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My first contest entry - Dialogue. |
"Hey, Savannah, what's up?" "Not much - just working on some homework." "Oh, that sounds, um, fun? Want to take a break and go get a coffee?" "Sure! Just let me save what I've got so far." "Great. We can go to the snack bar downstairs or we can go across the street to the new coffee shop that just opened up. It's pretty good." "I haven't been to the new place yet, so let's try there. Have they got comfy chairs?" "Have they ever! I fell asleep when I sat in one the other day. Best sleep I've had since starting college!" "Doesn't that defeat the purpose of coffee? I need to stay awake to finish this project..." "What's the project about? Did I miss something in class?" "No, it's not for English, Eric, don't worry. It's for my digital art class. We're basically doing a digital flip book. You know, those books we used to have as kids where you just flip the pages really quick so the stick man dances?" "Oh, I loved those as a kid. My stick man was a magician - pulling quarters from other stick-people's ears." "Welcome to Koffee King. May I take your order?" "Yeah, I'll have a medium iced coffee with hazelnut and whatever she wants. My treat." "I'll have a large chai latte, please. Thanks, Eric!" "Hey, I asked you to come for coffee, it's the least I can do since you accepted!" "So what classes are you taking other than our English class?" "You don't want to hear about my boring schedule. I'm a math geek - enough said. What about you? What other classes are you taking?" "Oh, just the generic classes mostly. Nothing special, thankfully. It gives me more time for Digital Art." "Care to share your project so far?" "Medium iced coffee with hazelnut! Large chai latte! On the counter!" "Jeez, that woman sure does shout loudly.... I'll show you what I've got so far once we grab our coffees." This is even better than offering to help. He actually appears interested! And those blue eyes are just shining! "Here's what I've got so far. I'm making the flip book about my high school graduation ceremony. I'm having trouble getting my hair to match properly in every image, though - the curls are as difficult in art as they are in real life. Ugh." Shut up, Sav. You're rambling. "I think it looks great! Hair never stays the same in real life anyways. There's always some strand in a different position, from what I can tell. Not that I have to worry about that much. That's why I keep a short hair cut. Being a guy is easy, at least when it comes to hair." "That's true. Thanks!" "Any time! Oh, this image is of you and a guy? Your boyfriend?" "Don't worry, I'm gonna edit that." |