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Enter the world of Swan Valley and see what lies below the down |
CHAPTER 1: OFF ON AN ADVENTURE "Do you really have to go, Snipe dear?" Cammie asked in a pleading voice, hoping to persuade her love. The metal walls of the old lab echoed her plea through the emptiness. "Now come on, Cammie. You know that it's my job." Snipe shook the paper he held in his hand, which summoned him somewhere. Where to, Cammie had no idea, which only made her feel worse about the mission. Snipe placed his right hand on Cammie's left shoulder, in an effort to reassure her. "Hey, don't worry. I'll come back." Cammie looked at Snipe with pleading and worried eyes. "Snipe," she paused, trying to hold back a sob, "Please, can you at least tell me where you're going? Please! You've gone on so many missions in the past two years, and I don't even know where you're going on these missions! Please, tell me Snipe." She pleaded and held his right hand on her shoulder and covered her heart with his other hand. She stared down at the ground, hoping, in a way, to pull the guilt card over Snipe. "Better yet, take me along! You know how much of an asset I am. Let m-" "No!" Snipe defiantly shouted, slamming his hands on the gray table. "Now, you know exactly why I can't let you come along!" Cammie was shocked and was at a loss for words. There was a long pause, then Snipe broke the silence. "I can let anything happen to you. Not after what happened with Surge." Cammie sighed and picked up papers that Snipe had made flutter to the ground. She placed them on the desk and turned back to Snipe. "Snipe," she paused, "It's been two years since that incident with Surge." She turned to a picture of her, Surge, and Snipe from when they first formed their mercenary group. "We've known each other for well over six years now. Hell, it took you until last year to tell me your real name." Snipe crossed his arms and leaned against a doorway, still listening. "What makes you think I can't help you on this mission?" Snipe grunted and adjusted his army helmet. "You don't have any combat experience. You may be incredibly smart, but if something goes wrong..." He paused a bit, trying to force back a thought, "I know you can think of ways to get out of a situation, but I also know you are physically unable to do so. You lack the physical strength that Surge had and I have." Cammie sighed, because she knew that was true. She had been working on devices to increase her strength, but none of them were usable. "So, that's it? You're just going to leave again on another mission, leave me here to wonder just where you even are, and expect to come back with me content with everything?" "You've been content with it for the past six years." Snipe replied. He paused and took a good look at Cammie, the way her brown hair curled down her back. He knew well enough that Cammie wasn't happy with his job and how he performed it, but he couldn't endanger her. However, he also knew that there had to be a trust factor in their relationship, and keeping something as important as an assignment didn't show his trust in her. He sighed and turned Cammie to him. "I'm going to a place known as Swan Valley." Cammie looked up at Snipe, smiling because her love finally trusted her with crucial information like this. Snipe leaned forward, lifted her curly brown hair out of her face, and gently kissed Cammie on her forehead, reassuring her everything will be alright. "Don't worry darling, I'll come back. I always do." Don't worry darling, I'll come back. I always do....Those words in his voice echoed throughout Cammie's mind for two weeks straight. He always came back within a week, never longer. He always said staying away a week longer than he had to be was torture for both him and Cammie. The blueish-gray metal hallways felt colder when Cammie walked through them. Echoes of every sound Cammie made amplified their way to mix with the emptiness of nothing from the rest of the lab. The windows softly let in beams of lights of the full August moon. Cammie had tried to focus on her work, studying and researching newer technologies and devices, but she always found herself staring for hours on end at her picture on her desk of her and Snipe together. She had found her pondering about Snipe's mission, worried sick about her love. She knew that Snipe was more than capable of handling any situation that came up, but she couldn't help but feel concerned for him. Cammie trusted Snipe above anyone else, and if he kept something from her, he had his reasons. Her bed was always empty whenever Snipe left for a mission, but this time, it felt even lonlier. She had never felt such a vast emptiness from within. She always had someone with her, but ever since Surge's death 2 years ago, she's only ever had Snipe. Now, without him by her side for so long, she's realized just how much he really does mean to her, as well as how much she was determined to prove how capable she is. Finally, Cammie had had enough. She had began to assemble plan for a trip. Cammie wasn't familiar with her destination, but she did know someone who would know more than she did. A knock came at her door, drawing Cammie away from her packing. She adjusted her red hair band and brushed off her lab coat to look presentable. She opened the door and prepared to greet her guest. Standing there, in the doorway, was Lynia, the mayor of Galupeagus and one of Cammie's best friends and powerful allies. Lynia's long, dark, coffee brown hair flowed down to her waist, accentuating her sky blue T-shirt. Her white pants were spotless, even though her brown sneakers were clearly covered in dirt and mud. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her handcuff bracelets rattle, echoing through the empty halls. "Hey Cammie. You needed me for something?" Lynia asked calmly, rather curious about why Cammie would have called her over. "Yes, you're familiar with the New Cities, correct?" Cammie asked. "That's right. That's part of my job as Head of the High Council." Lynia replied, smiling happily. "I'm going to a place called 'Swan Valley'. Do you know where it is?" she asked Lynia, and Lynia searched her brain for the answer to her question. "Yes, I know where Swan Valley is. It's far inland in what used to be the USA. Along with a boat ticket, you'll need a train ticket as well. Sadly, I can only get you your boat ticket." Lynia smiled sweetly at her friend, happy that she was helping her friend reunite with her lost love in some way. "You'll need to go to TransNART Station to get to your train." "Thank you so much Lynia! No clue how long I'll be there. Keep after the lab, won't you?" Cammie began to go pack, when Lynia called back to her. "Oh! Cammie! Regulations say you can only take one suitcase. Sorry, but that's our law here." Lynia yelled to Cammie. Lynia then proceeded to make a phone call while Cammie finished packing. Cammie nodded and made sure to only pack suitcase, the largest one she could find. She found a large red suitcase, tucked away within a closet. She pulled it out and packed enough clothing to last a week before she would have to wash them. She grabbed her sCAn Pad and put her Cloaking Device on her suitcase. She walked out to the door after making sure to lock up the various chemicals and technology she had scattered throughout her lab. As she approached the door, however, Lynia stopped her. "Sorry Cammie. Another regulation is no foreign technology. I'll permit you to take your sCAn Pad, but your cloaking device must stay here. I'm sorry." Lynia calmly said to her with a hint of despair. The Cloaking device was one of Cammie's greatest devices she ever created and she never went anywhere without it. "Alright Lynia....I'll leave it here." Cammie sighed and she took off the device and placed it on a nearby table. She then grabbed a journal nearby, as it was her nature to record as much as she could whenever she could. Unknown to Lynia, however, Cammie stashed away her Cloaking device within her suitcase. Cammie walked back to Lynia and smiled. "I'm ready Lynia. Let's go." Lynia shut her phone and put it in her pocket as Cammie locked the lab door. She and Lynia walked to the harbor, Cammie's suitcase dragged behind her. The tropical sunlight radiated a calm atmosphere. The soft breeze that blew through the air caused their hair to gently flutter. The birds all tweeted as the two of them walked by. Soft clouds slowly crawled across the crisp skyline. The clear water reflected the sky above, along with the sun, glittering in patches across the waves. The waves crashed against the docks of the harbor in a rhythmic pattern. The salt carried itself along the breeze, but just enough to give a faint scent when you breathed in. Cammie's suitcase wheel's rattled against the concrete ground. Lynia approached the ticket window and flashed her Mayor's Badge at the man behind the ticket window. She talked to the man behind the ticket, answering questions to prove she was the real mayor, then got a ticket for Cammie for the boat heading to the port nearest TransNART Station. She handed Cammie the ticket and said her goodbye. "Hey now Cammie, you're just going to leave like that? Without even saying goodbye?" spoke a soft, feminine voice. Cammie turned around to see a blonde haired girl with earmuffs. She wore a pink shirt with a fuzzy collar. She had long bluejeans on and wore brown sneakers. Despite the tropical island heat, she still wore clothing that would be more fitting for winter, including mittens. That girl was Lindy, another powerful ally that Cammie had. Despite not being physically strong, she made up for it with connections to other people and due to her family's vast wealth. "Lindy! What are you doing here?" Cammie asked, shocked to see her here at the harbor. "Lynia called me and told me that you needed some money for a trip to the outside world. I came to provide it for you." Lindy smiled and handed Cammie an envelope. Cammie took the envelope and opened it. Her eyes widened at the $350 inside the envelope. "$3-350!? R-Really Lindy? You'd give me all this? The ticket shouldn't be that expensive." spoke Cammy in a softer voice, surprised at the generous action of Lindy. "Even after what happened wit-" "Hey, that's all water under the bridge. And that extra money is for you to use on your trip. It's no problem. Your a friend who needs some help and I'm here to provide it. Go get 'em, Cammie!" Lindy interrupted. She turned back around, smiling and waving as she left the harbor. Cammie took a deep breath and boarded the ship. She looked back at the island that she was about to leave, the home that she had come to know these past 2 years. She took another deep breath and headed to her cabin. It was a quaint cabin. There was a twin bed and a nightstand across from the door. There was a small closet and a few hangers. A bathroom was to the left and a porthole was above the bed. The walls were a maroon color with vertical yellow stripes. The carpet was a soft blue color. It was as soft color wise as it was texture wise. Cammie set her suitcase in the closet and sat down on her bed. She sighed and decided to collect her thoughts. Snipe left on August 4th. It's now August 18th. Lindy gave me $350 for this trip. If I have to stay for awhile, I know that's not going to be enough money. Perhaps it would be best to recruit an ally. Someone very familiar with Swan Valley. She sighed. It's getting late. I better sleep. After gathering her thoughts, she decided to take a nap, in order to pass the time. She drifted off into a deep slumber, dreaming about her and Snipe. She dreampt that her and Snipe were finally able to be together for as long as possible, without any kind of mission interrupting their time together. Suddenly, a clatter occur in the hall ourside her room awoke her. She opened the door and peaked out. Standing there in the hallway, about 7 rooms down, was a young woman, not much older than Cammie herself. She was dressed in with a western hat and a tan collared shirt. Her toffee brown hair flowed down to her shoulders and covered her ears. A 6 pointed star on her chest contained the title of "SHERRIF" and she had her arms crossed over her chest. She wore a leather black belt and long dark brown pants. She had leather boots on that were mainly covered by her pants. She was arguing with a man. The man had a blue janitor's outfit on and was pushing a cleaning cart. He had long brown hair that came to his shoulders, just like the woman, though his hair covered his eyes. He wore a denin hat with a large brim that aided in covering his eyes. It was clear, however, that he had fallen asleep while the woman was talking. The woman slapped him on the back of his head and he woke up, only for a few seconds before falling back asleep again. Cammie decided to ignore the fight that was going on and went back to get some sleep. The trip to the mainland was only to take a day, so by the next morning, she would be able to get to TransNART Station. She decided to stay in her room for the trip, the less people she got involved with, the quicker she could get done with things. However, those two people who she just saw keep picking at her brain, so, to calm her mind down, she quickly sketched the two of them down in her journal and tucked it back into her suitcase. All that was on her mind now was getting her sweet Snipe back home. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * As day broke through her window the next morning, she quickly arose and grabber her suitcase. She stepped out in the hallway and half-expected to see the man and woman who fought yesterday, but no avail. The hallways was filled only with other passengers who had also come to the mainland. She dragged her suitcase behind her and left the boat, hoping to find a taxi or some cheap way to get to TransNART Station. For luck was in her grasp as a taxi was there with her name in bright letters. She cautiously approached the taxi and the driver looked over at her. "'Ey, you Cammie?" spoke the driver in a gruff voice. "Yes," she responded cautiously, "How do you know me?" "High Council Lynia called in a taxi for 'ye. To TransNART Station, eh?" Cammie nodded and put her suitcase in and stepped into the backseat as the taxi drove off to the station. She stared at the clouds, which darted across the sky with the lightest of ease. She wondered what trials and ordeals could wait before her. "'Ey yo, Cammie. We here." spoke the driver, interrupting Cammie's train of thought about an hour and a half later. "How much is the fare?" Cammie began to reach for a bit of cash, but the man interrupted her. "No charge for you. High Council Lynia paid me in advance." Cammie grabbed her suitcase and stepped out of the taxi as it drove away. She stood before the massive TransNART Station and walked in. It was a busy flood of people, darting here and there. She looked around for the train headed for Swan Valley. She spotted it and ran over to get a ticket, clutching her envelope that Lindy gave her. After getting a ticket, she searched for the train platform that her train was leaving on, Platform 87. She patiently waited for the train to come, and, after what felt like hours, the train finally arrived at the station. She flashed her ticket and boarded the train, sitting in the very back of the train as far back as she could. She liked being secluded and being in the back of the train made her feel so much more comfortable. The car wasn't too much to look at. The carpet was a dark shade of red while the walls were colored green. The window frames were outlines with gold colored metal, as was the roof of the car. There were to benches for people to sit on. Both had 7 seats for people to sit in, each with a red cushion to sit on and lean on. Sitting there, however, was the same woman from the ship. She was asleep with her hat tilted over her face to block out the sun. She still wore the same outfit that she did from the day before. Cammie decided not to disturb her and sat across from her. She pulled out her journal and updated her sketch of the woman, getting as much detail as she could. She heard the train whistle blow and and the train start to move. As it did, it stirred the woman awake and she sat upright and rubbed here eyes, getting a good look around. She still seemed dazed from waking. "Huh...I wonder where he went." she asked to no one in particular in a soft voice. She looked left and right, then directed her attention to Cammie. "Hey, you're the girl from the ship." Cammie looked at her, shocked. She was certain that woman had her focus on the man when Cammie peered out her door, so how could she have recognized Cammie? "Yarren was right. Hard to miss a girl with hair like that and a lab coat." Cammie sternly looked at the woman, giving her a look that said to watch where the woman stepped. "Don't you worry now darlin'. I won't hurt you. You going to Swan Valley too?" she asked, this time directed at Cammie. Cammie deliberated with herself. This woman clearly knew about Swan Valley, and could be an important ally. However, she also knew she had to be very careful about what she told her. A thought came to her of something that Snipe had said some time ago. "As much as I hate other people, and yes, sometimes take joy in killing them, what's always important is to have allies. The stronger and more loyal, the better." Cammie's heart both fluttered and sank at the thought of this memory. Joy because it reminded her of her sweet Snipe. It made her sad, however, because it also reminded her that Snipe was missing. "Um...Ma'am?" spoke the woman, derailing Cammie's train of thought again. "Are you alright, you seem distraught about something. Your fingers keep tensing up. Cammie stared down at her fingers, though they looked normal to her. "Well, how about I break the ice. My name is Mikayla Barquette." She extended her hand in an attempt to shake hands with Cammie. Cammie paused and debated internally about becoming aquaintences with this woman. She finally decided, since she needed to at least have someone to help her, to shake her hand. "I'm Cammie. It's nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you Cammie. Why are you heading to Swan Valley?" asked Mikayla, adjusting her hat and her badge. "I'm going to to meet with a friend." Cammie said calmly, trying to hide the entire truth from this new girl. Mikayla looked and stared at Cammie, eyeing her up and down. "Umm...what are you doing?" Her voice trembling a little and her throat turned a little dry. "I'm getting a reading on you Cammie." "A...A reading?" Cammie warily asked. "Oh, sorry. It's a habit of mine. It's rude to do so. Sorry." She had a cheapish grin on her face, showing she wasn't really that sorry. Cammie stared at her intently and Mikayla stare back. Finally, Mikayla broke the stare and looked down. "I'm sorry. Truly this time. I majored in psychology and it's a habit of mine to study people's body language and subtle 'tells', if you want to call them that, which gives away what a person is thinking about. It really helps when you're interrogating criminals." Mikayla said, this time with a softer voice and a genuine smile. Cammie could tell, even without a degree in psychology, that Mikayla was being truthful and honest this time. "Well, thanks for telling me truthfully this time Mikayla." Cammie smiled back and brushed some hair out of her face. "So, you interrogate criminals huh? You a police woman?" "If you wanna call me that. I prefer the title of Sheriff to Police. Granted, though, I'm the only law person, so it gets a little rough, but there's nothing like catching a criminal." she spoke with passion. Cammie felt a little unease at her exhuberance for catching criminals. Snipe was a hired assassian after all. If Snipe was hired and killed someone, he could have wound up in jail for it. She would have to be careful just how much about Snipe she leaks to Mikayla. "Ah, there you are Mikayla. Thought I lost you." spoke a gruff voice from the doorway. Cammie turned and saw the same man from the boat she saw before, complete with the outfit and janitor cart. She quickly updated her sketch of him and tucked her journal away again. The man walked over and rolled his cart to the left of the bench Mikayla was sitting on. "And just who's this little lady?" he asked, sitting down near Mikayla. "This is my new friend, Cammie. Cammie, this is Yarren." Mikayla spoke up, introducing them to one another. Cammie thought it was a little strange to consider Mikayla a friend already, but she shrugged it off. Cammie nodded and looked over at Yarren, who had, almost miracuously, fallen fast asleep. "Oh come on! Wake up Yarren." She smacked him on the back of the head and he snorted awake. He chuckled and scratched his head, readjusting his hat. "Sorry about that. Yarren has the biggest tendency to just fall asleep whenever." "Eh, what can I say? Sleep is nice. Ain't no one smacking me around there." Yarren laughed sheepishly and fell back asleep, his hat tipped over his eyes. "He's hopeless." Mikayla sighed and rubbed her forehead. Cammie couldn't help but chuckle at him. However, she wasn't certain of it, but there was something that tugged at her about these two. There was something very off about them, but she couldn't tell what. A Sheriff who could analyze a person's thoughts just by looking at them, and a Janitor who falls asleep at the drop of a hat. Somehow, but she didn't quite know how, these two would play some of the most important roles in her investigation. |