Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2051642-I-miss-you
Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #2051642
Not even closed to finished but I would love feedback.
I remember the first time I saw you. No one showed up to work on my shift. I was told there was new coworker, who was running late. I grumble to myself about how unreliable people are. When you finally arrive, we talk briefly. You have not impressed me. Days go by and we work, barely even talking. Everyone asks about you. I don't know how to respond. I don't care. You leave me alone and I'm okay with that.
So when did it happen? As nights turn to day and the world starts to wake, we are deep in conversation. We always have something to talk about. From a funny video to Star Wars. We could talk for hours. You have nothing that I look for in a partner. There is nothing to fear here.
How did I notice you were breaking down my walls? Time moves faster when I'm with you. I want to talk more. I want to be around you. I can't wait to work together. To share funny stories of life or even just the day. We laugh at our past. I feel myself smile more when I'm around you. I still haven't realized what you have done to me.
Is it your flaws that pull me in? That's when flirting starts. I know this well. It's a game. It's fun. And it means nothing. Back and forth it goes. Laughter surrounds us. I haven't laughed this much in a long time. And I want to hold on to that feeling. Even when you are driving me crazy, I'm smiling. We are similar in so many ways. You understand me.
What happens now? We agree to meet. Just casual. Neither want anything serious. I have butterflies. I can tell you're anxious too. Even if you're too stubborn to admit it. Even with other plans in mind we get distracted talking. When we finally come together, it was more than I expected. Being with you feels amazing. I don't feel self conscious. I can be open with you around. There's no turning back.
Are you thinking of me too? I miss you. Why do I miss you? I can't wait to see you again. It doesn't matter where. I want your time. I want you to hold me. I know it's not possible. I remind myself this isn't what I wanted. I can feel myself slipping into you now. This wasnt the plan.
Can it be true? I feel terrible. Everything is a mess. Emotions are pouring out of me. You say you want more. Than you back away. I don't understand, but I follow suit. I don't want to get hurt. Every moment I have with you is special. I can tell they are fleeting. I don't want to believe it. I don't want you gone from my life. Am I pulling too hard or not enough? I can't take back the emotions now. I want to trust you, yet my head is screaming don't.
Why did you hurt me? Were you just telling me what you thought I wanted to hear? It wasn't. I don't even get a warning. You're just gone. I'm blindsided. I'm alone and hurt. I can't figured out what happened. What's happening? What did I do wrong? Why did you make me fall for you, only to push me aside? Just tell me why...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2051642-I-miss-you