Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2011672-A-Faerys-Tale
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #2011672
An exploration of the sensual world of faeries.
Word Count: 3,099
Word Lists: 1 & 2

Bud’s chatoyant wings fluttered in anticipation as he waited for the rose beneath him to luxuriate fully. He knew a fertile female faery waited within the delicate flower. It was the same every spring equinox. The male faeries would hover over flowers that were about to bloom. They would land inside the flower, and indulge in the decadent delights offered by the female waiting inside. The other faeries were not picky regarding their mates, but Bud’s quixotic nature made him long for one particular faery. He held his breath as the rose blossomed. Inside sat a red-haired faery with hazel eyes and wings that were the same color as his.

“Petal!” Bud exclaimed. He slowed the fluttering of his wings, lowering himself into the center of the rose.

He cuddled her to him, and pressed his lips to hers. A thrill of excitement shot through him as her lips parted to welcome his probing tongue. She tasted of sweet fruits and fermented nectar; just as he remembered. He pulled his mouth away to prevent himself from getting carried away. After all, they had all night.

“Hello, Bud,” Petal breathed. She smiled pleasantly at him. “I thought this year was Seed’s year.”

Though they were halfbrothers who shared the same mother, Bud and Seed were complete opposites. Bud embraced monogomy which was not common for young male Faeries his age. Seed on the other hand embraced the faeries' carefree life style. He was so carefree in fact that he would occasionally disregard long held customs when they did not suit him.

They both liked Petal. In order to preserve peace they resolved to alternate years with her. She ensured that she would be found by letting them know where she planned to hide on their designated year. Bud did not care for the arrangement, but went along with it to make Petal happy. Petal did not want to have to choose between them, so she found this arrangement acceptable. Seed did not really care either way. He enjoyed mating, and Petal was his favorite partner.

“We switched this year,” Bud explained, “since it’s my centenary.”

“Oh! That’s right!” Petal smiled. She remembered Bud making the same switch with Seed on his centenary equinox. For faeries, the spring equinox was not only a night for mating, but some faeries were also born on this most blessed night. Bud and Seed were two such faeries. “Happy birthday, Bud! How did you find me?”

“Thank you, Petal.” Bud trailed fingers down her smooth skin. “Seed told me where you’d be hiding tonight. How is Rose?” Rose was their first child, born on the fall equinox the previous year. She would also be more fertile than most faeries because of her birth on a mating night.

“She is wonderful,” Petal sighed, “she and Gladiola are doing well.” Gladiola was the daughter Petal bore to Seed. She was not an equinox or solstice baby, though. Seed had been too impatient to wait for one of the ritual nights for mating, and seduced her. He had been responsible for the demise of her innocence. That fact alone made Bud wary as to whether Seed would honor their agreement. If it were not for Gladiola’s existence, he would have insisted that Seed be punished for his disregard for their customs. This is a night for jubilation, not solecisms, Bud scolded himself. He took Petal’s mouth again with a possessive hunger that made her cry out into his mouth.

“Bud!” Petal gasped as his mouth moved down to devour her neck. “Slow down, darling, we have all night.”

Bud froze mid nip. He pulled back and took a few deep breaths to calm himself. He allowed her to lay him down in the center of the rose. As he luxuriated, she gently ran her hands over his bare chest.

“I’m sorry, Petal.” He looked up at her through his eyelashes. “I just… well… I don’t like sharing you with Seed. He doesn’t deserve you, and he certainly doesn’t deserve to…”

“Stop!” Petal snapped. “we’ve had this discussion before, and I refuse to have it again, especially tonight, of all nights.”

“You’re right, my love.” Bud sat up and cupped her face in his hands. “I’m sorry.”

Petal sighed as he trailed softer kisses down her neck. They lay on their sides facing each other to avoid putting undesired pressure on their delicate wings. He slid his hand down her curved side, gripped her knee, and hitched her leg around his waist. She was ready to receive him, so without further ado, he became one with her. They moved together in a practiced rhythm. Petal experienced many moments of ecstasy before Bud finally experienced his own. Bud cuddled her close to him while they rested. He pushed her beautiful hair off her face, and gazed spellbound into her eyes.

“I love you, Petal,” he murmured against her parted lips.

“Bud, please, don’t,” Petal whimpered.

“I want you to be with me for the rest of our lives.” He pressed a kiss to her lips.

“That’s quite a long time,” Petal moan softly as he skimmed his fingers over her sensitive skin. “What about Gladiola?”

“What about her?”

“Can you raise another man’s child?” Petal stared deep into his eyes.

“If I can talk Seed into giving up this arrangement we have, will you agree to be mine?”

“If you two can come to an amicable agreement,” Petal began, “I will reserve myself for you on the mating nights.”

“I want more than that,” Bud insisted. “I want us to be able to mate whenever we feel the urge. I want you to marry me.”

“Bud, marriage is for older faeries.” Petal tried to pull away, but he would not let her. The movement of her squirming aroused them.

“I don’t mind if you want to have fun with other faeries, I just ask that you save the mating for me.”

“Can I give you an answer after you’ve spoken with Seed?” Petal inquired.

“I suppose.” Bud frowned. He hoped she would say yes right away. Obviously he did not do this properly. “Petal, are you angry with me?”

“No.” Petal kissed him. “I’m just not sure I’m ready to tie myself down to one man.”

“I’m sorry,” Bud lowered his eyes. “I did not mean to ruin tonight for us.”

Petal positioned herself astride Bud, pulling him into a sitting position so that both of her legs were wrapped around him. He cupped her rear in both hands and moved her over him;, bringing them both to release. He lifted her, and laid her on her back in the center of the rose. Petal’s eyes were closed, and breathed steadily. Bud lay beside her and cradled her in his arms.

. . .

The next morning, Bud left Petal to find Seed. He found him lounging on the white petal of a daffodil, luxuriating in the decadent pleasure of another female faery’s mouth. Seed looked up and smiled at Bud. This was not an uncommon practice for faeries. They were permitted to indulge in all forms of sexual pleasure between mating nights, except the form that produced children.

“There’s room for you too, brother,” Seed offered, gesturing to the little faery’s wiggling ass. “I take it your night with Petal was satisfying?”

“Yes.” Bud averted his eyes from the blonde head between Seed’s legs, keeping them on his face. “I need to talk to you about our arrangement with Petal.”

The blonde raised her head long enough to ask, “Who’s Petal?”

“No one you need to worry about.” Seed laid his hand on her head and guided her back to her task. He watched as Bud covered himself. Seed patted the empty spot on the petal beside him. “Come, sit.”

Bud shook his head and landed out of Seed’s reach. Seed’s taste for both genders was well known. Bud would occasionally engage in foreplay with other male faeries, but Seed tended to take things too far for Bud’s taste.

“Seed, I want to marry Petal,” Bud stated.

“And you want my blessing?” Seed looked at his younger brother, “or, you want me to not mate with her anymore?”

“I want you to abstain from mating with her,” Bud confirmed. “I promise, I will take good care of Gladiola.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt that,” Seed assured him. “How is the little seed of my loins?”

“According to Petal, she’s good.” Bud hated when Seed referred to his children so crassly. He could not understand why Seed couldn’t realize what a blessing they were. Probably because he has so many, Bud reasoned.

Faeries born on the equinox were extra fertile on mating nights. Bud had only his one daughter because he refused to mate with anyone except Petal. On the years that Seed mated with her, Bud would allow another faery to pleasure him, but would not release inside her womb. This was unconventional among faeries his age. Most faeries did not commit to a single partner until they were too old to produce offspring; this applied mostly to females. Older male faeries would still attempt to mate with younger females, but they were usually beaten to the punch by their younger counterparts.

Seed tilted his head back and groaned as he achieved his release. The blonde faery straightened and smiled at Bud. She ran her tongue over her lips suggestively. Bud held up a hand and shook his head in polite refusal. She nodded and flew away.

“Alright, Bud.” Seed turned to face him. “I’ll step aside for you, but I won’t refuse Petal if she comes looking for me. As for Gladiola, well, I’m just as happy having her call me Uncle Seed.”

“Thank you, Seed.” The two sealed their agreement with a handshake. “Seed, will you be my best man when I marry Petal?”

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Seed asked. “You know that means I get to participate in all of the wedding festivities?”

“Just make sure you mate with the maid of honor, and not the bride,” Bud teased.

“Who do you think she will be?” Seed asked.

“Probably Pollen,” Bud guessed.

Seed frowned. He and Pollen did not particularly care for each other. She did not seem pleased when he discovered her inside a newly bloomed tulip. Seed considered her displeasure a point of negotiation. He managed to get inside her long enough to release, but she would not allow him to do it again. Diana did not approve of Seed’s treatment of Petal. She considered his seducing her outside of the normal mating cycle a lack of respect for both custom and Petal. His arrogance was another thing she held against him.

“Are there any others she might consider?” Seed asked hopefully.

“Petal and Pollen are half-sisters,” Bud reminded him. “It would be an insult for Petal not to ask her, and it would be an insult for Pollen to refuse. Don’t worry Seed, Diana will honor the wedding traditions, and mate with you.”

After his meeting with Seed, Bud went to Petal’s home to tell her his good news, hoping she would view it as he did. She lived in a hole in an oak tree. Bud let himself in; and was immediately ambushed by a small, giggling blonde faery. He picked the little faery child up, and hugged her tightly to himself, careful not to squish her wings, which were still developing. Petal emerged from another hollow in the tree, carrying an infant latched onto her breast. Bud shifted Gladiola to one arm, and his other around Petal.

“Seed has given us his blessing,” Bud smiled. “He’s also going to be my best man.”

“I’m glad,” Petal smiled up at him.

“No mommy, I’m Glad,” Gladiola laughed. “You’re Petal.”

“Oh, how silly of me,” Petal laughed. She offered to let Bud hold his daughter, once she finished feeding.

Bud followed her to the nursery. He set Gladiola down. She ran to a small bed and picked up a doll he gave her for her first birthday. He laid Rose in her crib, on her side, so as not to put pressure on her wing buds. Rose fussed once she realized she was no longer being held. Bud rubbed her back, and hummed softly to lull the infant to sleep. Rose’s eyes slid closed.

“Uncle Bud,” Gladiola pulled on his hand.

“Shhh, don’t wake your sister, sweetie,” Bud whispered.

“Sorry,” Gladiola replied in a loud whisper. “Do you want to see the doll Uncle Seed brought me?”

“Sure, sweetie.” He followed her to her bed and noticed a red-headed doll sitting beside the blonde doll. The redhead’s wings were the same shade as Petal’s, and the blonde’s wings the same shade as Gladiola’s.

“She looks like your mommy.”

“Yeah, but I like the one you gave me more,” Gladiola confided, “’Cause you let me watch you make her.”

Bud smiled. The truth was, he had made both dolls, but he gave one to Seed to give to Gladiola as a belated birthday gift. He reached out, and picked up the red-headed doll. He flew her through the air, making swooshing sounds. Gladiola picked up the blonde doll, and mimicked him. Soon, they were flying the dolls in intricate patterns. Petal stood in the opening to the nursery, watching Bud and Gladiola play. She knew she had made the right choice when she agreed to marry Bud.

. . .

The wedding took place on the night of the summer solstice, the following year. Gladiola, Rose, and the latest arrival Seed junior were left with a nurturer for the evening. Petal felt uncomfortable about naming their son after Seed, but Bud felt honor-bound to do so after Seed stepped aside so he could marry Petal. As expected Pollen stood beside Petal as her maid of honor. The wedding took place in the center of a rhododendron bush. After the ceremony, the happy couple remained with the maid of honor and best man. Seed poured some of the fermented nectar into hollowed out acorns. He handed one to each of them, and raised his in salute.

“To Bud, who is a better man than I.” Seed gave him a nod before continuing. “Petal, my darling, what can I say? We had some fun times, and you are a wonderful mother to Gladiola.” On that note he tossed back the entire acorn.

Pollen raised hers next.

“Bud, I am so glad you convinced Petal to marry you. I’d hate to have to see Seed on a regular basis,” she spared a friendly smile for Seed. “Petal, you are a wonderful mother, and a loving person. I hope you and Bud have many more beautiful babies.” She tossed back the acorn, and offered it for a refill. Seed refilled her acorn and took the opportunity to steal a kiss from her. She squealed a half-hearted protest, but allowed him to steal a few more. Once they polished off the nectar, it was time for the decadent part of the evening to begin.

Pollen stood behind Bud and Seed behind Petal. Diana gripped Bud’s hips as Seed gripped the back of Petal’s thighs. He lifted Petal, and slid her onto Bud. The newlyweds wrapped their arms around each other and began the slow mating ritual before the eyes of their witnesses.

Pollen took her eyes off them to see Seed counting on his fingers. “What are you counting?” She asked in a low whisper.

“How many times Petal achieves release,” Seed responded. “The number of her releases before he achieves his indicates how many years they’ll stay married.”

“That’s nonsense,” Pollen scoffed softly.

“It can be multiplied by how many times the maid of honor achieves release,” Seed added. He reached out to touch Pollen, and frowned when she recoiled. “Awww come on, don’t you want to ensure their happy union?”

“Not with you,” Pollen sneered.

She flew out of the rhododendron bush after Bud achieved his first release of the night. Seed would not be thwarted so easily. He left Bud and Petal to their devices and pursued Pollen. She sped up her flight when she looked over her shoulder to find him on her tail. She knew she would have to mate with him before the night was over, but she figured it wouldn’t kill him to have to work for it a bit. She veered off the path, and landed on a heart-shaped flower with a pronounced stamen; its name escaped her. The phallic stamen made her inner muscles clench in desire. She approached it and rubbed herself against it. Seed found her pleasuring herself with the stamen. He landed on a petal and waited for her to finish. When she reached release, her knees gave out and she knelt, leaning against the stamen.

“Was that good for you?” Seed inquired. He knelt behind her. His hands cupped her heavy breasts and massaged their sensitive tips. He brushed his lips over her ear. “Is it as good as me?”

“I wouldn’t know,” Pollen chuckled. “It’s been a while.”

“I’m sure it was better than me back then,” Seed whispered. “But I’ve learned since then. Please, Pollen, let me show you.”

“Why do you need my permission?” Pollen looked back at him. “You didn’t need it before.”

“I was young and stupid back then,” Seed admitted. He maneuvered her so that she sat with her back against the prominent stamen. “I wanted to make amends for that now.”

“Alright,” Pollen acquiesced.

Seed bowed down, and lavished her with sensual kisses on her blossomed flower. Pollen scooted down into his tormenting kisses, rolling onto her side. Seed feathered kisses up her body, meeting her parted, moaning lips with his.

“I counted ten,” he said when they broke their kiss “multiplied by the ones Petal achieved… That’s a hundred years. Shall I continue and give them a few more?”

“Let me,” Pollen offered, sliding herself onto Seed’s stamen. It definitely felt better than the one the flower offered. She moved on him the way she had the flower and achieved a few more releases before Seed gripped her hips to take over.

“Do you mind?” he inquired.

“Not at all,” Pollen gasped.

They continued throughout the night. Somewhere beyond the rhododendron bush, and Pollen and Seed’s little nest, other faery couples engaged in similar mating rituals.

By the spring equinox of the next year, there would be a whole new crop of faery children to carry on the seasonal cycle of procreation.
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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