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Rated: E · Other · Relationship · #2014747
I May Be A Closet Case; But I Am His Closet Case!

Closet Case

I've tried to do it by myself....this life.

I've seen it can't be done..it just never came out right

But here and now; and much lately; I found a place..to go daily

Where no one mocks, where no one can judge, I know it sounds crazy.

So I go there and enter in..Where we can be face to face,

It's all one-on-one, in an un-hurried pace...I'm just a closet case

When I feel small, when I feel dumb, When I feel nothing: Just numb

When it feels hard to trust and love; and even harder to forgive...

There's one who hears; There's one who heals; So I let him in.

I go to a place quiet and small; Where God is bigger and louder than life

Where Heaven rains down, and faith reaches up, and His nearness is ever so nice.

Where I'll kneel down on a carpet, or some pillows, the tub or the stairs.

Because what's around; It all disappears; Then all becomes glory; So who cares?

I don't have to look good or dress up for this date; He loves me anyway.

He crosses time, distance, and space; All just for me...His little closet case.

When I praise Him there I swear I can hear angels sing, feel the brush of their wings,

To me it's one of the sweetest and funniest things, Yes, all of the joy that it brings.

That all of Heaven dwells for a time in this tiny space..Here in My closet space.

For a king's ransom I'd never give up being His closet case...I'm His closet case.

Where peace reigns; my worries erase; He is my eternal joy and I am his closet case.

Where I find strength in His revealed plans; and I become small as His kingdom expands,

It doesn't matter how I arrive; Just that I do; Even if I'm tired, and empty, and broken inside;

For HE is faithful, and loving, and true; and He'll meet me there and I'll come alive.

Why should the God of the whole universe, Who measured the Earth in His hands,

Care about me? My trembling heart? Or my life's little demands?

Because He is perfect in love and in truth; And has left me without excuse;

But to come worship Him and bathe in His grace....Yes, I'm just a closet case

written by Kim M. Freeman

April 22nd 2014

Jesus tells us how we are to pray to the Father, In private and intimately. We need that closeted time with Jesus and the Father. ..

Matthew 6:v.5-7

When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 6"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. 7"And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words.…

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