Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2028051-Wild-Cards
by Insane
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #2028051
A group of teens adventure. Written with the help of my friend Ricia.
Rhea's introduction:

The day was hot, most likely one of the hottest days on record for the big city of Marraston. Looking up at the sky, Rhea shielded her eyes and took note that there were no clouds, just the endless blue reaches of the ozone layer and the bight un-resting sun. After taking a few moments to appreciate the clear skies, Rhea moved her way down into the subway system to catch the train. Sitting down on a bench, she opened up her book and started to read it, though her mind was more on the current day events.

Today she went to go see her brother, who is graduated out of college and now in his own apartment next to the hospital. He had just graduated with his doctorate and started his job as a children’s Doctor, a pediatrician. Rhea was immensely proud of him, knowing he worked hard to achieve the place he is now in life. Sadly lately her brother and their parent’s relationship has decayed, over things she did not want to think about, so she was no longer aloud to see him. So on the weekdays, when her parents where both out working, Rhea took this time to sneak away and see her loving brother.

Coming to a screeching halt, Rhea jerked her head up from her thoughts to see a train stopping on the platform. Standing up, Rhea pushed her way into the cabin with the rest of the crowd.

Flopping into and empty chair, Rhea sighed as she watched several people pile into the train after her. Today was rather busy, but that is the day and life for a city weekday. When the train doors closed and the train started to move, Rhea turned her attention to her book once more.

She quietly flipped through her book, listening to the chatter around her. Everything was rather peaceful, until a scream erupted from the cart. Rhea’s head snapped up and there she saw something horrifying. It was huge, almost as big as the cart itself, its mouth curved around its body, its eyes glowed green and its skin was black. It looked like a frog but bigger and scarier. It had a woman in its grasps, slowly dragging her to its mouth. No one move, until she was tossed into its sharp teeth and the was chewed up before her.

Rhea threw up, completely over taken by the gore and blood. That’s what the cab began to panic. The alarms were pulled. How did such a thing get into the cart without anyone noticing? The train started coming to a screeching halt. Soon after to stopped moving it to shake, like an earth quake. Then ceiling over Rhea’s head collapsed, Rhea felt her body get crushed, everything felt like it was going numb… black. Was this death?

Sage's Entrance:

Work had been excruciating, Sage thought to herself. Ever since the summer had come about, Sage went to get a part time job at a restraint as one of the part time chiefs. With school coming up though, Sage thought it was about time to quit her job.

“Sage, I came to pick you up!” A older man practicably yelled. Sage glanced up to see her father was standing in front of her, his bald head shinning under the sun. “Where is the car?” She asked, not surprised to see him.

“I thought I should take the train today, good for exercise! Besides I need to work off all that food you feed me and your mother!” He said, patting his belly and laughing out loud. Sage laughed with him and lead the way to the train station, talking to him about her last day of work. Both waited for the train, but by this time her father had taken the conversation onto a whole new level, mostly about how Sage never brought home any of her Girlfriends or Boyfriends, both her parents very accepting of her bisexuality.

Sighing, Sage began to explain to him while boarding the train, that if and when she found someone truly special, he would be the first to know.

Sage jumped when the alarms in the train went off. It did not take long for Sage’s Father to move in front of her, “what’s happening?” He asked out loud. It was not long till the train shook and half the cabin collapsed. Sage glanced at the wreckage, the whole cart before theirs had collapsed, but there were… things crawling onto of the wreckage, and they were eating body parts. “Dad…” Sage said.

The screaming around Sage was ridiculous; everyone was panicking, and truthfully so was Sage. “Run Sage.” Her father said, but Sage did not move. Two of the creatures looked up from their feast. They kept making clicking noises, mumbling noises, as if they were talking to each other. “Dad!” Sage warned again, pulling on him to move back. The creatures were long, they had arms that looked like daggers, and their heads were like lizards. What where they?

One of them approached them; Sage’s dad took the defensive. It was no use though; the creature took its massive dagger hand and pushed it through her father’s chest. “DAD!” Sage yelled, just before the second one push one of its claws through Sage’s chest. Horror washed over Sage’s face. There was so much pain that Sage was not sure if that was what she was feeling anymore. She felt her body get lifted up, and then she felt her eyes close.

Shania's introduction:

Another hard day of kendo training. Shania sighed, her brother had come to pick her up but with his car impounded they would have to take the train. She pulled her hair back into a pony-tail in an attempt to stay cool. "So sis beat the boys up again?" Her brother asked in his normal chipper, cheerful way his own short cropped brown hair was glistening with a light layer of sweat from his run to the gym to pick her up.

"Naturally," Shania replied she was one of the best in the gym ,unfortunately, with school coming up she wouldn't be able to make it to the small building as often as she had in the summer. Shania smiled up at her brother the man who basically raised her after their mothers death, he was always so cheerful and hyper, he lifted the spirits of whoever was around him.

"So sis how about we stop at the icecream parlor when we get off the train, I bet it'll be busy in this heat," when he saw her nod he gave her a quick hug and took off "Race you to the train!!" he yelled and she took off after him laughing.

Shania had beat her brother as always both of them laughing. When they got on the train they sat next to each other and talked about their day. Shania was talking with her brother till they heard a scream. Shania out of trained reflexes she got in front of her brother till she saw what was happening "Oh god," she said seeing the monstrosity. Her brother pulled her back and behind him shielding his sister with his body trying to hide her in-case the monster came at him. Though he knew if they ran they'd draw attention to themselves his adrenaline shoving back his nausea.

However the monster cut through his body easily leaving his sister covered in her brothers blood. She lost all thought at that moment and went to attack the creature but she felt pain... blooming burning pain; and with that and a horrible slash on her side she faded to black.

Kai's entrance :

Kai sighed as he sat in a train he hated heat it made him sweat! He had his hair pulled back for once the vibrant blue a stark standout against his milky pale skin. "This heat is unbearable!" he whined. Though by some miracle his eyeliner ad yet to begin to smear, he was going to see his Mother at the station the next stop down and they were going out shopping. That was the only thing that made traveling in this heat bearable, the thought of a well deserved shopping spree. When the train came to a screeching halt he covered his sensitive ears and winced "What is going on?" he stood and ,as gracefully as he could muster in his slightly heeled boots, went through the crowd of people.

Kai heard the scream and instantly went to see what it was his mother took off as she had just boarded the train where the monster had appeared. Kai saw the monster and covered his mouth in horror his eyes wide. However when he tried to move he found he was frozen in place half out of fear half out of disgust. The gore the screams... god he was stuck in a cheaply produced horror movie! was the thought going through his head till the stench of blood and bodily fluids hit his nose. Kai's mother jumped from the trains open door her head meeting the metal sides and her neck snapped Kai unaware of this looked for her still frozen in place. Though after a few moments of panic he fell, passing out.

Ebony's introduction:

Ebony sighed Waiting on the train a book in her hand. She hated crowds absolutely hated them! She kept herself distanced and tried to block out the noise of people chatting and walking around. She worked at her step mothers dance studio and that was where she was headed under her simple jeans and baggy shirt she had he leotard on and she would be ready to dance when she got there. "beat the heat with exercise," her father always said, and she repeated that mantra in her head whenever she felt the heat. Then the train brought her from her musings as it stopped in front of her.  She boarded the train like always and brushed her jet black hair from her shoulder.

She was brought from her own little world to the present by a loud scream. The sight she saw next would haunt her forever.

Ebony swooned nearly fainting at the smells of blood and what she assumed was the swampy smell of the monster, the sounds of people screaming in terror. She didn't even have a full grip on what was occurring her body felt weak her legs turned to jelly. She gripped the pendant at her neck and with all the air in her lungs she screamed. The sound so piercing and full of fear it cut over even the emergency alarms. Afterwards she promptly fainted.

This is where the story begins. Chapter one an unlikely group will be uploaded soon.

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