Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2002643-Riding-the-Storm-of-Evil-Desires
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #2002643
two young teen girls discuss sex and discover boys.

Riding The Storm

  Of Evil Desire

By:  Honeysuklerose

Word count : 2709 

“Mom, can I go walking with Lena before dinner?” called a girl  with red hair and freckles on her face, who just reached her 13th birthday. 

“I think you should probably stay home today. The weather outside is treacherous, the weatherman said a hurricane was likely to blow in,” a voice called.

Tessa, take Lena in your room and play music or something. There are some board games on the shelf in the hall closet.”

Tessa’s mother was a striking woman, very tall and lean, a beautiful face, she had once been a Miss Mississippi contestant. 

Tessa’s looks were derived mainly from her father, who was a descendent of an Irish family.  His hair was red and he too had his share of freckles.

Well can’t we at least go down to the 7 -11 for an  Icee?  Tessa whined.

”No! I told you, you are not going out with a hurricane on the way,” said Carol, her mother.

“I hate this weather, it storms too often, I have to give up a lot of fun due to this crap.”

“Well come on Lena we’ll rough it in my room till the storm blows over.”

“oh well can we have a coke, do you think? Lena was a kind of sickly little girl and needed to eat or drink something pretty often so she wouldn’t get sick. Lena was thin and pale, blond hair, shoulder length and beautiful green eyes.

The girls set on the bedside talking about their dreams in life.  Tessa spoke first,

“I regret that I look like Raggedy Ann. I am not right with that and I never will be.

I would change my looks if moma would let me, I’d dye my hair platinum blond

Get a tan and lose 10 lbs. I’d go to the doctor to see what can be done about my freckles”

Lena interrupted Tessa ---- “Tessa you don’t need plastic surgery or bleach in your hair, you need to get fine with yourself the way God made you. You are a beautiful girl the way you are. You smile all the time, it makes people happy when you smile. You are intelligent, you do very well in school.  You have many things to be thankful for so don’t look at yourself as if you need to be perfect, you are in my eyes and in the eyes of so many more.  You are a true friend and that’s special.” Lena explained.

“Oh I did not mean to act as if I were unhappy, but I’d just like to know what it is like to be kissed by a boy. To fall in love and get married.  I don’t think I’ll ever find a man who will think the way that you do. They are in to looks, you know!”

The girls continued their conversation, exploring what sex would be like with a boy?

“I never saw a boy naked before,” Said Tessa. “You mean you don’t even know what it looks like?” 

I don’t’ know, don’t bother me about this, Tessa said, as she pulled her body away with embarrassment.

It’s OK I had to see it the first time too, it’s scary, It don’t look like anything I could describe to you, it is amazing and it reacts to a touch or or a glance of you.

“What do you men?” questioned Tessa, still embarrassed and shying away. 

Well when he gets the urge to be with a girl it just happens it grows a few inches

And gets very hard .” 

“How do you know this, why do you know so much about it”

Well if you promise not to tell, I’ll tell you a secret”.  “OK I promise I swear on my honor that I won’t tell any one,” Tessa was curious and wanted to know what Lena knew.

“I did it!” said Lena quickly.  “You did what? Asked Tessa innocently.

You know, It---I’ve been doing it for about three years now.  My Uncle Ted came to stay with me while mom was gone with Tommy to the football game in Texas.

Any way they left me with him so he could take care of me. 

“You mean you did, That! with your Uncle …ugh, but he’s old and related to you.”

“Yeah I know, at first I didn’t like it, I felt dirty and used.  But over the years I have come to expect it and there is nothing I can do.” Lena said with a frown on her face and a tear in her eye.

“Why on earth don’t you tell your mom about him?”

“That’s my moms brother how do you think she is going to take that news.  She might kill him or anything.  I don’t want to cause a rift in the family”

“I’m sorry is it a very bad thing? do you have to do that often?”

Questioned Tessa.

“I do it about once a week with him, but he buys me pretty things and tells me he loves me and can’t live with out me.  I think I’m starting to like it, sometimes it feels good.”

I know how that must sound but we have been making love since I was ten I’m now thirteen, and my body craves attention, and he gladly provides it for me.” Lena spoke.

“Does any one else know about the two of you?

No and I want to keep it that way because you know how people talk they may say anything, they would say we don’t belong together,” Lena said.

“What’s it like, Lena, I never even imagined that, I just think about kissing.

I mean how do you do it?

Well I can’t tell you, you’ve never even seen one before so its hard to tell you what to expect.  The first time it hurts real bad and you bleed a little bit.  But you are OK.

The man gets on top of you and places it well you know where it goes…

I can’t go any further, we need to get us a play girl book so you can see what one looks like so you won’t faint the first time you see it.”

At that moment Carol, poked her head into the room to invite the girls to the kitchen where she had made brownies and fresh brewed Iced tea with lemon. 

“What have you girls been up to?” “Nothing,” snipped Tessa, Why do you always think I’m up to something?  We were discussing school and what happened there today.

What happened ? Carol asked. “Nothing moma, just the usual bullshit.”

“Don’t use that type of language around here I don’t like it, a lady don’t swear.”

“Is it still raining outside?” Asked Tessa. “Yes we are in the midst of a hurricane  can’t you understand we are in danger.  We live only five blocks from the ocean , you walk there every day, you should know what a hurricane can do to us. Remember  Fredrick in ‘81 How it blew in and tore the entire roof off of the house.  Or some of the others, which were worse, but by God’s good grace we were not touched.  We just rebuilt after Katrina.

You stay your hind end in your room until the morning, and you to Lena, I talked to your mother, she said for you to spend the night tonight.”

The girls took their tea and brownies back to Tessa’s room and they closed the door, and turned on the radio. They spent and hour or more lip sinking to today’s popular songs.

Then the electricity went off and the girls grabbed a flashlight and decided to end the day on that note.  They changed their clothes and put night gowns on, Tessa loaned one to Lena, because she didn’t know she would be spending the night, The two girls lay down on the bed looking up to the ceiling contemplating what they would do or say next. Tessa began.

“ Do you believe in God?” asked Tessa

Lena stared straight up to the plain white ceiling as if the answer were written there.

She took a deep breath in, one that made her chest raise very high as she breathed in.

“I really don’t know, I mean, I want to believe that he is there but I’m afraid that he is not and I wonder why he lets bad things happen, and why people die, or get sick, or kill each other.  If he is so powerful why don’t he stop all of that.”  So I just don’t know what to believe, it’s a good story though”

“I believe, I believe with all of my heart, he don’t cause those bad things and he can’t live our life for us he made us with a brain so that we could figure things out on our own.  He is as real and as good as any thing you’ve ever known.  There is none like him in the universe, he is our master our teacher our father.  You don’t have a father all you do is tell Jesus I need a father, and he will be your protector.

“Will he protect me from my uncle and my mother if need be?” asked Lena

“Lena, God will never abandon you, he is there even when evil befalls you, he is there

telling you to overcome this, there is a tomorrow for you.  He whispers in your ear  and lets you know you are different than the beast that has tried to carry you into his den.  You are a child of God and though sometimes you may be challenged by the evil that surrounds you, you will always have a home with God.”

With the ending of that conversation the girls went off to sleep.  While outside the storm was getting furious with the land.  The house felt like it was going to blow away.  Winds were over 125 mph and several tornadoes sped off from the storm. All at once lightening struck the house next door and a fire broke out.  The people got out with out injury but they had to come to Carol’s while the storm was going on.  The rain eventually put out the fire. The neighbors consisted of a man a woman and two teen-age sons.

The girls heard all of the commotion and woke up going to the living room to see what was going on. 

“Hey, when will the lights be back on?”  “

Oh come on Tessa it will be days before they restore all of the power,” Said Carol. 

“Who are all these people, or I mean why are they here?” Tessa tried to smooth over her rudeness.

“Girls have you met Jimmy and Timmy, they are twins from next door, I believe they go to your school.” Why don’t you girls go in there and play some board games we bought over the last few Christmases.”

The four young people left the adults and went back to Tessa’s bedroom, they lit candles and used flashlights by which to see.  Tessa went to a cabinet in the hall and chose a game and brought it back for them to play.  Tessa and Lena were very happy to entertain the twins, they were very popular in school, smart, played baseball, and were in the homecoming court.  They were very handsome set of twins.  With Blond shoulder length hair, piercing blue eyes, and dimples when smiling.  They were tall for their age and very much filled out. They were 16 year old Juniors, while the girls will be Freshmen. 

They began playing monopoly and the boys kept trying to get the girls to play a game of Truth or Dare.  But Tessa kept holding back, she was afraid because she knew her body was telling her to go with the boy and see what it’s like to be with a boy. She was afraid that if something got started, she would give in to evil desire. 

“Tessa, you know what I told you earlier, you know our secret.” Said Lena

“Yes.” Said Tessa

It is a good thing if you like the person and want to be with that person.

Then it’s not bad.  So don’t be afraid, just let nature take its course.

With that being said as a secret from one girl to the other the boys wanted more than ever to play Truth or dare.  The girls finally broke down and decided to play.

First off the boys asked the girls “Truth or Dare. Not wanting to tell about the secret they shared they chose dare. 

Tessa, I dare you to go in the closet with Jimmy and let what happens stay in that room.

OK, Tessa said reluctantly.  The two of them, Jimmy and Tessa went into the large walk in closet at the back of her bedroom. 

Jimmy touched Tessa on the shoulder and brushed her hair back. When he touched her it felt as if she had been shocked by electricity her whole body shook with anticipation, she liked Jimmy and hoped she would get a kiss from him.  Jimmy made a little small talk and then he started putting his hands on her, he grabbed her and kissed her deep unlike she had ever been kissed before.  He ran his hands all over her back and all over her shoulders he then took a hand while he was kissing her hard and deep and he slid it up her shirt.  Tessa was wearing a front closure bra, and he quickly unhooked it. 

At that point Tessa got scared and tried to pull away.  But Jimmy kept right on using his muscles to hold her down.

No please stop I don’t want to go all the way, I want to save myself for my husband. But Jimmy was to intent on getting her pajama bottoms off.  He covered her mouth and told her it was too late to turn back now. She started it now he was going to finish it.  He got his hands inside her underwear and she started fighting him she bit him and he let go of her. She was spastic she wanted out of the closet and he tried to calm her down so the parents wouldn’t hear. They opened the door and she ran to her bed and lay down on it.

“I am in trouble, God will punish me, I should not let temptation rule my life.  I hope he will forgive my transgression, “ Tessa cried.

“I don’t know what your worried about you didn’t do anything.” Said a disgusted jimmy.

“Come on now Tessa you know that you are in no trouble, don’t be superstitious, ”said Lena.  Hey lets finish playing monopoly like we started.”  She added.

Well its 5:00 AM I think the storm is over with, lets go look and see, well it is still dark we better wait till daybreak. They lay down and got a few hours of sleep and at 9:15 AM they arose to a clear day outside.  They left out of the house to go and look at all of the damage the storm had done. 

The girls got their walk finally, and on the walk Tessa told Lena that she should tell her mom about her uncle, her mom loved her and would stick by her and protect her against anyone. “I can’t tell moma, will you tell her for me Tessa?”

Tessa Paused and hesitated before speaking, and then said sure that’s what friends are for, to be you supportive through thick and thin.”  The girls walked to Lena’s house and they saw her mother outside when they arrived. They asked her to follow them inside,

where the girls ask her to be seated.

Tessa began as if she herself had a problem and when Lena’s mother showed concern, Tessa told her the truth that for the past three years

Lena’s uncle had been raping her.

Her mother cried and grabbed her daughter and hugged her tight and apologized.  Thank you for telling me this Tessa, I know it must have been hard for you to do. Don’t you worry you will never see him again!”

This was just one night in these little girls life, it was a defining time for them both.

Word count 2709

© Copyright 2014 kittyloving (honeysuklerose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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