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My childhood memories of my Grandparents |
A great part of my childhood was when my grandparents came to visit. My sisters,brother and I would always be excited to see them. They lived in the same city as us so we were lucky to see them often. I can remember my mother making Sunday dinners and I would look out my living room window waiting for my grandparents to arrive. After dinner, my grandmother Marion would treat us by playing her favorite song,"The Connecticut March"on the piano. My grandfather, John was a loving grandfather. When he visited he would always give my sisters, brother and I two dollars, which I would put in my Bionic Woman piggy bank. One thing that stands out in my mind is the fact my grandfather had no teeth. It was difficult for him to eat things especially meat. He would chomp on a piece of steak until it lost its flavor. Another memory I have is when my grandfather would drive us kids around in his white Chevy and he would pretend the car was a fire engine. He would make the sound of a siren. A favorite memory of my grandmother is she loved to play games. Our dining room table would become a Poke no table and I remember getting quarters out of my piggy bank and try to win the game. My grandparents had a weak spot for Kelly's Roast Beef, a restaurant at Revere beach. We would drive to the beach in the Chevy and swim in the ocean and eat roast beef sandwiches. After my grandmother would take any left over bread from the sandwiches and feed it to the seagulls. That was always a special time for me in the summer. Holiday's were special times to spend with my grandparents. My mom would make Thanksgiving dinner and they would come over to eat. Christmas was always fun. They would bring bags full of gifts. One big bag for each of us kids. A holiday that has special meaning to me is Halloween. My grandmother would dress up in costumes. One year she dressed as a balloon lady. She put a plastic bag around her and stuffed it with different colored balloons. Her birthday is on Halloween and mine is the day before. I always felt a special connection with her because our birthdays are so close My grandfather passed away when I was nineteen. I am thankful I was able to spend my childhood with him. My grandmother passed away when I was twenty nine. I am thankful she got to know my husband and is a great grandmother to my son. When I reflect on the past this year, the memories of my grandparents will surround me by looking at my mother's black hair and her rosy cheeks. Those qualities make her my grandparent's daughter |