion is linked to your pain and happiness. They know only your mindset. They have their own mind with it’s pain from the past. Their friends have died and they live. They live, knowing you will die eventually. That makes them extremely protective. They have no moral compass though. They have no bearing on right or wrong. That's the casters job to be able to control their emotions. Your spirit will make you happy if you’re not, but it will only do so if you allow it or tell it to. You were unaware of your power, this means without knowing you allowed him to make you happy."

"Okay, but you said that Kendra's spell could only be activated when she is almost falling apart emotionally. If these spells are so protective, why does she have to be pushed so far before it will help her."

"Edan, you're forgetting something else I told you. These spirits have their own personality. You are both lucky and unlucky to
possess God’s Judgement. Fire consumes your emotion and your mindset. You have a fast burning and intense spirit. Your ability possesses the same attributes. Quick to action, and very intense. Unlike your spirit, Kendras spirit is much more calm. While it's just as protective over her as your spirit is over you, they react to threats in different ways. History depicts the ability for the caster to change frequency of the spell based on the connection made with the spirit. The history is very unclear beyond this point though."

"Okay, that makes sense. What I don't understand, why is history so unclear after that?" I already have a feeling I'm not going to like the answer to this.

"Well, the bond usually takes a lot longer to build then each caster lives. The bond for most people takes a long time to build up. History projects that you will not be able to create a strong enough bond before your 2000 year average life span. This situation is not like the cases in the books though. Most casters don't realize their ability until they are around the midway of their life. Kendra and yourself must have a very special bond with your abilities already. History has never spoke of a caster that could talk directly with their spirit at an age less than 1500."

“I’m only 21 though Sam, does that mean I am going to be able to create a true bond with this spirit?”

“Edan, Kendra and yourself already have stronger bonds with your spirits than any other caster has had. More so, you did it at age 21. They only made this bond past the midway point of their lives. I think it’s quite possible for Kendra and yourself to make an incredibly strong bond with your spirits. Both of you are making history, I want you to know that I am incredibly proud of you Edan.

"Thank you Sam, I think that's all the questions I can ask you right now. Well, I think I’ve asked all the questions that I can handle the answers to right now at least."

"I'll be around Edan, and this is not something you will be able to understand in one day. This is the beginning of your life and the beginning of your journey like it is for everyone else your age. Unlike them you have a very special power, even better this power is a friend. Get to know it and it will get to know you. Possibly most important, talk to it Edan. Take notes, make sure you understand what he tells you. Excuse me for sounding so eager but we have never had this opportunity presented to us before."

"Thanks for being so helpful Sam. I will take as many notes and copy as much information about what he tells me as possible. Thanks again Sam." Standing up was a little more difficult than I thought it should have been. My mind is racing. Will Kendra really come back? Should I really trust Sam? Will this spirit even talk to me again?.

"Any time Edan, have a good day. Remember save about three or four spots for Kendra and her friends. They will show up in due time."

"Okay..." I still don't understand how he could possibly think like that. How can he possibly think that she would want to be on my
team? Even if she did what makes him think she would bring her friends? Why would her friends want to be on a team with someone who can't even control their own ability.
Each step popped my eyes up and down. The pictures on the walls are very interesting, paintings mostly. Why are there so many? Seemingly every step of the spiral style staircase had a new painting that seemed to stare outwards. Stopping mid step in the middle of the staircase my eye caught a seemingly normal painting, but to me it seemed different. That person in the painting, the spell they're casting. That's not any spell I've been taught about. What is he casting? The look on his face is the most concerning, he looks like he has lost all control. The destruction around him, this can’t be a normal spell. The circle around him is covered with fire. He has to be a fire elementalist, same as me. That spell though, the circle of destruction. Is that the ancestral spell I possess? Is that my future?

“That is indeed me Edan. That was my second friend. I remember him well. I was so young back then, he was older by the time I was able to show him my power. The person who painted this must of been one of the few that escaped the devastation. I showed myself too early, I misjudged his control. He died during that, I was too young to stop myself. His anger was so great, it was tearing me apart. I had to release the anger somehow, I could only control the power to a very minimal extent. He died because he was not in control, and because of my carelessness.”

You seem so sad, I can actually feel how sad you are. I am sorry for your loss spirit. I’m sorry I don’t know what to call you actually. What would you prefer to be called?

“I can hear you so clearly, very unusual for your age. You have magnificent control over your focus. Sorry I’m rambling, anyway my friends have called me Judge but I prefer the name Tim.”
Well Tim, thanks for the compliment. You said you showed yourself to me early, how do you know you didn’t show yourself to me too early?

“The terrifying part for me Edan, is that I don’t really. You seem very mature for your age, you seem to lose control a lot though. Out of all those times you lost control, your mind always stayed in check which has always intrigued me. It was always interesting to me. No matter how angry you are, your mind remains in control of what you do. I hope for your sake that this power does not go to your head Edan.”

Well Tim, I hope so as well. I’m terrified actually, this is all so much stuff happening at once. I need to keep moving or else someone might notice I’m just standing here.

Walking on, the thoughts still circled in my head. What if I did lose control? Sam already warned me, if they sensed that I was out of control they would basically kill me. Can I control this? I couldn't before why should I even hope to think I can now? At the bottom step, the door in front of me with a sign up top saying "Thanks for Visiting", showed me the way out. Continuing through the door, I saw the remanence of what must of been a crowd waiting to see the fate of the murderer. That's what most people thought at least, that I had murdered Steven.

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