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Rated: GC · Short Story · Fantasy · #2004644
A pirate and a prostitute play with a scarf.
Scarlet lay on her bed in a brothel on the island of Tortuga. She wore nothing save for a red silk scarf that was looped around her hips and tied in the front so that the ends hung over the apex between her thighs. Her silken red curls fell over her shoulders, covering her ample bosom. A frisson of anticipation ran through her as the door to her room opened to admit her next client.

He was tall with long dark hair that hung over his shoulders and down his back. His eyes were a brown that carried a dark hunger. He wore shirt sleeves and baggy cotton breaches. His feet were bare and he clutched a rum bottle in his hand. Pirate, Scarlet thought as he approached the bed, and took a swig from the almost empty bottle. He held it out to her, and she obliged him by taking the bottle and downing the remaining liquid in one swallow. She set the empty bottle on her bed side table giving him a first rate view of her tight ass. She felt the bed dip as he climbed on. He scooted up behind her and pulled her back against him using the silk scarf around her waist.

"Good evening Scarlet," the deep voice slurred. "This is a lovely scarf you're wearing. Where did you get such a fancy garment?"

"From my favorite client," Scarlet giggled. "Do you like it?"

"I like it very much," he mused rubbing her soft folds through the silk that hung between her partially spread legs. "I'm not sure I like the idea of you having another favorite client. I might just have to shang hai you after all."

"Oh, Jack, that would be very naughty of you," another frisson of pleasure ran through Scarlet at being his personal source of pleasure.

"Don't worry love," Jack nuzzled against the soft flesh of her neck as he continued to tease her with the scarf. "I'd rather leave you hear where I can find you."

Scarlet rolled to face him and pressed her mouth to his. Their tongues intertwined with the taste of rum in their mouths. They continued kissing while Scarlet deftly unlaced Jack's breaches, allowing his erection to fall heavily against the smooth flesh of her stomach. She moved so that the silk scarf rubbed over his hardened flesh. Jack inhaled sharply as a frisson of pleasure ran through him at the contact of silk on flesh. Best gold I ever spent, he mused. He untied it and slid it up her body causing more frissons of pleasure to run through her. Once the scarf was where he wanted it he tied it tightly around her binding her ample breasts against each other. He rolled her on her back and straddled her. His thumbs teased her nipples to stiffened points through the scarf.

"Jack!" Scarlet gasped as he sucked a nipple into his mouth through the scarf. She squirmed as he pinched the other through the scarf. He grunted as his cock brushed the silk ends of the scarf. "Mmm, no one does it for me like a pirate."

"A pirate?" Jack inquired looking up at her. "Love, I'm not just any pirate. I'm a legendary pirate captain."

"Of course," Scarlet agreed.

She'd heard this claim many times from the men who used her services. Some were actual legends others were just trying to build their own ego. This one was in fact a legend. He was a legend in every brothel in Tortuga. He had a favorite girl in each one, and each would wear the silken scarf he brought her the first time he came to her every time he came to visit them. He came to visit Scarlet the most. She was not only his favorite of his favorites but she was his first. He'd only been a first mate back then, but she saw promise in him and she was not disappointed.

"Still with me love?" Jack inquired pulling her out of her reminiscence. "I have you for the entire night, and I won't have you fading on me so soon."

"No, of course not Jack," she smiled as yet another frisson of excitement ran through her. She reached down between them and rubbed the silken ends of the scarf over his erection. "What would you like me to do first, captain?"

Jack sat up and used the ends of the scarf to pull her into an upright position. He moved so that he was leaning back against the satin feather stuffed pillows that were piled against her head board. He used the scarf to put her into a prostrate position over his legs.

"Use your mouth," he ordered.

"Aye sir,"

Scarlet slid her mouth over his throbbing flesh to the root. She licked the underside as she moved fluidly up and down the long rod of flesh. Jack's fingers ran through her fiery curls causing more frissons of pleasure through her. She hummed on him sending similar frissons through his own body. Jack fisted his hands in her hair, and thrust to her rhythm. One final thrust sent a stream of semen down her throat. He released her and untied the scarf freeing her ample breasts.

Scarlet climbed onto him and took him into her soft depths. She moved up and down slowly massaging him with her wet velvet fist. He sat up and held her against his hard body with the scarf. Scarlet rode him to another climax. They lay in the middle of her bed with her scarf draped over them while small frissons of aftershocks ran through their bodies. Jack eyed the empty rum bottle covetously.

"Any possibility of getting more rum?" He inquired hopefully.

"I'll see what I can do."

Scarlet shifted off of him tying the scarf around her waist. The women could walk around the brothel topless but completely naked was against the rules. She left the room, and returned a few moments later with two full bottles of rum. She handed him one of the bottles, and felt another frisson of excitement when he uncorked it with his teeth, and expectorated it off into the room. She set the other full bottle on the bedside table beside the empty, and curled up next to Jack. After they finished the first bottle she provided, Jack laid her on her back, moved the ends of the scarf out of his way by spreading them apart, and buried his face into her soaked folds indulging in another liquid coveted by pirates.

Scarlet's body shook with frissons of ecstasy as the legendary pirate drank her personal brand of pleasure down. She squealed and moaned as he slid inside her once more for a second bout of pleasure. Her body convulsed in another frisson of ecstasy as he emptied himself inside her. He pulled out of her and lay beside her to rest before attempting a third round. He laid his head on her shoulder and sucked lazily on one of her swollen nipples, sending small frissons of pleasure to her clenching sex.

"I love you Scarlet," he muttered drowsily. "Let me take you away from all of this."

"So you can make me your personal pirate wench?" Scarlet inquired.

"You're already my pirate wench," he smiled up at her. "Now, all I need is to have you at my personal disposal."

"I'm always at your disposal Jack," she smiled down at him, "what about the other girls?"

"What about them?" Jack sighed. "None of them are as good to me as you."

Scarlet giggled softly causing a frisson to wiggle her breasts. Jack sucked the nipple of the breast closest to him back into his mouth causing her to gasp. He slid fingers inside her and built her up to another orgasm, but before she released he stopped. Scarlet's body shook with the frisson of a denied impending orgasm. Jack rolled her onto her belly and laid over her sliding his once again hardened flesh inside her.

"Last chance love," he offered. "You come with me or you don't cum at all."

"I'll come with you."

"Good choice," he thrust slowly at first building her up into another orgasm as she came down from the last. Finally, he pushed deep inside her and filled her with yet another hot release until she over flowed.

Word Count: 1,379
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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