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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Fantasy · #2016145
Zeke passes the torch for a new generation of karmic Balance, featuring my friend, Helena!
It was a hot day in the middle of July and Angelina’s friends were getting irritated with her stubbornness. They were almost late getting to the music festival because they argued with Angelina over wearing less clothing. For reasons they did not understand, Angelina always wore two layers of clothing. This usually involved yoga pants and a black tank top under a black long sleeve shirt and long black dress. She also wore a corset on top of that. Her friends didn’t raise much of an issue until it got warmer.

“Angelina, you’re going to dehydrate outside.” One of her friends said, she was another goth girl with spiked hair, wearing a cut up t-shirt over a black mini-skirt.

“No I won’t.” Angelina said with her arms folded as she walked out of her home, feeling the humid warm air wrapping around her like a blanket.

“What are you so afraid of?” another friend asked, this woman had pink and black hair and wore a black mesh top, exposing her black bikini top over a pair of short shorts. “That someone will take your clothes?”

Angelina bit her lip and hugged herself at the horrible idea of losing her clothes in such a public spot. “Yeah…”

“Angelina no one’s going to take your clothes. I don’t know what happened to you but we won’t let it happen again.” The spikey headed punk said.

“You two either let me go like this or I’m not going at all.”

Not wanting to fight, the two friends let Angelina leave this way and off they went to the concert to see their favorite heavy metal bands. Already Angelina was regretting her decision to go as she felt drops of sweat falling from her face, making her goth makeup run. She could feel sweat under her clothes staining her shirt and underwear and she knew she needed to hydrate her body. “I’ll be right back.” She said to her friends as she started to walk to the stand. As she walked she looked at all the women walking around, scantily clad in bikini tops and short shorts. Angelina shuddered at the thought of being so exposed and was relieved she kept so many clothes on. Then she noticed she started to see spots and then she started getting dizzy. Angelina stopped walking and reached her hand out to grab something for stability.

“Hey lady you okay?” a vendor asked but Angelina didn’t answer. Instead, she mumbled incoherently and then fell to the ground. The people around her scrambled to get medical attention but all Angelina saw was darkness.


“Hey..wake up. Wake up.” A man’s voice said.

Angelina squinted as she felt a gentle slap on her face and then she swung her hands out to shoo it away. “Stop it!” she said. She opened her eyes and saw a bright light and wondered why there was silence. “Where am I?” she asked as she got to her feet and then gasped when she realized she wasn’t at the festival anymore. Instead she was standing on a white cloud on the other side of two large golden gates. Gospel music could be heard in the distance. “What the hell?” she said.

“Heaven actually.” A man’s voice said. “Welcome, Angelina. My name is Zeke.”

Angelina turned to the source of the voice and screamed when she recognized a familiar man in a white robe and a halo. She screamed and shouted, “You!” It was the man who humiliated her back in college, the one who ripped her dress and left her in nothing but her embarrassing strawberry printed underwear. In reflex, Angelina wrapped her arms around her breasts and crotch and gasped when she felt her nipples and small patch of black pubic hair just above her pussy. “EEK!” she cried as she squeezed her legs together. “You took my clothes again!!”

“I didn’t do anything.” Zeke said, “You’re dead. That’s why you’re naked.”

“What?” Angelina said, not wanting to believe him. “How?”

“You uh, dehydrated because you had so many clothes on.” Zeke said, lowering his eyes.

Angelina clutched her naked body tighter as the horrible news settled in, then her eyebrows narrowed as she let her anger come. “This is your fault!” she shouted as she pointed a finger at him. “I wouldn’t have worn extra clothes if you hadn’t have stripped me!”

“And you shouldn’t have used demonic powers on other people.” He said with his arms folded, “By the way, you should have tried getting some sun because you’re cute little body is pretty white.

Angelina looked down and squealed as she returned to covering herself, her face blushing as well. “This isn’t real. I don’t believe in heaven.”

“Well believe in it.” Zeke said, “If you used demonic powers from hell then there is a heaven.” He knelt down and reached into the clouds and pulled up from it a long white robe. “The only reason you’re here Angelina is because yes, it’s my fault that you ended up dying so God thought he’d make you an angel.”

Angelina relaxed as he handed her the robe to put over her body and she felt the warm cotton drape over her breasts. “Angel?” she said, “So am I in paradise?”

“Yes….but there’s a catch.” He said. “So as you know, I used to control the powers of time. Since then I’ve retired because I like being in heaven. However, God still likes the idea of Karmic Balance to give people second chances but also to protect other people who don’t deserve it.”

Angelina gave Zeke a strange look as she wondered where this was headed, Karmic Balance or whatever it was called is what got her in trouble in the first place. “So what..he wants me to do it now?” she asked with a laugh, “I don’t know anything about what it is you do.”

“Oh I disagree.” Zeke said with a grin, “Stripping those girls in college ring a bell? You were pretty good at all of that. So this is what God wants. You get my time stopping powers and help a certain person out, and you get to be in heaven.”

“And if I don’t?” Angelina asked, just wondering what the other option would be.

Zeke smiled again, “Then you get to go to hell for not believing and face your worse torment. And I have an old ex-girlfriend who keeps experiencing losing her clothes over and over as her punishment. So you might want to take this offer.”

Angelina’s cheeks blushed as she thought about hell and didn’t hesitate to take the offer. “Okay, I’ll do it.” She said. It didn’t sound like a bad idea, she had fun humiliating those girls in college and it was simply a matter of snapping her fingers. “What happens next?”

Zeke dipped his finger in a cloud below him and swirled it around until a small hole opened up. Instead of blue sky, they saw a small college campus overhead like a movie. “Time to meet your new client.”

Angelina knelt down in front of the hole and watched as the hole zoomed in on the campus, the students below getting bigger until she saw a slender young woman with black hair, dressed in black pants and a black button up shirt and a blue pinstriped tie. Her hair hung over her shoulders and over her voluptuous breasts and a stack of books were held against them as she walked. Angelina smiled as she liked the woman’s style and asked, “Who is she?”

“Helena.” Zeke said, “A transfer student from France, studying abroad in America. She’s going to be in need of a guardian angel soon.”

“Why is that?” Angelina asked.

“Just watch.”

Helena stopped walking as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a slip of paper. She read it carefully as she continued walking, trying to figure out where her next class was. As she scanned at the directions, she didn’t realize another woman was walking in her direction and bumped into her. The woman was tall, 6 feet at least and her tone stomach showed under a tight t-shirt over ripped jeans. She had dark skin and black hair braided into a ponytail and full lips. She stumbled back as Helena fell to the ground, books scattered all around her. “What the fuck?” the tall woman said.

“Oh sorry!” Helena spoke in English but with a French accent.

“Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” the tall woman shouted.

“I’m sorry, I do not know my way around here yet.” Helena said as she picked up her books, wondering why she was doing all of the apologizing. All of the sudden, she felt a tug on her tie as the tall woman grabbed it and pulled her close.

“Then maybe you should just go back to your sissy little country.” The woman said, “What is that a French accent? I dislike French people.”

“Why?” Helena asked.

“Because all you French people think you’re so hot with your prissy lingerie and fancy clothes!”

Helena didn’t really understand how that was a reason to dislike her country but the woman seemed very strong, Helena could see a tone bicep on the arm that grabbed her tie and decided to kill her with kindness. “Well I’m sorry that upsets you. But I am late for class so I’m sorry can I please go?”

The woman smiled and pulled Helena closer to her. “No. You need to learn a lesson about this school. My name’s Lita and I’m the toughest woman here, so when you see me walking your way you better get out of it.”

Helena raised an eyebrow wondering why this Lita felt it necessary to bully her but kept up with her kindness. “I’m Helena nice to meet you. I will be sure to avoid you from now on. Now please let me go.”

Lita smiled and said, “Okay. I’ll let you go.” With that, she gripped tight onto Helena’s tie and jerked it forward, ripping it off from around her neck.

‘Hey!” Helena shouted, “That’s mine!”

“You’re right. It is!” Lita said in sarcasm. “And that shirt is also yours, guess I better make sure it stays with the tie.” Lita dropped the tie and then grabbed the sides of Helena’s shirt and pulled as hard as she could.

Helena screamed as she felt her breasts fall free from the shirt as Lita ripped it open. Buttons scattered to the ground. Helena’s jaw dropped as she looked around at the twenty students stopping to stare at her purple brassier with pink butterflies printed on it, pink frills lining the top of the cups.

“Butterflies?” Lita said with a laugh, “This is college honey not elementary school.”

“Bitch!” Helena shouted as her cheeks turned pink, she pushed Lita back as she tried to close her shirt around her bra.

Lita’s nostrils flared as she was pushed and she said, “Hey! No one touches me!” She grabbed the back of Helena’s hair and she screamed in pain as she was turned around. Lita grabbed the back of Helena’s shirt and ripped it off of her shoulders. With her bra exposed again, Helena squealed as she wrapped her arms around her bra, looking around at all the gawking eyes.

“Stop it!” she said but Lita wasn’t finished.

“Let’s see what kind of panties you have on.” Lita said as she wrapped her arms around Helena’s waist and started to unbutton her pants. Helena’s arms were confined to covering her braand she couldn’t stop Lita from unzipping her pants and pulling them down to her ankles.

“EEK!” Helena shouted as she felt the pants fall into a pool of fabric, exposing her white socks and purple panties that matched with her bra. Pink frilly trim lined the waistband of her panties and her bottom and crotch was covered in pink butterflies. Helena’s legs buckled as she covered the front of her panties with a hand.

“Just as I thought.” Lita said, “Little Miss French likes to wear girly underwear!”

Helena watched in horror as some students around her started to laugh, making her turn even more red as she tried to pull her pants up.

“Uh uh honey, those pants are mine.” Lita said as she knelt down to grab them and started to pull.

“Stop it! I’m going to fall!” Helena shouted as she tried to step out of them. Waving her arms in the air, Helena stepped out of her pants to avoid falling but now she was in nothing but her socks and underwear. She crossed one leg over the other and had her arms in an upside down L to cover her underwear. A tear of rage fell from her eye as she stared at the horrible Lita who threw her pants in the air. “You are a horrible woman!” She was so angry at being humiliated that she forgot about her unclothed state and started swinging wildly at Lita.

Lita smiled at the sight of this slender woman in her panties swinging her arms in an uncontrolled manner, blocking each strike with her hand. She underestimated Helena’s rage and felt a hard swipe against her lip. She staggered back as she touched it while Helena stopped swinging at the realization of what she had done. Lita looked at her finger and saw blood on it and then her eyes got wide with rage as she stared at Helena. “You bitch! You made me bleed! No one makes me bleed!”

“I-I’m sorry!” Helena said and tried to turn to run away.

“Get over here!” Lita shouted as she reached out and grabbed the back of Helena’s bra and pulled back.

Helena screamed as she staggered back from the force of Lita’s pull. Then she felt the back of her bra fold as Lita unhooked it. “What are you doing?!” she cried but it was too late, the bra was undone and Lita pulled the bra off Helena’s arms and over her head, freeing her breasts from their butterfly printed cups, causing them to bounce in the air, hardening as the cool breeze hit them. “Mon dieu!” Helena screamed as she clutched both of her breasts.
“Speak English!” Lita said as she hooked her fingers into the waistband of Helena’s panties and pulled down.

Helena’s eyes bulged out as she saw them slide down to her feet, her shaved white pussy lips exposed for everyone to see. Lita grinned as she saw Helena’s hairless crotch and said, “Oooo little miss prissy pants like to wax.”

Helena’s hands flew to cover her bare crotch as she used the other hand to cover her bare ass. It figures the one day she decided to shave completely is the day it gets exposed to everyone on campus. “Leave me alone!” she begged, “I have no clothes now! You’ve gotten what you wanted!”

“No I haven’t.” Lita said as she grabbed Helena’s arm. “No one hits me. I don’t know if anyone’s told you this, but I’m the head of the MMA club on campus and I’ve never lost. So since you think you can hit me, I want to see you in the arena.”

“Wh-what?” Helena said, not being a fighter at all. “I c-can’t fight you.”

“You will fight me Helena.” Lita said as she looked down at her ass, her firm cheeks jiggling slightly as Helena tried to shake free. “Otherwise I’m going to keep humiliating you and make your stay on this campus a living hell!”

Helena felt her arm go free and then a hard slap on her ass as Lita spanked her. She stumbled forward and fell to her knees, crying softly as she stood there in her naked shame. Lita laughed as she walked away, “See you in a couple days and don’t skip out or I’ll find you!”

Helena grabbed the clothes that were ripped from her body and clutched them against her naked chest, watching as the students around her walked away, gossiping about what they just saw.

“You think she’s going to do it?’ one asked.

“I can’t believe she wore those butterfly panties!” another woman said.

“What will I do?” Helena asked to herself, knowing she couldn’t beat Lita by sheer force.

The clouds closed up and Angelina looked up at Zeke. “What a horrible bitch!” she said to Zeke. “Why didn’t you send me down to stop Lita?”

“Because it already happened.” Zeke said, that’s why we wanted to assign her to you. Your job will be to protect Helena against Lita and anyone else that tries to give her shit while she’s at school.”

Angelina hated bullies, especially jocks and was determined to do her new job. “Send me down there, I’ll do it.”

Zeke smiled as he touched her shoulders, lifting them up to grant Angelina a pair of white wings. ‘It is done, go meet your new friend.” With a snap of his fingers, the cloud below Angelina opened up and she fell to Earth, ready to help her new client.

Helena rose to her feet, covering her ass while she held the rest of her clothes against her front when she saw a bright light shine over her. She gasped as she held the clothes tighter against her body and saw a flash shoot down the beam of light like a falling star. She screamed and leapt back as there was a bright flash in front of her. She was so startled she dropped her clothes again.

As the light dimmed, Helena saw a woman with jet black hair on the ground, dressed in a white robe and white wings folded behind her back. The woman shook her head and rose to her feet, revealing a pale face hidden under black lipstick and eye shadow. She brushed her robe and looked up at the sky. “A warning would have been nice!” she called out. Sighing, she looked around and then stopped when she saw Helena standing there with her mouth open, her breasts and cleanshaven pussy on display.

“Wh-who are you?” she asked.

“Uhh. I’m Angelina.” Angelina said, averting her eyes as she tried not to stare at Helena’s body, even though she was a little envious of it now that she got a close look. “You um…dropped your clothes.”

“What?” Helena asked and then gasped when she remembered she was naked. “Oooh! I’m sorry!” she said as she knelt down to slide her butterfly panties back on her waist and then her trousers. “Did you come from the sky?” she asked as she wrapped her shirt around her torso.

“More like Heaven.” Angelina said. “In case the wings didn’t clue you in, I’m supposed to be your guardian angel.”

“Angel?” Helena repeated with a laugh. “They don’t exist.”

“Well believe it honey.” Angelina said. “I’m sent here to protect you.”

“Protect me from what?” Helena asked, wondering why she was so special as to get her own “angel.”

“Protect you from losing your clothes from psychotic bullies.” Angelina said, poking at the open space in Helena’s shirt where her chest was exposed.

Helena’s eyes grew as big as saucers as she clutched her shirt tighter around her breasts. “Y-you saw that?”

“Yeah, I’m an angel I can see everything.”

Helena groaned as she covered her red face. “I cannot believe this. I haven’t made many friends here and now the students and an angel have seen me naked! And now I have to fight this woman whom I cannot beat!”

“Hey easy.” Angelina said as she reached out to comfort Helena, giving her a gentle hug. “Nothing bad is going to happen to you. I’ll make sure of it.”

Helena wiped a tear from her eye as she looked up at Angelina, with her black lipstick contrasting with her white teeth, her smile seemed genuine and warm to Helena. “Really?” she asked.

Angelina nodded and then was about to talk when a blonde student wearing jeans and a college hoodie walked by. Her hair hung down to the middle of her back and her hips were wide, almost as if they’d burst out of her jeans. “Who are you talking to you weirdo?” she said in a snarky tone.

“What?” Helena said, unsure as to why the blonde didn’t see Angelina.

“Crap.” Angelina said, “I guess other people can’t see me. Thanks for telling me that detail Zeke.” She rolled her eyes.

“Um no one.” Helena said as she lowered her head in embarrassment.

“Wanna see me prove I’m an angel?” Angelina asked with a wry grin.

Helena looked at her with unease as the smile seemed to imply she would do something wicked. “Sure?” she said, hoping that it wouldn’t involve the loss of her clothes.

Angelina held her hand up and snapped her fingers and looked around as she saw the students around her freeze. Helena stared blankly at Angelina and asked, “What happened?” Angelina pointed to the blonde woman who made fun of Helena and it was clear that she was frozen, with her eyes in mid-roll aimed at Helena.

Helena slowly approached the blonde and poked at her arm, shocked when the woman didn’t move at all in response to her touch. “What did you do?” she asked.

“I froze time.” Angelina said, “I’m a time angel.”

“So how is that supposed to protect me?” Helena asked, all of this seeming very bizarre to her, she wasn’t sure if these powers would wreck the physics of time or if they would do any damage to her.

“Oh honey you need to get creative.” Angelina said as she walked behind the blonde. “Why didn’t you fight back against Lita?”

“Are you serious?” Helena asked in outrage. “The woman stripped me of my clothes! I was so embarrassed being seen in my panties, everyone was laughing at me!” she was getting red in the face from anger.

“Exactly.” Angelina said with a grin as she grabbed the bottom of the blondes hoodie and pulled it up along with the t-shirt she had under it. “Most people don’t do shit to you if they are naked. Er..trust me I know.”

As Angelina threw the hoodie and shirt to the side, she looked at the blonde’s exposed torso, she had D cup breasts that almost spilled out of a white brassier. A few inches of her stomach hung over her jeans, showcasing that she was naturally a curvy woman. “Wow, she’s going to have back problems.”

Helena held her hand over her mouth to repress a laugh, she didn’t think an angel would have such a sense of humor. She watched as Angelina wrapped her arms around the blonde’s waist and unbuttoned her pants. Next came the zipper and then Angelina hooked her fingers into the jeans and pulled them down. The blonde wore pink panties with a pink bow just above the crotch. Embroidered on the back were the words, “Bootylicious.”

“Damn.” Angelina said as she looked at the girls’ wide buttocks. “Baby got back.”

Helena walked to look and giggled at the funny word printed on her ass. “She’s not even wearing matching underwear.”

“Clearly she didn’t expect to be seen in them. Well she’s in for a surprise, stand back where you were before.” Angelina instructed.

Helena returned to where she stood and watched as Angelina snapped her fingers again. The blonde finished rolling her eyes and said, “Dumb foreigners.” She started to walk away and then screamed as she felt her legs get caught against something and fell forward. Helena started to laugh as she saw the blonde’s ass jiggle from the impact.

The blonde, wondered why her stomach and back felt cold and as she got to her feet she gasped when she saw that her shirt was gone and her pants were around her ankles. “Oh my god!” she screamed as she sat up and wrapped her arms around her torso. “Wh-what happened?”

“I-I don’t know!” Helena said in fake surprise. “One minute you had clothes on and the next they were gone!”

The blonde rose to her feet and held one hand over her crotch. “Oh my god, people can see my ass! “

“Well it is bootylicious.” Helena remarked.

The blonde stared at her with her mouth open, shocked that she had read the back of her panties. She covered her rear with her hands and then bent down to pull her pants up. “Don’t you dare tell anyone about this!” she said as she ran to grab her top, her large breasts bouncing wildly as she ran.

Helena watched the blonde run off with her shirt clutched against her chest, amused that she had gotten humbled after making fun of Helena.

“See how this works now/” Angelina asked as she rested an arm on Helena’s shoulder.

“Oh yes!” Helena said with a smile. “Thank you so much! I don’t feel afraid about fighting Lita now!”

“And you shouldn’t.” Angelina said, letting a wicked smile spread across her face, “But Lita should be afraid.”

Helena smiled and was about to suggest that they go back to her dorm when all of the sudden, a metal sprinkler rose out of the ground in front Angelina. “Oh no! Watch out for the-”

But it was too late, water shot out from the sprinkler, soaking Angelina all over her body. “AHH!!” she screamed as she walked away from the sprinkler. “Stupid sprinklers! I’m soaked!”

“Er, that’s not all.” Helena said as she pointed at Angelina. Her white robe was covered in water and was now see through. The cold from outside hardened her pink nipples on her c cup breasts and her navel could be seen against the robe. Also, her dark patch of pubic hair was completely visible now that the gown clung to it.

Angelina looked down in horror at her exposed body and screamed as she wrapped her arms around her body. “Oh my god!”

“Why are you embarrassed?” Helena asked, “No one can see you but me.”

“Yeah and I don’t want ANYONE to see me naked! I’ve been humiliated like this before! How can this happen to me again!? I haven’t shaved in days! And I’m not wearing any underwear!”

“Well, you look good at least.” Helena said, trying to make light of the situation.

Angelina’s face turned red as she held her arms tighter around her body, “You’re not helping! I just know everyone up in heaven is looking at me right now!”

Helena bit her lip as her guardian angel seemed very upset and decided to try and calm her down by saying, “Come to my dorm. I might have some extra clothes for you to put on.”

Angelina sighed as she relaxed, realizing she should probably maintain her composure for the sake of her client. “Okay, let’s go.” She said as she folded to hands over her exposed pubic hair since it was most visible. Helena led her to the dormitory’s where they would discuss how to defeat Lita in the upcoming fight.
© Copyright 2014 bbettyblambabam (wtfbrotha36 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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