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This is only the first chapter, and it's a spoiler. It's going to be a comic. |
Chapter One - A Normal Skool Day A normal day… Yes, a normal day in the life of me, ZIM! This is what I deal with on a day to day basis on this FILTHY, PUTRID LITTLE MUDBALL! The Irken slowly rose to his feet, sliding off of his chair, rubbing his eyes. A full night’s work. Just as every night. No rest for the wicked. He looked around his lab, before he walked to the elevator, scooping up his wig and contacts on the way out. He was tired. He could barely keep his eyes open. He crossed his arms, “COMPUTER! Take me to the house.” he commanded, only to receive a blank, monotone “Yes, sir!” in response. The elevator began moving. The Irken grumbled to himself as he slid his wig on to himself, adjusting his antenna carefully, before slipping his contacts in to his eyes. He blinked a few times, before reaching up, rubbing both of them, “Ghk.. They will never cease their incessant itching..” he grumbled to himself. He’d been on Earth for well over a year now. Every night spent writing new plans. All of them, to him, were more than genius! Perfection! He smirked to himself at the mere thought of what plan he’d want to act out today. He sighed out. None. Today was going to be a leisure day. Or so he would have preferred. On his way to Skool, he watched the bus pass him by. He cocked his head in a curious manner, listening to the screaming and laughing of those putrid little monkeys. He narrowed his eyes at a snail’s pace and shifted them away with a scowl. He was thankful he didn’t have to deal with Gir this morning. He looked down at his booted feet, watching himself march along. His hands slid behind his back, lacing to one another. He breathed out, closing his eyes, “..It is going to be a long day for Zim..” he mumbled. A loud boom could be heard, causing the Irken to cringe, and look over worriedly. He narrowed his eyes, “..Oh, Good, just what I need.” he said, spotting the wall of incoming clouds. He could already feel the breeze picking up. It was going to rain soon. He walked past an old, boarded up house, not even noticing the eyes peeking through from between the boards. He passed here every day, and never thought much of it. Why should he? It was a disgusting, decrepit little home. By the time he’d arrived at Skool, Dib was standing outside, munching on an apple noisily. He looked over and smirked, “Man, aren’t you unlucky, ALIEN.” he said casually, “It’s going to rain, you excited? I personally LOOOVE the rain!” he grinned, before he tossed the apple core. Zim cringed to himself, feeling that slimy eaten fruit smack his cheek. He narrowed his eyes, staring at the human, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Dib-Worm.” he growled at him threateningly as he walked past him, though took the time to shove Dib out of the way. “H-Hey! Watch it, ZIM!” he shouted, a bit of a shocked expression clad on his face, “You almost knocked me off!” he reached up and smirked, adjusting his coat, and then his glasses, “But, admit it, you’re worried, right? The rain n’ all? It’s going to be here before lunch, I bet!” The Green skinned, TOTALLY NORMAL, Boy turned and faced Dib, his fake, blue Irises locking on to the filthy little uppity brat, “..Oh yes, Dib, I’m excited. I can’t wait, because, like every normal HUMAN CHILD, I simply adore the falling acid.” he said calmly, before he turned, walking in to the building. His footsteps squeaked against the floor with every step, his eyes narrowed. What a pain. That Dib.. That filthy human. He grit his teeth. It’s been over a year. There was no excuse for THAT human to still be alive. He growled and reached up, rubbing and wiping off the sticky juices from the apple, his glove squeaking lightly against his cheek with every stroke. He shook his head, and slothfully stepped in to class, looking over at Ms. Bitters as he climbed up in to his seat. “Good Morning, Class. Today, I’m going to teach you more about Language, and why English is going to dominate the world with a BLOODY, IRON FIST.” The old, wrinkled teacher spoke. That she did. By the end of the lesson, It was indeed raining outside. Zim was dreading Recess. Something he simply couldn’t disagree to. What teacher would tell the students to NOT go out in to the rain? It was their fifteen, twenty minutes of freedom away from those snot-nosed little brats. Zim narrowed his eyes, stepping out of the classroom, but that wasn’t fast enough. By the time he’d stepped out in to the hall, what felt like hundreds of children were rushing through the hall towards the Cafeteria. Irk only knows why. The disgusting food of this place was enough to rot anyone’s Squeedlyspooch. He grit his teeth, a larger child walking past him, shoving the poor, short Irken in to a locker. He clanged off of it noisily, and reached up, rubbing the back of his head. ”..Hah! Later, Zim! See you at RECESS!” Dib shouted as he danced past Zim. Cocky little.. Ghk! Zim casually stepped in to the Cafeteria, getting his tray of disgusting.. slop. He slowly walked over and sat down at a table, all by himself, as he did every day. He narrowed his eyes, looking to his left.., then to his right.. Those empty seats seemed to get to him today moreso than any other day. His eyes gradually shifted up, listening to another loud boom of thunder, staring out the large windows in the Cafeteria. He watched the rain hit the glass, and slide down, mockingly. The Irken clenched his teeth, before looking away, squeezing his tray. He wasn’t going to eat this filth, of course, but he had to put up his appearances. He had to be normal. He looked down at the nasty balls of mush on the plastic, and begrudgingly picked up his spork. He began to prod at it, watching it jiggle disgustingly, “…It’s almost like a little planet..” he said to himself, before he suddenly stabbed it, “YOU WILL NEVER RAIN ON ZIM, LITTLE PLANET!” he shrieked, before he blinked and looked at the few eyes that had locked on to him from his outburst, “…Uh.. It’s.. Drooling.” he said, pointing down at the brown clump of.. probably not edible food. Then, the worst sound imaginable. A soft bell dinging out, signalling the time for Recess. Oh, Recess.. Any other day, and this poor little Irken wouldn’t have minded. He groaned lightly to himself as he dumped his tray, and trudged towards the door, and forced himself to opened it, barely keeping his footing as the other children ran past him, screaming in their STUPID joy. Even Dib, who made note to shove Zim outside as he past, “Yeah, C’mon, ZIM! Come play in the RAIN!” Zim winced, hissing loudly. His skin began to sizzle audibly, small streams of steam rising off his body as he stumbled out in to the pouring rain. It didn’t take but seconds for his clothes to become soaked, his wig to start sopping down against his forehead. He clenched his teeth, “S-..Sss…See, Dib.. I.. I am.. J-..Just like every other.. H-H..human.. Ch-child… Enj..Enjoying the rain..” he stammered, his voice strained. His eyes began to tear as he stood there, his hands clenched, taking the agony for a few moments.. Just a few moments.. Out of nowhere, a dodgeball flew past Dib, and slammed in to Zim’s head, knocking him down in to a puddle. He hurked, before he began flailing, as if he’d been submerged in an acidic liquid and it were slowly melting away his body. It was close to that feeling. It left no visible marks, it didn’t corrode his flesh. No, but it hurt. It hurt so very badly. Zim screamed in agony as he quickly tried to push himself up and out of the puddle, only for the ball to hit him again. Dib grinned, standing over him, “Hah! Take that, ALIEN! Look at you, can’t even handle a little water! How do you expect to take over this planet when the majority of it IS water?!” he questioned, picking up the bouncing ball once more. Zim grit his teeth, his face half submerged in the deep, muddy puddle, before he scowled, his two-fingered hands clenching in to fists, “DOES IT FEEL GOOD TO CAUSE OTHERS AGONY, DIB?!” he suddenly shouted as he pushed himself up on to his knees, his whole body quivering. The human boy cockily rose a brow, “Well, No, but it’s you. You’re trying to take over MY planet, Zim, and it’s NOT happening!” He laughed. ”..You don’t.. Gghk.. You don’t know how badly I despise you, human..” the Alien warned, staring up at him. The rain pelted him, the sizzling sound playing through the air like a sweet Symphony to Dib’s ears, “..Do you know what pain is, Dib?” he asked, “…An-.. And I do not mean those wedgies you get..” he struggled, standing up, and started walking towards Dib, “..I’m talking REAL pain.. Pain.. ONLY ZIM.. can cast upon you..” he growled. Dib blinked, and cautiously started backing away, “..Oh, right, like you can do ANYTHING! Look at yourself! You’re in so much pain you can barely walk!” he looked around, “How is this normal! Look at him!” he shouted, pointing at Zim, causing other students to look over, stopping their playing, staring at the sopping wet child with the Skin Condition. “Wow, Dib, are you bullying Ugly Zim? Jeez.” one girl spoke out with a laugh, causing a few others to laugh, “He’s trying to get in with the cool kids! Crazy!” Dib blinked, “What, NO! Look! He’s an ALIEN! His skin is literally SIZZLING because of the wah-” he was cut off by a sudden loud ‘SMACK’, and stumbled back, falling to the ground, face first. Zim stood there, his arm slinging around. The trained Irken had suckerpunched the human child. He deserved it. He.. Deserved it. Zim growled loudly, “You are a BULLY, Dib!” he shouted, “And you should.. Ggg… Should NOT treat other students like that!” “Oohh! Zim punched Dib!” A boy shouted, “Fight! FIGHT!” everyone started chanting. With a slow blink, Zim looked around at the gathering crowd of children, all chanting that same word over, and over. He slowly locked his fake blue irises on the rising child, “..Well, Dib-stick, it seems we’re going to.. Gg.. Nngh..” he grit his teeth and reached up, covering his head, the pain of the rain starting to get to him. Dib looked over, “You.. You punched me..!” he shouted in disbelief, holding his lower jaw, a bit of blood dribbling down from his split lip, “You.. You..!” he grit his teeth, “YOU ALIEN SCUM!” he shouted, suddenly launching himself, tackling Zim, forcing him back in to the puddle, raising his fist to return the favor. |