Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2036123-Chapter-One-A-Start-On-Summer-Vacation
by Comet
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #2036123
Chapter One To A Changing Faith.
"Mountains are places within our path,
and choices are given to try to surpass.
We can either try to go over, under, or through.
Or we can give into the stress and let our options slip on through."

Chapter One
A Start on Summer

Early morning light touched the skies outside his window as Comet laid his pen down at last. Flipping the pages backward from where he had started last night in the notebook he started rereading everything he had wrote. Wanting to make sure he got every detail in it, this had been the first time in two years since his dreams had start that he had some sort of contact in them, and every time he tried to back track he still couldn't fully understand why now all of sudden and most of all what had they been talking about. His fist tighten  as he looked out the window to watch the sun slowly rising through the tress. His thoughts went back to day one when this all had started, at first he had enjoyed the forest and all its beauty. To him it had been a glories place full of wonders and most of all to find that he wasn't...human. To say the least when he was in them he had been excited, though at his first glance he had freaked out, and even more it had taken him forever to find out how to walk, let alone run; but no matter how he tried he could never fly. He could recall many times waking up sore and tried as if he had ran for miles. It was then after a two weeks of being in this so called forest almost every night that he knew for sure it wasn't just some normal dream that he thought other teens at his age would usually have. A cool breeze blew through his window string the pages of his notebook and kissing his cheek as he looked back out the window to see streaks orange emanating the dusky skies.

"Why now?" he questions himself as he watch the orange mix with the blacken blue skies of night as morning made its approach each passing minute. "After so many nights of being alone in the forest, why now has it suddenly changed?" He caste his thoughts to the dragons he remember seeing, "And where had they come from, let alone how had I been able to understand them?" he shook his head as he looked back down at his journal. So many more questions, yet still no answers to find even if he was to go back to the start of when he had began writing all this. "none of it makes since." he sighed closing the book. It was like he was living in two worlds, one of reality and one of fantasy, but the one of fantasy he was alone and at the start he had rather enjoyed it know it just straight up bothered him more and more each night he woke up there. After six months of waking into it he had done research about dreams that seemed so vivid and real; but even the information he found wasn't helpful to him. It only left him more confused and lost more then ever. "Is it really just dreams?" he asked out loud as he watch the skies his eyes never leaving them in his strain of thoughts. This was all starting to drive him nuts, crazy that even his own mother had started to notice something was different about the way he was being. "Two years..." he mumbled looking at the clock near his lamp to see it read six fifteen A.m, "two years and still nothing to lead off of." he sighed looking inside the drew still opened in front of him to see at least ten other notebooks he had filled up since the time he started writing his dreams down.

Movement in his lap made him look down at the fox sound asleep there, a smile ceased his lips as he gently patted her on the head. The feeling of excitement and happiness hit the edge of his mind as he did telling him she was dreaming peacefully of something. After a year of having the dreams he felt something physically change inside him, something that even know he couldn't explain; but after that one faithful night of him stumbling upon a tree unlike the which he's ever seen he had been able to since the emotions of animals and people around him. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes his mind wrapping around that mental picture he had taken of the tree. White flowers grew likes stars between the leaves, their glow alone seem to have radiate a power of their own yet the crystals that extended from the bark was unlike those of the other trees. Each time he enter the forest he still was in awe at the rainbow of colors that brighten the forest in his dreams. From red to blue, to orange and yellow all sort of color crystals grew from the trees, but not once had he ever seen black crystal as he had that one night. A shiver went through his body as he remember touching the tree and feeling a course of energy shoot through his body. The pain had been beyond describing and had literately woke him up in a cold sweat as he had last night. After that night he started to feel others emotions and could even tell when someone had been lying to him. Though he had been freaked out the first time something touch his mind, he hadn't told anyone about it. He didn't know how to, or even where to start to explain. Most of the time it was fear he would think others take him as a freak, then just a normal boy trying to find out himself what was happening. More then once he had tried to find that tree again but never succeeded.

Another jolt of excitement hit his mind again as he watched Layla's paw twitch in her sleep. If he had to guess she was running in her sleep and what ever she was casing it was making her happy. He smiled as he stroked her again between the ears, this little fox had made friends with him after one day of walking in the woods. He had saved her from a trap she had been caught in, and if it hadn't been for the mental change of the state of his mind he would never had found her. Since that day she stuck around, but never once did she approach when anyone else was around, though he always felt her some where near. It was because of her he grew use to the state of feeling things from others, after a while he grew use to feeling it and even found a way to block it when he needed. It had helped him in his times when he was at school. Being around so many kids at once he had played sick for almost two weeks cause he couldn't take it. This little fox he had saved, had saved him too from going nuts and crazy. When she was around he slowly taught himself how to block her emotions she gave. Know each night she payed him a visit he couldn't hold his own happiness from her. She even sometimes came through his window he'd leave open and sleep with him when he had problems falling asleep. It was like she knew when he felt in distress or in discomfort. She had became a close friend to him, and even sometimes he could swear that she understood him more then his own mother. Then again, he was never in truth towards his mother anyways, even know he still couldn't bring himself to tell her about the truth of his dreams. They way they seemed to be changing him inside more and more; but he also was fearful she would have found him to be crazy and that was something he didn't want.

As much as he wanted to talk to someone about it, he just didn't know how to approach without seeming crazy or delusional. Letting out a sigh he dislodge his thoughts of the dreams and closed his notebook. "Hey, time to wake up." he shook Layla, getting her ears to perk up as he did. It had taken him forever to find a name for her, but after four days prier of meeting her. He found the name Layla and the joy that had radiated from her told him she had took a liking to it. Since that night that was what he had called her, "don't give me that look." he said smiling at her as she lifted her head and gave him a resentful look. Emotions of disbelief and a slight tang of anger for interrupting her dream reached him before he stroked her along the back and fluffing up her tail a little getting a rather hateful look as she jumped off his lap and onto his desk. Knocking the notebook into his lap as she did, "knock it off, you know as well as I do my mother is about to wake and I have to get ready." He said giving her a smug look right back as she stuck her nose in the air and looked out the window. Picking the notebook up he stuck it with the rest and closed the drawer, getting up as he done so and turning to walk towards his dresser.

His room was rather small only holding a desk, bed, dresser and a bookshelf. A few other shelves hung on the walls with some of his drawings, beside that the rest of room was bear. Reaching the dresser, he patter a ceramic dragon sitting upon it. The dragon was wrapped around a castle and was one of the eleven he had sitting around his room. Yet this one held as he favorite cause it looked almost exactly like he had when he was in his dreams. The only difference in it was its horns and claws were a ivory color instead of sliver, and its wings were a solid ocean blue. Looking up into the mirror upon his dresser he stared back at his reflection. To anyone he would seem like a normal fifteen year old kid with short brown hair and blue eyes. He had a short stubby nose, and slightly puffed up cheeks that betrayed him easily if he was to blush. He had thin dark brown eye brows and his own chin ended with a slight point to it. He figure his looks were rather dull compared to some of the other kids besides his eyes, but to him each time he looked at his reflection all he saw was a ghost of someone who felt lost and unsure to who he truly was. He let out a sigh as he looked down as something brushed against his leg and seen Layla's orange eyes staring up at him. He can feel her worry wash over him as he kneel down and stroked her head getting a rather joyful feeling of pleasure jot through him. "I'll be alright girl, I promise," But even as he said it he felt his own uncertainty enter his thoughts making Layla look at him with a titled head as if to say. "Ya, right."

Letting out a breath he got up and opened one of the drawers, pulling out a peace of beef jerky he kept in a plastic bag. Instantly Layla was on her feet as she heard the bag and he smiled as she spun around a few times and pawed at his feet. Crouching slightly as if the pounce as he turned to face her waving the jerky in the air at chest high. "Ready?" he said smiling as she swung her tail to and from a few times taking a step back. It was a question he didn't have to ask for he could already feel her tense to jump once he threw it. With a grin, he swung his hand back and chunk it with all his might towards his window; but it didn't make it far as Layla jumped with a mighty leap nearly making it to his chest in height and snagging the jerky from the air with a snap of her jaws. Comet stared at her rather shock as she spun in the air once and landed, walking towards his bed with a delight pleasure coursing through her as he blinks a few times at her. Halfway to his bed she stopped, he instantly knew what it was before he even heard the door close to his mothers room. Footsteps sounded in the hall soft and almost quiet like as Layla shot like a dart across his room and over the desk exiting out the window in a blink of an eye. "I'll see you when I get back." He sent her a mental picture of them playing in the woods as he said it and got a wave of joy and eagerness for him to return as he did. He watched her until her tail vanished from his sight unable to hide the smile as he did. He was very much thankful to have a friend such as her, even if she may have been just an animal to others. Yet after everything that has changed for him since the start of being able to feel others emotions, the dreams, along with other things. He's never looked at animals like others anymore; but more like humans themselves. Since then to him any animal he's stumble or help has always been treated like an equal to him.

Giving a sigh he shut the drawer to his dresser as footsteps stopped just outside his bedroom door. The feeling of anxious washed over him as he opened another drawer and pulled out a set of cloths to wear, "I'll be ready in a minute mother." he said aloud feeling her surprise as he assume he caught her before she could knock. Taking his time he got himself dressed and ready for the day at school to start. In all honesty he wasn't up for it, not one single bit. Sitting on his bed he stared at his hands, wiggling his fingers slightly as he took a few steady breaths. Two years ago when this had all started he had stuck to himself in school, the few friends he did have at that time ended up moving on him when it all did start. He could never forget how they felt when they had to tell him goodbye, he knew that they had meant it in every way when both had told him we'll see each other someday again. Even when he was younger, even before all this started he had always stuck to himself. Yet when those two joined the very school he went two, each one about three months apart from joining. He became really great friends with them, heck one had honestly felt like a sister. While the other was a close brother to him, after a year they became more then just his friends but more like family to him. Now since they each had moved and almost in the same month when it happen. He just stuck to himself in school, he found it to be more comfortable since the start of picking up everyone's feelings. Even though he had been able to find away to block most of it out, he had never been able to block it all with as many kids had been around him; and since then he never ran across anyone that wouldn't lie to him on what they honestly thought about him when they ask. A random question he would throw at others, asking for them to speak honestly to see if he can trust them or not. His rule, if they lied then he new they'd lie about anything and everything. Some would probably call him misguided by that very rule, but aren't friends suppose to be able to share what they think of each other?

Giving a shake of his head he picked himself off the bed and walked over to the dresser to look in the merrier. By know he didn't care what others thought, and living twenty five miles out of town in the thick of the forest that surround it. He was never bother by any of the town kids, and eventually earned the name loner of the school. He was an A, B, student, yet didn't talk with many; and if he did it was just to find out what may be going on, or what he may have missed in a certain class. His mother had asked him long ago, noticing that he hadn't tried to make anymore friends like the last two. His only response was that he didn't need friends who would only lie every time to your face and not be able to be truthful to each other at anytime. After that she never asked him again, but felt her worry more and more about him each day. Shaking his head he turned away from the merrier and grabbed his backpack at the foot of his bed as he past it. Stopping at the door he looked around the room one more time before twisting the knob and stepping into the hallway.

The smell of cooked bacon and eggs hit his nose as he turned in the hallway to face the kitchen at the back. Their house was rather small, but being only two people it was all the room they needed for him and his mother. The hallway was pretty much the spine of the house, though he didn't believe it to be exactly in the middle. Starting from their front door as you stepped in to your right you'd see the living area which was maybe his and his mother's bedroom combined in space wise. A little up the ways was the only bathroom of the house. After that you had his mother bedroom located a little ways off from the living area's door then his farther up a bit across the hallway. At the back was the kitchen tied in with where they had their washing machine and dryer. The kitchen was only big enough to place a table and some chairs, anything else would leave it almost imposable to move around while you cooked. The sound of his stomach growling made him all the more eager to head towards the kitchen as he did.

"Food's on the table dear." his mother said as he walked in turning to the table to see a plate waiting for him with a cup of milk beside it. Setting the backpack down beside his chair he took his seat and grabbed his fork. Hunger making him digging in before he could even get completely comfortable. A chuckle from his mother made him pause in mid bite to see her staring at him from the stove with an odd look in her eyes. "What?" he asked raising an eyebrow at her, "Why's your backpack with you?" was her only reply as she pointed at the pack near his legs, "Did someone forget their summer has started all ready?" For a minute he stayed in the position he was in trying to recall exactly what she was talking about. Sure he had school, didn't he, he still had to take his last week testing. Then it dawned on his, his eyes lightening up as he remember. He was one of the few who actually hadn't had to take them. "Wow..." he muttered returning to his food, "I've completely forgotten." he said.

"Don't take with your mouth full." his mother scolded him nicely as she giggled turning back to the eggs she was cooking. He had been made A's all during this nice weeks and in return of his hard work he hadn't had the need to take the test. A small token from his school, he couldn't help but smile at the thought. "So," he mother said after a few moments of silence the only thing hear able was the sizzling of the eggs as a wave of delight hit him, "What's your plans for today." she asked lifting the pan up and sliding the eggs onto a plate next to the stove and placing it in the sink. The second she did the toaster went off with some toast which she added to the plate and walked over to join him at the table. "Honestly, it was to go to school." he laughed lightly finishing his eggs and glancing at the bacon. A reliving feeling coming from his mother before he thicken his walls around his mind to block the emotions coming off her.

"Well would you like..."
"Pass." He said before she could finish and got up walking over to the sink. He already knew what she was going to ask and didn't miss the disappointment on her face as he pulled the bacon off the plate and sat it in the sink. Opening the drew to the side he pulled out a small bag and place the bacon in it. A small smile on his face as he turned to go leave.

"Son, you know you can't just..."
"I know mother." he said stopping her again knowing these kind of things upset her, "But I'm happy to stay home then I am to visit a small town with nothing to do." He said stopping at the door and looking at the cracks in the cracks in wooden floor near his feet. "I'd think it would be better if you..."

"I said I pass." Comet said a little to harshly as silence fell in the room. Without another word he walked away gripping his fist into balls, "What's happen to you my son." he heard his mother whisper in the kitchen as he reached his door and paused. "If only you knew." he replied back quietly as he opened his door holding his own tear back. He wanted to tell her, he really did. Absolutely everything, but where would he start? How would he even say it without sounding crazy. Shutting the door he place his pack he had grabbed at the chair on his way out on his bed and dumped the contents. Walking over with it empty he opened one of the bottom drawers of his dresser and pulled out a sketch pad, a small aid kit, some matches, and a pocket knife. Placing the items in the bag he closed the drawer and opened the top left pulling the bag of jerky out along with a necklace that he would wear each time he went into the forest. It was a peace of jewelry his mother had told him long ago his father gave him before he left when he was a baby and since then. Everything he got back from school he'd keep it on, but down out right refused to take it with him to that place for fear of any sort of bully or person breaking it. A tear formed in his eye as he stared at the pendent, it was a dragon wrapped around a small crystal. His head rested at the top his body slithering around it like a snake as its purple eyes stared up at him. He was told the crystal was some sort of cave crystal but he never had it checked out. Honestly no reason too, placing it up to his chest he put it on around his neck and shut the drawer. Throwing the jerky in the bag and zipping it up, looking at his door he gave a sigh. He'd apologize to her later on, but he just didn't want to go to town. Every since he own friends left he didn't have no reason to go, let alone since then he had fallen in love more and more with his time in the forest. Lifting the backpack up and over his shoulder he went for his door only to stop and head for his desk to open the drawer and pull out some pencils and the notebook he was currently writing in. Slip the pack off once again he placed the items with the rest and slide it back across his shoulders. Looking around once more he went for the door again and opened it, glancing down the hall to hear the sink running telling him she was doing dishes. With a heavy sigh he closed his door and turned his back to the kitchen.

"Comet." His mother's voice stopped. "Yes?" he asked as he heard footsteps coming down the hallway towards him. "Just be careful Ok?" his mother asked as she got behind him and wrapped her arms around him making him stiffen up slightly. Only to relax a moment later, "I will mother." he replied, "And I'm sorry for yelling."

"It's Ok," was her response as her arms tighten around him, "I understand I really do, but always remember that theirs more out there then just the forest. I know losing your best friends is hard, but eventually you have to make more or you'll never fill that lonely hold in your heart." He didn't respond as she unwrapped her arms and headed for the door he could feel her eyes on him the whole way. "Be careful on your way to town mother." he said as he opened the door, "Nah," her response was, "Think I'm just going to stay myself for now and go tomorrow." he heard her say in her usual carefree tone.

"Well Ok," he sighed knowing it had been his doing she decided this, "Love you." with that he walked onto the porch and shut the door. "Love you too son, and happy Birth Day." she whispered as she watched him then turned and went back into the kitchen. Walking towards the frig she opened the small cabinet above it and reached as far as she could into it and pulled out a small box. Closing the door she took the box and sat at the kitchen table, her eyes filling with a hidden emotion as she sat and stared at it for a few moments sliding her hand across the surface of the wood as she did. "Fifteen years now since that faithful night..." he muttered to herself still not opening the box knowing what the contents of it help inside. "Fifteen years and know a change is starting to occur...." she trailed off looking up at the walls, "What am I going to do.." she whispered a tear sliding down her eyes. Opening the box she pulled out a letter, the parchment was unlike any she has ever seen. Each time she held it, it still threw her off as she felt the texture of it. Her eyes skimmed over the words upon it. Even the writing was different then those she had seen when she went to school. Putting the paper down and back into the box she closed her eyes, that faithful event that happen that very night rolling through her head like a fast forwarding movie. A single tear sliding down her cheek as her very words echo in her head when she watch the very creature she thought had been a myth die in her very hands. "It will come looking for him, and when it does. His very world will change to which he grew up in...please take care of him tell that time comes for his own faith to take place."

Getting up she placed the box up and entered the hallway her eyes falling on the front door as she stopped. As much as she wanted to deny it she knew that time was almost upon them. Even he couldn't hide his secret from his own mother, she had seen the notebooks when she had cleaned his room one day when he had refused to do it himself; but rather took off into the forest. That day she knew something had happen at school but she never figured it out. "What am I going to do." she whispered placing her hand on the door to his room and turned to head for the living area. A gut feeling telling her she needed to return to the very sight it all started, even though everyday on his very birth day she'd visit it that following night to pay her respects to the one who had given her this beautiful gift.
© Copyright 2015 Comet (faithfulcomet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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