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by Joseph
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #2011351
A story about a Marine who finds himself honorable, after many obstacles
Jacob Wells a man of honor a man who sacrificed his life to save a whole brigade; his heroism will not go unnoticed. Jacob will go down into history as the man who saved 18th Brigade; not only is he a man of honor he is my brother. I’m Jason Wells Jacob always told me to put others before myself ; That’s what he did the last time I saw my big brother is when we got into a huge argument. Now I stand in front of my senior class to tell you all; put others before yourself. I used to want to be a doctor, but now I am going to be a Marine. I will miss my friends—I will hate to leave, but love to defend our country. The U.S.A is many things, but one thing it’s not and that’s selfish; The U.S helps every country except its own. Many of you know my life was never a walk in the park; I’ve always been a bully a person who hates people. Yet, the death of my big brother changed me into a person who wants to help everyone. Good-bye fellow class mates may your journey start now.

I hear the audience applaud the words I spoke, I hear them scream you’re the man, but I look into that crowd and visualize my big brother. Standing at attention in a full dress uniform saluting with a smile, as if I could read what he was thinking. The vague vision was gone when I shut my eyes for just one second; I miss my brother I wish he was here, but he’s not he’s gone Jesus is taking care of him now. A few of my friends ask me to go to senior party tonight; I told them no, because I want to spend time with my girlfriend. My girlfriend’s name is Ella Fillmore she’s the beat to my heart; we’ve been going out since freshman year. I met her when I was at a school car wash and she helped me scrub the hood. That hood was clean to perfection she claims still to this day that she can clean a car better than me. I let her think it, but she isn’t better than me; Today Ella and I are going to sit back and watch a movie at my house. Ella knows tomorrow is when I leave to boot camp; I’m scared she will leave me, because I’ll be gone 3 months, but I have faith God will give her strength to stay.

Ella and I watch the notebook together, it’s our movie Ella lays her head on my chest I get up to get some water. I pour the water into the cup and reach into my pocket where I possess an engagement ring; the ring is threaded with fine silver and at the top is the 14 carat diamond. I gather all my confidence into a ball and walk back into the room; I plop down to one knee gazing into Ella’s eyes holding her handing anticipating her answer to be “maybe” she says “Yes” my heart was racing, my veins were collapsing. My lips uttered “I love you” she replies” I love you too” The night was beautiful we fell asleep next to each other. The sun shines down on my eyes I wake up and start getting ready; my parents are on vacation in Hawaii. So they won’t be able to say goodbye to me; I wake Ella up and we head to the recruiting center. I step foot outside and realize I’m about to become a Marine; Ella kisses me goodbye and I walk onto the bus waving goodbye to my fiancé. The bus leaves the recruiting center and heads to MCRD (Marine Corps. Recruiting Depot) I step off the bus and the Drill Sargent starts throwing commands left and right. “Get in line, single file! Move, move! “We all scatter and do as we are told.

Those 3 months were insane I made friends (Battle Buddies) I became strong and my perspective on life was now like my brothers. Today is graduation and it’s been a long 3 months, but I get to see my family and my fiancé. We wrote each other all the time, “Dismissed, Go home” I see my fiancé crying and my parents and other family as well. Ella runs into my arms and I give her the biggest kiss and I tell her I love her; I let go and give my Dad a hug and my Mom too, they told me they’re proud of me and that I remind them of Jacob. I couldn’t stop thinking about my future with Ella, what she doesn’t know is I’m shipping off to war in 5 days. It’s going to be hard to tell her, but I’m going to surprise her on a vacation in Vegas. I just want to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her, we’ll have an amazing wedding one day, but for now it should be quick and simple. “Ella let’s just get out of here, and go to Vegas just the two of us. Do you want to go?” Ella throws her hands over my shoulders and replies “Yes babe, it sounds fun; should we pack?” “Yeah, let’s go home and pack for Vegas.” “Okay, let’s go” the whole ride home all I could think about was having Ella as my wife. The conversations were like never before, we all had a wonderful time. I want to hurry and get home, so we can get packed.

The car pulls into the drive way we all get out and head inside the house; I was amazed how different it looked 3 months seems short. Yet, it feels like forever being a Marine is different I’m more disciplined. I also feel stronger, smarter, and happier, the night is young and mesmerizing; Ella looks like an angel and my parents look—look so young. Ella is a gift from God I love her with all my heart; Tomorrow she’ll be Mrs. Wells It’s amazing how my mother is giving Ella her wedding dress to use. Ella knows were getting married tomorrow, the look in her eyes was like a Goddess smiling at a God. Ella is packing upstairs while I’m eating a sandwich and drinking a gallon of water. Ella says she’s done packing both our belongings, Ella is ready to leave we say goodbye; to my parents. I grab our luggage and put them in the trunk; Ella jumps in the car and just sits there and has me do the work. I shut the trunk and jumped in the car, we drove off now we’re stuck at a hotel, because I forgot my wallet. Now I have to go search for the dang thing.

About 3 and a half hours later, Ella finds it in my left coat pocket…we’re married now everything is wonderful the wedding was quick and simple. I told Ella when we got to Vegas she was really happy; the wedding was the last time I saw her. Being in Afghanistan sucks, being away from my wife is torture! I miss her everyday I’ve been here about 5 months now; tomorrow is when we go and fight in Iraq. My brother died in Iraq I want to find and slaughter—Slaughter every terrorist. Screw rules I will avenge my brother’s death! So, I thought. The unit was under heavy fire and I was pinned down by several hostiles; I shouted and prayed as they struck me with the assault rifle. Everything was black I heard voices bounce off the walls, I knew I wasn’t alone; but I was injured my right leg had been wrapped in barbwire. Every time I moved I felt the sharp razors rip off my flesh.

My hands were tied against a rocky wall my hands were wrapped in barbed wire as well; I recognized one of the voices coming from outside the room I was being held in. It sounded like my brothers voice, I was sure that it was indeed my brother’s voice. My mind was clouded by confusion and my body—my body was in shock; my brother is alive. My brother slams the door open and the first words he said were “All of you have committed treason you will all die—“ My brother stopped and looked through me and the expression on his face drew tears to my eyes. My brother stepped closer and closer, so close he uttered these words in my ear” I will set you free Jason, but you need to serve this country and defeat the Americans.” I whispered back “Set me free and we can blast these terrorists!” my brother unlocked my chains and struck me over the head with a blunt object. I was confused and when I awoke my body was numb, I couldn’t feel anything except the betrayal of my own brother; my own flesh and blood! I started to see the big picture.

My brother was serving the terrorists my heart began to fall into a hopeless abyss. My brother stormed into the room and shut the door it was just my brother and I; he spoke these words to me “I was captured and beaten to a bloody pulp, I had no choice my whole unit was killed; you need to listen to me. Araka Sumaolo is the leader of this country and he intends on nuking the U.S; I am trying to find a way to defeat him. I need your help you have to serve him and be loyal. Just until, I can gain enough respect and trust to defeat him. You must help me or the United States is doomed, he has spies in the U.S; he can take over if we don’t stop him. Russia is working on a nuke that will wipe the U.S out we have 8 weeks to defeat Araka!” It was in that moment I told my brother “Alright, is there anyone else who is on our side and how is mom and dad going to react to this? I’ve missed you; give me a hug bro. Then get me geared up lets beat this Araka dude’s brain in.”

My brother looked at the door and walked over to me he gave me a hug and unlocked my chains. It was a great feeling to know my brother is alive; we went out of the foul smelling, red room of doom. As we were stepping out of the door one of the ladies came up to me and said “Are you in need of cloth which I have in my house just up the dirt road” I turned to my brother and asked “ why does she speak such good English?” my brother replied “she is one of us she was captured with me. We will go to her house to get you some clothes that don’t make you stand out.” I shook my head and turned back to the lady and asked her name “what’s your name?” She replied with an exotic look in her eyes and smile on her face “my name is Amy Peterson I’m a friend of Jacob’s ; let’s walk to my house”

I instantly knew that Amy was an American when she lifted her dress to scratch her leg, and there was an American flag on her right leg. We started to walk to her house in the scorching heat, it was so hot that I could barely breathe; Jacob gave me some water which clinched my unknown thirst. Amy and my brother seems very close, they were always looking at each other and smiling. I wish that Ella was in my arms I miss her so much, my brother points his finger and said “we’re here” I look to where he was pointing and it was a sand home. I was shocked of how clean the sand home was; we walked inside and started talking about our plan. When all of a sudden there’s a knock on the door, Amy opens the door; and it’s another U.S Solider that looks like a terrorist.
© Copyright 2014 Joseph (jharris316 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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