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witches of all the things witches |
On the planet Gaia in the country of east Gaia the Paige family’s girls were packing boxes into Sasha’s car. "Witches of all things, when guys have powers its cool. When girls get powers its-” Royce complained. "Um Royce, calm down… girls you don't have to leave stay home close the blinds and stay with ma’ma forever” Eden suggested. "No, ma'am no that's-... I can’t tell you how weird that is” Ava explained. Then Sasha pushed the last box inside, “the only reason were leaving is to get away from the paparazzi, and its kind of my fault we got busted” she confessed. "Aww, Sasha you were just protecting people that what being a princess means putting the innocent first” Eden explained. Then there father king Kronos stood by the door, “Sasha…” he called out, and he went back inside. "Ooh boy” panicked Sasha, “whose fearless now” smiled Royce. "Shut up Royce” she nervously walked back inside and found her dad sitting on the steps looking grim. "Hi” she started, as she sat down next to him. "Listen Sasha I'm not mad at you, I'm actually proud” he confessed. "What… Why. I ruined your reputation” she expressed. "Naw, I wasn't really concern about that… plus you ruined it when you were born. But I'm proud because you used your instinct” he explained. "Really I just-... Instinct” Sasha questioned. "Yeah I know, its in your blood to protect and I want you to keep protecting. Last night I found out all of Gaia is in danger. Terrorist who want to see Gaia burn are goin’ to try everything in their power to take us out” he lectured. "Was that a terrorist attack last night” she asked. "Um hum… be careful when you go out there the worlds violent. That means people have to take the world as it is” he explained. Sasha nodded signaling she knew what he meant. She hugged her father tightly and he could tell she appreciated all his sacrifices he made to protect her and her sisters. * Pulling up to there new house the sisters wore hoodies and sunglasses to hide their identity. "This is it…its not too bad” Royce committed. "Is anyone around” Ava asked, “doesn't look like it” blurted Royce. She walked out the car and pointed to the door so it opened. She then “Introite” (Latin) Ava explained, then the boxes sprouted legs and ran inside as fast as their legs could carry them. "Ava … are you for real… stop being so damn lazy” complained Sasha, “ I'm just walking them inside chill out its not like we're going to use our powers for anything else” she acknowledge. Sasha was silent for a moment, “ … maybe there's a way we can… I'll be back” Sasha admitted. She quickly rushed into her car and drove off. "Uh oh” Ava pointed out. "What?” asked Royce, “the couch”, suddenly a massive couch charged out from the trunk with its legs sprinting as fast as lighting. Sasha immediately stopped the car and stared at Ava . Royce then hit the ground and couldn't stop laughing at the unnatural way the sofa ran. * In town Sasha was secretly walking down the street in search for someone, then she sat down at a bench with general Blade. "Hey general…” she greeted, “princess Sasha fantastic work at the party. Saved a lot of lives, and you father told me of your story. The first female titan… how is that possible” he questioned. "I dunno but seeing how you're in charge of assigning new scout. My sisters and I wanted to put our powers to good use” lectured Sasha. "That's not a bad idea but I could never convince my superiors to recruit you” he explained. Sasha could tell there was more tho the story, “ do you mean because they think I'm a witch or because I'm a girl” protested Sasha. "Most women do better as nurses… even if you do have powers” he suggested. "There more to women than just good looks. We have brains and brawn” complained Sasha. "Sasha!” called out a voice. She turned around to see her sisters running toward her, “what's wrong?” she asked. "Umm… there s a mob” informed Ava. People turned around the screaming and pointed at them, “c’mon… hold hands” she ordered. The sisters held each other s hands and Sasha’s eyes glowed. The three of them then vanished into dust. The reappeared by the city’s fountain. "This is ridiculous the only reason there so angry is because were female” grouched Sasha. People even began to stare at them, “I'm so done with this” Ava replied. Royce then saw a shadow move closer and closer to them “umm- … space ship” panicked Royce. Ava and Sasha looked up at the sky as well, “oh f**k” Ava panicked. "Langue princess” Sasha argued. Suddenly a flash of light blinded almost everyone who caught sight of the ship. Once it passed five figures. One a massive armored guy, two women and the rest were average men almost average. One of the guy turned his attention to the girls, “there, you must be the princess… es” he pointed out. The girls looked at each other “umm… yeah so?” expressed Royce. One of the woman figures quickly pulled her hand out and shot some sort of sun blast at Royce. She smashed against the ground, “that was easy enough” complained Sasha and Ava began to lose their cool then Sasha used her light speed to kicked the armored guy into the air with her super strength. Then thrown the next one into the air and went down the line like a pro. In a matter of seconds each invader was scattered around the floor. "Is Royce okay?” she questioned, “ I think-” Sasha was then tackled by one of the invaders and they wrestled on the floor until Sasha kicked her of. She then blasted a beam at her but Sasha then teleported away, suddenly the ray was about to hit a bunch of civilians. Ava then levitated a car to block the sun beam. Behind her charged the armor guy and in front two other guy ran to her. "I'll take the front” Royce explained as she sat up. All Ava did was turn around to the armored figure and the car bashed into him. In font Royce created a fire barrier around them. As people ran in panic, the law enforcement ran over. Then pointed their guns at the armored figure who charged at them, “there's no way they can stop’ em” explained Ava. She her eyes glowed purple as she reached out for the sky then lightning struck from the side. Then Royce started off running then used her geo powers to surf the ground as if she were on water. Then target lashed fire out at the girl Sasha was fighting, “do you wanna trade” Royce smiled. She nodded the direction to the large armor figure, “yeah why not”. She quickly throw the woman figure at Royce who made a stone cage to put her in. Sasha quickly rushed over to the armored figure that was being shot at. One of the soldier yelled out “hold fire!” Some but not all of the soldier stopped, as Sasha ran up to it she slowed down time to avoid the bullets. She bounced into the air and did a graceful flip. From the palms of her feet was a powerful lashes of green neon that slashed the armored figure. It crashed to the ground like a fallen statue. Ava was flying in the air searching for the two escaped invaders one zoomed passed her and was about to come back around her. She made near by cloud turn to a stone wall and expectedly he crashed into it. She changed it back to a cloud so it wouldn't splatter anyone. Then used her telepathy to sense if the other guy was around. She then took control of his mind just before he was about to blast her from behind. "Fredrick, 24 years old and this is your twin brother Frankie. Do you mind carrying your brother” she asked. "Not at all” he replied, as he did as he was told. * After the epic scrumptious the law enforcement arrested the invaders and handcuffed the sisters, “BS” complained Royce. Soon general Blade came over to talk to them, “I talked to some of my guys and they explained the situation and it sounds very unreal but good work your father trained you well” he lectured. "Aww… were finally appreciated” Ava smiled. "Who were the people who attack us” asked Sasha. "Solar humanoids… there currently at war with south Gaia” he explained. "Wait there were five… there was another woman” Royce added. "Well find her don't worry until then get some rest and I'll… talk to my superiors about joining the scouts”. A massive smile stretched acrossed Sasha face. |