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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2056156
A story of fantasy

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{OT The Little People GIVE 100 BLOG}  (E)
A story of fantasy
#2056156 by Mary Ann MCPhedran
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{OT The Little People GIVE 100 BLOG}  (E)
A story of fantasy
#2056156 by Mary Ann MCPhedran
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#2187796 by Mary Ann MCPhedran

The Little People
Whoosh the capsule landed with a bump;
‘Are all the crew Okay?’ Asked the captain, as he opened the doors of the vessel. He looked at the clock on the time capsule and it displayed The year 2015.
‘Drat we weren’t supposed to go forward, but not bad for a first try’
The four friends, Jimmy Fisher who designed and owned the capsule, Peter jones, who they called Taffy, because he was Welsh, and the two brothers John and Davy Maguire. They had landed in a secluded area amongst long pampas grass, toadstools everywhere, and wild ferns .They hid the vessel and left the area to research the district for they had travelled forward in time from the year 1940, from the land of the Little People

The four friends crept out of the secluded area, everywhere was in darkness and nobody was about. There was strange tall objects with rails that looped in a circle, and the friends who were very tiny decided that it was a wheel of pleasure. A castle was next for them to see and the words read Disney Land USA.
‘Wow were in America,’ Jimmy said. And one of the brothers added ‘Florida.’
‘They say everything is bigger in America, but I’m thinking this place is well too big for us. Let’s get some sleep and see what tomorrow brings.’

They were woken by the noise, music and laughter, children and machinery The group camped inside the over grown grass and ferns. The time vessel was hidden . They slept under the giant toad stools . The ground shook, Jimmy and Taffy crept out to have a look everybody towered above them and there were crowds of people queuing to go on the peculiar giant wheels. A boy was walking his dog and the dog was pulling on his leash to sniff them out of their hiding place.
Another child joined him and the dog turned towards the girl so she could fuss and pat him on his shinny coat and lost the scent. There was a huge crowd walking towards the area and they realised the area where they were camping was the story of Gulliver and a popular attraction, the toadstools weren’t real, ‘and were props.
‘Quick act as one of the props don’t move a muscle.’ Shouted Johnny,
The group blended in amongst the giant toadstools. With bated breath and hearts pounding waited until the crowd moved on to another attraction.
Jimmy took the decision to move on to another time zone, and the group agreed, without waiting another minute they boarded the time capsule, set the year to 1950, This was into the future, but they weren’t ready for the year 2015. Gathering their gear together, boarded the time capsule. Whoosh they were gone.
470 words.

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