Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2004348-Nocturnal-chapter-2
Rated: E · Short Story · Teen · #2004348
Follow Nicholas, an immortal trying to live a human life as he protects his lover.
Chapter 2

(Caitlyn's pov)

         My end of the table was technically the loudest, minus Shane. We carried on throughout the period, teasing Shane and bugging Dan to the point he moved to the opposite end of the table. When the period finally ended, the small group took their separate ways, I scuffled out the closest door.
         My long strides carried me swiftly down the hall, taking a right towards the lockers. Murals painted by a member of each year's senior class touched the bland colors of the school hallways. When I'd have time, I'd take a good hard look at them. Shoving my scar covered hands deeper into her brightly colored star jacket, I turned left and stepped into the locker area.
         The lockers were dull. Each had some sort of malfunction with it, either with the way it opened, it jammed or its paint job. The school needed a renovation badly, and the rumors of one were circulating. "Hmph", I thought. "As if this poor, backwoods school has the money to pay for a full-scale renovation." Turning up the third row, I walked back towards the far end, stopping at a tilted locker. The door was banged up, paint chipping in all the wrong places. A silver Master Lock was locked in the little loop that held the curved pipe of the lock.
         Spinning the black dial to the right numbers, I jerked the contraption down and slid it off. Opening the yellow door with an air of disdain, I pulled out a few books and slammed it back shut. Before I could finish shutting the door, a thin, crumpled piece of paper fluttered to the floor. Picking it back up, I tossed it into my planner without a care and shut the door. Placing the lock back on the door, I shut it with a soft click and stepped off down the aisle. It was more crowded now, teenagers laughing and shouting as they passed through the lockers, talking over the rows to someone in the next row. I pushed past a couple of girls dressed in Hollister and Aeropostale head to toe, and headed to the next class - gym. A class I absolutely hated....for reasons.
         Gym was a torture for students of my age. No one ever should go through the torture of high school physical education. It was mandatory all four years, or at least some form of physical education. They made you run around as long as they felt like it, then put you through a fitness test every other day. Then, whatever activity they had decided for their students that day would torture them beyond their imagination. To be honest, I didn't really believe gym was necessary. It was absolutely unneeded in her mind. As my long legs carried me step after step toward the dreaded class, the note sprang to mind.
         Stopping for a moment by the benches outside the auditorium, I placed my load down and opened the green and white planner. The crumpled half sheet was placed just inside the April calendar. Curiosity got the best of me as I unfolded it, studying the scrawled words on the note.
         "Meet me outside the loading area behind the school after tenth period. Do not be late." I puzzled over this note as I folded it back up and slid it into the pages of the planner and headed off to gym.
         The double tone bell sounded, waking me out of a half-vegetative state. Spanish 1 was the worst class anyone could ever endure, but I had too. Spanish was utterly confusing. I'd have preferred taking German or Latin, two of my personal favorite languages, but they weren't offered this year. Absolutely wonderful, right? As the teacher bid them farewell in Spanish, I mumbled a sorry excuse for hasta manana, and left the room. The note was on the back of my mind as I forced my legs to speed through the crowd that cluttered the halls of high school, and finally made my way through the halls towards the music department area.
          I was in both band and chorus, but preferred chorus to band. It wasn't much, just a little. Chorus had its low points too, but it wasn't costing as much money as band was. A flute was costing more than a flight to Europe. Passing the band room, I could hear a few people moving around inside and increased my pace to avoid meeting any of them. Bursting through the back doors, I turned down the stairs to meet a figure with its back to me. An eyebrow cocked as I took the steps two at a time and placed my books on the cement overhang.
         "So, what did you want?" My voice blunt and filled with little enthusiasm.
         The figure registered my presence and turned. It was a he, that was all I could tell. A hood was pulled low over his pale face, the black jacket framing his thin body. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jacket, a nervous sensation flooding my body. I wasn't sure who this was, but if it wasn't someone I wanted to meet, I was sure I could outrun him. I had after all gotten faster from running everyday in gym class. I could also outrun my sister at soccer, which was her star sport. So I could outrun this creep.
         "I wanted to offer you a deal." He spoke with his pale, boney hands as he waved them, in an almost erotic motion. It wasn't perverted but, just spell binding. It made me....well, warm inside.
         My voice wavered, "What sort of deal?"
         He continued, "Something to help you with your problem with your life at home." He smiled now, a sick smile that seemed welcoming but I could tell was fake.
         Wait. How did he know about that? How did he know that I was having problems at home? Oh yeah, everyone did.
         "Oh, yeah? What kind?" My curiosity peeked a little. He started to walk in circles, so I did the same so we'd always be across each other, "With your mother treating you worse than your other siblings. With everyone downplaying everything you do and acting as if you're not that important. With your father who wants to be in your life, although your mother doesn't want him too and neither do you. Your mother contemplates pawning you off on him, you know that right?"
         Oh, jeez. He knows. I played it cool and only offered a simple statement. "What kind of deal?"
         As he grinned again, he exposed his unusually sharp teeth, "Just something little for recognition beyond your wildest dreams. For a life way better than this."
         "What do you want in exchange?" I asked knowing that no one gives out something this great sounding for free.
         "Nothing big." He shrugged, then moved closer. I remained stock still as he leaned towards my right ear. "Just your life."
         Before I could react, think or even begin to fathom what he was offering, I quickly extended my arm. "Deal."
         I could notice a wicked grin beginning to hatch across his face as he bared what looked like fangs! This guy had fangs, what was he, a Vamp chat room wannabe? I was slightly curious, but not frightened. I didn't exactly fear death, it was something I contemplated a while now. He grasped my hand and then all my assumptions came true, his hand was ice cold. Corpse cold that is. He inched closer, trying not to lash out, but he was on the verge of it I could tell.
         "STOP!" A voice boomed. The first thing that went through my mind was that a teacher caught us! I'd tried to stay under the radar for so long but I knew sooner or later I'd get a lecture from someone. He stopped mid way, something caught his attention, as well as mine. I could tell it wasn't the voice though, but rather the commanding force behind it. I turned and my eyes laid upon HIM. The super gorgeous guy I'd seen walking the streets upon my arrival into this town.          
         "Who the hell are you?!" The man let go of my arm but kept his face covered. He cowered back a few steps, but didn't run. He was now just as curious as I'd been.
         The angelic boy motioned with his head, "Leave her alone...NOW!" The cowardly hooded student left with nothing more said. It looked like he was afraid, deathly. For what reason was unknown to me, it looked like without the hood, underneath that dude had some muscle to him. I turned to thank my 'savior' but found nothing. He'd vanished, just like that.

(Nicholas' pov)

         No clue how I did it, but today was a bright day! I wasn't as bummed out as I was yesterday and Eddie could see this as I took my seat in front of him in History. His voice was filled with glee as he spoke, "So what happened to you, win the lottery or something?"
         Both of us grinned wildly as I shook my head and sighed. My voice came out slower than I intended but nevertheless I replied with, "Or something.." That was enough to satisfy him as he slumped back into his seat at exactly the same time our teacher entered the room.
         He smiled as he greeted the class and it was apparent that he wasn't quite ready to start. His voice reached out gently to each student as he chuckled, "Hey guys can you give me five minutes? Still trying to look for the lesson plan." He shook his head as the class chimed in with his chuckle.
         I glanced at the cluttered desk of our teacher and instantly saw through his eyes where he had placed the lesson plan not but half an hour previously to school beginning. I raised my hand and muttered awkwardly, "Sir...it's on your desk there......next to the lamp?" It came off as more of a question then the answer of it's location, a technique I knew I would have to use in order to hide my instant knowledge.
         To signify he was listening he murmured, "Ahhh so it is....get back here!" He chuckled again and grabbed it off his desk. His gaze landed upon mine and to signify his gratitude he nodded his head in thanks.
         He continued with class and went into detail about the way he grades tests and what not. I could tell instantly about people, mainly because I could read their thoughts and everything that they think, even their deepest darkest secret but this, what I felt about him wasn't paranormal power, it was just common sense. He was a generous man and a great teacher. However I wouldn't need his wisdom, I have everything already. Ever single event he'd teach use I already know about in great, great detail.
         As I sat while he began teaching I tried to tap into Eddie's energy and mind to see what he was thinking. He however was listening to every word spoken. Suddenly I felt somewhat ungrateful. Ungrateful that I was purposely ignoring the teachers words, his random stories and off the wall personality. I decided to listen until the period was over. As I got up out of my seat Eddie came up behind and muttered, "Haha you should listen to him some times, he says some pretty funny things actually."
         I nodded and remarked, "Yeah well you don't exactly have the same problem I do and yeah I've listened to him. He's funny and kind hearted. Teachers should be more like him actually." Eddie nodded knowing his argument was lost and I was the victor. He nodded and vanished off to his next class while I did the same. However before that I'd have to make another pit stop the to great bathrooms no thanks to the unforgiving sun.
         After a while lunch rolled around again and I figured Eddie would have more to say today knowing that I was less irritable than the previous day. Eddie and I sat at a table far in the back of the cafeteria. As I approached him I glanced at another person sitting beside him. Eddie introduced me to a friend he'd made just today. "Yo bro this is Josh, I told him he could sit with us. Is that cool with you?" I nodded as I sat down in one solid motion.
         To be truthful I wanted all conversation between me and this Josh to be as limited as possible. My mood was severely lightened but I wasn't about to divulge my emotional problems or anything else. I'm the type of....person who often unloads his emotional stress onto others but those others are my family. No one else and for one reason and one reason only....no one else would understand the troubles of an immortal.
         Josh picked up his milk and sipped at it. His voice was deep possibly bass when he raised the question, "So Eddie tells me you're something of an artist? Do you prefer painting or drawing because I'm more of a sketcher." He placed his milk back down and aimed for his slice of pizza.
         I pushed the food around on my tray to give off the illusion that I was interested in it. In reality immortals don't need to eat. I grimaced at the question because as much as I enjoy art I don't think of myself as professional. Eddie was more of an artist than I, I just tried to be. I sighed and spoke, "Personally I prefer painting but I find pencil work is far easier. Whatever my brother told you though isn't at all true, he's the true artist." Eddie leaned back out of my line of sight and nodded silently causing Josh and himself to laugh.
         After a while of conversation and joking around I determined that Josh was an okay human. Him and I seemed to get along just fine and that came off as shocking. I don't know what took over inside of me because as I've stated my goal was not to make friends. I was just going to play it down low and blend in. Well guess I tried but I have a life of eternity, I should start living it with no regrets! This got me thinking, immortals could mingle with humans. This proves that we can get along and not harm one another.
         Josh and Eddie talked about how Keith was turned down by those girls and they joked around. I didn't bother to chime in because something else had stolen my attention. I wasn't sure what at the time, but I felt like I wasn't supposed to be here in this room. It was an uneasy feeling, but I didn't feel like getting up. In fact I couldn't, my motivation to leave had left me and as I sat there alone with each passing second I knew it was wrong. I could smell her again...closer and closer as she came.
         Immediately I jerked my head to trace where and how close she was. I gazed upon her, her figure so clear and so beautiful. Her aroma was soothing; I felt the urge deep inside. I was curious as to how she could have such pure blood, this blood being the blood I longed to taste. I haven't tasted human blood in centuries and hers was tempting. More tempting than anything I had ever tasted, human or animal.
         Eddie noticed at once my reaction to her, and yet for some reason he shot up and motioned for her to walk over. My anger rose due to the fact that he knew how I was yesterday and how she still makes me feel. She noticed and did just that. I pulled my hood up and hid my face in the table as best I could. Her scent got stronger and stronger; I begged and pleaded for the hunger to stop. I clenched my fist and finally she was standing right beside me. I lowered my face beneath my hands and rested there trying to ignore her and her great scent. Eddie poked me, "Hey Adam wake up! I want you to meet another friend of mine. Nick this is Caitlyn Lewter, Caitlyn this is my brother, Nicholas Augusta." He nodded toward her as I could sense.
         I lifted my head to meet her face, my hoodie still blocking most of my view. It didn't take long for me to recognize and confirm it was the girl I'd saved from... that other immortal. Usually we don't pay mind to any others within our territory but this one nearly had her for snack, that's something that we do NOT tolerate. She seemed kept to herself, shy, as was I. But she recalled me from before and as her eyes locked upon mine she smiled and waved and I sat there motionless oblivious to the amount of time that was passing by. I was unsure what to do, I wanted to try and say something. Anything I really didn't care I just wanted her to leave before I gave in, before I hurt her.
         Her lips appeared so perfect and so velvet like as she spoke, "Hi Nick, I hear your brother tells me you're an artist. Care to share any of your masterpieces with me some time?" Her words were soft, she was careful to speak that much, it was apparent she wasn't much for conversation and this was one of the few attempts she'd made with anyone that wasn't an adult. She pulled up a seat and sat in between me and Eddie. Her words still resonating within my head as her voice was something close to a siren.
         I growled a low murmur, "Hi..." That was all I could manage to say. My strength leaving me as I knew the right thing was to not give in, but the voice deep down within me said to give in. Why bother holding on, she's just a human. The fact was she wasn't anything really special. All humans are the same really. I banished those thoughts because I knew those were the thoughts of the inner beast and not me. I dashed out like an animal fleeing with his tail between his legs. The only sensible thing and safe thing to do.
         Eddie shook his head, "Sorry about that, not sure what his problem is. He's never good with meeting new people." They went about there conversation and soon after that the day had ended. I always enjoyed the end of the day; it was amazing to see all the students pouring out of the small school that trapped them in. Some felt that school was a sort of prison, however on the contrary the discipline there was soft. Not many broke the rules though, so there was no need for discipline.
         As I was on my way to the bus ramp I caught another whiff of her. What didn't help was the fact the wind was blowing, carrying her scent in my general direction. My brother walked up behind me on his way to walk home. He shouted, "Hey Caitlyn, here's Nick!" He pulled my hood over my head so I punched him in the shoulder. He then vanished in an instant. I tried to avoid her as best as possible. But when she rides your bus, you have no choice but to talk to her. I sat in the first seat, she sat behind me.
         The first few days of school always suck because impressions are made then and there. I didn't really care what people thought of me. I'm sure they don't even really care about me, so I didn't listen to there gospel. The same went for the people on my bus. Their thoughts were poured out for me the listen to as they loudly chatting amongst themselves.
         After the first stop she skipped a seat and sat behind me. She leaned up to talk, I did my best to listen but I had one thing on my mind. Caitlyn hesitantly began a conversation much to my dismay. She began with, "So how's high school treating you? Today was so short."
         "That a stature joke?" I teased. As soon as the words escaped my mouth I knew it was so wrong to have said. "I mean....I apologize..." I kept quiet a moment, feeling ultimately dunce.
         "Hahaha no I get it all the time. I know I'm short. Quite okay, no but seriously how are you, you're new here right? I mean I'm just a freshman but I don't recall ever seeing you before."
         I nodded, my hair blowing in the wind as the window was still lowered. The conversing managed to take my mind away from killing her, so that was a plus. I nodded, "Yeah me and my family just moved here, so far it's decent I guess. My other school never mentioned Robert Frost, we were always fixated on Shakespeare."
         Caitlyn sat back, the sun glistening off her skin as her perfect face turned to mine and shook, "Frost, gah, I could never get into his work."
         I pulled my hood down to reveal my pale face for her and began to talk fluently, "What's wrong with Robert Frost? He's one of the greatest poets out there. I'd sooner take Poe over Frost but still give the fossil some credit." We both busted out laughing. My attempt at conversation was going shockingly well. Check that off the list I guess.
         I noticed the girl she was sitting next to was staring at me, no not just staring but glaring. It was like I had stolen Caitlyn away from her. Then it had hit me, I couldn't listen into Caitlyn's thoughts! Nothing was entering my head, not even a secret deep down inside.
         She ran her hand through her hair, "Nick, we need to talk more. You seem like the quiet type. You seem to like poetry right? What's your favorite poem?" Her lips curled at the end of her sentence giving me even more reason to find her attractive. I kept calm under the situation of exactly how close she was.
         As she shifted her petite weight I tensed up. It took me a few seconds to get used to her being so close. I blurted out, "Funeral for a Friend." I didn't want to start a conversation but I knew that instead of fighting the urge to be her friend maybe I should just give in? I knew I could give in to that but the rest I had to resist.
         Her face scrunched up, "Is that like the band, because I never heard of that one." Even when her faced became smashed momentarily her beauty was still present.
         I shook my head, "I write my own poetry. But I like anything by Poe." I sat there feeling moronic for saying that. Girls don't like a guy to be intellectual, they want a star football player. Or, at least the ones I'd observed in the modern age. Caitlyn didn't seem like the 'preppy' kind though. She was more solitary, perhaps she'd go for someone of the arts?
         She nodded, "Yeah Poe's cool, you should bring your poetry in. I'd be more than happy to comment on it, positive things only of course!" The emotion in her voice sent off signs all around. I could instantly tell that she felt something....something for me. She was appealing and I was just the same to her. I knew that this was wrong though.....she was only attracted to me due to my nature.
         She blushed and I noticed there was something in her eyes. Something that formed a question, I wasn't sure if it was me trying to probe her mind or just something else all together. Whatever it was it wasn't meant for me to know.
         She giggled sweetly and nudged me, "You need to talk more! I'm sure you won't bite! I mean look at me, you've got me talking and normally I won't say two words. Even to my own friends." With that being said I finally chuckled, nodded, sat up and ran my hand through my hair to make it look like I was getting comfortable. The one thing immortals had to due was constantly move, make it look like we were just as normal as everyone else. I sighed, with every breath she took I could see the blood flowing through each individual vein. It wasn't tempting as in erotic, just tempting. I needed her blood, I longed for hers and hers alone. I was destined to taste hers, if I didn't I was sure to die!
         She leaned against an open window and the wind yet again blew her scent into my nostrils. That intensified every nerve in my body that was dead. I jumped up, "Sorry Caitlyn, my stop's here. I'll talk to you latter." I left the bus and I left her there. I was glad to get off the bus, I was glad to get away from her! It was cruel to say and think that, but it's for he best we don't hang around each other!
         During the duration it took me to traverse the large lane that connected my residence to the closest road I though of my life. Not just my recent life, but all of my 778 years on earth. Nothing has given me such joy as Caitlyn, and it's stupid and immature to say because I just met her. It felt as if some how I knew her inside and out. Known her for ages, or....no, that couldn't be. This wasn't just young love though; in fact it wasn't even love. It was desire, pure desire. It was only the kind that the immortals could comprehend.
         My family and I live in the middle of the woods, away from everyone. We live here because the shade from the trees gives us the freedom to roam where ever we want. The lane I walked upon was extremely long, luckily no normal person would wish to walk that distance, so we live undisturbed. Surprisingly my house wasn't that fancy because we didn't wish to spend our money. We weren't penny pinchers either we just knew how to save. It was a normal house because we try desperately to fit in. Some times it works, other times it doesn't.
         Our house has huge windows because we enjoy the wilderness, and we can afford to have windows due to the trees blocking the sun light. However on occasions the sun does shine in, but not enough to bother us. The atmosphere of our house is chilling to some because it's always quite and empty. We have a few nick knacks and furniture inside yet it still seems empty. No one technically lives in there, because we do not live. We don't live, we just remain to be I guess.
         I took notice to the three cars parked beside our house. That means everyone is home, which of course I already knew. My parents hardly worked at all, for many reasons. A few reasons where we had plenty of money and we didn't need more but we thought it was a part of being normal. They took up minuscule jobs at local businesses to make it seem like they were a part of the community.
          I opened the front door and was at once greeted by my brother. He automatically demanded answers. "What happened dude, did you talk to her? You didn't bite her did you? Wait of course not or else we'd be plagued by a mob by now. So spill the beans what happened?"
          I threw my hoodie on the cough in the living room and took a seat beside my mother Lyn and my father Simon. I sighed and laughed, "This isn't ye olden days." Leaving Eddie with only his question I dismissed him. My parents were engaged in another "exciting" rerun of Dr. Phil.
          They both glanced toward me and asked in unison, "How was school?" The chuckled and turned the television off to listen to what we had to say. Luckily I didn't have much to say, Eddie beat me to the punch.
          Eddie grinned as he spoke for me, "Fine, fine it was great and all but I introduced Nick to this lovely girl, her names Caitlyn!" They all smiled and looked at one another. I glared at him and shot him a dirty look as if to shut up.
          "Great, oh Nick I'm so glad to hear that, I take it you like her?" Lyn smiled at the sentence that now hung in the air as her eyes lit up with hope. Knowing that moving here was a huge move that contained equal risks but hoping the choice was right.
          I corrected her, "No it's not exactly like that. She's just a girl. In fact she's a human girl! You know how that would go down with the others; we're not supposed to be that close to the humans! It's against our nature to be friends with humans; and especially if we're in..."
          I stopped there and thought for a moment about what I was about to say, I was about to say "love" wasn't I? Oh God I was about to say that, how could I? I have no idea what was wrong with me. I wasn't in love with her, plain and simple. I've never truly been in love with anyone, well, except for one person but... that was a story for another time.
         My voice was low as I growled, "I don't care for her, she's not...."
         Eddie now cracked open a can of soda and gulped it down while he murmured the name, "Elizabatha?"
         I shot him a glare as he choked on it and before anyone could say anything else I ran to my room, ignoring the things they said to calm me down. I would have slammed my door shut, but I didn't have one. I didn't need privacy, because I didn't sleep.
          I hit the play button on my stereo and Bach was playing. As I slammed myself against the wall trying to forget everything, I began to remember a vision of me and Elizabatha together. This irritated me to no extent, so I opened my window and fell to the ground. I decided to take a stroll into the vast woods to get my mind off of things. I needed space to think, and with Eddie bugging me nothing would get accomplished. I couldn't keep my control, and that was the greatest problem I faced. Maybe I did love her, her either being Elizabatha or this Caitlyn, I really didn't know. It was the animalistic side of me I worried about. If I loved a human, wouldn't that be a sin all its own?
          Upon stumbling into the darkened woods I could see the lay of the land just as plain as day light. Every scurry from a mouse, every graze from a deer. I decided to take out my frustration on the deer. As I stood beside a large tree the breath from my lungs escaped my throat with an evident presence. My eyes darted in the direction I saw the deer go as soon as I'd make my way towards it. My hunting technique was flawless, I could track down anything within 100 miles away! Before I could pounce I heard Eddie approaching.
         Each time his foot kissed the earth from each step I could hear him getting closer and closer. I sighed as he was standing beside me now with a curious expression spread across his face. "Hunting this early at night? Man you're not even thirsty....so that leads me to believe you're upset?" I don't surrender myself and spill everything that I've been going through but I silently nod to submit nonetheless. I won't lower myself to breaking down but I'll admit when I'm about to. That's more than enough for him and he and I both know that. He returns a nod signifying he's satisfied.
          Eddie sighs along with me and begins, "Listen I can't imagine what you're going through, you've been around more than I have. But out of the two of us YOU have the control. If you truly want to blend in with humanity then you have to become human yourself. Don't fight it, that only makes it worse for you."
          I watch in the distance as the deer floats off into the distance. I turn to Eddie and surrender, surrender everything when I say, "You're right......I need her." He and I both nod as we trade glances at something shifting in the darkness.
          My eyes meet his as we face a black object glaring at us from a distance. It seems to be normal, like a figure of a man or...... but before I can think anymore the figure darts away. Without thinking Eddie and I take off after it into the darkened unknown.
          With each step taken an echo let loose through the woods and due to my enhanced hearing I could pick up anything audible from miles away. Eddie and I were dead on the track of something....some immortal. As we ran full force towards it I scoffed, "Hey man when was the last time we've had this much fun?"
          He burst out and replied with, "You know now that you mention it...I have no clue! Whatever this is, is fast that's for sure! Hey, bet I can beat you to it!" With that said he darted faster after the figure. I knew I couldn't keep up with him, after all he was the faster brother. However I did manage to keep up my pace until I stopped suddenly just as he had done moments before me.
          The two of us stood upon a fallen tree as the figure stood just a yard or so in front of us. It stood looming, taunting us to confront it. I stepped forward rather boldly and boasted, "As you can see you're outnumber! Whoever you are, show yourself! You're no match for us and by no means are you able to escape his speeds." I shifted and nodded toward my brother who stole a deep breath as a means to intimidate our enemy.
The figure stood with the moon gleaming off his skin. A low growl came from his direction as his mouth creased open and a voice spilled out, "Prepare yourself.....for in time you will loose everything you cherish!" With that said whoever it was vanished off into the distance, far faster than what he had been going and by what I managed to see far faster than Eddie!
          Eddie turned to me and sighed, "Well so much for that, the fun just left us. Now what do you want to do?" His gaze lasted on the space the figure had occupied for a while until he finally turned to meet my gaze. I shook my head and took off, back tracking until I finally recognized the wooded area we were in. Usually we'd never hunt this far but the figure, whoever it was or whatever it was didn't care therefore it went where ever it could. Little did it know of my brother's speed.
         My voice was curious as I moaned, "I'm not going home...." I gathered myself and my voice evened out as I continued, "I'm going for a walk, don't wait up." I tried to conceal my true plan underneath everything else but my brother had a knack for reading emotions.
          Eddie laughed, "Hey man go visit her, don't mind me I'm not here to judge you. That's for him to do and him alone." He threw his thumb up and pointed upwards. With a grin widely displayed on his face he nodded and quickly left me alone. I focused my mind and cleared everything from sight. I didn't bother running, I figured I'd waist more time and just walk. With eternity at my side and being unable to sleep I had to find new ways to waist time.
          Suddenly a pain washed over me, my hands reached up to steady my head as a vision ran through my mind. (As the light peered from behind the cloud, it wrapped itself around the beauty by my side. "Caitlyn, how many times have I said I love you?" I grinned.) I shook my head and tried so hard to forget what had just happened.
         I followed her scent, becoming closer and closer as I sought to control myself. I knew I could be normal around her, she had this gift about her. When I was around her on the bus, I did get this sort of flow of calmness that remained for me. The question was would I be willing to surrender myself and be around her more and more? Could I afford to let my guard down and prepare to be with her for however long she wanted?
I came within around half a mile away from her when I stopped and turned around. My breath escaped my lips as I blended in with the darkness. I thought about it more and more and decided to run back. Within seconds my sight was blurred as everything around me was thrown behind me as I now came closer and closer to home. With my mind set, I knew exactly what I'd do and where I'd go with my life.

© Copyright 2014 Adam Sword (nicksword at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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