Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2037759-The-killer-rose-pt-1
by Arlene
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2037759
First few chapters. An assasin thinks she has life sorted but not for long.


The view from the top of a skyscraper is breath-taking especially in New York at 1am. I love to take a minute or two, just to gaze across at the buildings and the lights, in a city that never goes quiet. I have work to do. My target has finally turned in for the night.

I check my watch and decide to wait another fifteen minutes to make sure he’s asleep before I go in. It will only take ten minutes for the job to be completed and for me to exit. If all goes to plan.

I don’t normally take these type of jobs but the money is too good to turn down. A girl’s got to live, so here I am breaking into an apartment in this city so far from home to find evidence on a guy I’d rather just kill. He deserves it. He deserves to die a long slow death, not that that is my style. In, quick death and out before anyone evens realises I was in there is my style but this time he gets to live. My client is the squeamish type and doesn’t want him dead. He just wants the evidence to take him down in a courtroom.

I sigh and check my watch again. Time to go in. It’s not even hard to enter the apartment as he’s helpfully left his window open for me. I stifle a laugh at his foolish sense of security. The window is in his bedroom and I take a minute just to look at him. Fighting the urge to just finish him, my client’s wishes be damned, but that’s not my style either.

I move, quiet as a shadow, across the room to the door and slip silently through to the living room.  The apartment is huge and very modern. It has lots of full size windows. Decorated more to show off the cash spent than with any taste.

‘The art in this place must be more expensive than the Louvre!’ I think to myself. ‘Guess human trafficking pays well.’

His office is through another door and I enter then walk to his filing cabinet. It has flimsy locks that only take me seconds to get through, then I’m rifling through his files to find the evidence needed. Here, files that list the number of people he’s bought and sold. It also names the dirty cop that told him about the raid on his apartment, which let him remove the incriminating files before the cops could look for them. It also lists his clients including their photographs. He’s finished.

I hear a noise. The target has woken up for some reason. By the time he walks into his office I’ve closed his filing cabinet, jimmied open the window and am on the roof moving across to the fire escape.

Now I just have to put the evidence into an envelope and leave it ‘anonymously’ for the lawyer who hired me to find on his doorstep in the morning.

My job done I head home to the only city I could ever call home. London. It’s great owning a private plane. No waiting in airports with huge queues. Just a few hours napping on my plane then I’m home. 

Chapter 1

Beep! Beep! Beep!

“Shut up.” I mumble into my pillow trying to ignore the damn alarm.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

“O.K.!” I say grumpily as I slap my hand on my alarm button.

I sit up and stretch then look at the time.

“6am? Why did I set it for then?” I wonder aloud.

“Because you wanted to give me a great view of your scrumptious looking breasts?” Says a man’s voice from the doorway.

I grab my gun from the holster attached to my bed frame and have it pointed at him before he’s even finished his sentence.

“Ok ok. So it was actually because we were gonna workout together this morning. You can’t blame a guy for enjoying a free display.” He laughs with his hands held up and a grin on his face.

“Val you dick!” I shout trying to decide if I should cover my breasts, put my gun away or just shoot him on principal. “I could’ve killed you!”

“Nah you wouldn’t do that, I’m too good in bed for you to risk it.”

“That’s not something I would or will ever know. Now go away so I can get showered and dressed without you perving on me.”

“And I was gonna be nice and make you a coffee.” He says as he leaves the room.

I can’t help but laugh slightly. The man maybe a giant pain in the neck but he can be funny.

Val or Valentine is a thirty-something guy. Six foot three with short shaggy brown hair, a constant 5 o’clock shadow and a very nice looking body (more swimmers body than body builder). Of course Valentine is just his codename, I don’t know his real name. He never told me it and I never asked.

He’s in the same line of work as me. It’s a toss-up between which of us is the best. He thinks it’s him as he has a knack for sneaking up on me but I refuse to believe that.

“Hurry up or the coffee will become cold!” Val yells from the other room.

I give the door one last glance to check Val isn’t looking through the gap, get up and head towards the bathroom. I do my morning business then run the shower whilst I brush my teeth so it’s nice and hot when I get in. I look in the mirror before I get in the shower. I don’t look too bad if I do say so myself. I’m five foot eight with long red hair, bright blue eyes and curves in all the right places but toned everywhere else.

Once I’m done in the shower I pull back the screen and almost fall on my arse as I see Val standing there, coffee in one hand towel in the other.

‘I don’t have a weapon! Damn, maybe he is better than me.’ I think to myself.

“What the hell are you doing in here Valentine!?”

“Just bringing you a coffee before it gets cold.” He replies with a grin whilst looking me up and down.

My heart begins to speed up at his look. He is rather attractive and I’m female. I also haven’t had sex in a very long time.

‘Stop it, stop it, stop it! He is not the right person to have sex with.’ I mentally kick myself.

“Give me the damn towel and get out. Now!”

I glare at him with a look that could kill.

“Ok, ok.” He laughs. “But you’re missing out on one hell of a fun time.”

He hands me the towel and leaves the room. I wrap the towel round myself and take a minute to try to calm my heartbeat and imagination down before going back to the bedroom. I get dressed in skin tight black jogging bottoms, black sports bra and zip up long sleeved black top. I brush my hair into a ponytail and head into the living room.

I stop short as I see Val standing shirtless at my sink. I was right about his body. Just enough muscle to have definition but not overly muscular. He has a light dusting of hair across his chest going down like an arrow into the waist band of his dark blue jogging bottoms.

I have a very vivid image of walking over to him, grabbing him by the back of his neck and kissing him passionately before licking my way down his chest and abdomen. Of pulling his trousers down and licking…

“What are you thinking about so hard?” His voice shakes me out of my reverie.

“Whether I should kill you for that stunt in my bathroom or not. Why are you only half dressed?” I ask a little too breathlessly for my liking.

“Spilt coffee on my t-shirt. My body doesn’t bother you that much does it Rose?” He asks with a gleam in his eyes.

Those deep chocolate brown eyes that just seem to swallow me whole.

“Why would it bother me?”

Val smiles and walks up to me. He gets so close I could count his chest hairs if I wanted to. He leans down towards me and I find myself turning my face up to his and really wanting him to kiss me. He moves his mouth to my ear instead.

“I think my body bothers you. More than you want it to. I think if I kissed you right now you’d let me strip you naked, bend you over your kitchen counter and fuck you till you scream my name.” He whispers in my ear making me shiver.

I put my hands on his chest to push him away but, the instant my hands make contact with his skin, I’m lost. We look at each other, faces so close that we’re practically breathing the same air. We start moving that last inch…

Ring ring! Ring ring!

I jump back like I’d been electrocuted then run to my burner phone, which I use for clients, to answer it.

‘I’m not running away from him, dammit, I’m answering my phone.’ I think to myself.

“Hello?” I say into the phone.

“Miss Rose? I have a job for you.” Says a male voice on the other end of the line. 

I look over to tell Val he’ll have to head to the gym on his own but he’s already gone. Leaving me to stare at my own reflection in the mirror. My cheeks are almost as red as my hair. Lips a pale pink compared to my over-heated skin and my blue eyes almost sapphire with arousal.

Chapter 2

An hour and a half later I finally get to the gym. It’s a very upmarket gym. Lots of space, shiny new machines. It has a sauna and spa too, which is always nice to relax in.

I select a treadmill put my headphones in and do a two mile gentle jog listening to Linkin Park. When I’m done on that I do a couple laps in the pool then go to the sauna to relax.

Whilst in the sauna I think about the job I’ve just been hired to do. It won’t be too hard as the woman I’m supposed to take out only has a couple of bodyguards. First though I have to do my research. Firstly, make sure she actually deserves to die. Secondly, follow her to find out her routine and figure when the best time to strike would be then finally, to actually do it. If she deserves it.

Apparently she’s a drug cartel worker, high level, responsible for a lot of kid’s deaths through overdoses. She’s not particular about what her drugs are cut with. If it’s true she deserves to die, if it’s not true I’ll turn the job down and warn her someone’s after her.

When I’m finished in the sauna I go to the weights room to see if Val is there. He was supposed to be treating me to brunch after our workouts. As I walk into the room my libido immediately jumps into overdrive and I have a flash of what could’ve happened in my kitchen earlier as I see Val doing the overhand weights. He’s shirtless. His body is covered in sweat, his muscles standing out against the strain of the weights.

Val catches my eye and grins like the weights are nothing to him, so easy to pull down and release. I grab a set of dumbbells and do some lifting until Val is finished. Forcing myself to concentrate on anything except what I’d like to do to him to make him sweat.

“Ready to have a shower?” Val says walking up to me.

“Yep. Then you owe me brunch.” I reply with a grin.

“Need someone to wash your back?”

“No, although there are a couple of guys here I wouldn’t mind trying out.”

“Really? Would I be one of them?”

“Nope. I like men. Not overgrown children in rather unattractive bodies.”

“You certainly seemed to like my body as it pressed up against yours earlier.” Val says leaning closer.

“That’s just coz I was half asleep earlier. You could’ve been anyone at that point and I would’ve reacted like that!” I reply rather breathlessly. “Shower! I have to shower.”

I dart round him and practically run to the female locker room, his chuckle following me as I go. I enter the locker room and take a minute to catch my breath. All I can think about is Val’s sweat coated chest and how kissable his lips looked.

“Cold shower. Definitely a cold shower.” I say aloud.

I don’t take too long in the shower. Too public. I can’t have a weapon plus I only need to give my body a rub down as I washed my hair earlier. When I’m finished I get dressed in my usual t-shirt, jeans and trainers, all in sky blue today, and head out to wait for Valentine. I wait by the glass front door of the gym.

“Usual place?” Val says walking up to me.

“Yeah sure.”

Val is using his normal t-shirt, jeans and boots, all in black. I can’t help noticing how the jeans cup his butt rather nicely as he walks ahead of me.

‘Stop it!’ I mentally slap myself. ‘It would make things way too complicated!’

We go to a nice little café round the corner from the gym. It’s a quaint rustic little place but it has booths, which give a good view of all the entrances and exits and it’s quiet. Also its fry-up breakfasts are to die for. Their coffees aren’t bad either.

“Fry-up as usual?” Val asks as I sit down at our usual booth.


Val goes to the counter to order while I check my Facebook and twitter on my phone.

“You know, you’re the only woman I know who orders fry-ups instead of salads.” Val comments as he sits down with our coffees in hand.

“Yeah well I’m a human not a rabbit. Plus if that’s true, you’re not hanging with the right women.”

Val just laughs trying to look at what I’m doing on my phone.

“Stop it.” I warn him in a low voice.

“Or what?” He laughs. “You’ll beat me? Hm, I think I might enjoy that.”

“Masochist.” I reply, sticking my tongue out at him.

“Nothing wrong with enjoying a little pain during sex, don’t you agree?”

I say nothing but I can feel my cheeks turning red, he’s managed to make me blush dammit, I put my phone away as I try to avoid his gaze.

“Mm. You do enjoy it, don’t you?” He says with a heat in his eyes that I try to ignore.

Luckily, just then the waitress comes over with our food. We both tuck in and I try to reel in my libido.

“So, what kind of job were you offered earlier?” Val asks.

“What? When you ran out of my apartment earlier?” I laugh.

“I wanted to give you privacy.” He shrugs.

“Uh huh.” I say, disbelievingly. “It was just the usual type of thing. Why?”

“Just making conversation.”

I just look at him and we go back to eating our food. When we’re done we get up, pay our half each then leave. Just as we get outside Val’s phone goes off. He reads the message.

“I have to head off.” He says suddenly. “Business.”

“Okay. I’ve got some research to do anyway. I’ll see you later.”

As I’m about to walk off, he grabs my arm. Spinning me back around and plants his lips on mine. I go to push him away but end up kissing him back. It’s wonderful. Passionate. Our tongues meet as our mouths open and he tastes so good. I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter. Just as I’m about to throw caution to the wind and invite him back, he stops and pulls away slightly.

“Why did you do that?” I whisper.

“Because I couldn’t not do it anymore.”


“I want you. I’ve wanted you since I first met you. I want you so badly I dream about you, fantasise about you.”

I’m pressed so close to him, I can feel his cock pressing into my abdomen. My libido starts to do a happy dance. My mind starts playing images of all the things we could do together.

‘Screw it!’ I think.

“Come back to mine.”

“I can’t!” He growls. “I really do have to go.”

My libido plummets and I sigh.

“I’m sorry.”

He steps back.

“It’s ok. It’s probably not a good idea for us to hook up anyway, it would complicate things too much.” I reply.

“Sweetheart when we have sex it won’t just be hooking up, trust me.”

Looking into his eyes I believe him. Then he turns around and walks away. I head back to my flat.

“I’ve got work to do anyway.” I sigh to myself.

I walk back to my flat, stopping to pick up some strawberries and bananas from the market as I go so I can make smoothies later.

Chapter 3

“Morning Miss Roberts.” Says my doorman.

“Morning Fred.” I reply smiling.

Fred’s a nice old man, about six foot tall with greying hair, poking out from under his uniform cap. Always ready with a friendly smile and pictures of his grandkids.

I go up the stairs to my fourth floor flat. When I step through the front door I shut it and lean against it. I take some deep breaths trying to calm my speeding pulse and stop thinking of Valentine.

I look around the flat. It’s a large flat, all shiny and modern. There’s a huge living room done in white and pastel pink. A dining room in grey and a kitchen area. It’s all open space with the red bedroom and blue en suite in separate rooms through a doorway out of the living room. It’s not such an expensive flat that people would question how I can afford it but it’s expensive enough that it’s very luxurious.

I should go to my computer and research my target, but I’m too hot and bothered, remembering Val’s lips on mine. I’m still wet and aroused. Instead of my computer, I head to the bedroom. I strip down to my underwear. I lay down on my bed, feeling the silk bedding rub across my overheated skin. I close my eyes, thinking of valentine’s sweat soaked chest. Imagining he’s here kissing me. Running his hands down to my breasts and playing with my nipples. I pinch and rub my nipples through the fabric of my bra then run my hand down to my panties. As I imagine Val fingering my hot, wet pussy I put my hand into my knickers. I start rubbing my clit. I’m almost close to coming. It feels so good. I start fingering my pussy hard and fast. Imagining its Val’s cock. I feel my juices coat my fingers. As I finally come, I can’t help but call out Valentines name.

I lay there for a while sated and drowsy. Eventually I realise I really do have work to do. I get up and put my clothes back on. Then I go to my computer to finish my news story. That’s right, news story. After all, I need a legal day job. One that explains where I get enough money to live on. Also being an investigative photo journalist explains why I travel so much. Plus, no one questions why I’m not in an office building every day.

When I finish my work and e-mail it to my editor, I start looking up information on my target. I start by googling her then go to social media sites. Everything seems to back up what my client has said about her. Tonight I’ll start my surveillance on her.

In the meantime, I decide to make a nice cheese and mushroom pasta bake for lunch. Just as I start to serve it up my intercom buzzes.

“Hello?” I say into the receiver.

“Miss Roberts? There’s a Mr Swift here to visit you. Shall I send him up?” Fred says from the other end.

‘Swift? Who’s Swift?’ I think to myself. ‘Valentine!’

“Yes you can send him up.”

A moment later Val knocks on the door and I let him in.

“You took a while to let me in.”

“Well normally you just break in so I forgot your surname.” I reply. “What do you want?”

“I was just in the area”

“Want some pasta?”

“Yeah sure. Sounds good.” He replies, sitting on my sofa.

“If you’re eating, you eat at the table. I don’t want pasta sauce on my furniture.”

“Ooo OCD much?” He laughs.

“Nothing wrong with that.” I reply tartly. ”Now are you going to tell me the real reason you’re here?”

“I was bored, wondered if you had a job that takes two people to do.”

“Ah people stopped hiring you? What’s the matter, you stop being as good as you once were?”

Just as I’m about to pick up the bowls of food to serve, Val comes up behind me. I suddenly have a knife to my throat.

“You really think that?” He whispers. “I could’ve killed you already.”

I grab his wrist, twist it and drop down. As I come back up I use my other hand to take the knife from him. I hold it to his throat.

“No you wouldn’t have killed me already. You really want this contest? Coz I won’t die easily.” I say angrily. “I thought you were above this shit!”

He has the audacity to smile at me! Then he puts his hands up and steps back grabbing a bowl of pasta as he goes.

“Just making a point.” He says. “It’s not my skills that are lacking it’s the jobs.”

After a moment of hesitation, I put the knife down grab my own bowl and sit down at the table with him.

“I haven’t found that the jobs are drying up.” I say.

“I work a different sector than you.”

“What do you mean, a different sector?”

“Just different.”

Val stands up and puts his bowl in the sink. As I stand up he moves up behind me and starts kissing my neck. His hands start at my hips, digging his fingers into my skin. He moves his hands up to my breasts, kneading them roughly through my t-shirt and bra. Then one hand comes up to my neck and turns my head enough so he can bend his head and start kissing my mouth. I find myself responding by moaning. I open my mouth to him.

As I respond he seems to get hungrier. He starts to undo my jeans. He turns me round lifting me up to put me on the table.

“Stop!” I gasp pulling away. “We can’t do this.”

“Why not?” He asks, continuing to rub my nipples.

“We don’t know each other well enough and it would complicate our work.”

“No it won’t and we know each other well enough. We know each other’s names, jobs, addresses. What else do we need to know?”

“We don’t know each other’s names! We only know the codenames.”

“Valentine Swift is my real name and you’re name is Rose Roberts.”

“No it’s not. Rose is my codename.”

“What?” He asks, looking stunned.

“Rose is just my codename.”

He stops and steps back.

“Oh right. I see.”

“If I didn’t know better I’d say you were upset.” I laugh.

“No of course not. Why would I be upset? Just because I thought you trusted me after all these years we’ve known each other? Or maybe because I thought we were friends? Or maybe because I thought you felt the same way about me as I felt about you?”

He stomps over to my front door and yanks it open.

“Well, don’t worry I’ll leave you all alone like you seem to prefer. Maybe I’ll even find someone else who actually trusts me to have sex with!”

With that he walks out and slams the door, leaving me speechless. With a growing sense of loss that I can’t even explain.

After about five minutes I get up, take my bowl to the sink. For no reason I can figure out I just sit on the floor and cry. Eventually I run out of tears. I get up, wash and dry my face then go to get dressed for my surveillance.

For my actual job I wear black leather trousers that are well worn so they are flexible, a black corset type top which zips up the front. For surveillance I don’t bother with too many weapons just a small knife in a wrist holster made to look like a bracelet.

Then I leave my flat and go up to the roof, onto the roof of the building next to mine then down the drainpipe to the street and walk off to the targets house.

Chapter 4

A few weeks later, I still haven’t heard from Val. I’m trying very hard not to feel the loss or think about why I feel so lost without him. I’m ready to go after my target but she’s beefed up on her security for some reason. I could do with help after all.

So now I’m in a situation where the only person I can trust to help me is Valentine but he also happens to be the last person on the planet I want to talk to right now.

‘Screw it! I can do this one solo.’ I think.

So I head off to the targets house on my own. It’s a nice house with good sized grounds around it. A nice high wall completely surrounds the grounds. The wall has barb wire along the top of it. There’s one flaw in the perimeter though. A tree has grown outside the wall and is now so tall that a few branches reach over the wall. I use that flaw to get into the grounds.

There’s movement detectors by the doorways but not throughout the grounds there selves. It’s easy to run across the gap between the wall and the house without detection. All the security guards are either at the main gates or in the downstairs of the house. I climb her drainpipe and gain entry through a bathroom window that hasn’t been closed properly.

Once inside I head trough the lavish looking building to the targets bedroom. I sneak inside but there’s a problem. As I go to cut her throat I see a scan picture and it is dated two days ago with my targets name on it.

‘Shit! I can’t do this.’ I think.

As I’m about to sneak back out of the room she wakes up and screams. I dart back towards the bathroom but the security guards are running up the stairs aiming their guns at me. I make it to the bathroom without being shot. I go through the window and back down the drainpipe.

I run across the grounds to a lounger under the tree branch I need to use to escape. The guards from the main gate are running back here too. As I’m halfway across the branch one of the guards gets a lucky shot in. It clips me on the shoulder making me fall onto the barb wire.

“Argh!” I yell as the barb wire cuts into my side.

I have to roll off the wire and I fall to the ground knocking the wind out of myself. I manage to gain my feet. I run off into the darkness. Luckily, the guards now have to go back to the main gate and out that way to try to reach me.

I somehow manage to get back to my flat without passing out from blood loss. When I get in I strip my top off. I grab a towel to try to stop the bleeding from the barb wire. Luckily enough the gunshot just grazed the skin but I need stitches in the wire injuries and I can’t reach them myself.

I call the only person I can trust. Valentine.

“What do you want?” He says grumpily on the other end of the phone.

“I. Need. Help.” I struggle to say.

“Rose? Rose!” He replies worriedly.

“Taylor. My real name’s Tay…”

Then I pass out.

Chapter 5

The next thing I am aware of is Valentine leaning over me with a worried expression and blood all over his hands.

I must pass out again as, when I open my eyes next, I am in my bed with sunlight streaming through the window. Then I realise I am naked and Valentine is in the bed next to me! He’s only wearing a white t-shirt and boxers!

“What the hell are you doing in my bed?” I try to yell, but it comes out as a croak and I start coughing.

Val bolts upright, looks at me then runs to the kitchen. A couple of minutes later he returns with a glass of water and a small bottle of Irn Bru.

“Here sip this.” Val says as he gently puts the glass of water to my mouth.

“Thank you.” I say after I drink a few sips. “How long have I been out?”

“About a day. I thought I was going to lose you. What the hell happened?”

“My target had hired more security, didn’t know why till I got in there.”


“She’s pregnant. I have to call my client.”

“You need to tell me what the fuck happened first! I thought you were going to die!”

“When I realised she was pregnant I couldn’t do the job.”

“Understandable. I wouldn’t have done it either but that doesn’t explain what happened.”

So I tell him.  Everything. I tell him all about the fact I should have asked for help, how she woke up and how I got hurt.

“So your fucking pride almost got you killed! Why? Coz you couldn’t be bothered to call me? I even asked if you had any jobs for me to help on!”

Val’s face is bright red from yelling.

“Don’t yell at me! You’re the one who stomped off and never came back! And why? Coz I didn’t realise you’d told me your real name?” I yell back then grimace as my stitches pull.

Suddenly Val is leaning over me with a worried look on his face.

“I’m fine. I just pulled the stitches slightly.”

“Let me check them.” He says trying to pull the quilt off me.

“I’m naked!”

“Who do you think stripped you off, stitched you up and bathed the blood off you?” He laughs.

“As long as that’s all you did.” I say, letting him take the quilt off.

“Rape’s not my thing sweetheart. When I take a woman into my bed I want to know she wants to be there.” He replies checking my stitches.

Then he looks at me, his face so close to mine I could see each individual eyelash. He looks lost suddenly.

“I thought I’d lost you.” He whispers.

Then he leans forward and kisses me so gently and tenderly I can barely feel him. I open my mouth and lick his lips. He growls and suddenly the kiss is deep and hard. Our tongues are battling and he tastes so good I sigh into his mouth. I reach my hands up into his hair bunching it between my fingers. His hands move down to my naked breasts squeezing them. He rolls my nipples between his fingers. I arch up into him. I start taking his t-shirt off but I can’t reach all the way with my side stitched up.

“We should stop.” Val says, taking his t-shirt off.

“No, please, no.” I whisper, running my hands down his chest.

“Gently then. I don’t want to hurt you.”

He’s back kissing me hungrily. I run my hands down to the waistband of his black Calvin Klein boxer shorts. I move my hands further down to cup the bulge I can feel at his front. I rub my hands up and down his bulge until he growls again and plunges his fingers into my already wet pussy. He thrusts his fingers hard and fast until I come calling his name.

When I come back down to earth he’s laying down on the bed next to me.

“You didn’t come.” I say.

“I can wait until you’ve healed.” He replies tenderly.

“That’s not how I play.”

“What do you mean?” He asks.

I just grin then slide down the bed gently. I move until my face is level with that mesmerising bulge. I undo the button on the front of his boxers and pull his engorged cock out through the hole.

‘Jeez he has to be at least eight inches!’ I think.

“What are you doing?” He asks breathlessly.

“Returning the favour.” I say, with a grin.

Then before he can do anything, I lean over and put my mouth over his cock. I swallow him until I feel him bump the back of my throat. He tastes so good I moan which makes him shudder. I glance up at him with his cock still in my mouth. He’s watching me with his arms raised above his head grabbing hold off the bars of my headboard.

I pull my head back, my lips sliding back up his cock leaving a slick trail as I go. When I reach the head of his shaft I gently nip the tender tip making him cry out in pleasure. Then I lick him like a lollipop enjoying the sounds of pleasure he’s making. I love the feeling of power I get making a big, strong man shudder.

I swallow him again about halfway. I suck long and hard. I suck whilst moving my head up and down, all the while feeling him watching me. Then he’s crying out my name as he comes in great spurts down my throat which I swallow until he’s empty. His cock twitching uncontrollably until it starts to get smaller.

“Oh god! You can pay back any favour you want like that.” He laughs.

“Careful I might hold you to that.” I reply, smiling.

I move back up the bed and curl up against his chest. I must doze off as the next thing I feel is Val pulling the covers over us. Then we fall asleep together in a contented bubble.

A few hours later I called my client. He was not happy.

“What do you mean you refuse the job?” My client yelled down the phone.

“I don’t kill pregnant women. I refuse to kill an innocent unborn baby coz of what its mother did.” I reply calmly.

“Then I’ll find someone else.”

“No you won’t. Firstly, only one other person is good enough and he won’t kill her either. Secondly, if I hear of you hiring someone else my next target will be you.” I say in a low scary voice. “If you still want the job in nine months’ time give me a call and I’ll revisit the situation.”

Then I hang up on him.

“You’re doing the right thing.” Val says from behind me.

“I know. I just hope he doesn’t test me and hire someone else coz I will kill him if he does.” I say with a tired sigh.

Val walks up to me and starts rubbing my shoulders. I lean back onto his chest.

“I’m going for a shower.” I say.

I walk into the bathroom and start the water. After sticking some cling film over my bandages on my side I get into the shower feeling the water rush over my head.

Val gets in behind me. I turn and look at him. We don’t say anything. He puts my Radox relax shower gel on his hand and then lathers it up. He starts at my neck, massaging it in, then down my arms. It feels so good, the feel of his hands gliding over my skin easing all the tension away.

Val moves to my shoulders making circles as he goes. He lathers up my breasts, teasing the nipples with the soapy friction, then moves to my stomach.

“Turn around.” Val says huskily.

I turn around and he goes back to my shoulders then down my back. He stops just above my buttocks. He skips to mid-thigh making me want to scream in frustration. He continues down and to my feet. He stands back up and makes me place my hands on the wall in front of me. He gently kicks my legs open wider.

He begins to rub the shower gel into my bottom. Alternating between rubbing and squeezing the cheeks. Then he brings one hand round to my front and starts rubbing the soap into my pussy lips. I almost come there and then, I’m so turned on. He starts rubbing the lather into my clit over and over again. It feels so good I’m seeing stars. He puts his other hand to my left breast and starts squeezing and pinching my erect nipple.

I start panting and moaning with pleasure. I don’t want him to stop, it feels so good. He pinches my clit and it feels so pleasurable I scream out. Without warning, he plunges two of his fingers in to my pussy at the same time, he squeezes my breast hard. I come without warning. I open my mouth wide to shout my pleasure buts it is so strong I’m breathless.

I get my wits back enough to stand on my own again and Val gets the showerhead and rinses the soap off me. We step out of the shower and Valentine wraps a towel round each of us. He then carries me to the bed. We fall asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

© Copyright 2015 Arlene (astephens30 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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