Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2003781-Elemental-system
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #2003781
In a far and distant place. A story of two brothers takes place.
Four planets were in a system these planets were old very old. The four planets each had a name Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. These for planets are part of the elemental system. Every other system planet species used at least one of these. Each planet had rulers a king or a queen or sometimes both. Air king name Vayu married an evil women from his own planet named Anila. They had two beautiful boys named Stribog (oldest) and Phong (Youngest). Queen of water named Jenny married a man from her own world Calder and they had the prince Nephthys and princesses Naunet.
While the Queen of Earth named Adamina had a child with the fire king named Phlegon and named him Xiuhcoatl. The fire king and earth queen never got married because the fire king was already married to his wife Topaz. After Phlegon cheated on his wife he went home and had a child named Xipil with Topaz. The thing was Phlegon never told his wife he had cheated on her the day before Xipil was conceived but he choose at the birth of his son to come clean about it. About an hour before Xipil came to the universe Adamina had Xiuhcoatl. Unknowingly Phlegon had two sons one to each queen. Adamina never told Xiuhcoatl about his father in tell he was about five years old. When the child of the elemental system became about five their powers started to emerge. Prince Nephthys had the element of Air. Princesses Naunet had the elemental power of water.
As Xiuhcoatl became five years old he started to show signs of two elemental powers the stronger one which his mother wish wouldn’t show or wouldn’t be there at all became the stronger one fire. His second less powerful elemental power was earth. Xiuhcoatl didn’t understand what was going on everyone looked at him differently when he became five he didn’t get it. He looked different sure he had blue hair like flames and his eyes were something even stranger. His eyes were blue flames with a white heart and a black and gray background while everyone else eyes were brown with a black heart and white background.
His own mother looked at him differently and when he got angry he could feel the heat growing on top of his head as if it was about to turn into fire and it was. Xipil was always smaller weaker than the other kids his father pushed him to limit made him work hard and hardly ever gave him a break. As Xipil was turning five his hair started to turn white. Phlegon came in to wake his son up on his birthday so he could give his birthday present without everyone crowding them. When he walked into his son’s room he saw something horrifying his son’s red silk hair was white. White as the pure snow. As Xipil woke up he aw his fathers face disappointment anger and something he never saw his father show fear little bit of it but it was enough for him to become concern to what’s going on.
When Phlegon saw his sons hair that was horrifying but the eyes too. His eyes were cold so cold no life in them they were silver with a gray heart and a white background. He was anger and disappointed. He stomped quickly down the hall and grab his wife out of bed and pulled her to see their son. When Phlegon pulled her out of bed Topaz was scared knowing something was wrong. He pulled her into their sons bedroom and she was shocked by what she saw she saw her son but someone not her son. Xipil was crying when his mother came into the room he had saw what had happened. He didn’t get what happened but he could understand that is was bad by the way his father and now mother looked at him. She was shocked this shouldn’t have happened or more like she didn’t want this to happen she didn’t want to tell him what she was where she came from she was afraid Topaz was too scared she wanted to run. She knew her husband could smell the fear on her.
She turned to him and told him that it was her fault. Phlegon didn’t understand what his wife was saying she said that her ancestors were snow creatures an ancient race that died out billions of years ago. She had told him that a receive gene apparently broke through and now shows in their son.
Queen Topaz began her tale. “Before the four planets that now separate, they were ruled by one giant ancient race. The people of the cold. This was a race of beings that were peaceful and very wise. As any race that ruled that greatly had a queen and king. The queen’s name was Kodiak and the king’s name was Yukon. They ruled with a fair but firm hand. All the citizens looked alike, white hair and gray eyes. They were graceful people but their hearts were as cold as ice. They didn’t care much for their children, not loving parents one might say. The people were looking different by each generation at first it was just one child that had different color hair and eyes, but then more and more children started to show difference to the race.
The people of the worlds started to angry that their beloved king a queen weren’t’ doing anything to preserve their kind instead they were allowing a thing could evolution to take over and convert their children in to something else. Some children had red flame hair, other a sea blue. Mothers and Fathers started to kill their young in hopes that if they killed them now the evolutionary gene would stop in its tracks.
The king and queen had no idea what to do even their own child was showing signs of evolution. As any parents would do they kept him a secret so the people wouldn’t want him murder. All hope was lost because a servant leaked information out to the people. One morning when the king a queen awoke they had found their people trying to storm the castle. They were breaking windows and using a piece of an arm form one of the statues they broke down.
Yukon had told his wife to not go a try to grab their son and that he would try to stop the peasant from breaking in. Kodiak’s maternal instincts took in as she say them break in and run in like a bunch of barbarians. She ran as fast as she could to her child and was ready to fight in order for his survival. It didn’t work a group of seven men had made it past all the guards and king as saw her holding her precious baby. They attacked and pulled their queen form the child. One man held the baby in his arms and took his the little neck in his hand a slightly squeezed; they all heard a snap in the neck.
Kodiak stop fighting as the man dropped the dead body to floor. They left leaving the queen to cry over her baby’s body. Yukon came running after the battle he was covered head to toe in blood sweat and dirt, he saw his beloved dead on the floor with a sword right there her belly surrounded by a pool of her own blood. He was about to do the same when he heard his little baby boy start crying. He turned and saw his son all alone with a purple bruise around his neck.
The king took his son into his arms and ran out the stables hoping that no one would see them. He took a horse not caring which one as long as it ran. They rode night and day in tell the king was out of food and water and could no longer feed his son. He got off his horse and slowly walked while clenching his son the keep him warm. He sat with his back against the tree for support. He waited for death to come and take him away with his son so they could be a family in the after life.
While the king went missing war broke out across the worlds. One sided was fighting for the safety and survival of the changing generations, the other side wanting to kill the children that showed any evolutionary change.
The child some how survived no one truly knows what happened but people believe that he crawled away and lived off the land. Others believed that an old woman picked him up and taught him how to survive and be grateful for what he had. Year’s later war was tearing the planets and the people apart everyone had a side but no one won. They eventually destroyed each other leaving very few that were hidden away long ago.
They grew in a system very lonely consider their were only about two per world. The former prince of the systems never knew of his father or mother or of his heritage. He went wondering for years in tell he found a young lady. She was the only survivor of the war. They decided to get married and have children. Unfortunately she could not have children. So Edur cheated on her with some other girl they found. Patil killed her self when she found out that her husband had cheated on her with a woman with red flaming hair. That women he did it with was my great great great grandmother.”
Topaz finished her tale. She looked at her husband and then at her child. Phlegon was furious you could see him about to turn into flames. She looked at her child Xipil was crying.
“Mommy does that mean I’m different from everyone else?”
“I’m sorry dear.” Topaz looked at him she was so sorry she hadn’t told Phlegon about this years ago. After all he came clean about having affairs with Adamina.
“I just don’t understand love. Why did this happen? Why is our boy, my son this way? Why does he look this way?”
“Its because he got the recessive genes. They only show up if the other partner’s genes don’t have the necessary dominate genes. Phlegon please don’t tell me you have another child.”
“Not that I know of. Unless, no it can’t be.”
Phlegon ran out of the room. Topaz followed along with Xipil. Phlegon ran over to own of his servants and told him to get a hold of queen Adamina. A few seconds later the servant returned with a telephone.
“Yes hello, Phlegon are you there?”
“Hello Adamina, I have a question for you.”
“Yes what is it. Please hurry I’m very busy.”
“Did I get you pregnant?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you have a child that’s mine?”
“Do you or do you not?”
“I do.”
“What did you name him?”
“I named him Xiuhcoatl.”
“I wish to meet him.”
“I don’t think that would be a great idea.”
“I don’t care I wish to meet my son.”
“You already have a son. How about you focus on him?”
“But he’s not mine. Truly he doesn’t represent me in any way sense or form.”
“How about instead of worrying what he looks like you worry about what he acts like?”
“What powers does he have? Does he have my powers?”
“He does he has both of our powers. His hair is like blue fire. He has blue flames in his eyes.”
“Can I please see him? I could teach him how to control it, how to control all the anger that comes with fire.”
“I don’t know.”
“Come on it will be easier for you and me.”
“I just don’t know what best for him or me.”
“He’s not going to learn how to control fire power on a planet that has only earth users on it.”
“I still don’t know. He’s scared of what he looks like. Everyone here calls him a monster."
“Then send him here I’ll teach him how to control his fire. He can be strong like me. He’ll be surrounded with people like him.”
“Ok I’ll send him to you only for awhile then I want him back.”
“Ok I’ll be expecting him.”
Topaz hung up the phone she walked towards Xiuhcoatl. He was playing with blocks. He accidentally had set five blocks on fire and destroy about seven when she was one the phone.
“Mommy I’m sorry they just kind of caught fire on their own.”
“Its ok baby I know you didn’t mean it.”
“Who were you talking to mommy?”
“I was talking to a very important man. He said that he could teach you how to control the fire. He also said that there were others that looked like you. You could go and spend time with him, if you want?”
“I don’t wanna leave you mommy.”
“I know you don’t baby. But I’m sending you to the man anyways.”
“Because you need to see others that look like you. You need to be taught how to perfect the fire inside. You shouldn’t just be learning how to control the ground beneath your feet.”
“I’ll come back right mommy?”
“Yes baby you will I promise you.”
Adamina took Xiuhcoatl into her arms and walked to his room. There she put him on the bed. She started to pack a backpack for him. After she finished packing for him she picked him up and called for her top maid to go and get a ship ready with the coordinates to the fire planet. Once the ship was ready Adamina put her son into the ship and said goodbye.
“Goodbye mommy, I love you.”
“I love you to baby see you soon.”
With that the queen sent her little boy to the planet of fire. I took about two days to get there. When Xiuhcoatl got there he landed right next to the palace. Guards came out and escorted him to the throne room where Phlegon sat waiting for his arrival.
“Hello there. What is your name?”
“I’m glad you cam my name is King Phlegon. Your mother sent you here so I could teach you how to control your fire power.”
Phlegon was so happy with what his son showed. Xiuhcoatl looked exactly like Adamina describe him. He had flaming blue hair. His eyes were closed.
“Show me your eyes young one.”
“No you’ll run away and scream just like everyone else. Mommy is the only one who didn’t run when away from me.”
“I promise I won’t run away. I am very brave so please show me your eyes.”
“Promise me you won’t run away.”
“I promise.”
With the promise in thought Xiuhcoatl opened his eyes. Phlegon was amazed of what his son eyes showed. His eyes were filled with darkness light and blue flames. Phlegon was scared but as he promised the boy he didn’t run away.
“You’re scared I can see it in your eyes.”
“I’m not scared just surprised.”
“You’re lying to me.”
“I’m not I promise. I promised not to run away I never promised I wouldn’t be startled by them.”
“Ok fair enough.”
Xipil came running through the hall at that every moment. Xiuhcoatl looked at him in amazement. Xipil stopped to look at the new comer. They stared at each other for a very long time. It was Xiuhcoatl who spoke first.
“Hello I am Xiuhcoatl from the planet of the earth.”
“Hello I am Xipil. I come from this planet.”
“Are you scared of me?”
“No, are you scared of me?”
“No I like you because you’re different like me.”
“Same here.”
The boys were so happy that there was another person just like them out there. Xipil was excited that he wasn’t alone in the world being different than his parent believed he would be. Xiuhcoatl was happy because he would have a friend that would accept him for who he was and not what he looked like. Phlegon was happy because he could train Xiuhcoatl to be the heir to the fire kingdom.
Topaz entered the room looking for her son. She found him standing talking with a complete stranger. She went to her husband to see what was going on. He explained what was going on. She slapped him right there. Everyone turned around to see what the smacking sound was. The King and Queen decided to leave the room they walked to their own personal bedroom. Topaz was upset with Phlegon.
“I’m furious with you Phlegon.”
“What did I do?”
“You plan to take Xiuhcoatl and train him to take your place as King one day. Instead of training Xipil you plan to use that other boy. Think of how your son will feel having a stranger take his birth right.”
“So what if I plan to use Xiuhcoatl he has the power of fire unlike Xipil. He is stronger than Xipil. He also is my son. As it turns out I got Adamina pregnant and she had him. His name means weapon of destruction meaning fire, the meaning of fire. Unlike our son with his name meaning noble of the fire. Imagine if Xiuhcoatl was the king instead of Xipil he could do wonders with his power.”
“I don’t care what his name means. I care about that you choose a stranger to be the heir of our planet. I know Xipil doesn’t have the power you wanted but he is still your son.”
“Xiuhcoatl is also my son.”
“Xipil is my and yours son. Think about that. I want that child gone out of my sight by the morning.”
“Love I promised Adamina that I would teach him to control his power.”
“I don’t care she isn’t your wife I am. I would hate for you to have to find a new one.”
“Adamina please don’t be like that. All I’m thinking of is the good of the people.”
“How for once you think of how your son will feel about this.”
“Why do I? He’s only five years old he can be anything else.”
“He wants to be like his father he wants to make you proud.”
“I am proud of him. I just.”
“Just wait. You just don’t want someone like him who has the power of the cold to rule over the people of fire. Is that it?”
“What I can’t hear you?”
“YES, that’s exactly what I mean.”
“You have in tell the morning to figure what to do with the abomination for a child. If he’s not gone by morning or somewhere he can’t get out Xipil and me are leaving you.”
“What should I tell his mother Adamina?”
“I don’t your King think of something creative.”
Topaz stormed out of the room to leave her husband to think of he has done. Phlegon was mad he really wanted to make Xiuhcoatl the heir to his kingdom. He still could but he would lose the love of his wife.
He walked back only to find Topaz behind a pillar. He saw the two boys Xiuhcoatl had flames all around him. His hair was burning a bright blue flame and his body was releasing the fire as if were natural. He looked over to see Xipil his whole body looked paler than the moon. His eyes were ice cold and the ground beneath his feet was turning to ice.
Phlegon realized something. He realized that Xipil was powerful but not in the way he wanted. He saw Xiuhcoatl and saw the son he wanted the son that everyone else would be proud of. He ran to his wife in order to find out how this happened she told him.
“I walked in and tried to pull Xipil away from that thing. He wouldn’t come with me he said something about not leaving his new best friend. Then I told him that thing wasn’t supposed to even exist. I told him to leave it behind because the trash gets thrown out tonight. Xipil cried when I told him that. That’s when things started to get weird, Xiuhcoatl got angry with me for making Xipil cry. I tried to calm him down but that only made to make things worse. I left because Xiuhcoatl hurt me he nearly burned me alive. See. That’s when Xipil started look so cold his face drained of blood and the air got so cold around him.”
“My love I told you he doesn’t know how to control his power and neither does Xipil.”
Xiuhcoatl thought of how much his new friend meant to him and he thought about that women that made him cry. Xipil thought about the safety of his mother. The room was getting stuffy as the air thinned because of Xiuhcoatl fire consuming all the oxygen. Xipil held strong even though he felt a bit light headed. Xiuhcoatl just thought about one word and that word was monster. He thought about what that word meant to him and what it means to his future. He also knew that if he didn’t stop his flames he really would become a monster. Xipil wanted only to help but when ever he tried to ice Xiuhcoatl the ice would melt fast and turn into water. He tried over and over again; in tell he finally gave up. Xiuhcoatl saw his best friend’s body drop to the floor. He ran over to Xipil but he knew if he touched the boy’s skin he would melt away just like the ice. All this time Topaz and Phlegon were crouched behind a piller wishing for their sons’ safety and hoping that Xiuhcoatl wouldn’t kill him. Sooner or later.

Xiuhcoatl finally collapsed after forty minutes of crying over Xipil. His face, and body landed in the puddle that Xipil was creating. The king and queen ran over to their boy. Phlegon picked his sons up and cradled his small childish body in his arms.
“I’m so sorry, son please, please, ohh please I’m begging you please just stay with us for a few more minutes. Just enough time so we could get you all fixed up, ok?”
Xipil barely had any strength left he lifted his hand up to his fathers face and stroked it calmly and careful. In two strokes his hand fell. The mighty king called for his medical practitioners to come quickly. They all came running in one after another each with a mix of red, orange, and gold hair. They had to remove the king from his son so they could start treating him. The queen walked very calmly over to Xiuhcoatl. Each one of her heels making a sharp clack with the tiled flooring. She came behind Xiuhcoatl kneeled down and put her dainty hands around his throat and squeezed.
Phlegon saw what his wife was about to do. He didn’t really care; he just looked back at his son hoping for his full recover. Topaz squeezed her hands harder, and harder just trying to make sure this monster of a creature would never stand again.
Xiuhcoatl knew what he had done to his friend. What had happened to him? Why did he act so protectively? He felt a light touch over his throat his mind was just trying to get his eyes to stop watering. Before his mind had time to fully understand on what just happened. He felt his fist hit something warm yet hot, then his leg lifting its self up to position his knee directly into something that felt like gooey water (Joelton). Then his hands were rising up all beside themselves to strike something really light that were on the ends of something that looked like an oval with holes.
His mind fully got up to speed with body he realized that he had just struck down the queen Topaz. She lay there coughing wheezing and most hurtful of all screaming bloody murder. The royal guards had restrained Xiuhcoatl just before he could land any more deathblows. The king had left his son side to look at the horror of his wife’s lovely face turned into something that was bruised, stained with her blood, and worst of all begging for forgiveness. There were so many things the fire kingdom didn’t allow and one of them just happened to be begging for forgiveness, or life. That showed weakness and being and all military world hated weakness no room for it too much weakness. Weakness meant death, death meant losing, and losing is something that no one stood for.
Phlegon slowly rose to his feet. Took out a gold handle silver knife and struck it directly through her beating heart. His face showed no remorse, no mercy, all it showed was a man without a soul. He kicked her lifeless body to the side. Something for the servants to get rid of later. He looked at Xiuhcoatl, walked straight up to him and clocked him twice then proceeded to kick his stomach in tell his entrails were ready to leak out of his body at any moment.
He looked down at Xiuhcoatl’s unconscious body he thought he should kill the monster right then and there. Save the people of his race the terrible burden that the boy he created accidental carried with him. Instead he called over his guards and through the young man into the castle dungeon where no moral being has ever come out of alive.
Phlegon walked over to his throne and fell back into it. He wasn’t sure about what to do next. He looked to his left and saw his son lying breathing only by his practitioners help. Thankfully he was alive, barely though. Phlegon only thought two things. May the heavens save his son and torture the monster that almost took everything from him.
Xipil saw phlegon and topaz. They were so happy. Then red everything was do red. Xipil coverd his face in order not to get coverd in the red. He uncovered his face. Topaz had been stabbed through the stomach. Her face covered in bruises. She was clenching the knife. She fell down to the ground. Xipil ran towards her. As he felt her her skin turned to ice. Xuichoatl arrived and put his hands on her back and then she turned into water. Topaz was gone. Xipil cried out. Xipil sat right up in his bed coverd in cold sweat. The pracitooner that was keeping an eye on him ran out the room. She went before the king.
Phlegon sat in his throne in disbeleif. He ran towards his sons bedroom. He stopped right out the doorway. Xipil sat there clenching his knees to his chest. Phlegon went to go hug his son. That monster xuichoatl didn’t take everything away from him.
"Get up son and get dressed. You have some learning to do."
Xuichoatl sat there in his cell to afraid of himself to do anything else.
Ten years later. Xipil couldn’t eait for today. Today was the day he would be allowed down in the dungeon to see that monster xuichoatl. His father had been preparing this punishment for a while.
Xiuhcoatl sat down in Phlegon’s dungeon, hung from his wrist with his feet tied together. Every day for the past four years a guard would come down from the palace with a whip. Each day he would get whipped for all the bad he had done. No bath, minimum water and food was given, just enough for him to survive. The king wanted Xiuhcoatl to die slowly and painfully for what he did to the royal family.

Xiuhcoatl groaned so loudly and so full of blood that it sounded more like a growl. The footsteps came just like always. Xiuhcoatl was scared, not wanting to be hit, to feel the pain. Slowly, steadily like he was stepping to a time kept song. One, pause two, pause three, pause four, and repeat. The worst part was that he knew what the keeper would do, how he would do it, and all Xiuhcoatl could do was scream in agony hoping to dull the pain. He could hear the footsteps getting closer, almost by the door now.
The man turned the corner, through Xiuhcoatl’s blood covered eyes; he could see it wasn’t the keeper today. It was instead Phlegon. By his side was such skinner looking boy that Xiuhcoatl barely recognized as Xipil. Phlegon handed the whip to Xipil. Xipil took the whip in his hand turned it around once or twice. Walked right up to Xiuhcoatl and hit him right in the stomach.
It was the longest whipping Xiuhcoatl had ever taken. Xipil stepped closely to his brother’s ear and whispered,
“That’s for what you did to me.”
Xipil stepped back towards his father. Phlegon retrieved the whip from Xipil and handed him a small sack of something. Xipil walked very calmly to Xiuhcoatl and reached into the bag grabbing a grain of something. Xipil then reached his hand towards Xiuhcoatl’s wounds, and push the grain deep inside of him. Xiuhcoatl cried in the sure pain. The pain only lasted a few minutes though. Xipil reached inside the sack again, pulled another grain, and pushed into his wound. Xipil leaned over and again whispered into Xiuhcoatl’s ear.
“You know what this is? Come on answer me! Try not to spout blood on me.”
Xiuhcoatl’s mouth was flooded with blood. He opened it and said
“No” In a very small voice.
“You’re stupid aren’t you? You can’t even read a simple label. Want me to tell you what’s in your body?”
Xipil looked at Xiuhcoatl and lifted his head and slapped it really hard. Not even that could muster Xiuhcoatl’s interest in what he was being tortured with.
“Fine. It’s salt. You have salt in your body. Now even grain of salt is going to represent the pain my mother felt when she died. When she died by your filthy half breed hands!”
With that Xipil plunged a fist full of salt into Xuichoatl.
Xuichoatl screamed, feeling the salt suck out all of the blood being sucked out making his body dry. Nothing could dull the seering pain of the salt. He had been beaten, cut and dosed with ice. But this, this was the worst pain.
Phlegon grabbed his sons arm and yanked the salt right out of his hand. He calmly put the salt bag down and stepped up to xuichoatl. He pulled up on Xuichoatls hair that grew out over the years. A groan escaped his mouth. Phlegon leaned in to his ear and whispered
"Say you’re sorry to your brother xuichoatl. You did after all take his mother from him. The least you could do was say sorry."
Phlegon leaned back face to face with xuichoatl. Moments passed. Seconds started to seem like centuries. Every descion seemed like the bad one to xuiichoatl. Play their game and be submissive showing they've finally gotten to him or disobey and get punished. The grip on his hair got tighter and pulled up a little more. Making xuichoatl let a little whin escaped from his lips.
"Does this hurt?" Phlegon pulled up even more on the boys hair. He was lifting the boy up by his hair.
"Come on you can tell me, its just us. It's just family here. It'll be our little secret."
"You are not my family." The blood kept seeping into his mouth making every word a struggle to say without choking on his own blood.
"Of course we are. My dear boy. We are the only ones who keep you feed, bathed, and a roof over your head."
"No I have a mother and she is my only family."
"Think boy, think. When have you ever heard from her. You've been here for ten years so far. She hasn't even tried ?to get you out of here. She never truly loved you. Thats why she sent you to me." Phlegon reached up and stroked xuichoatls cheek.
Phlegon stopped stroking his cheeks and moved down to clenched his chin. Making sure xuichoatls eyes meet his. "She sent you to me cause she, knew how much of a monster you." Plegon let go of his chin but yanked up in a quick motion his hair. "Now tell your brother you’re sorry he wants to hear it from your mouth."
"Like i said your not my family he's not my brother!"
Phlegon had enough he back handed xuichoatl with his hand that held his collection of golden ring. It had made a shallow cut just adding to xuichoatls injuries.
"Do not say such foolish things boy. We are the only family that you will ever have. Accept that!"
"You will never be my family. And when i get out of here you will pay!"
"Fine boy you don't want to be apart of this family that's fine by me. To be a prisoner means looking like a prisoner."
Phlegon reached down a picked up a small knife. He held xuichoatls hair a tight fist giving absoultley no room to move. He brought the knife to the cartilge part of xuichoatls outer ear and started to cut in then stop and started to bring the knife out towards them. When the knife was all the way out a trianglur peice of cartilge fell to the floor. Blood started to seep outif xuichoatls ear. Phlegon reached up made a flame witg his index finger. He brought his finger to the new edges. Once he was done closing the wound he leaned back admiring his work.
"Now do you still want to denie that we're family or are you going to accept fact."
Xipil was horrified he knew xuichoatl should be punished but that was cruel he had lost part of an ear.
He leaned in to whisper harshly into xuichoatls ear.
"You will accept us as our only fanily and be ready to die for us."
He leaned back out just as xipil returned with something pointing with a huge end looking. Xipil handed the vile looking thing over to his father. Taking it phlegon yanked xuichoatls head to the side and slwoly sinking the sharp end under his skin. A moment passed in tell finally he felt a pinch inside and then it was gone.
After the last drop left the syringe phlegon pulled it out slowly making sure not to break the needle into xuichoatls neck. he turned his head to his other son.
"Xipil go eat this process will take some time."
Xipil being the ever so obedient son left the dungeon to go eat.
Xuichoatl felt cold, so cold, he's never felt this cold. His eyelids started to fall on there own. Darkness soon fell before him. Coldness, darkness everything was gone. The pain, the dripping of blood it all stopped. Suddenly there was a ground beneath his feet it was cool and rough. Then a hand touched his cheek. It was soft and warm nothing like phlegons hand. He leaned into the comfort of it. Another came down to hold his head in place. It wasn't a force hold it was a calming soft light touch, nothing he was ever felt before. He follown the hands to the wrist and then up to arms and shoulders. He finally looked up and saw the beutiful long brown golden hair, the baby blue eyes all wrapped together with carmel brown skin. Xuichoatl quickly looked away. Ashamed
Hiding behind his dried blood drenched hair.
"Xuichoatl, baby look at me."
"Because i want to see how much my baby boy has grown."
"Grown, i'm grown?"
"Oh yes you are grown."
"Mommy do you love me?"
"No, i never loved you. That's why I sent you to phlegon i knew you were a monster and a monster has to be punished."
Xichoatl quickly pulled away but the soft calm touch that first appeared was gone. Replaced by a harsh cold hold maling phlegon's clenches seem like a pillow. Keeping him in place.
"Let me go."
She let him go and pushed him backwards. She turned and started to walk away. Xuichoatl sat up his while body aching for some kind of warmth.
"Stop. Please stop. I don't to lose you the only family I have left."
She slowly turned her head her hair sliding behind her shoulders.
"I was never your family. I never loved you. How could I love a monster like you. Your lucky phlegon hasn't killed you. He must love you."
Xuichoatl sat there in disbeleif astounded that phlegon was right ahe never really loved him. He was just a monster to her. He watched as her back slowly faded away. All that was left was darkness. Nothing the only difference from before and now is there was pain. His whole world destroyed hope, the only hope in the world just cast him away. With the monster of a king.
Phlegon was becoming impatient. The process of destroying hope takes alot of time, he knew that. He didn't want to rush the proccess. Xuichoatl was of course the greatest thing he was ever going to create. His other son was strong to but ten years down the drain because he was asleep. It was a waste of their precious time.
Xipil was staring at his plate. He had put some meat of a teratokalles. Just staring at it thinking of the screams of xuichoatl. They were primal each one tiving out something. Phlegon was something else all together since topaz was gone. His father had taught him that xuichoatl was a terrible person but this was too much. Four the last ten years all he wanted to get was his revenege. After he had looked at xiichoatl after he had totured him like that there was no more hunger for revenge. There was only the wish of peace for him.
Phlegon felt xuichoatl the boy was cold. His blue hair just falling over his eyes. Lifting his hand he pushed a fee strands out of the day behind his ear. Xuichoatls ear was just dirty with his blood and some burn marks from earlier. Phlegon touched the hurt ear and leaned in to kissed it. He cared for this boy he needed to just have disclipen.
Tears leaked from the sides of xuichoatls face. Phlegon lifted his finger to wipe them away. He leaned into his sons ear and whisperd.
"No need to cry, daddy's here now. It's alright now."
Xuichoal could hear phlegons voice from the darkness he saw a light. It was red with yellow mushed in. In the middle of colors there was a figure it looked like phlegon. The figure started to move towards him. He stood in front of xuichoatl.
"Xuichoatl stop crying there's no need to cry."
"She left. You were right all along she never loved me she thought I was a monster."
"I know it's ok son just come to daddy. I'll make it all better. No more pain, no more. There will only be love from here on."
"You promise."
"Of course as long as you do as I saw without question or opionin. I will never harm you. I will only love you."
Phlegon reached out his hand. Xuichoatl reached up taking his hand. It felt warm against his skin. It didn't matter any more that he tortured him for tears. Nothing was as hurtful as hearing what that women said anout him. He loved her but here was the man that showed his love.
Xuichoatl lifted his head. He looked over to phlegon. He tried to manage a smile but blood started to drip out making the smile turn into a threat. Xuichoatl started to speak but he could only manage a little word that sounds just like a mumble.
Phlegon smiled his boy finally figured out where he belonged. Phlegon leaned in close to xuichoatl.
"You know now where you belong don't you?"
"Do you want me to let you down?"
"Yes, what? We use our manners here."
"Yes, please."
"Was that so hard."
Each word was a struggle no full sentences could be formed. No matter how hard he tried xuichoatl just ended up with more blood. Phlegon leaned out.
"Yes, your majesty."
"Get a bath ready. With some fresh battle cloth."
"Yes your majesty, right away."
The gaurd approached xuichoatl careful making sure not to touch him in any way. The gaurd crouched down. Taking out a small key. He gluided into the lock with a small twist the chains came off his ankles. The gaurd stood up slowly just in case anything was wrong. He leaned over to the right he put the key in another lock twisting it. Release xuichoatls right arm. Making xuichoatls legs touch the stone floor. The gaurd leaned over to the left unlocking the cuf that chained him there. There was a sudden thump and xuichoatl was crouched in the floor with his hair flopped over his face.
Xipil was getting impatient there was still no word from his father. He debated of weather or not walking down there and checking on them. A gaurd passed him looking worried. Xipil turned around to see where the gaurd was going.
"You there stop."
The gaurd stoppped immedietly he turned around and kneeled to show his acknoledgement of the order.
"Where are you heading?"
"To the dungeon sir prince."
This stund xipil he was worried that something bad happend to his father.
"Why what's wrong?"
"Nothing prince. Your father ordered the release of xuichoatl. And your father called gaurds to watch him."
"Watch him watch him where?"
"He’s bathing right now prince."
"What happend?"
"I wish I could tell you my prince but I am just going ti the call of your father."
The thump of loud footprints approached them.
"Take me to see xuichoatl now."
A gaurd dressed in reddish gold armor with his red hair tied into a bun. He with all the others behind him kneeled in the presence of the prince.
"I'm sorry my prince but we are under orders to keep you away from xuichoatl."
"Who gave you those orders?"
"The king issued them. He also told us to have to go to your room."
"No, I will go see xuichoatl."
Xipil took a step forward and then another. The gaurd with res hair tied up stood abrudtly up. Rraching out he grabbed xipils arm and pushed him down to his stomach.
"I’m sorry my prince. We are under strict unders to keep you in your room. Your father gave us permission to use force if neccary. I don’t want to harm you any more than I have. My men and me will keep you away from xuichoatl in tell your father orders otherwise."
"What is your names?"
The gaurd looked confused. He turned to his men. Each one wonderd what he would do.
"My name is strtigki. My men are name dynami, pisti, and chari."
"Please let me up strtigki."
Strtigki pulled xipil up by his arm. Never letting go though. Strtigki started to walk dragging xipil by his arm behind him. Dynami, Pisti, and Chari followed odbdeintly. They walked up the stairs. Xipil acidently tripped and fell.
Strtigki stopped he leaned down to the young prince.
"Are you hurt prince?"
"No, i dont think so."
Strtigki reached out to help him up. Xipil started to stand up but once he put weight on his left ankle he jumped back.
"Owe, I think I hurt my ankle. It hurts i don’t think I can walk."
"Here allow me my prince."
Strtigki crouched down and picked up the prince. He pulled him into his arms. Xipil put his arms around strtigki for safety. His legs clinching strtigki's forarm. He could feel his other arm rest against his back. Xipil looked at strtigki he felt really embrassed about having a grown man carry him like this.
"Ummmm, thanks I apperciate it."
"Don't worry my prince. It's my job after all."
"There were other ways. I could have leaned on you."
"I'm sorry prince but no because then there would be a chance that you would be pain. I couldn’t bear hearing you in discomfort."
Xipil closed his mouth after that. He leaned his face down and let out a little smile. Strtigki carried xipil as if he was nothing. They were approaching his room. One of the other gaurds hurried ahead to open the door. Strtigki carried him to the bed and sat him down softly making sure not to touch his ankle.
"Dynami go grab some cloth. I’ll wrap up the prince’s ankle."
Strtigki kneeled down besides xipils bed. He moved the prince’s linen skirt away from the hurt ankle. He touched the area.
"Sorry, my bad prince."
Strtigki took the little line of cloth that dynami held out to him. He slipped it under xipils ankle and started to wrap it. After he was done strigki kissed it.
"My men will stand outside the room."
"Where are you going?"
"I’ll be here with you."
"Do you not wish for me to be here prince? Because I can send one of my other men to stand in here."
"No, It’s ok. If someone has to be here with me I’d rather it be you."
"That’s an honor having you say that to me."
Xipil just smiled.
"How old are you strigki?"
"I just turn seventeen my prince."
"How old were you when you joined the military?"
"I joined when I was fourteen. Why do you ask?"
"You just look young for a commander of the gaurds. Can I ask why you joined?"
"My father and mother joined after I was born in order to stay alive. My grandfather raised me in tell I reached the age where you could join. My grandfather signed me up."
"Are your parents dead?"
"I have no idea,prince."
Xipip wanted to sleep but he was to embarrassed to ask strigki to turn around as he got undressed and redressed. He just layed back and closed his. Waiting for his subconcious to take over.
Xuichoatl felt odd. Over the years he had been given very few item to put on his body. They made a gaurd wrap linen from his knees to his waist. Only to keep wrapping the cloth in tell it made a skirt in the back. All the gaurds stared at his scars. All over his body each one long and painful. He reached behind him to feel the very first one.
He was ten when they started five years after the incident. He was strung up spread eagle style. His hair perfectly cut. No bruises, no cuts, perfect skin not a single scratch. The sound of the whipp made xuihcoatl cringe. The first hit made him feel like he was getting slashed in two. He opened his mouth but no sound cane out.

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