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Alex, a teenager who experiences life and its surprises... |
INT. ALEX'S HOME- DAY Alex enters dripping wet. Muffin comes to greet him but he slowly shuffles into the kitchen, not seeing her. Int. kitchen- day Mrs. Ward is sweeping the floor. Muffin runs in and she looks up. She sees Alex walking towards her all wet with a heartbroken countenance. She drops her broom and rushes over. Putting her hands on him, she looks at his face. MRS. WARD Alex! What's wrong? Why are you all wet? ALEX (choking) Its over...its over! Alex starts to cry and falls down to his knees. Mrs. Ward follows him, hugging and comforting him. Int. alex's room- day Alex is sleeping with a folded wet towel on his forehead. Mrs. Ward tucks him in and then looks at him with a sad look. INT. KItchen- night Mrs. Ward and Emily are preparing dinner. A large pot is boiling on the stove as Mrs. Ward puts in the chopped carrots and potatoes. She then puts a lid on. EMILY Is Alex going to be alright? MRS. WARD Yes, after getting a good night's sleep and a bowl of this chicken soup. EMILY No, I meant here. Emily places her hand over her heart. MRS. WARD What do you mean? EMILY I know about Claire. MRS. WARD How-- EMILY I overheard you both that night. Don't worry, Alex has already scolded me about that. MRS. WARD So, what else do you know? EMILY Apart from Alex being smitten with Claire, he has her picture on his laptop desktop, she must have told him something that made him ignore the rain and get sick. I saw his wet clothes in the bathroom. MRS. WARD Aren't you the little detective. EMILY Reading all those Nancy Drew books are being put to good use. They both laugh. MRS. WARD Well, he'll be OK. It'll be hard at first but he'll get over her. He has to. EMILY Will he die of a broken heart? MRS. WARD Emily! How could you say that? Emily puts up her hands in defense. EMILY I'm just saying. MRS. WARD You've been watching too much TV, young lady. INT. ALEX'S ROOM- NIGHT Mrs. Ward sits on a chair near Alex's bed, asleep. Alex opens his eyes and then sees her. He slowly gets up and looks around. He sees a bowl covered on his bedside table. Taking off his blanket, he gets out of bed. He takes the blanket and covers Mrs. Ward. Taking the bowl and spoon, he goes out to his balcony. INT. KITCHEN- NIGHT Alex shuffles in and switches on the light. Going to the sink, he washes the bowl and spoon. He goes to where Muffin is sleeping and sits down next to her. He strokes her lovingly. ALEX What's it like being a dog? It must be great to eat, sleep and play. Not having a worry in the world. No need to go to school, grow up or... (beat) ...or fall in love? Alex smiles sadly to himself. ALEX (CONT'D) Would you want to be human? Even just for a day? To experience things you can't? Like being able to use your hands to hold things? Alex looks at his hands. ALEX (CONT'D) Or being able to talk? Or having your heart being pulled out and thrown away? A tear rolls down his cheek. He wipes it away and clasps his hands together, eyes squeezed shut. ALEX (CONT'D) (prays) Dear God, if you're listening, help me to forget Clare. May you strengthen me. Please guard my heart. Amen. INT. ALEX'S ROOM- DAY Mrs. Ward still sits in the chair asleep. Her head drooping to one side, mouth slightly open. She then wakes up, looks around her. She sees the empty bed and the bowl of soup gone. Getting up, she picks up the blanket off the floor and puts it on the bed. She leaves the room. INT. KITCHEN- DAY Mrs. Ward enters, surprised to see Alex cooking. MRS. WARD Alex? Alex looks up with a bright smile. ALEX Morning, Mrs. Ward. Breakfast is coming up. Mrs. Ward walks as if in a daze to the counter and sits. She stares at Alex, trying to make sense of what was happening. He plates up the food and places it in front of her with a cup of coffee. ALEX (CONT'D) There you go. Two sunny-side up eggs with strawberry toast, just the way you like it. Mrs. Ward looks at it then up at Alex who is packing Emily's lunch. MRS. WARD Are you OK? ALEX Yes, why wouldn't I be? MRS. WARD With what happened yesterday-- ALEX I've put it behind me. MRS. WARD Oh? That was...quick. ALEX I prayed about it and I feel like myself again. MRS. WARD Ah, the big man upstairs certainly works in mysterious ways. Emily walks in with her school bag, all dressed. She joins Mrs. Ward. MRS. WARD I better go wash up and get changed. We don't want to be late for school now, do we? ALEX No, no, no! Mrs. Ward, don't. I'll take Ems to school. You just sit and enjoy your breakfast. Mrs. Ward gives Alex a curious look. MRS. WARD Who are you and what have you done to Alex? Everyone laughs. Ext. footpath- day Alex is carrying Emily's bag as they walk side by side. Emily looks up at Alex. EMILY So... ALEX What? EMILY You're acting weird. ALEX How so? EMILY I thought you'd be depressed and all. ALEX Sorry to disappoint but I'm not gonna sit around moping about something that wasn't meant to be. EMILY Good for you. Mrs. Ward was getting worried. ALEX And you? EMILY Me what? ALEX You know... EMILY Nope. ALEX Oh please, really? EMILY Yeah, you're the guy. I knew you'd man up. They both laugh. INT. LECTURE ROOM- DAY Alex enters as the class starts. Claire looks at him, expecting the worst but is surprised at how calm he looks. Alex sits in the same spot and takes out his books. CLAIRE Have you all done this weeks' reading? Silence. CLAIRE (cont'd) Has anyone here done it? Alex is the only one who has his hand raised up. CLAIRE Class, I expect you all to have done your readings before lecture. That way you'll understand and not be lost. Good work, Alex. Today's lecture will be on 'Dreams'. INT. LECTURE ROOM- DAY (LATER) As the class leaves, Claire looks at Alex. She starts to go towards him but he leaves quickly without looking at her. Ext. usp, stone tables- day Alex is walking past when he sees Mark sitting there, reading. He goes up to him. ALEX Mark, hey. Mark looks up from his textbook. MARK Hey, Alex. ALEX What you doing? MARK Just doing some reading before tutorial. ALEX Oh OK. MARK Yeah, our tutor has a reputation for kicking out students who haven't read. He's scary but a good teacher. ALEX What course is it? MARK Accounting. ALEX Accounting? Ugh... Mark laughs. MARK How you finding uni so far? ALEX Good, I like how we have a few hours between classes. Not like in high school where the classes are one after the other. MARK Yeah and you have more free time. So use it wisely! ALEX Yeah. MARK So, where were you going? ALEX Lunch at the canteen. Have you eaten yet? Or did you already have your pie? Alex laughs. MARK Ha ha, not today. I was gonna go there too after this. ALEX OK. let's go together. Ext. southern cross canteen- day Mark sits at the table with his food as Alex joins him carrying his tray. MARK What did you get? ALEX I couldn't decide between the chicken cashew nut or the lamb stir-fry. So I got a combo of both. They begin to eat. MARK How's the family? ALEX Good. My parents went on a business trip. They'll be back tonight. MARK Is Muffin more behaved now? No more running after guys with pies? They both laugh. ALEX I don't know. Who can resist food? And how about your Dad? My Dad told me he's working now? MARK Yeah, he likes the job. No more sweating under the hot sun. ALEX That's good. Hey can I ask you something? MARK Sure, shoot. ALEX Have you ever had a crush on a teacher before? MARK Uh no...why? Do you? Alex tells Mark all about Claire. Mark has a stunned look. MARK Wow... ALEX Yeah. MARK Was it awkward in class today? ALEX A bit but I didn't allow it to affect me. Not anymore. MARK Yeah, its a good idea to move on. I can understand where she's coming from. And obviously its a big no-no. ALEX How about you? Do you like anyone at the moment? Mark stares at his plate and plays with his food. MARK I think so... No, I do actually. ALEX (excited) Tell me about her! MARK Well...that person is nice and polite. ALEX What? That's it? Anything else? That's too boring! MARK You see, I'm not sure if this person will like me in return. Its a bit complicated. ALEX Why is it? You should confess to her! You won't know if you don't let it out. MARK I'm afraid of what will happen. I don't want to ruin my friendship with that person. ALEX I'm sure it'll be OK. What's life without a little risk? INT. ALEX'S HOME- DAY Alex and Emily enter and they see bags near the stairs. EMILY They're back? Laughter is heard from the kitchen and Emily runs there. Alex follows her. INT. KITCHEN- DAY Emily comes running in and sees Victoria and Charles at the counter with Mrs. Ward. She goes and hugs them. Alex follows behind her and greets them. Victoria gets up and hugs them lovingly. VICTORIA Oh, I've missed you two so much! Even if its just for a day! ALEX I thought you'd be back later tonight? CHARLES Your mother wanted to come back as soon as the conference was over. She didn't want to stay and chit-chat with boring people who love to talk about how much things they have and their money in the bank. Her words, not mine. VICTORIA Its true, Charles. They don't have to go around telling people all that. Sheesh. Now, tell me. Have we missed anything while we were gone? Mrs. Ward looks at Alex and Emily. Alex looks at Mrs. Ward. MRS. WARD No, nothing to worry about. All is well. CHARLES That's great. I'm going to catch up on some Zs. Charles gets up and leaves. VICTORIA Really? Nothing happened? MRS. WARD Yes, Victoria. Everything was under control. VICTORIA I'm glad to hear it. INT. KITCHEN- NIGHT Everyone is having dinner. CHARLES So, Grandpa is coming soon. EMILY Yay!!! VICTORIA Alex, are you free on Wednesday? Alex thinks. ALEX Yeah, why? VICTORIA So I can have some company on the drive to the airport. ALEX OK. CHARLES Alex, how is school? ALEX Great so far. Assignments and stuff coming up soon. Mark is in USP too. VICTORIA That's good. At least you'll have a friend to hang out with. Any news from Chris? ALEX He emailed me a while back. Haven't heard from him since. CHARLES He must be busy. You should email him then. ALEX Yeah, I was going to. INT. ALEX'S ROOM- NIGHT Alex is on the laptop checking Facebook. He types in Claire's name in the search box and clicks on her profile. ALEX She unfriended me? No surprise there. He then goes to his email and begins to compose one to Chris. ALEX (VOICE OVER) Hey Chris! How's it? You must be so busy cos I haven't heard from you in a while. Don't tell me you've forgotten me already! Ha ha...Family OK? School? All is good on my end. Oh yeah, Grandpa arrives on Wednesday and Mom asked me to go with her to pick him up. And you were right, I did find another friend. I met him before USP started. His name is Mark. I miss you man. We should Skype sometime. =) Alex reads it over again and sends it. Emily (off-screen) Alex? He turns around and sees Emily at his door holding a book and a pencil. ALEX Yeah? EMILY Could you help me with my homework? ALEX Sure. Emily goes in and sets her book in front of Alex. EMILY Its division. ALEX Oh, Maths. Why didn't you ask your teacher? EMILY I did, but I forgot how to do it. ALEX Oh you...let's see. As Alex teaches Emily, Victoria stands at the door watching. She smiles at the sight of them. INT. BAKERY- DAY Charles and Victoria are at the front counter. VICTORIA Charles, did you bring the financial reports for the accountant? CHARLES Uh...no? VICTORIA I reminded you last night. You should have listened when I told you but no you had to carry on with your Call of Duty game. Fiona needs them today. CHARLES (sheepish) Must have slipped my mind. I'll go home and get them. EXT. ALEX'S HOME- DAY Charles is carrying a file as he makes his way out. Ext. ms rose's porch- day Ms. Rose sits on her chair drinking a cup of water. She is dressed in overalls with a spade by her side. She looks over. INTER-CUT BETWEEN THE NEIGHBOURS. MS. ROSE Charles, could I speak to you for a moment? CHARLES Alright. Charles moves closer to the fence as Ms. Rose walks over. CHARLES Yes? MS. ROSE You people had better control that mutt of yours. CHARLES Excuse me? MS. ROSE I went out to my garden just now and all my flower plants were destroyed! Do you have the slightest idea how long it takes for them to grow? CHARLES Why are you blaming Muffin? MS. ROSE You're the only one with a dog on this street, that's why! CHARLES Our Muffin wouldn't do something like that though. MS. ROSE Well, if that mutt didn't, then who did? CHARLES I'm sure there must be some misunderstanding. Muffin is always indoors unless someone takes her out. MS. ROSE There is even a hole in the fence, that's how it came in! CHARLES Really? I'll check it out later. I have to go now. Charles turns to leave and Ms. Rose yells after him, waving her handkerchief. MS. ROSE Are you going to pay for the damages?! INT. BAKERY- DAY Charles walks in looking grieved. Victoria notices it. VICTORIA Charles, did something happen? CHARLES Its Muffin or to be more specific, Ms. Rose. VICTORIA Did she say something? CHARLES Yeah, a whole lot. She thinks Muffin broke into her garden and ruined her flowers. VICTORIA Oh no. It couldn't have been her. CHARLES That's what I said. But she keeps insisting that it is. She says that Muffin even made a whole in the fence and got over. VICTORIA Alex will be upset when he hears this. INT. EMIly's classroom- day Emily is having lunch at her desk. Behind her, a group of girls disturb another. bullies Poor Diane! Her parents are market vendors and all they can afford to eat are vegetables! They laugh. Diane looks as if she's about to cry. BULLIES (cont'd) What's wrong, Diane? No money to buy good food? Your parents must have spent all their money on your fees here! Emily looks back and gets angry. She gets up and storms over. EMILY Hey, you jerks! Back off! BULLIES Oh, look who it is. Little Ms. Busybody. Why don't you go back and eat your sandwich? EMILY I'm not going anywhere unless you stop making fun of Diane. BULLIES What's it to you? EMILY You shouldn't be laughing at what her parents do for a living. At least they are able to put her through school. Unlike you, whose parents bribe the teachers to let you move on to the next class! The bullies attack Emily as Diane and others try to stop them. INT. USP,library- day Alex sits at a cubicle reading. He turns page after page until he finishes the novel. By this time, it is raining heavily. He looks out from his seat and watches the down pour. Getting up, he goes to put the book on the returns trolley and walks around. He sees Mark using the computer and goes up to him. ALEX Hey, Mark. You busy? Mark looks up from the screen. MARK Kinda. I'm trying to complete this quiz but the stupid PC keeps shutting down all of a sudden. ALEX Oh, that sucks. MARK Yeah. What were you doing? ALEX Reading. Just finished it. MARK The whole book? Wow, what was it? ALEX The Hunchback of Notre Dame. MARK Oh, I watched the cartoon film for that. ALEX But the book is better. Very compelling. MARK I can't really remember what it was about again. ALEX One thing's for sure, its full of love triangles! MARK Is that so? Seems interesting when you put it that way! ALEX Yeah, its another of those books where you can't seem to put it down. The gypsy loves the captain of the guards, the disfigured guy in the church tower loves the gypsy, the priest also falls for her. Bit messed up but its a good read. MARK Now you make me want to read it too. ALEX You should. Isn't reading the heart of learning?! MARK Yes, you're right. Are you done for the day? ALEX Yeah, was gonna head home after I was done but this rain doesn't look like it'll stop anytime soon. MARK We could go together, I have an umbrella. ALEX That's great! You're a life saver. Mark finishes his work on the computer and logs off. They both leave the library. Ext. walkway near UU100 labs- day Mark opens up his umbrella and Alex huddles in from the rain. They walk forward slowly. Ext. outside ausaid lecture room- day As they near the gate, Mark suddenly stops and turns to Alex. ALEX Something wrong? MARK (hesitant) You know what you told me earlier? How a priest was in love with someone? ALEX Yeah? What about it? MARK How can a priest even be in love? Aren't they supposed to be celibate? ALEX Well...yeah. I guess we can't control who we fall in love with or how. If it happens, it happens. MARK So, if a priest does find that someone but can't be together, what would he do? ALEX Give up the priesthood? I don't know. Why are you asking me this? If you really wanna know why don't you go ask a real priest? MARK Its just that I've been meaning to tell you something... (beat) ...something that I feel I have to let out. I can't keep it hidden any longer. ALEX What are you talking about? MARK When you told me about how the priest fell in love with the gypsy and how it was forbidden for him to be that way, I thought of my...situation. ALEX I'm not quite following... MARK I--I-- Mark stares at the ground then straight into Alex's eyes. Mark (cont'd) I like you...more than a friend. Alex slowly digests this and his face suddenly changes as he realizes what Mark is saying. The rain continues to beat down on the umbrella. ALEX (shocked) You...like...me? MARK Yes. I don't know when or how it even started. But as I spent more time with you, got to know you more, I felt...different. Now you're always in my thoughts, even in my dreams. Mark slowly reaches to touch Alex's arm but then he withdraws it in the same manner, closing his fist. Alex avoids eye contact with Mark. ALEX (dazed) I--uh-- MARK I know how this is shocking even crazy but I just had to let you know. I had to let you know how I feel about you. ALEX I have to go, sorry. Alex runs out of the shelter of Mark's umbrella and into the pouring rain. Mark turns to watch him go away with a pained look. |