Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2036133-And-the-last-episode-of-our-story-begins
by Dosse
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2036133
The incredible Human story

And the last episode of our story -as we know it- begins by some natural spontaneous electric spark hitting a total random set of elements infinite number of times, until suddenly the most mysterious thing happens; a magical bond grows between these elements, something more than just a chemical bond, it’s a real miracle, it’s the dawn of a new era, the era of “Bio-chemistry”, causing these elements not just to stick to one another, but to also have the “will” to keep being together and to carry on being that way. This magical will caused this being to evolve through uncountable numbers of unknown time intervals into unicellular then multi-cellular organisms forming an enormous diversity of living things on its way seeking the fulfillment of it’s one and only goal; the will to last, the will to be immortal!

Throughout its incredible journey seeking immortality using all possible routes and using the methods of trial and error, life finally finds its way to create the most terrific being; a multi-cellular complicated organism, which did not just develop new techniques -including Multi task complicated Brains, logic and Intelligence- to protect its life form; but also and above all a new miracle takes place: it develops “Consciousness” and “Perception”, this is the epoch of Mankind.

These new qualities gave this so called human being new horizons in his mission to fulfill the one and only task that’s encrypted within his core existence. This being can think in collateral ways of perception, can imagine, can dream and can “lie”! Yes, he can imagine, dream of and invent events that never took place, and believe in them hard enough to bring them to life!

This breakthrough gave life its mere opportunity to manifest its immortality through the dreams of human beings and their imaginations of absolute perfection, as a perfect being is the only immortal being, and to humans perfection means power and energy, on the other hand biology has defects and wears out, so life has to leave it’s biological state and turn into energy, this process demanded the use of man’s exclusive quality of dreaming and believing his dreams. Man imagined absolute energy, absolute power absolute Knowledge and absolute glory, and as humans has the quality of crossing the line between reality and imagination and jumping over the logical time-line of events, they imagined that this almighty perfect existence already exists, and so; Man created GOD!

I n its pursuit for the ultimate life form, life evolved from matter to organic form and then to intelligent organic form, and the next step was to evolve from organic to bio-mechanical form, as man begun to use mechanical and electronic parts to substitute the weaker parts of his body. People by then began to reproduce in labs, using their accumulative knowledge of genetics to produce the best breeds, these breeds by time began to have bigger brains and smaller body parts as the substitute parts took over their biological counterparts, and then humans began to combine human zygotes with machines to produce the next level of life form after the brain itself was substituted with an electronic machine with higher capabilities, but still human zygotes where needed to produce new living beings who log to that central hyper electro-mechanical brain, until someday people became 99% electro-mechanical, but still there was that biological 1% that can’t be altered, and nothing could replace it, no matter how people tried hard to do so, and still life comes to an end when that one small organic part wears out and perishes.

So far, life –as we know it- was still organic, or at least has to be organic in its core, with all its forms and diverse manifestations, still it has to be organic, until one more step was taken towards invincibility and immortality, one step that made all the difference between life in its minor organic state and life in its elevated energetic state, Mecha-Man managed to shift his conscious existence away from his incubational organic-based body to the energy form, by putting the organic part in an ultra high speed device inside a chamber that reaches the speed of light and zero degrees Fahrenheit simultaneously, causing the whole chamber and what’s inside to lose their total mass and become pure energy and this energy was contained in an electro-magnetic field and then sent to log to the central mainframe which unifies mankind in one sole existence as man lost his individualism and melted in the greater entity, forming one intelligent being with one goal; immortality through absolute perfection.

This new being begun to lose his mechanical parts and substitute them by the use of high intensity light beams that have the quality of going in circular routes without using any mechanical equipment and this was made possible by containing individual humans in their energy form inside light photons, which created the Intelligent Light Channels, these ILCs can select their path with their independent will, and the master brain used this new living light form as a substitute of its chipsets and physical parts, until eventually it turned to a being which was entirely made of light and energy. And to control all the parts and deliver messages to and from them, the central brain used the ILCs with different frequencies to produce different light colors and sound frequencies that were recognized by the individual humans in their energy form with a certain superior logic that forms a conversation more like to a language. And so this being turned to a Glorious Supreme Being made of energy and light, surrounded by colorful light halos and billions of chorus sounds forming a beautiful orchestra of intellectual lights and music.

Again, the Supreme Being had to continue life’s journey seeking immortality, so he had to evolve once more to gain absolute power, and as absolute power somehow comes from absolute knowledge, he begun to restore all the data about everything and process it into information that grows his knowledge. After gaining full knowledge about literally everything in the universe, The Supreme Being had to go one more step; knowing what was before, so he had to go back in time, and that was only manageable by the resurrection of every single creature that ever lived once before, so he collected every single atom that ever existed inside a living thing, and resurrected it in a reverse sequence making it live its life again to experience all what it went through in its time, and gain its knowledge and experiences, then after that he selected the conscious life forms (humans) and turned them to energy to contribute with their consciousness in the Supreme Being, but he found that there are two kinds of conscious life forms; Positive conscious forms (PCs) and Negative conscious forms (NCs), and it grew to his attention that the PCs when logging to his system they elevated it, unlike the NCs who bugged the system and hindered its harmonious flow, so ironically he had to screen them and select the PCs to turn them to energy to contribute with their consciousness in the Supreme Being for eternity in an everlasting heavenly manner, on the other hand the NCs were burned away in absolute nothingness, creating a state more like to a Judgment Day.

That was the end of this episode of our story, a very small part of a very big story, which ends leaving us clueless about our origin and about our destination, wondering what will happen next and puzzled about the previous episodes and how did it particularly happen, and still what confuses us most is the most basic but most puzzling question; what is life in the first place?! …

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