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Chapter 39: Mega Woman explores her increased powers |
Chapter 39: Mega Woman explores her increased powers Mega Woman looked up into the sky, her eyes sparkling. “Ah yes, there it is, only a few million miles away,” she said. She turned to Tom. “I liked your idea Foot Servant. I need to blow off some steam. No better way than to test my new increased powers. But I don’t want to destroy something. No need. There are 1.3 billion pounds of steel floating in space right now,” she said. “But first let’s get you to where we are going. It is only about 300 miles from here. We will be there in a blink,” Mega Woman said as she scooped up Tom. She wrapped her cape around him. “This should stop your skin from peeling off at the speed I need.” “My skin from peeling of….” Mega Woman took to the sky. Tom gasped as he felt immense pressure on his body, like his lungs were getting ready to empty of all air. Soon it subsided. He felt himself lowering back to the ground. “Here we are,” Mega Woman said. She let Tom down and he looked around. He recognized where he was. “The quarry? Where we first tested you a few weeks ago?” he asked turning to the huge woman. “Yes, that is right. Now, I suggest you go hide behind that large rock. Will be back soon,” she said as she bent her powerful knees and took to the sky in a blue and white flash. Tom made his way over to the rock. He hid behind it and looked above. “What in the world does she have in mind?” he thought as he scanned the heavens. After three minutes he heard a boom that shook the ground. He looked up and saw a stream of fire heading towards him. “Holy fuck,” he said as he tried to get behind the boulder, or, if he could, under it. “REST EASY FOOT SERVANT. IT IS JUST ME” a massively powerful voice said in his head. “I fucking hate it when you do that,” he said internally as he once again grabbed his ears in pain. He looked up and, once again for the second time that day, put his hand over his mouth in amazement. Above him was a stack of crushed warships. He looked closer. “Holy shit,” he said aloud as he realized Mega Woman had flown into space and found the stack of ships she had thrown into space the day before. He looked in awe as steam came off the cooling battleships as they hit the sun. Below them was the massive Mega Woman. She lowered the mass to the ground. Luckily the massive ships fit into the quarry. Tom squinted his eyes and again gasped. He watched in awe as Mega Woman was lowering the ships to the quarry bottom. She was doing it with one hand. And there appeared to be no stress on her face. Mega Woman landed, the ground under her cracking. Her booted feet sunk several inches into the rock of the quarry. She smiled as she looked at Tom. “To answer your question. No, this is not hard. That is not to say I don’t feel the weight of 1.3 billion pounds on my single arm. But it is not as hard as it was before I grew from the prayers,” she said aloud. Tom dropped to his knees. He felt uncomfortable in his pants. He couldn’t help it. She was lifting 1.3 billion pounds with one arm, and it wasn’t that hard. Mega Woman smiled. “Glad to see you are responding to my new strength Foot Servant,” she said as she pumped the weight up and down a few times. “Now, let’s show some real power,” she said as she released the huge mound of ships. To Tom’s amazement it didn’t fall to the ground. He looked at Mega Woman. She appeared to be furrowing her brow. He suddenly realized she had switched from lifting the mass with her massive muscles, to holding it up with her incredible mind. Tom couldn’t control himself from this display of ultimate power. He came in his pants. Mega Woman reached up with her other hand and relieved her mental powers. “Shew, that was hard,” she said aloud as she pumped up the weight with her other hand. She then rose into the air with it and let it fall to the quarry ground. A large BANG was heard as the ships cracked and sunk into the rock of the quarry. Mega Woman smiled as she began to spin. She lowered into the solid rock of the quarry, acting like a drill. Tom grabbed the boulder he had been hiding behind to steady himself. “What is she up to?” he wondered. He didn’t have to wonder long. He felt the ground beneath him heave up and the collapse back into the floor. He fell on his ass as he looked around, worried as to what was going on. The ground once again heaved, but this time, it began to crack around the mass of warships that now rested on the quarry floor. He slowly backed away from the boulder as he watched the cracks around the ships increase. The ground violently shook as the cracks increased and became deeper. Tom looked on in awe as the impossible, well, the impossible before now, started to occur. The cracks in the ground became deeper and longer until they surrounded the ships. Another shudder of the Earth occurred as Tom watched in eyes that had no way to ascertain what he was seeing. The ground around the ships, where the cracks had formed, began to lift. The land, no, the solid rock which had held up the 1.3 billion pounds of ship began to rise. It was slow at first but gradually became faster. Tom backed away from the ten block piece of earth as it began to rise into the air. He watched as small chunks fell off it as it rose. Soon it had risen tens of feet into the air. In the middle of it was Mega Woman. Her face was straining, like she was really having to use some muscle. But the amazing thing was…the amazing thing was she was using one hand. Tom looked on as Mega Woman’s bigger muscles strained to their ultimate might. They had flexed to proportions Tom never knew muscles could flex. He watched as her incredible, her massive, and her insane left arm muscles flexed. Mega Woman had been right. There were no words to describe it. Her muscles, her one arm muscle, her biceps flexed to incredible and unspeakable size. The huge rock, with the ships on top of it, rose higher. Mega Woman looked down at Tom and through her strain managed a smile. She brought her other hand to the massive rock. Tom could tell she felt relief, and that this was easy for her. “Now these ships can continue their journey through space,” Mega Woman said as she bent her thick elbows and hurled the object back into space. This time it escaped Earth’s orbit going close to a million miles per hour. Mega Woman floated to where Tom was and landed. “I think you were right. I just needed to blow off some steam. If I had to guess, and my guess would be right, that was close to 1.6 billion pounds. But what you said was right. I can’t stay this way and still live a normal life. My parents, my brother, others, wouldn’t understand this. Thank you Tom,” she said. Tom smiled as he kneeled. He leaned forward and kissed her blue boots twice. “It was my pleasure Goddess,” he said. Mega Woman smiled. “Okay. I think it is time I returned to my life back as Liz. But first, shall we return to your place for some fun?” Tom smiled. “Yes Goddess. Let’s.” |