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Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Other · #2013355
October 7, 2014 NaNo Prep Assignment 7
I. Plots
         A. Events
                   1. Jill attends with Aaron
                             a. Church services every Sunday during her first semester at USF
                             b. FCA meetings MWF at 1pm
                             c. A Labor Day picnic at Martin Chalmers’s home
                             d. A Halloween Party at the home of Joshua and Helen Marx
                             e. Jill’s 23rd birthday in her apartment
                             f. Thanksgiving at the home of Andrew and Alayna Michaels
                                       a. Aaron’s niece’s dance recital
                             g. A harrowing experience at a BDSM club the night before she goes home for winter break
                             h. Brings Aaron before the campus disciplinary committee for his behavior in the BDSM club
                   2. Events hosted by Michael Lancing for his students and colleagues
                             a. Welcome Back Party
                             b. Super Bowl Party
                             c. Post Final Exam’s Party
                             d. Summer Kickoff Party
                             e. Ice Cream Social
                             f. Celebration of Life
                             g. Memorial Day Picnic
                             h. Allows Sarah to host a Summer Solstice Celebration at his home
                             i. Fourth of July Picnic
                             j. Labor Day Picnic
                             k. Halloween Party
                             l. Graduation Celebrations in December and May
                             m. New Year’s Eve Party
                             n. Dates with Jill
                                       a. A double date on Valentine’s Day
                                       b. A picnic lunch the day after she completes his final exam
                                       c. A pizza shared in Jill’s apartment
                                       d. An evening for two at his place with Chinese takeout, which is interrupted by Laura Jones
                                       e. Jill’s 24th Birthday
                                       f. Mike’s 36th Birthday
         B. Main Plot
                   1. Jillian Peters attends USF to earn a master’s in psychology
                   2. While there she meets a young man named Aaron Michaels who isolates her in a possessive, abusive          }t}                     relationship
                   3. After spending winter break recovering from the mind trip Aaron put her through Jill returns to USF to begin her                     second semester of her master’s program
                   4. She audits a psychology of sexuality course at the prompting of friends and professors
                   5. She found herself falling head over heels for the young professor teaching the course, and discovers that he is                     falling for her as well
                   6. She becomes his T. A. and assists him in the healing of his own past, and assist other students in their                               exploration of their own preferences
                   7. Her world comes crashing down when Mike takes his ex to bed on a whim
                   8. Jill attempts to do the same with Aaron to make them even, but is intercepted by Amara who shoves her into the                     front seat of her Escape, and takes her back to Mike
                   9. Jill and Mike work to bring their relationship back to an even keel, which becomes difficult with Aaron and Jamie                     asserting their interest in Jill
II. Characters
         A. Interactions with main character
                   1. Aaron/Jill
                             a. Attempts to isolate her into an abusive possessive relationship
                             b. When she resists he asserts his will through degredation and physical abuse
                             c. He attempts to gain sympathy during the disiciplinary committee hearing by falling on his perverbial sword,                               and accepting the punishment he is given
                             d. During the summer he tries to worm his way back into Jill’s life through charm
                             e. When that fails he works in collusion with Laura Jones to break Mike and Jill up from the inside
                             f. He finds himself intrigued by Mike’s lifestyle, and begins to embrace a more laid back view of sex and                               relationships
                             g. When he finds out Jill is pregnant he tries to desolve his partnership with Laura
                             h. When Laura threatens Jill with bodily harm Aaron goes to Mike and tells him everything in the hope that he                               and Mike and the others can protect Jill and the child
                   2. Mike/Jill
                             a. Mike approaches Jill in the graduate assistants’ lounge in the psychology department, and asks her to make                               30 copies of a worksheet for his psychology and sexuality class.
                             b. Requests that Jill accompany him to his office after reading her first journal entry for his course, which                               describes in great detail the events that took place between her and Aaron. He encourages her to go to                               Jacob Wind for help with her disciplinary hearing against Aaron.
                             c. Double date on Valentine’s Day. Mike makes his interest in pursuing a relationship with her known. Jill                               refuses on the grounds that she is his student and it wouldn’t be appropriate.
                             d. Mike drives Jill home on a rainy afternoon after she completes his final exam
                             e. They have a picnic lunch together the next afternoon by a lake, and he teases her with, strawberries, and the                               possibility of a kiss. He coaxes her to get in the lake with him while they are still fully dressed.
                             f. He brings Pizza to her home the night before the Post Finals Party.
                             g. Jill attends Mike’s post finals party with Mary, Amara, and Sarah. He coaxes her to staying after everyone                               leaves, and they end up spending the night together
                             h. Jill becomes his Teaching Assistant
                             i. Mike and Jill revise their relationship after the celebration of life, which specifically states they are not                               permitted to engage in intimate acts with Laura or Aaron.
                             j. Jill and Mike host Thanksgiving dinner for their parents
                             k. As Jill’s graduation draws near she shares with Mike her plans to continue her doctorate at USF, and it turns                               into an argument
                             l. Once Jill and Mike agree that she will do her doctorate at USF they make their union official with a Wiccan                               Hand Binding Ceremony..
                   3. Sarah/Jill
                             a. Becomes Jill’s study buddy and confidant
                             b. She pushes Jill to become more involved with Mike and his activities
                             c. When she learns of Jill’s mistakes in the relationship she does her best to support Jill without creating                               animosity on either front
                             d. When Mike allows Aaron to join the group she rallies behind Jill to support her emotionally
                             e. She begins to foster a tolerance for Aaron as he seems to be aclamating to the group’s way of doing things
                             f. Assumes the role of high priestess, and performs the hand binding ceremony between Mike and Jill
                   4. Mary/Amara/Jill
                             a. Mary and Amara try to include Jill in their antics from day one
                             b. When she is pulled in to Aaron’s world they are forced to back off
                             c. After she returns to school free of Aaron they redouble their efforts to keep her active and out of his reach
                             d. During the spring semester they encourage Jill to “get back on the horse”; in this case a stud named Marcus                               Anderson who had tried to win Jill’s affections during her first semester
                             e. They take Jill to the beach for a week and introduce her to some non-traditional ideas about sexuality and                               relationships
                             f. When Jill and Mike experience relationship turbulence Mary and Amara do their best to smooth things over                               for both of them
                   5. Brian/Jill
                             a. Meets Jill for the first time at a Labor Day picnic hosted by Martin Chalmers
                             b. He wants to get to know her better, but finds himself blocked by the imposing Aaron Michaels
                             c. He is delighted to encounter Jill yet again in Michael Lancing’s psychology of sexuality cours, but once again                               finds himself beaten out by Marcus Anderson
                             d. Brian’s lack of confidence finds him unable to approach Jill without her approaching him first
                             e. After she becomes his mentor for Mike’s summer course he finds himself smitten with he
                             f. He tries to accept the idea of having to share Jill with Mike, but finds that he just can’t do that
                             g. He does his best to end their relationship amicably and turns his attention to another undergrad student who                               has recently joined their group
                   6. Jamie/Jill
                             a. Meets Jill while she is vacationing with Aamara and Mary at Amara’s family beach house
                             b. Finds himself smitten with the little Yankee girl enough to quit both of his menial labor jobs, and return to                              USF to complete his masters in Bioengineering
                             c. When he learns of the issues Jill and Mike are having he presence himself to Jill as a viable alternative
                             d. After she turns him down he assumes his place as her second with his typical stoicism
                             e. After he learns that Jill is carrying Mike’s child he decides it is time to cut his losses and just remain friends                               with Jill and Mike
III. Settings
         A. Homes
                   1. Graduate Apartment Complex
                             a. Jill’s apartment
                             b. Mary’s apartment
                             c. Amara’s apartment
                             d. Aaron’s apartment
                   2. Michael Lancing’s home
                   3. Martin Chalmers’s backyard
                   4. The Marx family manor
                   5. Jurgen’s Condo
                   6. Amara’s family beach house
         B. USF campus
                   1. Behavioral Science Building
                             a. Psychology department
                                       • Main office
                                       • Michael Lancing’s office
                                       • Graduate assistance lounge
                             b. Class room
                   2. Political Science Building
                             a. Martin Chalmers’s office
                   3. Student Union Building
                             a. Cafeteria
                             b. Club meeting room
                   4. Underclassmen Dormitory
                             a. Brian’s room
                             b. Scott’s suite
                             c. Alyssa’s room
                             d. Sarah’s suite
         C. Local Businesses
                   1. Jacob Wind’s Sports Bar/BDSM club
                   2. Georgie and Bonnie’s diner
                   3. Dr. Kane’s office
                   4. Auto body shop
                   5. Car rental place
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