Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2015296-the-Worthy-Weapon
Rated: · Short Story · Writing · #2015296
An ordinary person is faced with a masked warrior and must resist temptation.

Shivering, teeth chattering, completely overwhelmed by the cold as I fought against the darkness that tried to swallow me whole. I was like plankton to an immense whale, like one tree in a never ending forest.

But what was worse than that? I was lost, lost in an unknown land, unexplored and uninhabited. Shapes, were dancing in the darkness, surrounding me there was nowhere to run. I fell to the ground. Falling over my own two feet, I hoped.

My heart frantically pumped blood around my body, preparing my defence. Though it seemed helpless in my mind. Then came a voice. No, not one, hundreds, thousands even. I couldn't think for the babbling of what seemed like a crowd. I felt like a caged animal surrounded by people shouting, pointing, laughing.

Then silence fell, apart from my heart which was pounding at its cell bars, crying out for an escape, overloaded. Its sound filled my ears, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, willing me to free the caged animal.

Eyes covered, I tried to push against the ground but I couldn't move. Everyone’s attention was on me I could feel it and the weight was immobilising me. Turning onto my back I slowly began to remove the blind fold, worried about what I would see. A tidal wave of light flooded in, washing away the dark. Providing a face for the voices.

I was greeted by beautiful arches surrounding me, though I could have sworn they were creeping in, trying to close in to attack.

I saw smiling faces but smelt blood. Looking around me I saw a powerful tiger, cowering at the feet of a mighty warrior. Its fur stained red and eyes wide with fear. The warrior was towering over me and snarling, like I was his next challenge.

Then it occurred to me. If I wanted to stay alive I would have to fight.

Suddenly the crowds volume increased until it my ears struggled to make sense of their words but what was clear, the crowd was chanting and it wasn't for me.

The warrior made the first move lunging forward with his sword gleaming in the light, blinding me momentarily. It was almost over before it began but the fearless tiger made one last stand and the warrior tripped over its mangled body, and the warriors weapon flew from his hand.

Scampering away from the fallen warrior I began to run hoping he would tire before me but the sword glistened in the light and caught my attention with its silvery net. Perplexed.

Everything froze and I stood staring at the sword, its beauty overwhelming me.

Staring back at me, the sword was coming closer, the glowing was growing stronger as it glistened in the sun. Radiating power and filling me with confidence, I began to see the warrior grow smaller and weaker. I was being drawn in. tempted.

The warrior groaned, I was brought back to earth, greeted with a fist pounding me in the chest. Air was forced out my lungs, propelling me backward into the arena wall.

My head fell and my body slumped towards the ground. My eyes welled up with tears, the salt water stung the cuts which riddled my face like a maze. The warrior’s laughter rung in my ears and the crowd wildly cheered for their hero.

I knew I had to get up and face him.

The warrior’s weapon had found its owner. I began to revisit old memories. I shut my eyes and saw a gargantuan green tree covered with dots of colour and the fairy lights twinkling in the darkness. The room was lit by candles giving it a warm glow and welcoming feel. I could smell freshly baked cookies, which were arranged neatly beside a glass of warm milk. My stacking hung above the crackling fire waiting to be filled by none other than St. Nick himself. Then finally in my hand I held 9 large orange carrots for all of the reindeer's not just Rudolf. I remembered how happy I was that morning when I was awoken by sleigh bells ringing in time and saw all the gifts which wore my name proudly.

Raising his sword above his masked face he brought it down with lighting speed and precision. The air parted to allow it to pass, frightened by its power. It was inches away from me now and I remembered the day my sister was born, how she felt to hold and how I swore to protect her for the rest of my days. I remembered her first steps and how I was always there to catch her when she fell. I remembered her first word “cookies” and I remembered her laugh.

A sudden realisation spread over me as I knew she was alone and unprotected somewhere and I had to get to her.

I sprung to life and rolled over on my side narrowly missing the blade of the sword, instead a clump of hair fell to the ground with the sword following it. I got to my feet and did my best to look intimidating. The warrior just gave a chuckle and ran towards me his armour shining in the sunlight, I looked around frantically and I saw my life line. A discarded shield.

Sprinting towards it I came up with a plan but I didn't know if it would work. But it would have to. About two metres away I jumped and rolled on my side picking up the shield as I went. Braced, I waited for the swords power and then it hit. A blinding light filled the arena and the warrior shouted out in agony. He fell to the ground and de materialised in front of me.

The crowd grew silent not wanting to believe their eyes, the great warrior had been defeated by a young girl and all that remained of him were his sword.

A booming voice congratulated me saying simply “you have defeated the great warrior, the sword is now yours.” The crowd gasped and hung in suspense, I bent down to claim my prize when a voice told me not to, my sister. I turned my back, just as a man ran forth and grabbed the sword and held it high. As soon as he came into contact with the cursed metal he transformed and there was a new masked monster. Confusion swept across the crowd but I simply walked toward the arches wearing a smile, thanking my sister.

© Copyright 2014 wales222 (wales222 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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