Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2024891-The-Cowboy-that-Saved-me
Rated: E · Fiction · Entertainment · #2024891
Lisa thought she swore off dating forever when her boyfriend died.
"Lisa!" Anthony yelled as I walked by.

"What do you want Anthony?" I asked trying to get to my English class before I was late. I have a perfect attendance record to keep.

"You want to go get something to eat with me tonight?"

"Like a date?" I asked, already knowing the answer. He's been trying to get me to go on a date with him for a long time. The poor boy... he already knows I don't date.

"Yeah." He said. I could hear the hope in his voice.

"You know the answer to that. Why do you keep asking that?" I asked.

"People change their minds all the time. I just keep hoping you'll change yours."

And okay...before you go thinking I'm a nun or something, I have my reasons for not dating. School is my number one priority right now. I want to go to a good college and get a good job. Something I actually enjoy doing. There's another reason but you'll learn that later. I don't exactly like talking about it.

"Well if I ever do, it won't be for a long time. And no offense, your an awesome person, but I don't like you like that."

"It's already been two years Lisa." Anthony said in a hushed tone.

"I don't care. Just drop it. I don't want to talk about that right now. I'll end up crying, and I can't do that at school dummy." I said and walked off to class, ignoring him.

As soon as I sat down in my seat, my phone vibrated.
Anthony: I'm sorry Lisa. I just want you to be happy. And I know Mark would want the same thing.

I read it with tears in my eyes. He always has to bring up mark.

After English I practically ran through the halls to Anthony.

"Did you really have to text me that?" I said.

"Yeah. We both know its true."

"You know what. I'll eat with you tonight. But after that, you better not ask me again or I will knock your teeth out of your mouth. Understand?" I said. I think he could see I was dead serious because he just nodded. Before he could say anything else, I walked away.

At lunch I went and sat with my friends. I'm pretty much friends with everyone at this school. Believe it or not, I'm actually pretty popular. People just know not to mess with me.

Okay...i guess I should tell you about mark. You'll hear his name mentioned quite a bit.

He was my boyfriend. We grew up together. He was my next door neighbor, and our parents were best friends. So it was only natural when we became really close friends.

We hung out all the time. And in middle school, he helped me through a rough patch, when my grandma died. I was really close to her. She was my rock and my best friend as well. When she died, I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't want to do anything. I even pushed a lot of people away. But mark stayed right there with me trough it all. We actually started dating seventh grade.

I loved him so much. He was always there for me, and he was such a sweetheart. If we got into an argument and i wouldn't talk to him, he would come and make me talk to him. Which sounds weird, but it wasn't. It made our relationship a lot stronger.

About a year and a half. Closer to two years ago, he was on his way to see me. He was coming back from a hunting trip down in Mississippi. A truck wasn't paying attention and rammed right into him. Mark tried to get out of the way. It just wasn't possible.

He was in the hospital for two months. On life support. I didn't leave the hospital once. He had to make it. He just had to.

About a week later, the hospital decided it was time to take him off. The next day was his funeral. They wanted me to speak, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead I wrote him a letter. And put it in his casket before they buried him. That was the hardest thing to watch besides him in the hospital. Him being buried in the ground. Forever. I'm never going to see him. I can't touch him, kiss him, feel him, look into his eyes. nothing.

After the funeral I went into zombie mode. Especially when im close to the person. I didn't talk to anyone. All of my free time was spent at the graveyard. After about a year, I finally started to talk an hang out with people again. I even went to a few football games. But I still cry myself to sleep a lot. And every time marks name comes up, I can't help but smile and try not to cry at the same time. I still visit his grave every now an again. I think about him all the time. The world was a brighter place with him and his smile.

Anthony picked me up at 7 and we went to the Mexican restaurant. I didn't dress up. I just wore what I wore at school today.

Before he dropped me off he asked if I wanted to hang out tomorrow.

" No I'm going to the graveyard. Sorry." and flew out of his car before he said anything else. I got ready for bed and fell asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

I woke up the next morning feeling awake and energized. I cooked bacon and eggs then went to take a shower.
I put in my yellow sundress and boots. Today is Saturday so both of my parents work until noon. I leave them a note telling them where I'm going and head off toward the graveyard. My feet automatically know where to go.

I always go there and update "him" on what's been going on. I tell him about Anthony and how annoying he's being.

Out of no where I hear a truck. I can't see it, considering I'm toward the back of the graveyard. But I can sure hear it. I begin walking back to go home and stop dead in my track. A beautiful truck, one I've never seen in my life, is sitting in the parking lot by my little car. I'm not paying any attention and run straight into a guy.

"Oh sorry. I got distracted." I say as I point to the truck.

"It's okay. You like my truck?" he asked. A smirk on his face.

"Yes. I do. I might just steal it." I warned.

"Please don't. I just got her. My dad got her for me to break in the news that we were moving."

"Ohhh. So you just moved here?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yesterday in fact."

"Cool. Well I got to go. Bye!" I waved and started to my car.

"So. I will see you around?" he asked.
But by then I was already in my car, pretending I never even heard him.
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