Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2035826-Line-between-many-worlds
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2035826
What happens when the line separating the good and the evil part of the world breaks.

"Takashi!"  A voice filled with anxiety and dread shrieked from the backyard; a voice Takashi could hardly recognize but at the same time sound so familiar. âTakashi, why are you just standing there gawking? Come and help us man!â

But Takashi couldnât feel his legs. It was as if his feet were glued to the rich red pool of blood.

Someone screamed, "Ah!" Loud and long.


Right away Takashi woke up, his fragile heart beating swiftly with the shrill sound of loud laughter surrounding him in the noisy class room. It seemed that Zero, the guy who normally sat behind him was being troublesome by teasing old man Mochida again.

Takashiâs breathe slowly subdued. Thank goodness, he thought feeling relieved, it was just a dream.

No it wasnât.

Takashiâs eyes sharpened.

Have you forgotten so easily Takashi?

What? That voice. Where was that voice coming from?

Takashi turned his head slowly to observe anyone who might be staring at him funny or someone he can trace the mysterious voice in his head to. However, no oneâs attention was even focused on him but the ridiculous debate that was now occurring between old man Mochida and Zero. Takashi rolled his eyes.

Gosh, when are they going to give it a rest already? Every day itâs the same thing. Mochida, his history teacher, would always begin some lesson but would then be rudely interrupted by Zero and companyâs misbehaviour. Shaking his head, Takashi fell back on his seat. It had been one month since he transferred from his previous mortal school to Spiritual leaders Academy, the school dedicated to training spiritual beings to fight against the evil in the world and to help the goddess of peace maintain peace in the world. The day calamity befell on the school he had used to attend was the day he had found out he wasnât at all mortal, but a spiritual being born to protect the weak.

âOkay children, today I would like to begin this lesson with a brief history of how us spiritual beings came to be,â Mr Mochida announced. A cackle was heard shortly after.

âHa, donât make me laugh sir,â Zero sneered, his expression grimaced in the most stuck up and disrespectful manner. âWhat can an old, washed up spiritual being like you ever teach us about our role in this world? Matter of fact what can you ever teach us really? Itâs not like youâve ever contributed to anything like saving a mortalâs life or mastering some new technique.â

Takashi sighed, blocking out the endless new argument Zero and Mochida was now having. Ever since he moved to this new school it always been about who was the best and what unique technique you have and what you can do to make that technique the most powerful of all. In other words, this school has only been about competition in contrast to the motto the teachers had often tried to drill in their studentâs mind: âwe are here to protectâ.

Takashi scoffed mentally. Those words were all a bunch of horseshit to him. He then puckered his lips as his eyes drifted to the scenery outside the window, his knuckles now on his chin and his elbow resting neatly on the table. Many times he wished he had never found out he was really a spiritual being. Then he wouldnât have had to come here. Then his life wouldnât have changed. He would still have his friends smileâ¦

But you can never get it back!

Takashiâs body sprang up and his eyes widened again. Dammit that voice! Who was speaking those words? Was it him?

You see Takashi, after your friends found out about your spiritual powers they had deemed you a freak and sent you away.

It grew louder now.

They hate you.

They hate you Takashi.

Donât you hate them?

Takashi bit his lower lip and the similar feeling of hurt and betrayal wrapped his heart like a cold blanket. He remembered nowâ¦


âKimiko! Kimiko wake up!â fear broke out as he stared at his badly injured friend who lied helplessly on the floor. Her green eyes opened widely with no direction. Her hands. Her hands felt eerily wrong. It wasnât the warm and gentle hands he had come to know and touch. Wet tears flooded his scarred cheeks as he beckoned his friend to wake up.

âCome on bro we have to go!â Makotsu screamed at him, pulled his left arm as the other held Kimiko. This had been the first time he had ever cried in public but at the moment he didnât give a shit that saw him-who laughed at him. He couldnât care less because his friend, his friend who he had grown to cherish and even call his sister, was dead. âCome on man the demon is going to catch up to us.â

Swallowing the huge lump down his throat Takashi battled in his head whether he should stay and take along his dear friend to a safe and secure hiding place or whether he should leave Kimikoâs dead body on the floor where the demon named Omunigama would later find and consume her.


How selfish and cowardice he had been because in the end he had gone with the latter: running away. He had tricked himself into believing Kimikoâs body would be fine. That the demon wouldnât bother with her, but he was wrong.

Eventually, they had found a hiding place in an empty classroom, however they were not alone. A classmate of his named Shin and a few other students Takashi had seen once or twice were also hiding in the empty classroom as well. They seemed startled after Makotsu and he rushed into the room.

âGreat, you got your friend; now lock the door before the demon finds us!â Shin demanded. Makotsu nodded and quickly did what he was told but as soon as he begun to lock the door it had been too late. The demon had found them.

âCome out you weakling humans." The demon of darkness scorned, his voice awakening the fear that was still rapid in all of them. Takashi saw Makotsu jumped as soon as he heard the voice. âCome out and let me feed on your bones and flesh.â

âMakotsu lock the fucking door god dammit!â Shin shouted with anxiety.

âIâm trying but-but heâs too strong!â

Immediately, Shin ordered everybody to assist Makotsu with locking the door including him. Takashi pushed hardly and so did the others but it was to no avail. Makotsu was right. The demon was way too strong. Suddenly, the door blew up into many pieces causing everyone to fall backwards harshly on the floor.

Takashi had gone unconscious afterwards but as soon as he woke up and got up from the floor, his hands resting on his aching head he saw it.


It was a one of the students Shin had hiding with him in the empty classroom. A girl.

Omunigama held her tightly against him, his sharp claws threatening to tear apart her neck as they held firmly on them. Takashiâs chest and everything in him began to crash.

What-what did he wanted to do with her? He thought.

âYou know, I always thought human women were beautiful creatures, âthe demon smirked. âTasty too.â

His eyes then drifted to his surroundings. Makotsuâ¦Shinâ¦they were all deadâ¦

Takashiâs eyes filled with tears once more because he knew what the demon had wanted to do. He was going to kill her but he was defenceless. He watched helplessly as the demons mouth exposed the sharp teeth hidden inside that was about to pierce the girlâs neck.

The girl screamed again but with more force.

âLeave her alone,â he whispered.

The demon halted, staring at him with what seemed like bemusement struck in his eyes. âWhat did you say mere human?â

Takashi trembled. âI saidâ¦leave her alone!â

Suddenly and abruptly, Takashi felt a surge of powerful energy well up inside of him and then burst out like a huge bright glass moving quickly towards the demon. The fear that was once in his eyes left them and was now entering Omunigamaâs as the glass of light hit him.

âWhat â what the â youâre no human!â he screamed and the glass finally hit him breaking him into thousands of shiny pieces.


âTakashi, wait up!â he heard a female voice exclaimed from a far distance. Quickly, he turned around and soon came face to face with Kanade, the girl who had mysteriously begun speaking to him at the beginning of that week. Takashi smiled, well, he pretended to because frankly the girl kind of freaked him out. It wasnât that the girl had a horrible personality or was a bad person or anything. In fact, Kanade was one of the most popular girls at the school as far as Takashi overheard. Her long, red hair placed in a neat ponytail, her uniform went well with her mature figure and her green eyes sparkling bright as she gazed back at him she was also thought of as the most attractive girl at school too.

However, ever since Takashi found out during spiritual techniques class that he had a technique (what was it called again?) the no one had ever mastered or was at the level of mastering as yet was a technique he had demonstrated so easily during a combat test, this girl had not let him be. In more than one occasion she had tried to get him to join some club of hers ( he had forgotten that name too) because according to her âthey really needed his powerâ or some crap like that.

Frankly, Takashi had no interest in joining any groups. What he was most focused on was trying to get through school without getting in any bodyâs way like he did when he was attending his old school.

You should hate them.

He frowned. Hate them? Why?

âCome oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnn Takashiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!â Kanade begged, shaking him vigorously from right to left. âYou know you want to join us. Just think how cool it will be. Please join us. Please. Pretty please with sugar and a little bit of sweet spirituality on top.â

Takashi rolled his eyes. Ugh, now he was annoyed. Takashi pulled his arms away from Kanade before she had the time to turn his brains into mush.

âNo Kanade, I told you already Iâm busy.â Okay, so that was a lie. He wasnât really busy. In fact he was as free as a bird ever since he got kicked out of that class he was taken after they had found out that he was different.

âBut â but â you promised youâll at least make an effort to attend one session,â her voice began to tremble and wait, was those tears he saw sparkling in her all of a sudden vulnerable eyes. âYou promised.â

Eyes narrowing, Takashi groaned. For some reason she reminded him of some four year old that cried when they didnât got what they wanted. âFine,â he said with a sigh. âIâll go to one of your clubâs sessions, but only once.â

Takashi just couldnât help seeing or making a girl cry because it went against everything his mother had thought him about girls. Her number one rule was not to make a girl cry. If you do then youâre a demon. Of course she meant that with love.

As soon as the words left his mouth, Kanade began to smile brightly than she ever did before and her tears dissipated. âReally?â she asked, probably wondering whether he was pulling her leg or not.

It was Takashiâs turn to smile because at that moment Kanade was truly adorable. âReally,â he reassured her. âWith sugar and a little bit of sweet spirituality on top.â


âDude canât we just go down there and tear their heads off now?â a dark, scaly said on top of the ancient tree cemented outside of The Spiritual Leaders Academy. âThis thing is giving me a butt itch.â

âSilence!â a now menacing voice shouted behind the voice, frightening the many birds that then flew away in fright . âI couldnât touch the boy now since this school has some weird spiritual atmosphere around it. I swear itâs even making the likes of me a bit weak but I promise you brother. Soon and very soon, Iâll make that asshole sorry for ever taking the life of our precious father, Omunigama.â

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