Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2002329-Tailgating-Party
Rated: GC · Other · Contest Entry · #2002329
A tailgate double date turns into an erotic foursome.

Laura Jones sat on her couch awaiting a ride that would be taking her to a Miami Dolphins football game. She was not a football fan as a rule, but this was supposed to be a double date; a blind date in her case. She was doing a favor for her friend Karen Schaeffer who promised that she would have a good time.

Laura checked her reflection in the mirror by her door. Her golden curls fell in ringlets down her back and over her shoulders. Her eyes were framed by smoky eye lids, darkened lashes, and enhanced with black eye liner. Her pouty lips were covered in ruby red lipstick, and her cheeks were just the right shade of blush. She looked down at her hands which were tipped with nails that had been painted in an intricate pattern of black, white, and red. Her top was a white lace camisole with a black sweater over it. The skirt was a cheerleader style skirt that was red with a with a white boarder. Karen suggested she wear a woman's style jersey but Laura refused. In her mind it was enough that she was even entertaining what she was shore would be a fiasco.

"This guy better be worth it," Laura muttered to her own reflection. She glanced at her iPhone and noticed that her ride was late. "Surprise, surprise," Laura muttered. "Figures Jacob would take his time getting here."

Laura didn't care for Karen's boyfriend, Jacob Wind. She was well aware that he didn't particularly care for her either. Karen gave up her family's fortune, and taken a mediocre job teaching English at a less than ivy-league university. All Jacob Wind's doing, Laura fumed. Under his influence Karen had also become wrapped up in a less than decent form of debauchery that would make her conservative father chew iron and spit bullets if he knew. Laura's musings were interrupted by the obnoxious sound of Jacob's truck roaring into her parents' driveway. She grabbed her purse tucked her phone inside and stepped out onto the front porch.

The three in the truck watched as Laura emerged from a large ivory colored mansion. Jacob smirked at how much effort she had put into her appearance. He was so glad that Karen was not high maintenance like Laura. Both he and Karen wore Buccaneers jerseys. His stretched over a well chiseled chest and abs. Karen's hugged her curves in all the right ways. Her daisy duke jean shorts complimented it by hugging her ass and thighs in the same right ways. He got out of the driver's seat as Laura approached, and opened the back door for her.

"Your chariot madam," Jacob teased.

"Thank you," Laura smiled politely and resisted the urge to stick her nose in the air. She stepped up onto the running board of the monster machine, and gasped audibly when she felt a large hand cup her ass. She looked back to see Jacob with a large smile on his face.

"Just trying to help," he offered.

Laura was about to snarl at him, when a gentler hand took hers and pulled her the rest of the way into the truck. She turned, locking eyes with the brilliant blue eyes of the man she suspected was her date. Jacob closed the door behind her, and hauled himself back into the driver's seat. Karen gave him a dirty look, and a snarl of her own. Her face softened when he reached out and caressed the bare skin of her thigh.

"Sorry about that Laura," he offered. "I should have asked first."

"Hmm? What?" Laura inquired. She was still staring into the stunning blue eyes of the man in the back seat with her.

"Never mind," Jacob shook his head and started the truck.

As they road to the stadium Laura decided to get to know her back seat buddy. She started by giving him a once over with her eyes. He was shorter than Jacob and Karen. His brown hair was thick, and made her want to run her fingers through it. He had a neatly trimmed mustache and beard that framed a smiling mouth. He too wore a Buccaneers jersey, and a pair of jean shorts.

"I'm Mike," he said holding his right hand out to her.

"It's nice to meet you," Laura smiled, and clasped his hand.

"Nice nails," Mike remarked. He didn't normally make it a habit of noticing women's nails, but hers caught his eye. "They match your outfit."

"Thank you," Laura smiled. "What do you do?"

"I teach," Mike smiled back. "You?"

"Well, I..." Laura began. She wasn't sure what to say. She didn't want to right out say that all she did was go to the salon and the country club, and chair a few committees. If he was truly a friend of Jacob's he wouldn't like hearing that. "I'm between jobs right now."

"I see," Mike scooted a bit closer so that their knees were touching.

"What do you teach?" Laura inquired.

"Psychology and Sexuality," Mike answered.

Laura frowned, Oh no, not another weirdo. "That sounds interesting."

Jacob pulled into a space in the parking lot that was far enough away from the stadium to escape notice. He turned the truck off, and slid out of the vehicle. Karen slid out and into his arms when he opened the door on her side. She squealed with pleasure when he spun her and set her on her feet.

"Do you need help getting out?" Mike offered Laura.

"Oh yes please," Laura smiled.

Mike slid out of the back seat, and moved to her side. He opened the door, reached in, and gently pulled her out of the back seat in the same manner he used to pull her in. They moved to the back of Jacob's truck, and Jacob opened the tailgate. He and Mike lifted the ladies up and set them on the edge of the gate. They watched as both women crawled into the bed of the truck. Once the women were settled in on the pile of cushions and blankets Jacob had placed in the bed earlier that day. Mike and Jacob climbed into the bed of the truck and situated themselves beside their dates. Karen turned on the boom-box in the back of the truck bed, and tuned it to the station that was broadcasting the pregame show. Jacob busied himself preparing the camping grill to cook up the kielbasas he brought.

"Feel free to help yourselves to drinks," he offered gesturing to the cooler next to Mike.

"Do you want some help?" Mike inquired.

"Nope, got it covered," Jacob assured him.

Mike dug into the cooler and pulled out a bottle of beer that was resting on top of a food container. He held it out to Laura who made a face at it.

"Not a fan of beer?" Mike inquired.

"Not really," Laura said.

"One sec," Mike set the beer down, and checked the cooler for something else.

"There's Bacardi's in there for us," Karen stated.

"Got it," Mike pulled out the party pack of Bacarti's rum, "which would you like?"

"I'll take the passion fruit," Laura smiled as he opened it and handed it to her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Mike popped the top on his own beer, and took a pull on it. "Jacob you want a beer?"

"I'd appreciate it," Jacob called over his shoulder from the camp grill, "and can you bring me the Kielbasas?"

"You got it buddy," Mike stood and carried an open beer, and the Kielbasas.

"So, what do you think of Miss Priss?" Jacob inquired softly as Mike settled in beside him. He opened the Kielbasas and set them out on the grill. They began to pop and sizzle immediately. "She's quite a piece of work."

"Well, you did grab her ass," Mike countered. He shot a look over his shoulder to see if the women were listening. Fortunately they were engaged in a giggly conversation of their own. "She seems nice enough. A bit pent up though."

"That's where you come in my friend," Jacob smiled. "If anyone can loosen her up you can."

"I'll see what I can do," Mike took another pull of his beer eying Laura.

Jacob served up the Kielbasas in foot long hot dog rolls. Karen pulled out containers of potato, pasta, and macaroni salad. There were also bags of potato chips and pretzels. After they finished eating they disposed of their garbage in a trash bag Jacob brought. Once the mess was cleaned up Jacob leaned back against one of the pillows set against the side of the truck bed. He pulled his jersey off exposing his russet skin to the air and sun. Karen nestled next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. Mike and Laura leaned back against pillows that were set against the opposite side of the bed. The game was broadcasting through the speakers of Jacob's boom-box. The Buccaneers weren't doing very well, which made it difficult to focus on the game. Jacob produced four shot glasses and a bottle of taquila. The four of them did a shot each time a touchdown was made. By the end of the first half the score was four and O in favor of the opposing team. The four people in the back of the truck were feeling pretty good ins spite of the shut out of their team.

Jacob slid his arm around Karen and squeezed her ass. She moaned softly and licked his chest. Mike watched his friends engage in a playful game of escalating foreplay. He would have been just as happy to watch them, but waste not as they say. He slid his hand up and down Laura's smooth thigh; bringing her attention away from Jacob and Karen to him.

"Your skin is so smooth," Mike whispered answering her quizzical gaze. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Karen stripped off her jersey, and straddled Jacob. Mike's cock tightened in his shorts as Jacob cupped Karen's breasts, and suckled each plump pink nipple. He could tell Laura was watching too by the quickening of her breath. "Are they turning you on too?"

"What?" Laura gasped. She pulled her eyes away from Karen and Jacob. "No."

"Oh?" Mike's hand slid slowly up her inner thigh until it touched pubic hair. "No panties?"

"No," Laura breathed.

"You're wet," he observed. His fingertip moved up and down the seam of her folds. "It's ok to be turned on."

Laura watched over his shoulder as Karen lowered herself between Jacob's knees. The bobbing of her head was a strong indication that she was giving the other man oral pleasure. This was confirmed by Jacob leaning his head back, closing his eyes, and fisting his hands in Karen's long blond hair. Laura sighed with pleasure as Mike's finger tip slipped between her outer folds and teased her clit. She gasped as two of his fingers slid into her, and his thumb circled her clit. While he fingered her she watched as Jacob thrust his hips to the rhythm of Karen's head movement. Laura grasped Mike's head and guided him toward her sex.

"Lick me!" She gasped.

Mike smiled and replaced his hand with his mouth. As he licked and sucked her clit she watched as Karen did the same to Jacob's cock. An uproarious cheer came from the stadium as the announcer's voice blared from the speakers of Jacob's radio "TOUCH DOWN TAMPAI!" The two people receiving oral pleasure let out cheers of their own as they both achieved orgasm. Both Mike and Karen knelt up on their knees, and the four of them laughed at the irony in timing. Mike and Karen settled back into the pillows beside their respective partners.

"Well," Mike smiled wiping his mouth clean with his shirt, and discarding it. "That was quite a play."

"Too bad we missed most of it," Karen offered sympathetically.

"I don't think we missed anything important," Jacob smiled and wrapped his arm around her toying with one of her naked breasts. "What do you think Laura?"

"It was..." Laura began. She flushed realizing that she had inadvertently shared an orgasm with him.

"I think I owe you something," Jacob offered to Karen. He unzipped her jean shorts, and she lifted her ass so that he could slide them off. He began by caressing her smooth hairless lips. "Oh honey, your wet already."

"What can I say?" Karen giggled. "Home runs turn me on."

Jacob laughed knowing full and well that she was kidding. He wouldn't have considered dating Karen if she didn't know the difference between a touchdown and a home run. The other couple watched avidly as Jacob's fingers disappeared inside Karen to his third knuckle. Laura reached over and began rubbing Mike through his jean shorts.

"Want better access," Mike offered unzipping his jeans. He spread the fly, lifted his ass, and worked the shorts down off of his hips. He groaned as she rubbed him through his boxers, and Jacob positioned his hand so that he was fingering Karen, and rubbing her clit with his thumb. "Oh, Laura, touch me, please."

Mike fished his cock through the fly in his boxers. Laura wrapped the fingers of her left hand around it. She rubbed the fingers of her free hand through his chest hair. Mike watched as Jacob fondled one of Karen's breasts with his free hand. He once again had the other in his mouth. Mike decided to follow Jacob's example, and slid Laura's sweater from her shoulders down to her elbows. As she continued to rub him he slid the straps of her camisole down to reveal a pair of naked breasts. He cupped them both; pulling Laura close. He suckled each nipple, bringing it to full attention until she had two light orgasms. Laura bowed down taking him in her mouth, and giving him a good view of Jacob with his face buried in Karen's sex. Karen was gasping and running her fingers through Jacob's dark shoulder length hair. Mike followed her lead and ran his fingers through Laura's golden curls. The noise from the stadium was building again as the announcer blared from Jacob's stereo.


As the words were uttered Laura's head motion rapidly increased. Mike thrust up into her mouth and released as the crowd cheered, and the announcement of another "TOUCH DOWN TAMPA!" blared through Jacob's boom box.

The couples resumed their positions not bothering to adjust their clothing. Laura even went as far as to remove her sweater and camisole. Karen pulled out some suntan lotion for them to apply. The men rubbed lotion onto the women's exposed skin first; taking particular care with their breasts. Once the women were covered they rubbed the lotion on the men. When they did their backs they made it fun by using their breasts to rub in the lotion.

"Well, Karen you are completely out of your clothes," Mike observed. "You look fabulous."

"Oh, thank you Mike," Karen smiled and turned to Jacob. "Do you hear that? He said I look fabulous."

"The man knows his women," Jacob commented. He wrapped his arm around her and gave her ass a light swat. "You do look fabulous my dear."

Laura felt a pang of jealousy hearing the men compliment Karen. She finished off her second Bakarti and slid off her skirt so that she was as naked as Karen. Mike smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her. They listened to the game for a while to give themselves time to recover. The men continued to spontaneously rub the women's sexes until the achieved orgasms. By the fourth quarter they were hard up and ready to go again.

"I have condoms in my glove compartment," Jacob offered. He readjusted his pants to cover his throbbing erection and retrieved two condoms from the glove compartment. He tossed one to Mike once he was back in the bed of the truck.

"How would you like to do this?" He asked Karen as he handed her the condom.

"The usual way," Karen answered.

She tore the condom open as Jacob removed his pants and boxers. Mike and Laura watched as Jacob slid the condom on and mounted Karen from behind. Karen knelt up on her knees motioning for them to join in. Laura crawled over to the two and began licking them where their genitals met. Mike removed his own shorts and boxers, slipped the condom on and slid inside Laura from behind. Laura straightened, and embraced Karen. The two women rubbed against each other while their men moved in and out of them from behind. The combination of sweat and sunscreen made the friction easy. The foursome fell on their sides continuing to engage in their coupling. The men stretched a leg of each woman up for deeper penetration. The women locked lips entwining their tongues, and moaning into each other's mouths. In this position the men occasionally felt their balls touch, but they either didn't notice or just didn't care to adjust. They continued to slowly thrust up into their partners until the noise around them built again.


Mike and Jacob increased their speed of thrust as the cheers rose drowning out their own moans. Laura and Karen released each others mouths and let out moans of ecstasy as their partners thrust into them. Their moans were harmonized with the deep moans of Mike and Jacob as they achieved their own releases.

"TOUCHDOWN!" Came the announcers voice as the four of them achieved a unanimous orgasm. "IT'S OVER! THE BUCCANEERS WIN!"

After they regained their strength the four of them redressed and cleaned up the back of Jacob's truck. Laura was so thrilled by her naughty experience that she even allowed Jacob a chance to give her a congratulatory swat on the ass. After everything was cleaned up they got back into Jacob's truck, and he began the drive back to Tampa.

"So, shall we go back to your place Mike?" Jacob inquired. "For a little victory celebration?"

"Sounds good," said Mike. "You ladies up for that?"

"I'm in," Karen agreed.

"Me too," Laura nodded.

When they got to Mike's place he offered to throw all of their clothing in the wash. They all stripped down and handed over their clothes. Mike added his own clothes to the mix and rejoined the other three naked people. He found Laura staring out the French doors that led to his back yard. She was eyeing the in-ground pool and hot tub. Mike wrapped his arms around her and pressed soft kisses to her shoulders.

"You're a bit pink here," he murmured against her shoulder. "Does it hurt?"

"No," she looked up at him.

"Where are Jacob and Karen?" Mike inquired.

"In your kitchen," Laura gasped as he ran his tongue up her neck. "They said something about getting rehydrated."

At that moment Jacob and Karen emerged each carrying two glasses of ice water. Jacob offered one of the glasses to Mike, and Karen offered one to Laura. They all took a hearty swallow of the cool refreshing liquid.

"Is anyone hungry?" Mike offered.

"I could eat," Jacob took another sip of his water.

"You can always eat," Karen laughed.

"I'm still full from lunch," Laura took a sip of her water. She caught herself staring at Jacob's hardening cock. She quickly pulled her eyes away when he smiled at her.

"Like what you see?" Jacob inquired.

"I..." Laura looked away.

"It's okay sweetie," Karen smiled. "You can admire my man if you like. You could even take him for a test drive if you like."

"Karen!" Laura laughed nervously.

"What?" Karen smiled. "You watched us fuck. Aren't you a bit curious?"

"Perhaps a bit," Laura admitted. The truth was she was very curious. Jacob seemed to be quite good at pleasing Karen. She knew from past experience that it was no small feat. She couldn't help, but wonder what it would feel like to have him do things to her. Stop that, she scolded herself. You're Mike's date.

"Pizza Jacob?" Mike inquired. He was paying attention to the women's conversation, but he figured it would be best to stay out of it. If Laura did decide to take Karen up on her offer he looked forward to watching.

"Pizza sounds great," Jacob agreed. He took a seat on Mike's couch and continued drinking his water.

Mike used his iPad to order pizza to be delivered. Once he had placed the order he turned his attention back to Karen and Laura.

"Would you ladies like to go for a swim?" Mike inquired.

"Ooo! Yeah let's go swimming!" Karen exclaimed. "Last one in the pool gets a bare ass spanking!"

She threw open the French doors that led out to the patio and dashed toward the deep end of the pool. She stepped up onto the diving board and dove in. Both Mike and Jacob felt their cocks stiffen as they watched her breasts bounce; her naked body fly through the air and disappear into the cool water of the pool.

"Who's going to do the spanking?" Laura inquired.

"Our resident dominant," Mike indicated Jacob.

Laura squealed in feigned terror and raced out to the pool. Mike watched in anticipation as her breasts bounced from her running. He smiled as her body flew off his diving board and slipped beneath the cool water.

"Well, Mr. Lancing," Jacob stood and folded his arms over his chest. His voice had taken on its dominant tone. "Looks like you're the last to get into the pool."

"Oh, crap," Mike looked up at the six foot man looming over him. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Wouldn't I?" Jacob smiled mischievously.

The doorbell rang as Jacob reached for him. Mike forgot he was naked and rushed to get the door. Jacob's laughter echoed through the house after him. Mike pulled open the door to find himself face to face with Joshua Marx; one of his students that semester.

"Professor Lancing," Josh gasped. He did his best to keep his eyes on his professor's face. "Um, here's your pizza."

"Hey there Josh," Mike smiled. "You don't have to address me so formally here. "Would you like to come in?"

"No thanks," Josh held out the pizza. "I'm gonna go home and watch today's Buccaneers game on my TiVo before someone ruins it for me."

"Alright," Mike picked up his wallet that he had set on the table beside the door. He pulled out a twenty and handed it to the young man. "Keep the change."

Mike brought the pizza out to the patio, and set it on the table. Jacob was in the pool splashing a giggling Laura, who kept protesting for him to stop. Karen stood by giggling.

"Pizza!" Mike announced opening the lid of the box.

The three of them emerged from the pool; bodies naked and glistening as water ran down their skin. They reminded Mike of people who could have existed in the sunken city of Atlantis. He handed each lady a paper plate with a slice of pizza on it. Jacob slapped him on the ass before taking his own slice. Mike yelped in surprise and sat in one of the chairs.

"You should never presume what I won't dare," Jacob laughed taking a seat, and pulling Laura into his lap. He wrapped his arm around her when she tried to stand up "Stay!"

Laura froze regarding him. She set her plate on the table beside his, and attempted to free herself from his embrace. Jacob folded his slice in half and offered it to her as incentive to stay. Laura obliged him by biting the point of the slice.

"Sorry honey,' Jacob murmured as he fed her pizza. "Sports and sex tend to send my testosterone through the roof."

"It's ok," Laura said around a bite of pizza, "but I thought I was Mike's date."

"You are," Mike assured her, "but I don't mind if you want to spend time with Jacob too, and obviously Karen doesn't mind."

Karen sat beside Mike feeding him pizza. Jacob continued to feed Laura pizza. Once they had eaten their fill Mike put the remainder in the refrigerator. He changed their clothes over to the dryer, and then rejoined his friends on his patio. The other three had migrated to his hot tub. Mike slid in between Laura and Karen.

"Mmm, this is wonderful," Laura mused.

"Aren't you glad you came with us?" Jacob inquired massaging her already loosened shoulders.

"Yes," Laura sighed leaning back into him. "Jacob I'm sorry that I misjudged you. You're not so bad."

"I'm sorry I misjudged you as well," Jacob whispered in her ear. He pulled her back into his lap and sat her so that his erection stuck up between her legs. He gripped her wrists and curled her fingers around his shaft. "Make me cum."

Laura found herself moving her hands up and down his length. The warmth of the water made her hand slide over his flesh easily. Jacob cupped her breasts and circled them causing her to arch and push them into his hands. Laura leaned back and continued to jerk him off while he fondled her.

"That's it baby," Jacob growled in her ear. "Go for the touchdown."

Mike and Karen watched as Jacob and Laura released into the warm bubbling water. When they finished Jacob allowed Laura to return to her seat between him and Mike.

"Shall we move this party inside?" Mike inquired.

The four of them moved out of the hot tub, and into Mike's bedroom. Once again the men sheathed their organs in latex and buried themselves root deep into warm wet pussies. Mike thrust into Karen as Jacob thrust into Laura. Once again the women were pressed together between their partners, and were kissing and fondling each other. Mike and Jacob positioned the women so that once again their balls touched as they thrust deeper and harder. This time the two women's breasts rubbed together.

"It's the last play of the night!" Mike announced.

He and Jacob increased the ferocity of their thrusting. The four of them reached another unified orgasm; accompanied by a unified cry of, "TOUCH DOWN!" After the men disposed of their condoms they curled behind the women they started with and fell asleep.

The next morning Karen and Laura awoke between the two sleeping men. Both of them had rolled onto their backs and were pitching tents under the bed sheet. The two women crawled out from under the sheet, and made their way to Mike's dryer. They dug in the dryer until they found the two men's Buccaneers jerseys. They crept back into the bedroom to find their partners still snoring away.

"Ready to score a touchdown of our own?" Karen inquired softly.

"You bet," Laura confirmed, "which one do you want?"

"Jacob of course," Karen motioned toward the bed. "The condoms are on the night stands."

They moved to each side of the bed. They each tore open one of the foil packets, and pulled out the condom. Karen put the condom on her lips squeezing the reservoir tip between her lips. Laura mimicked her and they climbed under the covers.

Mike and Jacob awoke to the feeling of condoms being slid onto their morning wood. They lifted the sheet to find Laura and Karen pulling their mouths up and off the shafts of hardened flesh.

"Consider your selves sacked," Karen whispered playfully. She moved out from under the covers revealing that she was wearing nothing but Jacob's jersey. She slid onto him with no preamble.

Laura followed her lead and mounted Mike in the same manner. The two women rode their men; achieving orgasm after orgasm. Mike and Jacob laid back and enjoyed the ride. After Karen's third or fourth orgasm Jacob reached up and gripped the front of the jersey with both hands. He pulled her down to lay flat on him, and shredded it. The other three stared at him in shock.

"It was an old jersey," Jacob assured them. "About as old as that one."

Mike took the hint, and shredded the jersey Laura had dawned. Jacob was thrusting up into Karen while slapping her bare ass. She screamed and moaned in delight. Laura continued riding Mike while achieving multiple orgasms. They both watched as Jacob pulled out of Karen long enough to lay her flat on her stomach over the torn remains of his jersey. He positioned himself over top of her and slammed into her until he finally achieved his own orgasm. Mike looked up at Laura curiously. She looked like she was getting tired. He sat up and laid her out on her back so that her head was toward the foot of the bed. He pumped into her until his body tensed and he released into her.

"Breakfast," Mike offered when he could speak again.

"Sounds good," Jacob agreed. "What do you say baby?"

"There better be bacon," Karen murmured from underneath him.

"And that's why I love this woman," Jacob laughed.

"Laura?" Mike inquired.

"Breakfast sounds great," Laura agreed.

Word Count: 4,906
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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