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Rated: E · Other · Music · #2014635
WDC soundtrackers day 16
When I was in college, I took some music classes. I've always enjoyed singing so I signed up for Chorus twice. We learned and performed some of Handel's Messiah. Messiah was an oratorio. An oratorio is a performance that uses music and song to tell a story. Handel composed almost thirty oratorios and nearly fifty operas.Messiah was written in between three and four weeks; Handel would work from morning to night on it. This is when the Hallelujah Chorus was composed. The Hallelujah Chorus is one of the songs on my personal Christmas playlist, and I listen to it every December, at the least. The sensation of standing on stage performing Messiah was thrilling to me, and the Hallelujah Chorus filled the theater with joy, hope, and gladness of spirit that is often difficult to find. That performance was about rejoicing and the feeling of exultation brought on by the Hallelujah Chorus is still difficult to describe. I felt buoyant, as if I could lift right off the stage and soar, that the music would carry me and I could live in the music forever. I felt as if I were glowing as I sang and there's no feeling like giving your voice to receive a higher joy. I was transported. I just want to share a bit of that with you.

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