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Visitors come with a means of world peace; is it a new beginning or the end? 52 Wks |
I’m sure there will be many accounts about how things changed, from many reporters and politicians. A writing of a new history written for us, the common folk. I have my doubts if it will be truthful, so I’m writing down my own account, for whomever dares to believe it. The first wave of change didn’t come from outside, but from within our own global community when, on the 11th of September, 2001, terrorists flew planes into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and tried to fly one into the White House. Yes, three hit their mark, the forth crashed in Pennsylvania, thanks to the brave passengers on board. Although unrelated to the second attack twenty years later, on September 11th, 2021, it definitely changed our way of life. I lived in New York at the time of the terrorist attack, and moved to Chicago shortly after. It wasn’t to be safer, I just needed to leave New York and the memories of that fatal day. Looking back, I guess it wouldn’t have mattered if I stayed or left, or where I had gone. But, I had left and taken a job in Chicago, working for the Jefferson Park Transit Center, over by O’Hare International Airport. For the record, if anyone cares to know, or if they want to look me up, if there’s any way to look anything up, my name is Rick; full name, Richard William Strauss. At the time I’m writing this, I live in an apartment in Avondale, on the 3000 block of West Eddy Street. I’ll omit the actual street number and apartment number, in case I’m no longer living there, and to protect any future residents. The second wave of change was, as I mentioned, the attack on September 11th, 2021. I had just gotten off work and pulled onto the Kennedy Expressway when it happened. Traffic was heavy do to the events of that day, and I was stuck in traffic, heading towards O’Hare. One minute everything was normal, the next, O’Hare was gone. Smoke filled the air, the flames visible even at this distance, and every radio and television set broadcast the explosion. But, I get ahead of myself. I should explain the events leading up to this, as well as what happened afterward. I can only give a broad account for the week after O’Hare, then a personal account for the next five days, taking us to today, Thursday, September 23rd. Although O’Hare was the beginning of the end, a lot had happened leading up to this unprovoked attack. It all started over a year ago when NASA, working with other space agencies around the world sent out a message, into deep space. The idea came when a team at NASA accelerated particles to faster-than-light speeds when they fired lasers into the EmDrive resonance chamber. For anyone who doesn’t know, NASA designed the EmDrive resonance chamber as a proposed faster than light propulsion engine some five or six years ago. Working with other space agencies, the EmDrive was perfected and mounted on a small ship just over a year ago. It was an unmanned test flight, sent out with a message from mankind, towards the most likely planet that could host life, first known as Kapteyn-b. For those who didn’t’ follow this type of science, Kapteyn is a red dwarf star named after the guy who first discovered it. It has two planets that are in the right distance to support life, Kapteyn-b and Kapteyn-c, although the most likely was Kapteyn-b. Of course, we now know the planet as Crion and the next one over as Janus, but I’ll get to that soon. The message was recorded in several formats, including musical notes and a type of electronic pulse, hoping that if another species did exist way out there, they would be able to retrieve the ship and its message. It was aimed with a trajectory that would put it in a high orbit over Kapteyn-b and succeeded in getting there. Of course, even with faster than light propulsion and harnessing this new accelerated particle into a readable form of long range communication, it took six months for us to know the ship had indeed survived the journey and was in a sustained orbit around the planet; three months for the ship to journey and three months for the communication to return to us. There were a few transmissions along the way, but they are not worth noting here, just brief messages sent back informing NASA that the ship was still traveling its course. No other transmissions ever came to let us now if someone did find the ship or if they did retrieve the message. They did contact us, however, in person! It turns out that the planets we knew as Kapteyn-b and Kapteyn-c were actually called Crion and Janus. They had existed three times longer than our planet, and had a much more advanced civilization. The people, Crionites had watched as our ship travelled to Crion, intercepted it and retrieved the message, then they had sent a ship back. Crionites had developed faster than light travel while we were still in the Bronze Age, and they have been keeping an eye on us over the centuries. Of course, this is all common knowledge to us now, but how much will be remembered by future generations is anyone’s guess. That’s why I want to record this and burry it in this time capsule for someone in the future to find. I suspect the story told and what actually happened will be very different. The people from Crion are much the same as you and I. It’s difficult to distinguish them from humans. They look almost the same as us, they talk like us, they walk like us, and they have, from time to time, lived amongst us. One difference is they have no hair. It’s something to do with the red dwarf star and its radiation. Of course they can hide this feature very easily. The other thing that sets them apart is their inability to be exposed to our air. The air itself is fine, but the viruses and bacteria are lethal to them. Their red dwarf sun has sterilized their world and they have no natural defense against even the common cold. To survive here, they must wear a mask to filter out airborne pathogens and sterilize everything they consume or come into direct contact with. They are a peace-loving race, but because they are prone to biological attack, they have developed very powerful defensive weapons and are very cautious of any other race they come into contact with. Until the EmDrive and our ship, they are the only race with inter-stellar abilities. When our ship arrived, it was boarded and found to carry many biological infestations, therefore they had to destroy it. They investigated our drive unit, our recordings, and our technology, then they sterilized it by flying it into their sun. Knowing we would soon send out manned missions with the likelihood of us visiting them, they had to contact us and warn us of the danger we impose to them biologically. Also, knowing how much war and conquest has shaped our history, they needed to ensure we would not invoke war on them. Even though we have no weapons as powerful as theirs, a biological attack would be devastating to their planet. They came to ensure peace between us and them, as well as peace upon earth. They came with a message for a new beginning, peace on earth. Our first contact came in August, about a month ago. They had sent a ship of their own, a monolith vessel set in orbit far beyond the moon. By radio contact, they announced themselves and gave us a brief history of our ship, what happened to it, and why they had come; much of what I just disclosed. The broadcast was sent so that all people in all nations would hear and know they had come. Shortly after, a small crew descended to earth and met in a secure area. Although it was not disclosed to the public, most agree the site was Area 51. I know, a lot of people don’t even think this area is real because of all the alien hype over it, and it may be a bit of alien humor that picked it. In truth, Area 51 is a remote detachment of Edwards Air Force Base, located within the Nevada Test and Training Range. The correct names for the facility are Homey Airport and Groom Lake. It is a very secure and restricted area, a good place for first physical contact. Crion sent a delegation of important Crionites to meet with the people of earth, since we were entering a new area of faster than light travel. The main delegate was Kroyk Tolt’fosh, a name heard often once the visitors arrived. Our country sent a group of delegates to meet with theirs, for the first talks between our species. I’m not sure if species is the correct term, since they are biologically the same as us except for evolutionary changes due to their sun a red dwarf. Perhaps race would be better. The message they brought was clear, they feared us. Although excited to have a new people reaching for the stars, and much for them to share from their own exploration, including different species that have limited space travel because of the lack of faster than light technology, and even some that are more primitive that have not reached beyond their own planets, they held fear because of our constant wars on our own planet. Much of the talks were broadcast, and the message was clear, they wanted us to manage world peace before we trek into the universe. They also had a means for us to achieve this. They claimed to trust, most governments wanted global peace, and feared most the same thing we fear, terrorist groups and radicals. They said they would share technology with us, help us to overcome the biggest problems with interstellar travel, the havoc faster than light speed has on the physical body. The sheer devastation of acceleration would kill anyone on board. The secret was to create a stable environment within the ship that would shield the inhabitants form the forces the vessel went through. They had it, we needed it, and the prospect of world peace was appealing to everyone. After the meeting, the delegates from Washington were informed to share this knowledge with other countries and to relay the message that the next meeting would be for all mankind, all countries represented. But first, the people of the world had to make a choice. Would mankind agree to live in peace and set aside all differences? Each country would maintain self-rule, but it would be under the Pact of Crion. Any country that refused would be destroyed. How? The Crionites, although not a part of any governing agency would set up a defense system on our own moon that would be able to bring any rebellion to an end. A new order would replace the United Nations, one that required every national leader to attend. They alone would have the power to decide if any nation, people, or terroristic group threatened world peace. They would delegate to the Crionites who the threat was. In addition, once this unit was established and the defense station set in place, all nations would be required to disarm, under observation of the Crionites. Of course, they understood this would all take some time, and they also understood we would be weary of disarming when they have a weapon station on our moon. In addition to all of the things I listed, the Crionites gave an invitation for our top scientists and humanitarians to travel back to Crion and observe their society which was war free and lived in peace. Of course, they would have to live within strict guidelines to prevent any contamination to Crion, environmental suits provided by them. Ours, they said were bulky and very limited. They, of course had to wear these suits to come here. The mask was small and fit to the individuals face to provide sterile air, the suit itself was a light robe that looked much like silk. It was an energy weave that was worn over the body that no microbes could pass through. Even as it provided protection for them as they wore it, it would also provide the means for mankind to visit them. To the world, peace sounded great. No more war, no more terrorists, no more money spent on defense and war. The global economy would change and the money saved would increase the quality of life for everyone. Talk soon spread of united healthcare, of an end to hunger, and of a world that could share in all technology. Research done for defense and weapons could move towards ending diseases like cancer, and poverty would come to an end. What was not to like about it? Again, there was no instant movement to this end, and there were many who had doubts, but Kroyk sounded so convincing, and before anything could be done, we, the people of earth, had to decide. It was their policy to ensure that anything they gave was requested, not pushed. Also, nothing would be done until after our delegation had traveled to Crion, observed them and their way of life, then returned and shared with the world that living in peace was possible. It sounded almost too good to be true, but mankind was united instantly by the thought of world peace, of inter-world peace. Everyone was eager to get started, and their voices were heard, around the world, in mere days. World governments answered the cry for peace and the next meeting was set. All the world leaders would meet at the same place, at the same time, under protection of the Crionites. No nation would be excluded, and the next steps would be discussed. No military would be allowed, although security guards would be present for all the leaders. Their safety was provided, after a short demonstration of the defensive powers of the Crionites. They had a shielding system that provided an energy shield that could be used around an individual, a group, even an aircraft carrier. Nothing we had could penetrate this shield, although we never had time to test it fully. A demonstration was given at Area 51, and our most powerful weapons could not harm the people within the shielding. Because of the lack of an immune system, the Crionites were in a hurry to get things moving, so the meeting of all national leaders was set by them. They landed a large craft at O’Hare International Airport, constructed a huge dome to house everyone, and demonstrated how secure this structure was. It was mid field, and easy to access from two of the main runways, so the leaders could disembark directly into the dome. The speed at which everything was done continued to impress the world, their technology was astounding. Within the dome, quarters were set up for all the world visitors, around the perimeter, at the center was a conference center that provided a sterile area for the Crionites and comfortable seating for the world leaders. No weapons of any type would be allowed inside the dome, only two personal guards per diplomat, and security forces provided by the Crionites. Each country was welcome to send their head of security to look the dome over, inside and out, before the diplomats arrived. The Crionites provided transportation for all in small shuttles. By September 11, everything was set and the world leaders began to arrive. Various military units, from many countries guarded the airport, all of them working together for the first time in history. It was clear that this force was not needed, but it was nonetheless impressive to see top military units from around the globe working together to insure this meeting would not be disrupted by any terrorist group. For the first time, all doubts were set aside and it looked like world peace was within reach. The last to arrive were the Crionites, who would not arrive by a physical vessel, but by some kind of beam that would shoot down from their mother ship, transporting them directly to the sterilized area within. No reporters or outsiders were permitted access, but the world was able to both see and hear over broadcasts provided from the Crionites. Everything said and done in the conference area would be broadcast in every language. The first meeting took place at 3:00 o’clock, the afternoon of September 11. By 5:00, the meeting suspended for dinner, exotic foods provided by the hosts. They themselves beamed back to their ship and would arrive again at 7:00 that same evening to wrap up the first meeting. The city was overfilled with world visitors, the broadcasts playing out everywhere. I think every person around the world who had the means was watching this most historical event. Because of all the visitors to our city, I was working late at the Transit Center and did not get done until 8:00. I headed directly towards O’Hare, even though there would be no chance of getting inside the airport. The military had the entire place shut down and secured. But, many of us just wanted to get close, to see the various military units working together, and to see for ourselves the glittering beam that would transport the Crionites from the dome back to their ship when the meetings ended at 9:00. The expressway was packed, but traffic was flowing slowly along. I soon realized that I would not be anywhere close to the airport when the meeting ended, traffic was that congested and moving that slow. I could have stepped out of the car and walked faster. Listening to the leaders talk over the radio, the discussion of peace and their willingness to work together to achieve this united goal filled us all with hope. One after another, they confirmed that our world was about to change, for the first time all nations were united in one goal, and we had the Crionites to guide us towards it. They insured all of us that it was attainable, and within the next twelve months, we would not only see this, we would be more than willing to begin worldwide disarmament. No nation would ever again need to maintain an army or any military power. The meeting was coming to an end and I was still little more than halfway to the airport. But, even at this distance I could see the shimmering beam streak across the dark sky as our hosts returned to their ship. I was too far out, but others witnessed the dome glowing in a rainbow of colors. They swirled around the exterior as the Crionites transported back to their ship. It was also broadcast over every radio and television station. The press could not enter the dome, or even the airport, but they had lined up outside the fence and captured what they could. As the beam thinned and the colors faded, these cameras captured the explosion that followed. The blast destroyed the entire airport and beyond. The cameras captured the blast but within seconds they too were gone, everything for a half mile around the airport was gone. From my car I could see a massive, red, fire ball rise into the evening sky, then flames and secondary explosions followed. Fires broke out all around the original blast site, and every emergency unit responded. No one knew what had happened, no news was reporting anything other than the explosion. The fire was so intense that it melted any metal that wasn’t destroyed by the blast, and helicopters were not able to fly close enough to see if the dome had survived. Within thirty minutes, the Crionites had flying craft at the scene and prevented anyone from getting close, by air or by ground. They broadcast over the airwaves that a small nuclear device had been detonated and everything for a mile around the blast site was contaminated. They would provide medical treatments for those who survived, as well as any who had become exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. Through the night this message was repeated, as was hope that the dome had not only withstood the blast, but that those inside were safer than those outside. The news changed early the following morning. The blast was not from a typical nuclear device, but a newly developed nuclear fusion device. Most of us had heard of this device, a means of supplying unlimited power. It had worked briefly but as a result of the intense heat given off, destroyed itself. The Crionites informed us that a devise similar to this was created, but not to provide energy, it was specifically designed as a weapon. This fit in with what we were informed about nuclear fusion, it was difficult to impossible to contain the reaction. If too much fuel was present, it would react with more force than a fission reaction. We now had our proof, a small nuclear fusion device had been planted beneath O’Hare, in the storm drains below the airfield. We also learned that this was placed before the Crionites had arrived, to be used as another terrorist attack on us. It was assumed the attack was postponed as a result of their landing, then everything fell into place. The dome was constructed to withstand an external attack, and of known weapons. Since no country had any fusion weapons, it was never considered a threat. Even if anyone had fusion weapons, there was no defense against the intense energy release. The Crionites had the technology to harness fusion, they had told us this and promised us the means to produce safe, clean energy by this means. Now it looked like some terrorist group had discovered the means of turning this technology into a weapon. The Crionites also informed us that the peace talks would not end, and the criminals who had done this hideous act would be found and be brought to justice. We were told that the Crion delegates, including Kroyk, had transported out before the blast and survived. However, since the transport beam was still active, energy from the blast was also transported and had injured the delegate party, as well as many on board the ship. It had also sustained damage from the energy overload. It was unsure who the attack was on, the world leaders, or the Crionites. But we all figured it was both, terrorists would be the only people who would not want world peace, and this was the opportunity to prevent it. The Crionites also believed this, but would not rule out that some nation was behind it; a full investigation would reveal who was guilty, but it would take time, even with their technology. To continue the movement towards world peace, and to ensure no nation would take advantage of this situation, the Crions ordered all military forces to stand down. If they perceived any military action, they would intercede and destroy them. They also put the entire planet under martial law, and took over the task of governing us. Of course, only until each nation could recover from this incident, and by working with the established governments. It sounded good, prevented rioting and looting, and continued to give us hope. That was day one after O’Hare. By day two, Crion forces had set up bases around the globe. It wasn’t so much their numbers, but their technology. A few foreign countries didn’t like the Crionites setting up on their soil and took military action against them. It was a mistake from the start. Within hours, their military forces had been decimated, the Crionites suffered no loss. It set things in motion; by day three all countries disarmed of military. Any country that continued to maintain a military force would be considered a threat to united peace and the Crionites. The night of the third day, Crion forces set out to destroyed every known military installation and armament storage facilities. It took them twenty four hours to accomplish this. It was fortunate that most countries already understood the power the Crionites had, they had most military personnel on their way home before the attacks. Also, the Crionites seemed to know who was in compliance and who was not. The first attacks were on those who refused to stand down, the later on the empty bases of the compliant nations. Still, the death toll was astronomical. By the end of day four, world disarmament was complete, and now all nations were indirectly controlled by our visitors; there was no choice left to them. On day five, the Crions along with our political leaders informed us that through tragedy we were on the verge of world peace now. The only thing preventing this was terroristic groups around the world. We were informed that various groups had now joined forces and it would take our police months or more to root out the individual cells around the world. Yes, we still had the police, armed and maintaining martial law. But as the reports came in, everyone knew they were no match to the heavily armed terrorist’s cells hidden throughout our global society. Of course, the Crions had an answer. The answer was to impair their ability to coordinate, to take away their means of communication around the globe. This meant we all lost the ability to communicate. The Crionites disabled or destroyed communications satellites as well as cell towers. No more cell phones, no radio, no television. Welcome to day six. On day six we began to get broadcasts from the Crionites over radio and television. They, with our new world leaders informed us that forces, Crion and police, would be working together to eliminate terrorists cells around the world. To do this, all communications needed to stop, including internet and land-line phones. This was completed by noon of day six. According to the Crion released news, cells were located and destroyed, with only a handful of renegades hiding out in areas that were difficult to access. These were hit with some kind of beam from the mother-ship. Terrorism was finished. The people of the world were in the dark as far as communications, and by day seven, one week after O’Hare, riots were taking place all over the world. People wanted local government to restore communications, cell phones, and internet. But, Kroyk Tolt’fosh informed us personally that this would only fuel more riots, more rebellion, and more violence. Communications would not be restored until we, the people of earth, were compliant with the terms of world peace. We understood it to mean, compliant to unconditional surrender. There was no way to communicate this belief, but it spread fast and it seemed everyone understood it. The police no longer sided with the Crionites, but instead with the masses. Crion forces that tried to break up groups protesting against them met in force with local law enforcement, some were even wounded and killed. That was the end of the first week after O’Hare. It was also the end of life as we knew it. The last televised and radio broadcasts showed Crion forces using high energy weapons against any rioters and protesters. Any group that gathered was fired upon, and even our right to assemble was gone. No schools, no church, no public gatherings allowed. Kroyk told us that we could not attain peace, we were too savage of a race. He announced to the world, that we were the greatest threat to Crion, and we would have to be neutralized. But, being a peace-loving race, they would not annihilate us. Instead they would oversee us, reform us, and one day in the distant future, we would overcome our love for war and violence. Until then, Kroyk Tolt’fosh was our new global leader. We were informed that they had not come to conquer us, but to help us. In fact, because of their lack of immunity, they could not even reside here for extended periods. No they had not come to conquer, but they did come equipped to do just that. In fact, Kroyk Tolt’fosh had disclosed his rank as supreme governor soon after contact had been made. We just never dreamed he would be our supreme governor. One week and the entire world had been dropped to her knees, but Kroyk was not done with us yet. As I said, I could give account for the week after O’Hare, but nothing more than my personal account for the five days after. That’s because we lost all communications on the eight day. The only communications left were those provided by the Crionites, or by those few who had two-way radios. At the end of day seven, it was announced that we had not learned to cooperate, individual radio broadcasts were trying to coordinate a unified attack against the Crionites. We knew it wasn’t true, we had nothing to attack them with, and everyone knew the swift and lethal power they would use against us. They informed us the next day, number 8, they would launch devices at every radio signal they had located and isolated. These devices would explode and cause damage to areas of about three square blocks and release some kind of energy pulse that would literally fry all electronics. We were warned to remove anything electronic from our homes and to evacuate the areas of individual broadcasts. They didn’t even give us time to try. By the time the message was finished, explosions began to go off around the world. I only know of the ones that went off in Chicago, and mostly from those who were close by. I, luckily, was far away and only heard the blast. But within seconds, everything electronic in my home was either burning or smoking. Light bulbs exploded, toasters ignited, anything plugged in was surged with a powerful energy wave and destroyed. So were all the electrical power plants, I can only imagine what happened to nuclear power plants. Within minutes, we no longer had the luxury of electricity, and even if it had survived, we had nothing electric left to use. Even battery powered devices cooked as the energy wave swept over the city. Day eight we were living without communications, without electricity, and without any means to survive within a now dead city. Cars no longer worked, no lights, no nothing. At least the riots were put down as soon as they started, but unfortunately, so was any gathering of people, the Crionites didn’t care who or why, if people gathered into a group, they opened fire with high energy weapons and fried them all. For me and the people I know, day eight was spent praying and gathering non-perishable foods, lanterns, and fuel for them. We moved in very small groups, two or three maximum. We stayed under cover as much as possible, and we avoided shopping areas – we didn’t want to appear to be looting. Those I know came out pretty good, we are all into outdoor activities, fishing, camping, hiking, and hunting. We had quite a stock of supplies on hand and distributed what we had between us. On day nine, it was announced, that supplies would be available to us, from the Crionites. We would be called out by alphabetical order to pick up items at designated areas. How they broadcast this was from devices they had installed. We didn’t know when they installed them, or how long they had been in place, but it seems they can communicate to us as well as watch us by means of these devices. Rumor has it that it was right after they first arrived and announced world peace. I don’t know, but they are all over now, watching us and telling us what to do and when to do it. They seemed to be everywhere and it soon became apparent that more than one ship of them had arrived. When did the next come? We have no way of knowing, but it seemed like there was an entire invasion force moving through Chicago and all around the world. That theory explains a lot of how things progressed. By day ten, large machines were removing vehicles and debris. They took up most of the street and worked much like our garbage trucks. They would roll along until they came to a car, truck, or item they wanted. The boom on the front was equipped with huge forks, like a forklift, that would lift the item up and over, into the back. The difference was that instead of crushing it, a bright blue light came from the back cargo area. This energy force did all the work, melting down plastics, burning up fuels and oils, even melting down the metal. The light would come on for several minutes, then it would go out and various noises came from the compartment. The recyclable products were then discharged alongside the road. There were piles of metal, plastic, glass, even fuel in large, gelatinous cubes. I used a knife to slice of chunks of this for my own use. With no electricity, I needed some means of staying warm over a cold Chicago winter. Later that same day, other vehicles similar to the first came along and picked up the items deposited alongside the street. These were accompanied by armed troops, not Crionites, but humans. They wore uniforms provided by the Crionites, along with some kid of collar around their necks. They were armed with something that looked like a pistol with three rings suspended around the barrel. The troops, with or without permission, went through residents and took any item the Crionites perceived as a weapon. I tried talking to one of them, as the others looked through my belongings. He was human, but he did not seem to have a mind of his own. He only repeated his orders and informed me not to interfere. I didn’t, but my neighbor Bob did and they shot him. They didn’t kill him, but the energy beam that hit him left him burned and unconscious. When he woke and to this day, he is not much more than a compliant shell, like his mind was fried. On day eleven, the transports arrived to take us out of the city. It was announced that the cities were no longer safe and would become even more dangerous over time. For our safety, we would be transported out of the cities before the Crions went through them and recycled them into useful products. Rumor had it that we would be moved to various work farms both agricultural and industrial. The only news we received was by word of mouth or by Crionites. Word of mouth informed us that we would be fitted with a control collar when we got on the transport. These collars would make us easy to control, monitor our movements, and provide a means of communications between us and our work leaders, the Crionites. Rumor also had it that many had already been moved to work farms. These people provided produce and products for the Crionites that they transported to their ships, and to their home planet. We were nothing more than slaves to them. Our group discussed things, and we decided that we did not want to be transported anyplace. We took our few supplies from our homes and met in the basement of an apartment complex close by. It was secret enough, and we never moved more than a few people at a time, throughout the morning. Many of us had access to the building from areas not observed by the Crionites, and those who were observed entered the ground floor along with many who were waiting for transport. Yes, the building was our pick-up location for this sector of the city. It seemed we went unnoticed as we slipped into the basement and gathered our small group together. Our reason for meeting here was an underground tunnel that went under the street to another building. It was closed up, as was the tunnel, but hank had worked over there and knew about this tunnel that had once been used to transfer bootleg whisky from the store across the street. When we entered the building, it was clear that it was not safe. It had been empty for years, condemned to be torn down and replaced by another. It was our safe house, and even though it creaked and groaned, the basement was safe enough for now. We sat in the darkness and waited. By mid-afternoon, the transports had arrived. We could hear the muffled announcements that anyone who did not leave the city now would be considered a fugitive and an enemy of the state. Armed troops would be going through the buildings and eliminating this threat after the transports left. We stayed put, waited and soon heard the rumble of transports fade down the street. I don’t know how they transported anyone, we could not see out, but the building shuddered and we could hear the noise for at least a block as it took its load of slaves to the work sites. After another hour we went back through the tunnel and found our way back to the staging area. Bags and boxes along with suitcases and clothing littered the floor. It seems that no slave was allowed to keep their items, and it’s our belief that after the collar was put on them, they didn’t care. We quickly went through many of the discarded containers and took what items we could use. Then, we went up the stairs to the fourth floor and found a nice place to hold up for the night. The apartment was a nice suite once, and it was easily guarded by the hallway that connected it. We didn’t expect anyone to show up, but just in case, we kept watch. What we could have done to defend our position is limited. Likely some of our group would have been shot down while the rest attempted escape down the fire escape. We woke this morning when the sun filled the east windows with light. Today is day twelve and I’ll be putting this in the time capsule for those who may find it one day. I hope someone finds it one day, but not any Crionites. Maybe one day in our future, someone will find this old bomb shelter and this statement of what really happened. My apologies for the bad penmanship used to write after the electricity was taken, but we are now living back in the Stone Age, or close to it. After we deposit some items here for future generations to find, we will move on. In the distance, we can hear the blasts as the troops cleared building after building. We have picked up individuals, families, and small groups that, like us, decided not to take the transports. They have told us horror stories of the troops using energy bombs to blast buildings as they sweep through the city, block by block. These devices don’t do a lot of damage to the buildings, but the energy blast that they emit is lethal. From the stories we are hearing, if you’re anyplace close to one of these bombs, it will kill you instantly, if your further away, it will take a while, to die. From what we can tell, they are also some kind of dirty bomb that leaves a radiation fallout behind that will kill even slower. Soon the city will be uninhabitable. We have a plan, one that we have been working on since O’Hare. Some of us stashed weapons and food items away. No guns, they would be easily traced since they are registered. Also, the noise would give us away. No, we learned quickly that our saviors were anything but, or at least many of us suspected it. We have knives, bows, arrows, crossbows, fishing gear, traps, and a huge supply of military rations. We have stashed cold weather gear, rations, even medical supplies, as much as we could get our hands on. We will continue to pick up items as we move through the city, but time is running short. Soon, very soon, we will have to go underground, down into the sewers and tunnels beneath the city. Working for the transit center I learned of several old, abandoned subway tunnels. The ones we seek are deep, under newer subway lines, and sealed off from access. But, we found a means to get to them, through the sewers. Hank worked these sewers for over ten years, he has them well mapped out. With his help we have stockpiled containers of supplies below the noses of the Crionites and those who follow them blindly. Right from the first contact, some of us suspected they came for more than to provide peace. One last thing before I seal this away. We are not crazy, we do not intend to fight a battle against the Crionites. We know we cannot win. Are intent is to survive, as long as we can, as a free people. We believe once everyone is rounded up or dead, the Crionites will loot our planet of anything worth taking back, but because they cannot live here, they will not stay. They have enslaved the survivors to work towards this same goal, to provide foods and materials the Crionites can use. But, it all has to be sterilized before it’s loaded onto the transports. We see two options for our conquerors, they either take what they can loot and leave us without any knowledge of technology before they depart, or they will annihilate their slaves, it’s one or the other. We and any other survivors around the world, we believe there are many more, will have to pick up from this point and move on, either as the survivors, or with them. Of course, there is one other option that we have discussed, and I’m sure some will stand with me on this, they must sterilize everything they put on their transport ships before it’s loaded. Crionites have demonstrated time and time again that they deeply fear germs. If we could set a fission device below their dome, who’s to say we can’t contaminate a shipment back to their own world? |