Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2015412-The-Other-SIde
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Mystery · #2015412
Aaron dives into a deep pool, to find another world ...
(Work in progress) ... (I started this from a writing prompt on Oct. 7th, 2014)

"A diver jumps from a high dive into a pool to disappear for good" the local newspaper read.

Lacey still could not believe they had not found Aaron ... She was in shock. The weekend started off normal as usual for them ...

Aaron texted his girlfriend as he loaded his diving gear into the trunk of his car. They usually went diving together, but lately, work had them both very busy. Aaron had finally had a whole weekend off,  and he was heading out to the reef to go diving . He really wished Lacey could go, but she was just too busy with work. Lacey had reassured him to go ahead without her. He thought about not going, but diving was a great stress reliever for him. Work had been more hectic than usual lately for Aaron and he could really use the dive.

Aaron got in his car and headed off to his favorite diving area. It was quiet and peaceful ... Aaron was really surprised more people hadn't found the area. He'd been coming out to "the spot" (as he usually called it) for several years now. He parked his car in his usual spot. He texted Lacey one last time to tell her he arrived at the spot. He then turned off his phone and put it along with his wallet and car keys, just like he always did. Aaron never carried much when he went out diving - just his phone and an old wallet he put his license into for these trips. Lacey teased him now and then about his "diving wallet" - the old, worn, empty one he used to put his license in for his dives. Aaron just felt it was better "just in case" someone decided to steal his car. Then, he wouldn't have all the other stuff to worry about, or replace.

The walk to the spot had gotten pretty overgrown since he was last there. Aaron was pretty surprised, because, although it had been awhile, it wasn't very long. It did reassure his feeling that no one else was using the place much.

(con't 10/22/14)

Aaron walked in about a mile or so from where the car was parked. Some of the prickers were pretty thick and scratched up his legs and arms.

"Next time, I should bring a machete and whack down some weeds," Aaron thought out-loud as he continued down the over-grown "trail". It wasn't really a trail, he supposed, since it seemed no one but him used it.

About 15 minutes later, Aaron arrived to the rock ledge that he dives off. He walked down to the lower, flat area along the water where he set his blanket, towels, cooler with lunch and drinks, etc. He changed into his diving suit and prepared for the walk back up to the rocky ledge.

Aaron was at the top of the ledge, ready for his jump into the beautiful crystalline pool. He gazed at the water. Something seemed different down in the beautiful pool, although he couldn't think what it was. He finally decided that the sun reflecting and shining on the water must be playing tricks on his eyes. Aaron wished he actually could take some pictures, it was so beautiful.

After gazing at the scenery for another 10 minutes or so, Aaron jumped in. As he sunk into the depths of the crystalline water, he felt a fantastic calm overcome him. He couldn't believe how relaxed and at peace he felt. He swam around admiring the underwater world. Something was definitely different, but he couldn't for the life of him, figure out what it was.

Aaron noticed a rocky area, with what seemed to be a cave opening underneath. "Strange," he thought to himself. "I never noticed this before." He swam in to get a closer look, and as he examined it, he really felt that it had never been there before. "There's no way I would never have noticed this".

Aaron contemplated whether or not he should go in and investigate some. "It could be dangerous". "But I really want to check it out". He went back and forth with himself for a few minutes, but of course, his curious, adventurous side won out. Aaron swam into the dark opening of the cave ....

And as he did, a complete feeling of peace and belonging overcame him. "What??" He saw light above after swimming in to the dark cave a few feet. He came up to the surface and looked around. It was nothing like he ever saw before. The lush greenery and blue sky invited him to come up out of the water. For a moment, he was hesitant. He decided that it couldn't be that bad if he had such a relaxed feeling.

As he climbed out of the water, he walked up onto a sandy beach. The scenery resembled a picture of a serene island getaway, with no buildings, people, tourism, etc around, with a touch of you what you would imagine a fairy-like forest would be . It seemed to Aaron that he was dreaming. Maybe he had climbed out and laid down on his blanket for a rest and he was dreaming. "I can't be," he thought, but what else could explain such a gorgeous place.

Aaron took off his dive suit and stood there in his shorts admiring the beauty of the area. He walked over and touched the green grass. It felt so soft and inviting to him. He looked off into the trees. Trees. He didn't think they WERE trees, but he wasn't sure what they WERE.

After Aaron had been admiring the trees/not trees for what he thought was a few moments, a young gal and a young guy walked out from what seemed to be "nowhere". Aaron startled. He was so surprised to see them. They were oddly dressed and didn't appear to resemble "normal" people.

"Hi" they both said to him. He just stood there, looking at them in shock.

"It's ok. We understand your surprise. We are really happy that you have decided to come and join us here."

Aaron had no idea what to say them. He didn't even know where the "here" was that he had joined.

"I'm afraid I don't understand," Aaron started. "I don't even know where I am."

The two smiled. "Well, we figured as much, but we are sure that you will like it here. You have already spent quite awhile here."

"I don't understand," Aaron began. I just got here a few moments ago."

"No, you have actually been here a whole day already," the young guy said.

"Are you sure I have been here that long? It doesn't seem that I have been here longer than a few moments."

"We are sure Aaron," the young guy answered. "We always know who comes here and when."

The two young people invited Aaron to come along with them. Since he had no idea about the place he had arrived in, he went along. He needed to find out more and see what this place was.

(con't 2/24/15)

They walked along a path through the trees (not trees? Aaron still could not figure this out!), that meander away from the "pool" Aaron had come through.

"How long has this place been here?" Aaron asked the strange couple.

"As long as it has been," the young male said.

"I don't think that is what he meant," the young gal said the young male. "Quite a long time, according to you," she said to Aaron.

"How can that be? I swim and dive in that area all the time and have for a long time. I have never come across the cave that lead into that pool before," Aaron said to the gal.
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