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by Tim
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #2021367
A cult dedicated to the Demon Goddess of Lust uses all female huntresses to hunt succubi.
06 - Draining

Today would be Shai’s very first draining. The entire idea sounded exciting as well as frightening. It was supposed to build her sexual energies, and the succubus would be willing to cooperate, but the more she thought about it, the more she realized how little she knew. She only had the name of the succubus, Maltoya, and a date, today. Not a location. Not a time. And she had never done a draining before. She had no idea how it would go, and how long it would take. Shai hadn’t moved from her simple bed as she continued to lay under her blanket, pondering on how today would go. If she had all day, then she could take her time preparing. But for all she knew a draining was supposed to be done at a certain hour. It was probably wisest to get up, Shai realized.
The mess hall would be busy at this hour. Shai would certainly find someone with whom she could discuss everything. Shai put on a simple thin white gown. She had no idea what to wear for the rest of the day, but for breakfast it would do nicely. She tied a matching silk band tightly around her waist, accentuating her slim figure under the gown. She would appear slightly teasing, but not more than any other huntress in the cloister.
As Shai entered the mess hall she kept her eyes out for a table with a fellow huntress and an empty seat, but she quickly realized all tables with huntresses were full. Would she wait for someone to finish, so she could take their seat? Without realizing it, she was scanning the room a second time, not knowing what to look for. Then her eyes fell on something familiar. A new girl, without any friends, sitting all alone at a smaller table. Yun. Yun wouldn’t be able to help her with her uncertainties regarding the upcoming draining, Shai knew, but there was a good chance Yun needed someone to talk to even more than Shai would. Like Shai, Yun wore a similar thin white gown, reminding Shai how well formed the girl’s body was. Yun had not spotted her yet, giving Shai the chance to grab a plate and food before approaching the almost empty table to ask Yun if she could sit down. Yun looked up from her plate upon hearing Shai’s familiar voice, and her clear hazel eyes widened in what seemed to be surprise. She nodded silently, and Shai sat down. There wasn’t much left on Yun’s plate. Good, that left more time to talk.
“So, how are your lessons going?”
Yun looked pensive for a moment.
“I think I’ve learned a lot, but I still have many questions.” She paused for a second. “It started out pretty rough, but everything is going pretty good now.”
Shai chuckled softly. “You think you had it rough? My teacher was so hard on me that she is now forbidden to ever teach again, but she remained my teacher for the entire period. I still have bad dreams about it sometimes.”
Shai realized she might have blurted out more than she wanted to. She never had anyone younger and less experienced than herself to talk to, and while she was nervous around most other huntresses, she felt calm and at ease with Yun.
“My first lesson was with someone who wasn’t even my real teacher,” Yun began, “she just pretended to be my teacher. I think her name was Nyscha?”
Yun could see Shai’s pupils shrinking in response to the name ‘Nyscha’. Gritting her teeth, Shai got up from her seat, and gazed around the room. Nyscha wasn’t in the mess hall, Yun knew, and when Shai realized that she stalked out of the room, still not saying a single word.
Yun looked at the table, equally unable to utter a word. Shai was only halfway done with her breakfast. What could it have been that Shai would respond so upset at the mention of that name, Yun wondered. Was there something between Shai and Nyscha? Or was Shai being protective over her? The last option sounded rather sweet, but Yun didn’t want this to escalate. Should she get up and follow Shai? Perhaps that would only make it worse. Besides, while Yun was brooding, Shai had already left the mess hall.

A lot of Shai’s old lessons had been in Nyscha’s private room. That was uncommon, and Shai had only later realized Nyscha had probably chosen that location because she could lock that door to ensure no one could interfere with her rather peculiar training methods. Thinking back on the lessons, Shai could almost feel those painful straps again, that had left her body glowing with pain. It also made her glow inside, her loins burning with desire. She hated that. The pain of what Nyscha had done to her should not be related to sexual pleasure. Or worse, sexual pleasure should not be related to a desire of pain. That last never happened, but Shai did fear it.
Shai tried to banish her thoughts. She was only thinking about the room to remind her of its location, as it would be the easiest place to find Nyscha. She was pretty sure Nyscha was somewhere in the cloister still. A hesitant knock on the familiar door was soon followed up by rustling from inside the room. “I’m coming.” a familiar voice answered in cheerful tones. Shai swallowed. She had left the mess hall near frenzied, with anger and determination to confront this horrible ‘teacher’. But the walk towards Nyscha’s room had given her time to think, and had reminded her how frightening the other girl could be, and how difficult she was to work with.
The door opened in one quick swing, revealing Nyscha in the opening, wearing only a frilled white panty. It wasn’t necessarily to tease Shai with. Normal underwear was nigh impossible to obtain in the cloister. The seamstresses here had their own thoughts about how sexy underwear should look. Nyscha eyes sparkled in pleasant surprise when she noticed her former student at her door. If only she didn’t look so damned cute when she smiled. Shai knew perfectly well what a horrible personality lurked behind that face, but she had to force herself not to forget. She was still angry enough to punch that face. But Shai had slapped her old teacher before, and she only laughed it off, claiming she actually enjoyed it. Over time Shai had actually come to believe it.
Shai had come to Nyscha’s door to raise her voice and tell her exactly what she thought of the insufferable girl, but while she was sorting out her own emotions, she lost the initiative, and it was Nyscha who spoke first: “Ah, my old student, how delightful of you to come and visit me.” Her melodious voice fitted perfectly with the cuteness of her face. Shai had thought she had grown immune to it by now, but quickly realized the opposite. She felt her anger fading, and needed to remind herself why she was here, and why she was still supposed to be angry. “Come on in.” Nyscha continued. “I’d offer you something to drink, but it might be a bit too early yet.” Nyscha turned around to walk back into her room, leaving Shai to stare at her partially covered ass, moving sensually. Oh, how she did that on purpose. Shai felt infuriated at being toyed with, even though somewhere inside she enjoyed being toyed with. That infuriated her even more. She would not let her keep this up one second longer.
“I didn’t come here for pleasantries, Nyscha.” Shai started curtly, and then waited for Nyscha to turn back and face her. But the girl didn’t turn. Casually she had walked toward her cabinet to grab a glass and a bottle. And she had said it was too early to drink? If only Shai could understand even the tiniest bit of her old teacher.
“I heard what you’ve been doing to Yun.” Shai did her best to show her anger through her voice.
“Ah yes, news travels fast in a small cloister.” Nyscha answered casually, while pouring a dark liquid from the bottle into her glass. “It’s amazing this news has reached you only now. I’ve already been punished and dealt with.”
That shocked Shai for a second. She could hardly believe it. In fact, she couldn’t believe it at all. If there was one thing she did know about Nyscha it was how little she cared for the truth. She seemed to lie and manipulate on a daily basis. This was just another way to escape her responsibilities.
“I don’t believe you.”
“That’s not my problem.” Nyscha had positioned herself on her bed, and had taken her first sip. “Are you going to come in or not?”
Reluctantly Shai walked through the door. She didn’t want to obey, but she also didn’t want to be left standing.
“And close the door, will you?” Nyscha asked in her sweetest voice. Shai turned to grab the door knob, then decided against it, angry with herself for almost following Nyscha.
“Regardless of what the board might have decided,” Shai said, trying to keep her voice steady and dominant, “I have been speaking with Yun, and it’s clear that whatever you’ve been doing has had quite some effect on her.”
“Oh, I’m sure it has.” Nyscha replied casually. “If you do want a drink, feel free to grab a glass from my cabinet.”
“Don’t you care about the results your actions might have?” Shai asked, sounding more surprised than angered.
“Should I?” Nyscha sounded genuinely surprised. Was she toying with her again? Or was she actually serious? Shai was already starting to get desperate. The woman was impossible to talk to, and she knew violence would work even worse. In another flare of anger, Shai walked up to Nyscha. “Of course you should!” Standing right in front of her, she looked Nyscha in the eyes, ignoring the cuteness of her smile. “We’re all in this together. And for a young new girl things can be quite overwhelming and difficult as it is, and it’s not all that hard to completely break down when pushed too far. Trust me, I’ve been there. If it wasn’t for Masa’s guidance I don’t think I would have made it.”
“And this new girl has you to guide her,” Nyscha replied as she put away her drink, keeping her eyes fixed on Shai’s, “so she should be fortunate, really. Just look at your cute little body. I’m sure you can make her feel at ease. You should thank me, really. She’s weak and vulnerable now. She needs someone to look up to. She’s going to like you a lot. And have you seen the hips and tits of that girl?” Still sitting on her bed, Nyscha had moved her index finger towards Shai while she was talking, and softly touched Shai on her tummy, caressing the silk of Shai’s white gown in a playful manner. Shai shivered when she realized it. Right now she couldn’t stand the touch of the woman. Before she had realized it Shai felt a burning sensation on her right palm. In a reflex she had slapped Nyscha in her face. Nyscha was lying on her side now, and her left cheek was turning red. Giggling, she sat up straight again. The smile on her face even wider now.
“Oh, you know exactly what I like, don’t you?” Nyscha said laughing. “You don’t care about that girl, you just wanted a reason to visit me.” While Shai was still in near shock from the realization she had hit Nyscha, the other girl moved quickly after she was sitting straight on her bed again. Within seconds, Nyscha had grabbed the silk ribbon tied around Shai’s waist and had quickly pulled it free, allowing Shai’s thin gown to escape the forms of her body. Moments later Nyscha had her right hand under Shai’s gown, feeling its way up along Shai’s slender legs.
“You know I always liked you, even though I was hard on you.”
Shai felt another urge to slap her, but barely managed to restrain herself. That left her standing with her right hand hanging in the air, making her feel like a complete fool. Nyscha didn’t seem to notice. She was occupied with moving her hand upward, until it finally reached something. Shai was glad she wore a panty. A thick white one with little frills. Of course that didn’t stop Nyscha, and she started moving her index finger up and down along Shai’s panty, following the shapes of Shai’s lips. She should have jumped away. Or slapped her anyway. Or anything. But Shai had hesitated, and hesitation lead to defeat, like she was taught in her training to confront and overcome succubi. But Shai had never seen this visit as a fight for sexual dominance. If Nyscha had seen it as such, she had done a remarkable job in keeping Shai distracted and confused. Now it was too late. Nyscha, with years more of practice, was stronger when it came to sexual energy, and she had made the first steps before Shai could react.
Shai could feel herself growing hot. And worse, she could feel her panty growing wet. Nyscha had not bothered to move aside or to rip free her panty, but simply touched Shai right through it. Nyscha would feel the wetness soon, if she hadn’t already. A sign of her victory. Shai had to resist it, if she still wanted to stand a chance, but she had to admit that it felt too good. Again, she looked Nyscha in the eyes. Another mistake. Those big, pretty eyes seemed to draw Shai in, making it impossible to think. For a moment, she could only feel. Feel Nyscha’s finger moving. Feel herself getting wetter with each stroke. Nyscha was standing right in front of her now. When had she gotten up from her bed? Nyscha’s face had gotten remarkably close to her own, making it almost impossible to ignore those large eyes of her. Shai had to remember her training. She had been taught how to deal with these situations. What to do if a succubus caught her by surprise. She tried, but when thinking back to her training, all she could think of was how Nyscha had treated her. How Nyscha had used her, hurted her, pleased her. Emotions whirled inside her head, which only served to enhance the feeling between her legs. Why hadn’t Nyscha ripped off her panty yet? She wanted to feel those fingers deep inside her. Without realizing she had already grabbed the hem of her gown and started pulling it up. Perhaps if Nyscha could see her wet panty she would be enticed to take them off. Shai pulled the gown up further, now revealing her breasts as well, but hiding her face completely. Suddenly the touch of Nyscha’s fingers disappeared. Shai held her breath. She couldn’t see a thing now, but was struggling to pull her gown over her head completely. Then she felt a tug on her gown. Nyscha was helping her get it off. Except, she didn’t. Not completely. She simply wound the gown tightly over Shai’s head and arms, leaving her bound, blind and vulnerable. Shai believed Nyscha had even tied the silk band over her head and arms to make certain she could not pull free. She felt a tug at her legs, and before she knew it she had hit the hard wooden floor. Lying on her back, completely vulnerable and completely exposed, Shai felt a stab of panic. Her breathing increased, dampening the little air she had inside the gown. It was only then when she noticed Nyscha was finally pulling down her panty, but in her state of panic it was no longer what she desired. She desperately tried to move her hands, hoping to free herself, but to no avail. Next, she felt a hand on each of her upper legs and before she knew it her legs got spread as wide as possible. Shai tried to move her legs, but she failed to find the power needed to resist the two hands. Defeated, Shai waited for Nyscha’s next move. But nothing happened. The two hands had let go, and she could no longer feel or hear Nyscha. After several seconds Shai slowly started to close her legs again. In response, she heard Nyscha clicking her tongue. “Keep them spread, girl. Due to your impulsive behaviour I haven’t been able to finish my drink yet. So be a good girl and give me something to view while I empty my glass.”
She was just toying with her, Shai knew. Placing her in an embarrassing position just to annoy her. Well, she wouldn’t be embarrassed by this. She had suffered worse. But still, she didn’t want to simply comply with her old teacher’s command. Nyscha needed to know she wasn’t the boss of her any longer. But Shai hesitated. If she closed her legs now, she would only get punished. And punishment by Nyscha could be rather severe. Memories of old lessons flashed through her head. She had always ended up regretting whenever she had tried to resist. Besides, she had believed Nyscha would only enjoy it when Shai resisted. She would probably have taken pleasure in watching her scream and squirm. And she surely would have taken pleasure in punishing her. She would not give Nyscha that pleasure. She kept her legs spread as far apart as she could, patiently waiting for Nyscha to finish her drink.

It had taken Yun quite some time before she had finally decided to get up and leave the mess hall. There had been no reason for her to remain, but she had no idea what else to do. She kept brooding over Shai and Nyscha, but had no idea where they would be. Besides, it might have been wiser to keep out of it. She’d ask Shai about it some day, when the time would be right.
It was a shame though. Yun had appreciated the opportunity to chat with Shai over breakfast, but it was over before she knew it, and now it only served to increase her anxiety. She would have her lessons with Miu today, but those only started in the beginning of the afternoon. She had hoped to find a meaningful way to pass the time until then. Perhaps a trip to the gardens would soothe her. The smell of blooming flowers and fresh strawberries was relaxing according to what she had heard, and she had no trouble believing it.
When entering the gardens Yun saw she wasn’t the only one with the idea. Many girls walked around the garden or had found a place to sit or lay down. Yun took a wide look around. Not really to try and recognize someone, as she hardly knew anyone, but more to get an idea of the variety of girls in this place. Some wore the now familiar priestley outfits, but most wore a variety of clothing. Mostly white, mostly more or less revealing. The more tantalizing outfits would probably belong to huntresses, Yun guessed, but she could be mistaken. For all she knew a simple cleaner or maid would walk around in nothing but her undies. Then she spotted a familiar face. With her long, almost pitch black hair, Yuns teacher Miu stood out from the crowd. Yun had never before seen such dark hair on someone, and also in the cloister she would be a rare sight. The sleek hair almost glittered in the morning sun. Yun felt a short stab of jealousy. How could someone have hair both so pretty and so rare? And besides that, like Yun had already noticed earlier, Miu was remarkably tall for a girl, and the length fitted her perfectly. Miu was probably a very pretty girl, but Yun refused to see other girls that way. Well, except Shai perhaps. Yun never realized she was staring at Miu, until the other girl apparently noticed and returned the stare, catching Yun by surprise. Yun could feel her cheeks turning red, and instinctively tried to suppress it, like she had been taught. She didn’t really feel shame, but she knew she should not appear as if she did. Miu’s stare was replaced by a smile. Did she think it funny, or was she simply being kind? Regardless, Miu seemed to be sitting alone, so it felt natural for Yun to join her. As Yun approached, Miu already motioned her to come and sit down beside her.
“I had assumed you’d be busy all morning, which is why our lessons wouldn’t be until afternoon.” Yun blurted out without thinking. She regretted it instantly, as she felt like she spoke before her turn. Miu didn’t seem to mind. She merely smiled again. “Most lessons are in the afternoon. We are not farmers, required to work the field all day long. We plan our activities as we see fit.”
“So you don’t have anything else to do now?”
“Nothing whatsoever. If you want to start your lessons right away, that would be okay with me.”
“Well, I don’t know what else to do now, to be honest.”
“As long as you’re okay with remaining here in the gardens and starting with some theory.”
Yun nodded fervently. She did not mind at all.

Shai had no idea how long she had been lying on the hard stone floor of Nyscha’s room. Bound and blinded by her own gown she could not focus, and with her emotions and strong sexual desires she could not think either. Seconds? Minutes? Her own heavy breathing prevented her from hearing what Nyscha was doing. Or if she was still even there. Suddenly she felt the other girl. Nyscha was never one for delicacy, and the touch of Nyscha’s fingers -Shai at least believed it were her fingers-  could be felt deep inside her body before she had even noticed Nyscha coming closer. Shai hadn’t dried up, luckily, or it could have been a painful experience. During their lesson Nyscha had often attempted to penetrate her while dry. Shai still didn’t know what purpose it would serve, except for hurting her. But knowing Nyscha, that might have been the only reason. This time, all Shai could feel was pure pleasure, and she let out a muffled high-pitched scream. She instantly regretted that. Any showing of emotion, be it pleasure or pain, would please Nyscha, and Shai had no desire whatsoever to please her.
The fingers, two or three, Shai wasn’t sure, slowly slid out of her body. Shai inhaled and exhaled deeply. What could she do now? Resisting physically was nearly impossible, bound and blinded like this. Besides, a well trained huntress was physically a lot stronger than an ordinary person, and Nyscha had some years more experience than Shai had. She wouldn’t stand a chance even if she wasn’t bound. Besides, Nyscha would only enjoy it. What then, give in?
Another thrust, several fingers deep inside her body again. Shai was caught of guard, too occupied with her own thoughts, and let out another squeak. Not as loud as the previous one, but still. Perhaps she should give in. Nyscha’s touch did feel good. And it would be over quick that way. Was that what Shai wanted? No. She still had a little bit of pride left. She would resist mentally. Even though she knew it would only delay her defeat, she refused to let Nyscha win that easily. Besides, trying to resist Nyscha would be a good practice for resisting Succubi. Another argument popped into her head, but Shai was quick to dismiss it. Her decision to resist would not be based on the fact that the longer she resisted, the longer she could enjoy Nyscha’s touch.
Another thrust. Shai exhaled deeply, but did not squeak. She would have loved to see Nyscha’s face right now.

Masa had been told about Shai’s first draining. Not so she could help, but so she would not interfere. This was a task for Shai alone. Still, Shai could be quite dependant. Masa wondered if the girl would come to visit her for help. So far she hadn’t. Good. The girl had to learn her independance. Not that Masa really minded, but it would do Shai good. It wouldn’t do for the girl to get too close to her. Masa had chosen to be well within sight however, making sure Shai could find her if she wanted to, only to test her. Masa wore the thinnest white robe she could find. Almost completely transparent, and without any underwear. It would get Shai’s attention, if she spotted her, she was sure. She had her breakfast in the common halls, and spent the hours after in the gardens. She could feel the eyes of many of the girls on her. That was expected of course, and Masa did not mind, but she wasn’t used to it. Still, it was proof of her sexual strength, which was comforting. She was known throughout the cloister as a powerful huntress, and her display today served to prove it.
Still no sign of Shai. She did however spot the girl they had taken from the last village they rescued. A tiny little thing. She seemed to have accepted the cloister. She seemed at ease, talking with the black haired huntress Miu. Well, good for her.

Shai had no idea how long she had managed to resist, but now that it was over she felt absolutely exhausted. Even her orgasm seemed to have lasted minutes, with her screaming and twitching the entire time. It was still hard to breathe, and completely impossible to move.
“You endured pretty well, I’m proud of you.” Nyscha sounded genuinely surprised.

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