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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Religious · #2019511
"For what I have I pardoned?" 2Cor.11:10
    The power to bind or free men from their sin has been passed down from
    the Apostle Saint Peter to the holy Father and his Priests.
    Father Dana was aware of his sacramental powers. He had forgiven many
    sins with the grace of Jesus Christ. Just as the Apostle Paul forgave the
    incestuous Corinthians.(1Cor.5:5) But, this task was stretching his faith.
    The CIA chief had asked for his services in blessing a dying Columbia drug
    lord. The blessing would allow the CIA access to the largest supplier of
    cocaine in Central America.

    Father Dana knew that some of this money could be used to assist the
    struggling Vatican debt. But, the sins of this drug lord were so numerous.
    How could they expunge them? He needed to pray, but how would he make his
    plea to the Savior? He made a trump call to the Pope.

    "Peppy this man is evil. He should be punished." the timid Priest spoke to
    his old friend the Pope by a childhood nickname. There was a long silence.
    Fr. Dana nervously worked his rosary. "He is a man in need of forgiveness."
    Pope Peppy answered with a deep voice and then added "Be certain to
    wire the money under a charity." Fr. Dana wiped the sweat off his forehead
    and made the sign of the cross.

    He walked slowly to the hospital room where the drug lord struggled with
    every breath. The Priest blessed him with holy water and said the last rites
    "I ask Jesus for forgiveness and my sins will be forgiven?"
    The drug lord looked at the Priest with amusement and coughed up blood.
    "Yes. God sent his only son so we could be forgiven for our sins." Father Dana
    answered with a look of disgust. "Oh?" the drug lord raised his right hand
    "I swear to almighty God I am sorry for my sins." He coughed and wheezed
    gasping between each word. Father Dana looked into the darkened face before
    him. "I absolve you of your sins in the name of Jesus Christ..." He paused and

                  "You will beg forgiveness before Jesus and your victims."

    The drug lord rose up in his bed. His face was ashent.

                  "I do not beg!" he shouted and fell back dead ..

    The Priest gave a slight smile and continued with the last rites .
    He knew that the act of contrition had not been sincere and the drug lord
    would certainly fall into the fires of perdition.+
    The pledged for the indulgence would still be paid in full.

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