Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2033510-Crux-Cross-Chapter-1
by Storm
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #2033510
The first chapter of my Novel, looking to see some reviews!
Crux Cross Chapter 1
The Son of riches
February 13th. The Year 2055

A boy woke up from his bedroom. He looked up at the ceiling and saw the white plastered walls but he couldn’t make heads or tails of the green and white striped ceiling he was so used to. He yawned and got up from his bed. He saw his glasses on the table near his bed and was happy to be living in a new day. He picked them up and put them on his face, soon after which he put on his uniform white shirt and black pants. He looked in the mirror and felt his brown skin, his green eyes radiating with light of the sun.

He walked to the white door and turned the brown door knob. He then walked down the hallway. From the room the hallway had two passages, down the east passage was the elevator and down the west passage was an office that had an outside view of an entire city. There he saw a maid and beautiful woman sitting in a chair using a red home phone to talk to someone. The boy scratched his wavy brown hair and wondered what was going on.

This woman had beautiful brownish hair, brown skin and green eyes. Her body was that of a beautiful middle aged woman. She had on a yellow top with a black skirt. She stood up in her red heels and walked over to the young man. She hugged him and kissed his forehead.

“Good morning Matthew. How are you this morning?” Sonia asked

“I’m fine mother, doing great actually!” Matthew turned to the maid.

“Oh, good morning young master” The maid performed a lady's bow and the young man tilted his glasses to put them closer to his face.
The maid had red hair that was tied up with a black silk bonnet. She had an eye patch over her right eye and a french maid uniform on while doing her maid work. This all worked with her black tap shoes while her remaining yellow eye was cold but caring none the less.
“Oh, good morning Gloria.” Matthew greeted the maid and Sonia dusted Matthew off. “Um…mom?” Matthew was wondering why she was doing this.

“Matthew, I need to make you look presentable so you can get a date for the big dance coming up. It’s crucial that you find the girl of your dreams. I do wish to have grand kids you know” Sonia walked down the hallway with Matthew and smiled.

“It’s fine Mom. I haven’t had a date in 16 years. I’m not getting this one this year either” Matthew explained this fact and pushed the button on the elevator. The elevator door opened and Matthew walked through the door.

The floor that Matthew was on was the 75th floor, the building that they were in had 75 floors and a towering view of the entire city.
The elevator went down and the door opened up on the first floor. Matthew walked into the large entrance to a company building where there were workers for the building that turned to Sonia and waved to her. One woman was working at the desk, the others were passing by with suites, suit cases and other business related material.

Sonia waved to them back as they went to the large double front door. Soon she and Matthew were on the outside of the front door where trained guards stood outside the premise at all times. Matthew turned around and looked at the large skyscraper that was his home. He smiled when he saw the sign “Lord’s Reign” that was in front of large glass paneling windows, this also came along with glowing golden letters. He looked around and saw the lovely blue sky that had large and bright sun shining over the floating city.
Matthew had to cover his eyes for a bit, this was due to the sun's rays was blinding him. He smiled and saw a limo was out and ready for him.
“Have a wonderful day at school Matthew! Make sure to be safe!” Sonia waved her son goodbye as he was driven away by the chauffeur.
Matthew sat back in his seat and had a sigh of relief. He looked out of the window but couldn't hope to smile
“(The only reason I have all of this is because of my mother’s money. Theos is my playground to do whatever I want…shouldn't I be happy?”) Matthew wondered about this but ultimately knew the answer.

“(Yeah...happy...what am I saying. Of course I am not happy, this city has been mine to do what I want for all of my life. I'm not saying I don't have friends, but what I will say is that it's not as many as people around me let on. But of course I'll act like the good boy for now but then again...I don't normally have thoughts of revenge or rebellion. I guess that's what my mom raised me up on”) Matthew let these thoughts travel in his mind as the limo went to a new location.

Matthew saw the car door was opened for him by his driver. Matthew looked at the bright and brimming golden academy. He got out of his limo and the students turned to him. Some girls were giggling and one of the girls came up to him. The girl looked nervous and was holding a letter.

“M-Matthew w-would you….please like to go to the Golden Heart Dance with me!?” The girl presented an application letter and Matthew looked at it.

“(I remember now, the application letter that a couple must sign in order to get to the dance my mother is hosting. We have to turn it into our teachers, one can still go by themselves but they still need to get a paper filled out. Why would she want to go with me?”) Matthew questioned the action and realized something. “(Oh right, son of the queen of the city with more money that her entire family will have for 10 generations down the line...almost forgot about that one. I guess I'll decline her like I have everyone else”) He still put a smile on his face, even though he felt disgusted.

“I’m sorry but I do not wish to attend with you. Best of luck with someone else and I hope you find the man of your dreams” Matthew handed back the letter and the girl looked crest fallen. She took the letter and tears welled up in her eyes.

She ran away with her face buried in her hands. The entire entrance of the Academy was silent. Matthew looked up at the sign that said “Gold Sun”. Matthew only sighed and other girls looked as if they had lost hope for a good life.

“(Many believe that the Gold Heart Dance is the dance that one would go to in order to gain the person that they will be with the rest of their lives. Well they’re right, that is the case for most of us in the holy cities of Azalea. Angels are bent on love, we always have been and that doesn't show up more so then during the dance.”) Matthew thoughts portrayed through his mind as he entered the school.

Matthew turned to his right and he saw a small group of three boys. They looked a bit rough and approached Matthew. The leader had blue hair that was a spiky to an extent and had purple eyes. His long sleeved uniform white shirt and black pants looked a little undone but were strangely made to cover every thing on him. Lastly his shoes were the standard black that all boys wore but like the rest of clothes it did not leave any viewing of his feet. The leader also had a white gloves that covered his hands so his hands couldn't be seen either.

“Yo kid, how about you….wait…is that…OH DEAR LORD!” The leader of these boys keeled, as did the other two. “M-Matthew! We are so sorry! We had no idea that you were coming this early! H-how are you on this fine day?” The boy asked as he got up from his knees.

“Aston, I am fine. Please do not try to hurt the other students. It brings a bad name to my mother’s academy” Matthew tilted his glasses and sighed.

“(Sometimes I wish I could bring a bad name to myself, maybe people would see that I’m a normal person like everyone else. But again, got to play the shining child game.”) Matthew sighed and shook his head.

“Why of course fine sir! Oh, did you find a date to the Gold Heart Dance? As an apology I can easily get you someone worthy of your stature!” Aston promised and one of his lackeys thought about the girl.

Matthew looked at the other lackey. This lackey had orange hair that was paired up with excited red eyes. He had a buzz cut and was dressed with in the same uniform as the boys were in the school.

“Well for someone like Matthew she’s got to be hot!!” The Lackey’s vision of the girl made him blush

“Yeah Kirk, that would be some great advice....” Matthew wasn't at all convinced.

“And sexy to! She needs the big guns around the chest and butt!” the other lackey stated.

This lackey had glasses , a small black pony tail and his yellow eyes were almost begging for something to happen. Much like the other lackey to Matthew's dismay.

“Fuson...not the best advice in the world. The girl needs to have a heart to you know” Matthew was patted on the back by Aston.
“Yes, do not worry Matthew! We will easily provide you with a perfect angelic girl with a heart of Gold!! Just…please for the sake that is good and holy please do not summon your staff on us, and for the sake of the holy trinity please do not get your mother on us! We’ll be turned into ashes!” Aston clasped his hands together and begged. The other lackeys did the same.

“Yeah...sure.... Listen, Aston, I need you to do me a favor. There was a girl that asked me out just now and she ran away in tears. Do you think you can console her for me?” Matthew asked.

“O-Of course! Always thinking of others and not yourself! The perfect example of an angelic man! I shall do it without haste!” Aston left and Matthew turned to him.

(“Aston, you’re a good guy but why does an angel need to act like that. Did something happen to him that I don't know about? Now that I think about it, what is his story? Mom never told me about him”) Matthew thought about this for a moment and turned to the hallway.
Soon after, around the time of 8:30, students took their seats in a classroom. Matthew was at the front with his book bag that he got from his locker, he put this on the side of his desk. Students were trying to look at his notes. One boy got hit on top of the head with a ruler. The other students only laughed.

“No! I know Matthew James Caster’s notes are like that of the Holy Grail but you are not to look at them! We have a test today, unless Matthew wishes to save all of you, again” The teacher tilted her glasses and her brown eyes fell upon Matthew’s face.

Matthew saw this teacher had a curled up brown hair, short black skirt, black heels and a purple shirt. She looked like a homey school teacher, both intelligent, well endowed, and dependable.

“Mrs. Thira, I think it’s about time the others learned to keep up with their studies” As Matthew said this the other students began to slump in their chairs. “But since everyone is trying to look for dates for the dance I will make their lives easier” Matthew stood up and walked over to the board.

“Do you boys and girls hear this?! The prince of this city is going to spare you once again! You’d best be grateful!” Thira said this and turned to Matthew. “Since this is a history class please spread history to these young jesters” Thira said this and Matthew turned to the class.

“If I see anyone here without paper, pen, tablet, or laptop you get a zero for a test grade, do you understand” Matthew asked.

“YES SIR!” The entire class took out whatever they had to write or type on.

“Alright then Matthew, from the top if you please!” Thira walked to her desk and sat down. Matthew then started the lecture.
“From the start of the world was spinning on its normal 365 days of the year. That is until a horrifying monster came from hell and declared war on our savior, God. This was around the time Jesus had just been crucified for the sake of the world. This world is the world we live in, Originis.” Matthew said this and the students were writing things down.

“After this the monster did not just outright attack. Reports that thrones from hell were being usurped, that the king of demons, Satan, was being beaten into the ground along with the 7 deadly sins. Even the Arch Demons stood no chance against this brutal force. He came bearing 3 teeth from Satan, each standing for the countdown of heaven’s defense before this evil” Matthew stated this and everyone was silent, some even had sweat dropping from their face.

“We all know the grim tale that comes next. I can’t believe I have to get Matthew to explain this dreaded story to you kids” Even Thira was not feeling well hearing this.

“For 3 straight days, Paradisum, the world above Azalea was receiving slaughter after slaughter. The Queen of the Paradisum, Adana, even she stood no chance against this menace. The Zionists had to pour out of Zion and even they were swatted away like flies. Any angelic warrior took up their weapons, none affected the dark creature. They say his visage was enough to destroy armies. And speaking of armies, he was the first demon to unite all the forces of hell, not even Satan could amount to this” Matthew said this and felt the board.

“M-Matthew, would you like to stop?” One of the students asked.

“No, you all need to be reminded of this” Matthew swallowed his fear and continued.

“He destroyed earth, beat the angels into the ground, he was even reported to rape a Zionist while blowing her comrades to pieces. That same angel went crazy and killed herself; it was the second time another Zionist was sent to hell. The first one was Satan; none of the angels could even truly blame her for what she had done, to go through that…was hell enough” Matthew tried to fit himself in the woman's shoes, just bringing up the event just made him feel sorry for the woman within the legend, even if he did not know her personally.

“After the doors to the holy trinity were forced open and the 2 Omega Angels stood in this creature’s way. This creature was keeping up with those who were first created by God; the Omega Angels were able to hold off the creature long enough for Jesus to intervene.” Matthew took some chalk that was on the desk and drew on the board. What Matthew drew were some chains.

“Jesus had come back and used an ancient technique, the Abyssal chains, chains that were have said to be only used against a threat that could eliminate all of existence. After this the monster was sealed within hell and Jesus hasn't set foot outside of his father's palace since. Because of the destruction of the world would initiate the second coming God ordered Adana to send the female and male Primitus angels to go produce children with the faithful humans.” Matthew pointed to the students

“After about 1000 years, a pure human was almost nonexistent. 1055 years later the world is populated with angelic humans and demonic humans. We live on this side of the world, the demons live on the other side of the world, with the planet split off by the Great Spiritual wall right in the middle of the this world. Remember class, we are the world that this came from this event, it's important to know it's history.” Matthew explained all of this and no one said a word.

“Alright, write this down in your note books and turn it in for me to check it later. Don't worry about your devices, just come by here by the end of the last period and you can get them back.” Thira pointed to the front table and the students got up and put their journals and other note taking devices on the front desk.

Thira turned to Matthew and hugged him. “Thank you, the very reason why I allowed that is because that story is a living nightmare. Just thinking of that beast being brought back is something I don’t even want to fathom” Thira cringed in a moment of fear and Matthew nodded.

“ The Dark Force is a creature that no one other then the holy trinity could fight. That much we know” Matthew went to his desk and picked up his things.

Thira said this and Matthew left the room. “Have a great day” Thira waved and Matthew left the room. Her voice was wavering; she knew the story was painful.

“(As long as I don’t have to explain that in the other 5 periods that I have then I’ll be fine. That story affects me more than them; I get this strange feeling every time I mention it? Like it's gnawing at me”) Matthew continued down the hallway and went to his next 2 periods, which were his science and culinary arts classes.

Matthew was now in 4th period, this was his Holy Arts class. Before he entered the door he saw 3 people, two young women and a young man in front of white double doors that were in the middle of a hallway. These people were waiting for him.

The young man had blond hair and blue eyes. He looked calm, content, and ready for class. He had the same uniform Matthew had on. He turned to Matthew and put on a smiling grin.

“Sup, you good this morning?” The blonde boy asked.

“I feel fine Roman, thanks for asking.” Matthew didn't feel so sure about his comment but he bore with it for now.

The girl on his right had orange hair, brown eyes, and a circlet with a white pearl that was in the middle of the head wear. She had on a white shirt and black long shorts. She had white skin and a body that looked attractive for a girl her age. She also wore a silver cross necklace with a blue gem in the center.

“Good morning Matthew. It's a wonderful day today isn't it” The orange haired girl felt a little nervous.

“Good morning Marissa, you look great today” Matthew mentioned how Marissa looked, Marissa only blushed.

The girl on Roman's right had pearl purple hair, pink eyes, and had gold rings that she wore on her legs. She had a beautiful figure and her body stuck out as being better than average. She wore the same female uniform Marissa was wearing, white shirt, long black pants.

“Morning Matthew, it's a fine day today. Oh, by the way are you attending tomorrow’s dance?” the pink eyed girl wondered about Matthew's answer.
“I'm not going Zanta, I have no reason to go” Matthew stated this flat out and Marissa walked up to Matthew.

“What do you mean no reason to go? You have to be there!” Marissa was taken aback at Matthew's answer, she even felt slightly offended.

“No I don't. I don't have to be anywhere, last time I checked the girls of this school need me to in order to be entitled to mother's company fortune, not the other way around! This dance is supposed to be a fun time for others, I'm not looking to choose my wife” Matthew walked up to the double doors and Marissa sighed.

“Well maybe you should give a girl a chance before you act like you know what their intentions are. You don't know everything you know” Marissa walked up to the door double doors and opened it for him. “It's just a suggestion, look I know the dance thing is coming along and girls will be all over you. But you have us, your friends. So don't forget it and simmer down on the paranoia” Marissa opened the doors and Roman walked into the room.

“Thanks Marissa, I'm glad to see you're not as brain washed as most of the girls in this school.” Matthew went into the room and the doors closed.

“And what was that supposed to be about?” Zanta asked this question and put her hands on her hips, Marissa could already tell this was going to be an argument.

“Zanta I know you want to argue but I'm not in the mood right now” Marissa opened the door and walked in. Zanta only clenched her teeth and reluctantly walked in.

“Hello Matthew! Come on over!” A man called out to him and Matthew ran to him.

The man had a nice beard running across his face. His eyes were that of a kind near old man. He had gray eyes and gruffly orange hair. He was in a suit of armor and had a hammer in his hands.

“Hello teach, what's up?” Matthew looked at the gym and wondered what was going on.

The gym was a large room with white paint covering the walls. There was an angelic symbol that was a golden cross and wings that was placed as a symbol in the middle of the gym. This symbol was surrounded by a halo like circle, this halo like circle had gold lines that stretched to the opposite ends of the gym. The lines stopped after they hit the rectangular borders that surrounded the basketball court.

The gym was also fitted with two golden basketball hoops that had white nets attached to them.

“Welcome to class! Would you and Roman like to be the practice material?” the gym instructor asked the question and Roman just shrugged.

“Sure, why not. Ought to be fun” Roman turned to Matthew and Matthew nodded.

“I'm always up for helping with a learning process. Count me in” Matthew turned towards the teacher and the teacher smiled.
“Splendid! You two make me proud wanting to help your fellow God Followers! Now Lucian! Pick up the white rocks at your feet and hurl them at Matthew! As for the Mages, use different magic and aim at Roman!” The man gave the orders and Zanta and Marissa looked at each other.

“Why not have us help Mr. Dyson?” Zanta asked.

“Well that’s easy! Why tire out the pretty little ladies when I can make the big strong guys do all the work?! So let us begin! Matthew’s up first!” Dyson pointed to Matthew and the kids that were in armor picked up the rocks. They reeled back their hands, filled them with holy magic and then hurled them towards Matthew.

The rocks were coming like the speed of a bullet. Matthew summoned his staff, which looked like a black rod connected to a golden circular cross. Matthew lowered his staff against the ground and a wind dome surrounded him. This wind turned into golden wind and blew the rocks away. Not only were the rocks blown away, but they were now being upheld by a force of angelic levitation magic.
Matthew raised his hand and each rock pointed at the students that threw them towards him.

“Nice! Your second stage is as strong as ever! Not only do you have the power of wind, but you also have the power to levitate things with your holy energy!” Dyson smashed his hammer into the ground and an earth spike grew out of the ground. This earth spike was growing under Matthew and Matthew jumped up in the air as a response to the attack. This caused him to avoid the spike.
Matthew snapped his fingers and white wings grew out of his back. Matthew held up his left hand and golden light charged in his hands.

“Do I throw this or not?” Matthew asked.

“Of course! Send them all at me!” Dyson wanted to take on the the full force of Matthew's attack and Matthew’s hands stopped charging.

“Alright then! Arrows of Light!” Matthew held out his left hand and beam shots of golden light headed towards Dyson. Dyson stood there and didn’t move an inch. He took all of the shots and came out without a scratch; he dusted himself off and smiled.

“Nice attack! But that can’t be it!” Dyson baited Matthew with the wiggle of his finger.

Matthew flew towards Dyson and Roman seemed to be yawning.

Small shots of different colored light were flying towards Roman but he didn’t feel a thing. He snapped his fingers and an armor of golden energy grew around him. The shots didn’t even create dust on him now. The mages, who were in white robes, felt ashamed.
“Nice! Just like me you know how to reduce damage with your second stage energy armor! Using your holy energy to create a strong defense! As a Lucian it feels great as your opponents attacks bounce off and do no damage!” Dyson flexed his muscles as Matthew threw a ball of wind at Dyson. Dyson only vertically crushed the attack with his hammer. “Too slow boy! Put more energy into it!” Dyson raised his hammer and put it at his side. He then gave out a hearty laugh. “Otherwise you'll never get better!”

In an instant Roman was gone. Soon the mages were on the ground or on their knees. Roman stopped his feet from continued movement and put down his foot. This caused his body to give off electricity.

“Good job! You’re using your physical prowess over the Crux in order to take them down. That and the lightning element is never a bad thing!” Dyson clapped his hands together. The students came back and they sat around Dyson.

“Alright! Now can tell me the differences between the Crux and the Lucian?” Dyson wondered who could do that for him.

“That’s easy, the Lucian are those that do not have magical prowess but boast in physical strength. Like take Matthew, I mean that boy over there for example!” Marissa quickly corrected herself by pointing to another boy. The other girls caught this and were irritated.
“That boy across from me, the mage can easily out think me if he is studied enough. But I boast in other attributes. Let’s say a foot race, I could easily stomp him in a foot race. But a test applying the mind is something that I think he could win with not much effort” Marissa gave out her explanation and Dyson gave Marissa a small instance of applause.

“Very good! Yes a Crux is smarter and can learn various spells and magic! While us Lucian are durable and strong! Both have their strengths and weaknesses that are exploitable!” Dyson stood up and pointed to Matthew. “Matthew, explain a bit.” Dyson told Matthew to explain and Matthew stood up. He then held out his staff for the class to see.

“As a primer Mages can throw up holy barriers like this” Matthew held up his left hand and a holy dome came around him. “Add a little element” Matthew added the wind element to increase the power of the dome, the dome also became green. “Then you get a wind dome. Create a tiny holy geyser” Matthew walked away from the group of students and raised his staff. A holy circle formed in front of Matthew and it became green.

A tornado began to grow from the from the circle and the winds began to become stronger. Matthew died the power down and soon the tornado disappeared. Matthew then held out his staff in front of his body. The staff transformed into a green and black rifle. He looked at the wall and fired accurate and well-aimed shots. After 5 shots he cocked back the handle and fired a charged shot. This created a small hole against the gym wall. Dyson grew out his wings and flew to the hole in the wall. He smashed his hammer against it and earth filled the hole.

“5 shots and each charged shot costs a full five rounds.” Matthew explained a concept of his weapon and then turned to the group.

“Ah yes! Almost forgot, the transformation by the renewal of the mind! It's something we angels can freely do. We can transform our weapons into long range projectiles or into short weapons we can use up close depending on your style of fighting. Both Lucian and Crux can do this freely.” Dyson showed them by transforming his hammer into a large missile launcher. “See, it's something great!” Dyson changed his missile launcher back to his hammer.

“With that I leave the class ending moments with at least stating the first 3 stages. The first stage is the element stage for everyone. Then after that you have the holy aura stage, lastly the winged stage. The ability for you to fly.” Dyson explained this concept and the bell rung. “Alright good luck and happy date hunting for tomorrow’s dance!” Dyson waved his hand as the students left the gym.
Matthew went into the cafeteria by opening orange double doors. This room had yellow paint on the walls and tables that were scattered around the room. The tables could seat 9 kids a piece. The doors, which were on the north east and north west side of the large room opened with two lunch ladies who were wearing white pants, gold aprons, a white shirt, and white hats. They were at the doors to check the kids ids. There were two doors that were parallel to the north east and north west doors that served as exits for the kids.

Matthew reached into his pants and pulled out his id, he put his id card necklace around his neck and walked up to the lunch line. He showed the lady his ID and the lunch lady approved. Matthew went into the north eastern door and came out with pizza and french fries.

Matthew sat at one of the tables and saw the other students pouring in to cafeteria. Girls of different colors and sizes came to the table where Matthew sat and put their homemade lunches on the table. All of them that looked to be addressed to him.

“(I really didn't want this day to come....crap baskets”) Matthew could only sigh as he knew what the girls wanted.

“Listen Matt, I made this lunch around the time of last week and I was hoping you'd taste it and get some ideas. Not much of a problem right?” A rough looking red headed green eyed girl that was to Matthew's right pointed to her black and red box. “Looks good right?” The girl pushed it to Matthew and he reached for it.

Just then a girl with straightened blonde hair blue eyes that was on Matthew's right opened up her box. Her box was filled with elegant looking meat and well made sweet potatoes and tomatoes.

“Matthew we all know Clarice is just going to mess with you until you say yes to her proposal. So just to be safe I think it would be wise to pick me, besides were mages and we are compatible.” the blonde girl titled her pink glasses and smiled.

“Uh...Debra I don't think I should just choose your lunch over the other lunches. Wouldn't that be...i don't know...wrong in some kind of way?” Matthew wanted to tread lightly over this subject and more girls were coming to Matthew's table. “(Spoke to soon...dang it”) Matthew looked at his pizza and fries and went to eat that.

Matthew ate his food and Clarice and Debra grew annoyed.

“It's obvious your threatening presence is not allowing him to pick the better homemade meal. Which is what I expect to see from someone's whose brain cells don't match the disgusting and over grown chest melons she has taped against her chest.” Debra stated this comment and Clarice stood up.

“You got a problem smart ass? Just because I may look tough doesn’t mean I don't want to live a happy life. Matthew may not be buff or whatever that stuff is but he is finical security. I'd like to live a good life and you're not taking that away from me!” Clarice summoned her weapon, which was a spear.

Debra eyes widened with fear and she turned to Matthew . The other girls began to grow just as fearful, Matthew's eyes now grew cold and she turned his head slightly towards Clarice. Clarice just now realizing the weight of her words was sweating.

“I huh....didn't mean that finical or not buff part...you're uh...fine the way you are?” Clarice tried to rebound from her previous comment but even she knew it was too late.

Matthew held up his right hand and an angelic portal opened up. His cell phone fell into his hand and he dialed some numbers. Matthew spoke into the phone.

“If you could get these girls away from the table I am sitting at that would be nice. Ah, yes I am in the lunch room” Matthew hung up the phone and Gloria came through her own angelic portal. Gloria's mere glance at the girls had them running to other tables.

“Let me guess, some of the girl's showing their true colors?” Gloria asked as she sat by him.

“Don't they all?” Matthew asked in a not surprised tone.

“Well not necessarily, some of those girls could be genuine love interests but with your stature and power it's hard to tell. You see if there was a girl I would pick if I were in your situation I would pick the one that had some back bone, or at least wasn't afraid to show it” Gloria patted Matthew on the back and Matthew smiled.

“Thank you, that just helped me with something” Matthew stood up and turned to Gloria.

“Gloria, could you inform my teachers of 5th and 6th period teachers that I will be leaving for the day.” Matthew caught a concerned glance from Gloria. “Oh...you don't like me doing that...do you?” Matthew knew the awnser to that and Gloria chopped him on the head.

“Ow! I know it's not responsible but...ow, did that have to hurt?” Matthew asked as he rubbed his head to ease the pain.

“Yes it did, as much as I don't like you using your status to skip school! I will allow it only because this dance is important. But do you know why?” Gloria asked.

“Um, because it's an important social gathering for us teens?” Matthew didn't know and she only giggled.

“I'm surprise you didn't try to awnser it yourself. That shows your learning, but no. It's important because an eternity exists. Heaven and Hell aren't just things that people hold onto to explain a world after death like it was done before God intervened. It has been proven to exist and is a thing that people that die in this world go to. So love and finding someone to spend that eternity with is important in our society, it even is important with some demon people out there in the world. So don't look at this as a dance, look at this as the dance as the event that could possibly form your eternal bond with that of the female sex. Think carefully about yourself and make sure to do the work you're going to be missing from these classes. I'll go check you out at the office after I'm done so go on back home.” Gloria stood up and left the room to go inform Matthew's 6th and 7th period teachers.

Matthew put his plate on the conveyor belt room that was on the far west of the cafeteria. There was a conveyor belt in a room that had plates being carried to a wash room. Matthew left the room and walked to the entrance of the school.

Matthew walked out of the building and called his cab driver. The cab driver was there in 10 minutes and Matthew got in the car. Matthew was driven home and went inside. Matthew went through the entrance lobby and the workers were wondering why he was back in the building. Matthew walked up to the woman working at the front desk.

The woman at the front desk was wearing a white buttoned up shirt with a short blue coat. She had on a black skirt that went just beyond her knees. She had on white flats and orange hair. Her green eyes were puzzled as to why Matthew was back.

“Matthew, what are you doing back?” The front desk lady wondered why he had returned and Matthew asked Barbra a question.
“Barbra, can you call my mom and tell her I'm here” Matthew stepped back and Barbra nodded.

“Alright, I trust you left for a good reason” Barbra called his mom and Matthew went into the elevator. He hit the 75 button and rose up to the top floor.

Matthew walked into his mother's office and she put the red phone down on the receiver. Sonia snapped her fingers and a brown couch appeared in the room. This was placed in front of her desk. Matthew sat on the couch and Sonia stood up. She sat near her son and pointed to her shoulder.

“Just because you are 16 does not mean you can't lay on mommy's shoulder” Sonia pointed and Matthew smiled. He did lay on his mother's shoulder. “So what's wrong? Why come back early?” Sonia asked.

“It's the dance. I realized the weight of this situation. So...i know it's kind of idiotic to go with a one time decision of a relationship but I don't want to jump to a lot of women...I'm just not cut out for that sort of thing. You know, since dad isn't around I tend to think I'd end up like him and leave the family like dad left you. You know...due to my money and heritage.” Matthew felt Sonia's comforting right hand stroke his hair.

“You are not like your father Matthew. I know you'd treat a girl like she was golden coin amongst a sea of silver pieces. And you won't treat her like that all of the time, neither will she do the same for you, but it's is how a relationship works. What I want you to do is pick someone and if you wish to stay with her, then do so. But as Gloria has told you. Think about your choice before you do, knowing your addictive personality you'd stick on the girl like glue. Even then that's better then leaving her I suppose” Sonia kissed her son's cheek and Matthew blushed.

“Hey me having ADHD wasn't something I could control and I'm not that much of addict...just when it comes to things like....like my electronics.” Matthew heard Sonia giggle and Matthew was a bit annoyed. “Oh like you're addicted to your coffee and besides I'd get it from you” Matthew stated as he felt embarrassed.

“God gave free choice and so thus you can choose to put down the laptop every once in a while, you know, like spending time with me!” Sonia happily squeezed her son and he couldn't help but smile. He hugged her back and she got up. “Now I have to get back to work, think about this decision before you make it” Sonia snapped her fingers as Matthew got up. The chair disappeared and Sonia went back to her calls.

Matthew went to the west side of the room that led to a a door. This door had a stair well that led to the roof of the building. Matthew went up this stair well and stood at the edge of the building. He looked at the sky and couldn't help but smile.

“(There's only one thing to do at a moment like this. I know I will be in pain for a good bit but...let's see how this goes”) Matthew just waited.

2 hours later.

Matthew was sitting on the edge of the building. Marissa and Zanta came up the stair way and Matthew stood up. Matthew said nothing, he just looked at the sky above him.

“Hey....guys, I want to ask you both something. What would you do if I said I wanted to jump off the edge of the city? And land in a place where my money wouldn't exist, where prestige wouldn't mean a thing? What would you say?” Matthew asked this as he stood up.

“If it was something you wanted to do then I wouldn't object against it. You know what you want to do in your life and thus I wouldn't stop you from doing what you wanted to do. I'd patiently wait until you got back.” Zanta smiled and Matthew held out his arms like he was forming a cross.

“Then I shall fall” Matthew leaned back and fell off the building.

“M-Matthew! What are you!?” Marissa was flabbergasted at Matthew free falling off the building.

Sonia turned towards the window and she saw her son falling off the building. While Matthew fell down her floor he held up a thumbs up sign. Marissa grew her wings and flew after him, having saw this Sonia knew what to do.

Sonia grew out her red wings and flew up to the ceiling. She teleported through the roof and Zanta was confused by what all of this meant.

“Zanta, it's time we got back to your training. Come with me” Sonia took Zanta by the hand and smiled.

“Master, what was that all about?” Zanta had no idea what was going on and Sonia said nothing as she led him down the stairs.

“(Zanta, sometimes you just need to have faith in what you believe is the right thing to do. You can't let someone's stature or reasoning stop you, but then again. I can't teach you this, you can only learn this yourself”) Sonia led Zanta down the stairway.

Marissa was still flying after Matthew and she was able to grab his arm. She pulled up in order to stop the velocity of the fall. She was able to stop and she flew to the top of the building. She dropped on the roof and Matthew fell on his back. Matthew sat up and smiled.
“Well that settles that” Matthew stood up and Marissa landed on the ground. Marissa walked up to Matthew and kicked him square in the testicles.

Matthew fell on his knees but he was still cracking a grin.

“Saw that coming! Heh! But this still hurts” Matthew was able to slowly get up he shook off the pain.

“Why did you just jump off a building without using your wings!? You could have killed yourself! What was that anyway!? Some suicide marker?! Well you're not killing yourself on my watch and I don't care if you have a hard time here socially because of what you grew up with! That does not mean you need to die!” Marissa went off on Matthew and he smiled for her doing so.

“A hard time growing up? Last time I checked you had it worse” Matthew walked over to the edge of the building and stood there. Marissa walked up to him just in case he would try and fall again.

“Born the daughter of well off orphan owners you had friends from all over in the city of Lune Port. That was until you were 6. At that age you lost everything due to a raid of demon pirates from across the sea of Galilee, where these pirates came from you have no idea. The only thing you remember is that a dear friend of yours gave his life to save you from the incoming demons.“ Matthew turned to her and Marissa sighed.

“Wrong, I do remember all of it. My parents were murdered while I hid In a closet, my home destroyed, the only thing that I can say happened that was good was it was the day I met your mother. She saved the entire city as soon as she was able but...what I saw was something legendary. Your mother dealt with these demons quicker then any solider that boasted strength or resolve. This woman inspired me to become a guns woman even if she was staff mage.” Marissa walked near Matthew and stood next to him.

“At about the age of 10 I began to go around and hunt demons around town that I could find. I became a little something a town heroine and with 3 years of work I raised enough money to go to Theos. When I came here I became friends with you and we spent long and wonderful years together. But to be honest, I thought I had to fall for you in order to payback your mother, I thought a pretty girl would be sufficient enough. But now” Marissa turned to Matthew.

“I want to tell you that if I wish to like you it will not be about your money and to answer your question I wouldn't care about your prestige or money. I'd jump off the city's edge and grab you to save your life, not your money or status” Marissa took Matthew by the hand.

“So that would be a yes or am I going to get declined for asking you to the dance tomorrow?” Matthew heard Marissa chuckle.

“I should decline you but I don't think your poor little heart could take it. I think you're in dire need of me at this point. Oh who am I kidding I'll go with you because of the 3 years we spent as friends...that and I think your smart, kind, and loyal. So yes” Marissa leaned her face forward and Matthew closed his eyes.

“Thank you, for making me feel like an idiot” Matthew leaned his face forward.

“No problem, dummy” Marissa kissed Matthew.

The sun began to shine on these two and Sonia knew what was going on as she was heading down the elevator.

“(So Matthew you truly have chosen Marissa, I'm happy for you my son. You found someone who you can put your trust and love in. May your relationship be prosperous and fruitful.”) Sonia headed down the elevator and everything seemed right with the world.

Zanta on the other hand felt a little uneasy, like something was gnawing at her heart.

Atop a large rocky plateau

A young man that was in a black hood was looking through his own windows at the land below him. The sky above him was stained red with blood while the world below him looked small and helpless. The red demon symbol on his back looked menacing and foreboding of danger. He heard another young soldier in black armor bow before him.

“Sir, the dance for those angels is tomorrow and the ships are near the wall and ready to slip through.” The young soldier stood up and the hooded man sat on his throne.

“So the vision I was given by the Dark God will finally come to realization. The Dark Force be praised.” The man turned to the soldier.

“Bring the boy to this side of the world. We will grab him once we get him here” The man's sophisticated yet ominous voice rang throughout the room.

“Yes sir, the mini army will deploy upon tomorrow” the young soldier stood up and left the room.

“(Finally, after 200 years I will finally gain the knowledge I seek!”) The black robed young man could do nothing but become antsy with anticipation.
© Copyright 2015 Storm (stormgalexi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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