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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #2028715
Chapter 2 of a Novel in Progress
Chapter 2

“You have to get up.”

I jerk awake as a man’s voice like to have scared me to death.  He had a huge broom and a bucket for trash. “It’s not safe for you to sleep right here.” His eyes are full of sympathy as he holds out a five dollar bill. “Go get you some breakfast, kid.”

I don’t know what it is about me that makes everyone think I am a little girl. At twenty three years old, I have decided to take advantage of it instead of getting offended. It has helped me get to this place in one piece, I’m sure. Of course, there are still plenty of sicko’s out there, looking like a very young teenager has also brought the attention of people who are into rapping young, helpless girls. Lucky for me, I am not weak, or helpless.

“What time is it?” The man’s eyebrow lifts at the age in my voice. He glances at his watch, “Almost five, about four minutes ‘til. The sun will be up shortly.” He pushes the five dollar bill towards me again. “Take it.” His smile reaches his eyes.

“Thank you.” I say.

“What’s your name?” He pushes his broom but doesn’t step away. Small piles of fine sand and a napkin gather under his feet. When I don’t answer right away, he looks at me again. “No worries, child. I am not going to hurt you.” He stops and held a hand out for me to shake. “Jonas Hill.” He says, smiling still.

“Christian” I say, shaking his hand. “Thank you for the money.” I fold it and push it deep into my back pocket. Stuffing my make shift bed into my saddle bag, I pull the strap over my head and let it rest on my hip. “One day I’ll pay you back.”

“You do that, kid. You do that.” Jonas didn’t say another word as he whistled “Sitting on the dock of the bay” by Otis Redding.

Walking towards the fence that encloses the restaurant, I remember Jacob. I pull the umbrella out of my pocket and twirl it around as I walk towards the main road. I stop and watch a crab walk across the sidewalk and into a small bush. I can’t help but smile. “Now, I just have to figure out how to catch them, and cook them.” I whisper.

There is people everywhere on the road. A man dressed like Batman came running towards me, “Do you want to be my sidekick?” He reeks of alcohol, I smell it before he reaches me. I almost fell as he grabs my bag and tries to pull it off. With my right arm, I grab his hand and pull it straight up and back. A sickening cracking sound fills his ears, his screams of pain fill mine. I let go and he quickly pulls his arm to his chest holding his wrist tightly. “You broke my wrist you little bitch!”

I don’t bother arguing, instead, I hold my bag and run to the left of Mallory Square. Three blocks down, I take the first road I see. I stop running after two miles or so. The sight of an Iguana the size of a small dog, every bit of fifteen pounds or more, and sitting on the sidewalk had me dead in my tracks. It has a bright orange spot on its neck. He looks old and reminds me of something that would have been here with the dinosaurs.

Behind it, there was a huge cement platform. I step closer and I see that it’s marble. A huge gold compass is on the right, bottom corner. The rest is a map. It looks as if someone had taken a huge globe and painted it over the marble slab. Small ships, whales, and the sun setting in the west, helps to make the map look realistic. Every country had a red or blue gem locked into the marble. Squatting, I touch the blue one on Australia. It can’t possibly be real, can it? It would be worth millions, surely.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” I turn to see the red head, Jacob’s volunteer, standing with her arms crossed over her belly. She is wearing a dress, a long thin dress the wind is throwing around her legs. Her shoulders are bare, showing several of her tattoos. There is a sun and moon on her left arm. On her right, vines that wrap all the way around with huge thorns. Butterflies and small flowers of different colors seem to follow the vines up her arm to her collar bone. “How long have you been here?”

Standing, she is at least two feet taller than me. From the top of the column, she didn’t seem this tall. “Less than twenty four hours.” I say. Looking one last time at the beautiful jewels under my feet, I walk off the side of the marble.

“So, what is your favorite so far? Iguanas, roosters, or crabs.” Her smile makes her even more beautiful. No woman can possibly compete with her. I see why Jacob is with her. Suddenly, my solid white hair, I hate it even more. Compared to her bright green eyes, my blue seems dull. More than all of that, I actually feel like a fourteen year old girl next to her.


“Yeah, we have more of those than birds.” She closes the distance between us and pulls my hair through her fingers, gently. “This is natural isn’t it?”

I nod before stepping away. She chuckles and lets her hand fall to her side. “I know girls that pay big money, and spend a lot of time to get their hair that color.” Walking past me she says, “If you want some clean clothes, and a shower, follow me.” I watch her as she walks, long strides like one of those models on TV I saw as a kid. “My name is Jade, by the way.”

I have to run to catch up with her. “Christian. People call me Chris.” I have to take two steps to keep up with her one.

“Why do you let them call you Chris? Christian is a beautiful name.”

I had never thought about it before. It was just something my cousins started and it stuck with me. People filled the streets now, to over flowing. I must have spent more time on the map than I realized. I didn’t even notice when the sun had risen. Jade turned to glance at me when I didn’t answer her, probably to see if I was still behind her.

“I’m right there.” She points to a neon green house with hot pink shudders. There isn’t an inch of her porch that doesn’t have something hanging from it. Wind chimes, wind socks, an American flag. A ceramic sun and moon, a lot like the tattoo on her shoulder. “Have you eat?”

“No.” I say simply as I follow her up the steps and into the house. The house is two levels and seems bigger on the outside. The stair case to the top level is the first thing I see. Every step is a different color, all the way to the top. Jade walks to the left and I took a few minutes to listen for any other people or animals in the house.

“What do you eat?” Jade yelled.

“Anything.” I say as I walk to the right of the stairs, into the living room. The entire wall, to the left, is a fish aquarium. It looks as if she scooped up a piece of coral reef and put it in her living room. The colors are so bright it makes my eyes water. The sofa and chair are black cushions that hang from the ceiling by large chains.

The smell of bacon frying has my attention on the kitchen. Listening, as I pass the stairs, I look up them but still hear nothing. In the kitchen, every appliance looks like it came straight out of the fifties. The stove is a gas stove, I can see the little blue flames under the metal burner. The table is square and not much bigger than a card table. It’s a dingy white with yellow specks. The chairs are metal frames with thin layers of cushion. They too are white with yellow trim around the square seat and back rest.

“I hope bacon and eggs will do?”

“Thank you.” I say pulling out a seat. “Do you live here alone?” My eyes keep jumping to the stairs, waiting for someone to come down.

“Yes. But, my friends come and go as they please.” Jade slaps the eggs on a plate beside the bacon and set it on the table. “You will probably meet some of them. I believe you already know Jacob.”

I eat the bacon and eggs as if someone is going to take them from me. I try to make myself slow down, but the relief coming with every bite, makes me want to get it in my stomach faster. When Jade places a plate of pancakes in front of me, my eyes finally meet hers. “Thank you.” I start on the pancakes without bothering to put syrup on them.

“How long have you lived here?” I say through the food in my mouth.

“I’ve been in Key West my whole life, twenty seven years. But, I’ve lived in this house for seven.” Pouring both of us a glass of milk, she sits across from me and watches me like I am an animal in a zoo. I don’t blame her. But her eyes has me slowing down. The pain in my stomach has almost completely subsided, easing the need to shovel it in. “So, what’s your plan?”

Pushing a third of the pancakes away, no longer to hold anymore, I finish the milk. “Survive.” I say just as the screen door slams.

“Jay? Are you here?” A blur of beads and feathers, strings and beads come bouncing into the room. “Oh hi.” The girl grabs my plate of left over pancakes and sits on top of the table. “Jay, I have two hours to blow. Where do you need me?” The pancakes were gone in a few bites.

“Well, I could use you at the pier, but then I found Christian.” Jade points to me. “She needs clothes, and a tour.” Jade pours soap in the sink and washes the dishes, by hand. I haven’t seen someone do that since I was a kid. “Christian, this is Zoe. She will help get you settled.”

“Okay, no problem.” Zoe says, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the stairs. I stop and jerk my arm from her grasp. “I appreciate the food…” I look between Jade and Zoe “…and everything else you are willing to do for me, but I think it’s best if I leave.” I notice Zoe, quickly, glance at Jade.

“You are welcome to stay, Christian. We have plenty of room and honestly, can really use your help.” Crossing her arms over her chest, she stepped between Zoe and me and leaned against the stairs. “Take a shower, get some clothes and then, I will tell you all about us. If you don’t want to stay, then we will part as friends. You will still be welcome, anytime. So, what do you say?”

“At least get a shower, no offense, but you really could use one.” Zoe’s arms seem to make music from the dozens of bracelets bouncing on her arms. “And those clothes, just throw them away. There is no saving them.” Zoe sat on the purple step and waited for me to answer.

I really didn’t have anything to lose. A hot shower, with soap and shampoo, clean clothes… “Okay, but…what do you want in return?” I have been around enough to know that nothing is free…nothing.

“I will explain everything after you shower. I promise, if you decide to leave, no one will stop you.” Jade walks into the living room. As far as she is concerned the conversation is over until I shower.

“Come on.” Zoe runs up the stairs. I follow, slower. “This is the bathroom. We only have one in this house.” The tub is lined with shampoo and conditioner of all kinds. Even tear free kids shampoo. “Here is the soap.” Zoe opens the small closet. Razors, soap, Q-tips, cotton balls, deodorant, toilet paper—all brand new. “You’re welcome to anything in here.” Out of a basket, from under the sink, she hands me a roll of white tape and a marker. “Just be sure to write your name on it, so no one else uses it. There is nothing worse than using someone else’s bar of soap. I mean, gross.” Opening a drawer, she pulls out a hand full of toothbrushes. “Everything you need should be here. When you get done, come down to the last room on the right and I’ll find you some clothes. I’ll be waiting, so try to hurry.” Zoe locks the door, from the inside, and shuts the door behind her before I can say anything.

Looking around for several minutes, I am still trying to understand what is happening. This has to be some kind of homeless shelter or something. Looking through the closet, there is a dozen plastic, soap cases. Each one has a piece of paper tape with a name. Marcus, Zoe, Jade, Penelope, Thurston, Shark, Baylee, Casey, Amii, Gabe, Rain, and Jacob. Grabbing a bar of soap, I open the box, and just enjoy the fragrance.

Closing the drain in the tub, I turn the water to scalding hot allowing the heat to steam up the room. After several seconds, I add some cold to the water. Facing the mirror, I am grateful it is only a few feet tall. I can only see just below my collar bones. Peeling the clothes off, one layer at a time, I try to keep my eyes off of the scars on my legs. The worst of them are on my sides and back, but I can’t see them as easily.

Stepping into the streaming water. I don’t rush. The water turns a light gray as it swirls to the drain. The water is quickly filling up the small tub. I should open the drain, but the hot water soaking my feet is so nice. I pick a bottle of shampoo just because the color is bright blue and scrub my hair with my finger nails. The soap sends a light, fresh smell as I lather it all over. I have no choice but to open the drain. I could easily stay in this shower until the hot water is gone.

I make myself turn the water off, and grab a clean towel from the shelf over the toilet. Already feeling more human than I have in months, I have never enjoyed brushing my teeth so much.

A loud knock on the door followed by a male voice, “Hurry up, Rain!” I didn’t say a word, only pulled the towel tight around my body. “Rain! Can you hear me or what?”

Pulling the door open quickly, the light brown skin and deep, dark eyes of the voice meet mine. My mind scrolled the names I had seen on the bars of soap. Which one is he? “I’m not Rain.” I say as I walk past him to the last door on the right. I can feel the guy’s eyes on me, but don’t turn around to confirm it.

“Zoe?” I push the door open without knocking.

“Come on in.”

As I close the door behind me, I see the guy still standing in the door of the bathroom. He nods, smiles, and slides into the bathroom. I left my bag in the bathroom. I swing the door back open, just before it could click shut and quickly walk to the bathroom.

“I need my bag, please.” I listen, there isn’t a noise to be heard in the bathroom.

The door opens, the guy stands, completely naked, not trying to hide his personal parts. His chest is thick, He has to work out for hours a day. His arms are so thick, I can’t help but wonder if he is in some kind of competitions or something. He points to my bag and nasty clothes spread out across the floor.

“This is your mess?” The disgust on his face is also in his voice.

I don’t bother to answer. “Can you hand it to me, please?” I ask, as nicely as possible.

“It’s yours, get it.” He opens the door a few more inches and moves to the side. Still, he doesn’t bother to even try to hide his body. As I bend over to pick up my stuff, his bare body is only a foot from my face. Blood rushes to my cheeks, and I hate my body for betraying me.

Careful to hold the towel wrapped around me with one hand, I walk out without saying a word. The guy closes the door behind me and his deep, laugh echoes in the bathroom.

Zoe leans against the frame of the door, “That’s Marcus. Isn’t he just lovely?” Zoe smiles and steps out of my way so I can enter the room. Two sets of bunk beds almost completely fill the room up. The room is, obviously, decorated by four totally different people. The wall visible by each bed is unique from the other sections. Four small dresser drawers lined the wall between the beds.

“So, what size are you?” Zoe asks, plopping on the bottom bunk, on the right side of the room. Assuming it is her bed, I would have picked that one for her before she sat. The blanket is fuzzy, and looks very soft. It’s a bright blue. Her pillow, looks to be scraps of random material sewn together.

“About a seven.” I say as she pulls open a drawer full with underwear. I dig through the drawer until I find some I want to wear. The idea of wearing someone else’s under clothes isn’t normally something I would do, but the ones I have been wearing for so long, well, chances are these have to at least be clean. Dropping the towel, I pull on a black bra and panties to match. I watch Zoe’s eyes fall over the scars on my sides and back. She doesn’t say anything, and I don’t offer any explanation.

Zoe already has several pair of pants and shirts on the bed for me to try. I grab a pair of blue jeans and a plain T-shirt. “Do you like boots?” Zoe asks, holding up a pair of boots. “I wear a nine, what about you?” Zoe picks up one of my old shoes, not waiting for me to answer. “Oh, you wear eight. Well, that’s not all that big, at least try them on.” She hands me the boots. “Come down when you’re finished. This is my makeup, stuff to fix your hair, and socks in that bottom drawer.”

Zoe walks out, leaving the door open behind her. She is right, the boots are not that bad. Opening her makeup case, I stare at myself in the mirror. I haven’t put on makeup since I was a teenager. I choose to dry my hair and put it in a basic pony tail, leaving the makeup for someone who cares about the way they look. No amount of makeup can make me feel pretty again. The scars are deeper than my skin.

Walking down the stairs, I can hear several voices before I hit the landing. I know they are coming from the living room, but I can’t understand what they are saying. As I turn the corner, the entire living room is full with people. Jade is the first to notice me.

“Well, you clean up nicely.” Jade guides me to one of the black cushions hanging from the ceiling. “Grab that stool and grab the chains. Pull yourself up like getting into a swing.” With every eye in the house on me, I am a little concerned about embarrassing myself—still, I do what I am told. Pulling myself into the chair, at least four feet off the floor, I made it the first time. Now, I allow myself to look around the room. I know, without being told, that the names on the soap, belong to these people.

Nothing really shocks me anymore, not after living on the streets for so long. But, my heart is beating a million miles an hour as I watch Jade prepare to tell me, whatever it is she is going to tell me. I have no idea what it is going to be, but somehow, I know I want to be a part of this group.

© Copyright 2015 Ellsie Brooks (ellsiebrooks at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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